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Nancy Di Loreto

Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Reading it again, Sting & Raven should have a match at Sacrifice as Sting pretty much elimanated Raven despite not being in the match. How about Daniels vs. Senshi vs. Petey Williams X-Title?


Guest Exclusive:

Raven started this fued against DDP 2 months ago at Final Resolution issuing an Open Challenge Hang Man's Horror match, that got anwered by DDP. Rhino has been colliding with Sting over who is the real Icon in TNA. At the height of it all Rhino employed his fellow "Extremist" Shane Douglas to kidnap him in his trunk and take him off after the brutal 8 Mile Street Fight at Against All Odds. DDP brought in Scott Steiner after Raven alligned himself with Rhino and double teamed DDP. Shane Douglas quickly alligned himself with the hardcore icons forming what many wrestling fans now call Team ECW. A few weeks ago we saw the return of Sting at Lockdown on top of the Lethal Lockdown Steel Cage and put Shane Douglas in the Scorpion Death Lock. Due to the on going collisions between Shane Douglas, Rhino, and Raven with Sting, Scott Steiner, and DDP, at Sacrifice LIVE from Chicago, IL, it will be Team ECW vs Team WCW. Extremists Shane Douglas, Rhino, and Raven collide one more time with Sting, DDP, and Scott Steiner in a 6 Man Elimination Tag Team Match. This will be on of the many huge matches on TNA Wrestling can produce when we go on the road for TNA PPV's. Also at Sacrifice Kurt Angle will defend the NWA World title once again against Christian Cage and AMW will defend the NWA World Tag titles against Team 3D in AMW's style of match, a Tennessee Bull Rope Match. Hope to see you in a couple weeks for Sacrifice LIVE from Chicago, IL!

Official iMPACT! Preview:

3 on 2 Handicap Match
Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe vs Christian Cage, Tomko, and AJ Styles

What's in store next for Monty Brown after the Jim Cornette Zero Tolerance System?

Eric Young w/ Petey Williams vs. Senshi w/ Kevin Nash


Konnan makes a Proposal for LAX.

A message from Shane Douglas, Rhino and Raven to Sting, DDP, and Steiner.


Feb 7, 2007
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The Team ECW vs Team WCW fued was done brilliantly, I loved it, and can't wait to see who wins. I know before I questioned the two alliances saying all were old news and shouldn't be teaming together, but now that I know what you did with the fued it was done excellently.

On a side note, when is Jeff Jarrett going to return for you? I want to see the King of the Mountain vs Kurt Angle.

Good job on this BTB


Thnx man, getting complements from you is big for me because urs was and probably still is the best on IWF, and i was playing with Jarrett thinking he should be on Team WCW, but nixed it because Steiner, DDP, and Sting have more of a WCW feel, he might return in time for KOTM at Slammiversary


Feb 7, 2007
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It was a good call not to put him in team WCW, it should be strictly "WCW Originals", I know a few months ago that when I stopped updating my BTB that yours would turn into that one great and consistent BTB.

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
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Impact looks great can't wait to see it...

The Icon

Mar 31, 2007
Reaction score
Awesomeness Land
Great job man! I love the matches, even though I dont watch TNA too much.
Be sure to check out the premiere of WWE Bottom Line tomorrow


Pyros go off as the iMPACT! theme plays.

Tenay: Mike Tenay, DW Don West, here ringside for your 60 minute Adrenaline Rush! Don, this week we got a great show!

West: You couldn’t be more right Mike! In our main event the rivals Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle will have to get back in the same ring one more time, teaming up against the number one contender Christian Cage, Tomko, and the Phenomenal One AJ Styles!

Tenay: Plus a strong message from the “Extremists” Shane Douglas, Raven, and Rhino!

LAX’s music hits as Hernandez and Homicide come to the ring.

AMW’s music hits as Harris and Storm come out holding their tag belts being accompanied to the ring by Gail Kim.

Harris and Hernandez start off the match. Harris acts cocky and motions around his waist because they’re the champs. Hernandez smirks and pushes him on his back. The crowd laughs. Hernandez gets on top of him and starts hitting him in the face. Harris turns over and hits Hernandez. He pushes him off and gets up. Harris comes up and Hernandez catches him. He hurls him into a corner and shoulders him in the gut. Storm comes in and drop kicks Hernandez over the top rope. The ref tries to push Storm back on the apron. Harris goes outside and Gail throws him the Tennessee Bull Rope. Harris ties it around Hernandez’s neck and chokes him behind the ref’s back. Harris releases and throws him back into the ring. He covers him 1..2..kickout! Hernandez uppercuts him giving him time to crawl into his corner. Before he could reach Homicide Harris grabs his leg. Hernandez flips and kicks him away and makes the tag. Homicide is legal and cross bodies off the top rope onto Harris into a cover 1..2..kickout! Homicide picks him up and suplexes Harris. He covers 1..2..kickout! He sits up and can’t believe he kicked out. Harris crawls over to Storm, but Homicide grabs him by his ankle and puts him in a modified leg lock. Harris rakes Homicide in the eye and throws himself to the corner and makes the tag. Storm comes in and shoulder blocks Homicide to the mat, then runs over to Hernandez and drop kicks him off the apron. He is getting ready to nail the superkick.

Team 3D’s music hits as Brother Ray and Brother Devon appear on the ramp.

Their entrance distracts Storm. Homicide gets up and catches him with the Gringo Killah. He covers him 1..2..3!

This time it’s Harris and Storm chasing Team 3D out of the iMPACT! Zone.

Konnan appears on the big screen on the stage.

Konnan: So, I actually see you ho’s won a match without Konnan. I am pissing my pants essay. It doesn’t change anything, LAX won’t win every match from now on, you ho’s shut me out, well last week I said the war was on homes, and I am standing by what I said. I am laying out the challenge right here right now homes. Your gang, the Latin American Exchange vs my gang, Chicago, IL, TNA Sacrifice, what do you ho’s say?

Homicide and Hernandez look at each other and smile nodding their heads.



Samoa Joe walks into Kurt Angle’s locker room.

Joe: Hey Kurt, you got a minute.

Angle: Yea, Joe, what’s going on?

Joe: Tonight, we aren’t going to be facing each other, once again we have to team up, now I hope our bad blood isn’t going to get in the way of this match. I have one thing on my mind, and that’s AJ Styles, he took me out for 2 months, there is nothing that can stop me from choking that son of a bitch out!

Angle: No problem, you handle AJ, I serve him to you on a sliver platter, I couldn’t give a crap. I am out for Cage. He wants my NWA world title and he keeps pulling one over on me. My plan is to deplete his sources, make him all alone for the kill. Make him shake in his friggn’ boots! Tomko is his number one source, if I take him out, I take 50% of his army, and that leaves Cage alone, so I can take him out!

Joe: Then, looks to me like we are going to get along just fine.

Angle: Seems to me like we are.

iMPACT! Zone:

Monty Brown’s music hits as The Alpha Male makes his way to the ring.

Brown: Well now, the iMPACT! Zone is jumpin’ tonight in the Serengeti now isn’t it?

The crowd goes insane.

Brown: Jim Cornette, you awoken the wrong lion last week! This week, the lion is on the hunt! No one suspends the Alpha Male without pay! Of course The Alpha Male needs food on his table too! So Jim your “Zero Tolerance System” is nothing to me, just another law that the Alpha Male is forced to follow, but the thing is Jim, since we are in the Serengeti, the Alpha Male runs the show! You don’t! And since you are not paying me, then in my eyes, since it’s a two way street in the Serengeti, I can now do whatever the hell I please!

Monty Brown walks out of the ring through the crowd. He starts talking to the crazy fans in the iMPACT! Zone.

Brown: Hey man! What do you think about the Cornette Zero Tolerance System?

Fan: It sucks!

Brown: You are damn right it does! And you little girl, don’t you want to see the Alpha Male back in action in TNA?

Little Girl: Yea Monty!

Brown: Hell, looks to me like this crowd really loves the Alpha Male!

The crowd starts chanting ALPHA MALE! ALPHA MALE!

Brown: Well making our way through the crowd, now we are in the concession area of the iMPACT! Zone and what the hell?

Jim Cornette stops Monty in his tracks, in front of Cornette is a line of security.

Cornette: Mr. Brown, since I am not paying you to be on iMPACT! you serve no purpose of being here in the iMPACT! Zone at all. In fact, that is another violation of the Zero Tolerance system! Security, escort Mr. Brown out of the iMPACT! Zone please.

The security take hold of Monty Brown and walk him out of the iMPACT! Zone.

Cornette: Now that’s one less lunatic I have to deal with.

Cornette turns around and meets face to face with BG James.

James: Oh, Mr. Cornette, what is there to do with a great wrestler like myself? No more VooDoo Kin Mafia? No more James Gang? You know what I would like from you Mr. Cornette?

Cornette: What do you want Mr. James?

James: Well…in fact…I would take anything you would give me!

Cornette: I don’t have time to play games BG, shut up or you will be next to violate the Zero Tolerance System!


Tenay: Don, has Jim Cornette lost his mind, this Zero Tolerance System is going to his head!

West: Maybe getting Pounced by Monty Brown left him mentally disabled or something, that man is a changed man!

Eric Young’s music hits as Eric Young comes down the ramp with the X Division Champion Petey Williams.

Senshi’s music hits as Senshi comes down the ramp with Kevin Nash.

Eric Young w/ Petey Williams vs Senshi w/ Kevin Nash
Eric starts pointing at him then Senshi, when he points to Senshi the crowd boos, but when he points to himself the crowd cheers. Nash signals to Senshi to kick his ass, when Eric looks at the crowd, Senshi catches him with a kick to the back of the head. He gets on top of him and knees him on the head with repeated shots. He covers him 1..2..kickout! Petey cheers Eric on. Senshi picks Eric up and knife edge chops him repeatedly, then mid air drop kicks him. He covers him 1..2..kickout!

Tenay: Young is hanging in there with the Warrior huh Don?

West: Mike, I thought he would have been doen by now, but I guess Petey has been training him in the arts of the X Division!

Eric takes hold of Senshi and clubs him on the head and does a neckbreaker. He goes for the sharpshooter, but Senshi counters into a roll up 1..2..kickout! Senshi does a leg drop, Eric sits up, but Senshi delivers a powerful kick to the back of Eric Young. He goes up to the top rope for the Warrior’s Way, but Christopher Daniels runs down the ramp right by Kevin Nash and pushes Senshi off the top and he goes gut first on a guard rail in the audience.
WINNER: Senshi by DQ.

Daniels: How is that for the number one contender huh Nash?

Petey goes to check on Eric Young while Nash goes to the aid of Senshi. Daniels laughs and walks up the ramp.

Jim Cornette appears out of the ramp stopping Daniels.

Cornette: What the hell was that Mr. Daniels? Interrupting one of my matches on iMPACT! again? Well, you stop one of my matches, well you are going to pay. First of next week right here on iMPACT!, you Mr. Daniels will have to team up with Mr. Senshi to take on Mr. Young and the X Division Champion Petey Williams in an X Division Tag Team Match! Oh, yea, and at Sacrifice in Chicago! All four of you stars will take part in a four way dance for Petey’s X Division Championship!

West: Four Way at Sacrifice for the X Division gold, I love it!



Shane Douglas, Rhino, Raven, and the Naturals are in the interviewing area.

Douglas: Now, now, at Sacrifice we are going to have a little elimination tag team match. If you logged on to you should already know. I am Shane Douglas, the leader of Team ECW, if that’s what you would like to call it, and ECW revolutionist. I am the leader and creator of what is now known as the Old ECW. I will lead Team ECW along with the War Machine Rhino, and the Cult Icon Raven.

Rhino: Shane, if I may be so bold. All of us embody, ECW. All of us signify the legendary hardcore style! All of us are a family. We would take a bullet for one another.

Raven: Of course, but Rhino, we are facing…well…you can call them has beens, but to supposed “wrestling historians” they are legends. Which I believe is just a bunch of crap! They come from that crap shoot known as WCW. Sure, Sting, DDP, and Steiner made an impact on pro wrestling, but not as much as us.

Douglas: Let’s get one thing clear, this isn’t about companies or organizations. We just don’t like your type. Guys who think they did something when they didn’t. We made a wrestling promotion into a global cult following! You just worked for Eric Bischoff, what a hack he was! So Sting, you can bring your bat, your stupid trench coat, and your stupid looking face paint…

Rhino: Steiner you can bring your muscles, your muscles’ muscles, your veins, your wrinkles, and that dumbass metal head dress you wear…

Raven: and DDP, you can bring you little annoying ass with your stupid self high five…

Douglas: Because it won’t matter, you can shove it all up your asses, because at Sacrifice we are going to take you to the EXTREME!


Tenay: Don, our main event is next, it pins Angle with Joe against the team of Tomko, Christian Cage, and AJ Styles.

West: Of course, because at Sacrifice, you are hearing it first here, one on one, Samoa Joe will take on AJ Styles. This is the first time since Lockdown they will be in the ring alone.

Tenay: We will get to see what goes down between them in Chicago!

AJ Styles’ music hits as AJ comes down the ramp.

Christian Cage’s music hits as Cage comes down the ramp with Tomko.

Cage is too busy admiring the fans to know that Angle came out of the tunnel and is beating up Tomko. Angle grabs Tomko by the tights and launches him off the stage into some stage equipment on the floor below. The crowd chants TNA!

Tenay: Well Tomko is out of the match now, aye Don?

Christian goes after Angle kicking him in the stomach. AJ Styles follows running up the ramp. It is now a double team on Angle.

Samoa Joe’s music hits as Joe comes out of the tunnel and takes down AJ Styles. Angle gets up and belly to belly’s Cage on the solid stage ramp. Joe drags AJ to the ring.

AJ Styles and Christian Cage vs. Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe
Samoa Joe starts beating the life out of AJ. He does some side kicks followed up with some round house punches, then closes with an insuguri. He pins AJ 1..2..kickout! Angle is still beating the hell out of Cage on the ramp. He slams him face first into the Stage. Samoa Joe grabs Styles, but Styles rakes his eyes. Styles clotheslines Joe. Styles covers him 1..kickout! Angle Olympic Slams Cage on the ramp. He runs down the ramp and in the ring and takes down AJ. The Ref gets him off and forces Angle back into his corner. Joe grabs him and does a belly to belly of his own to AJ. He places him at the top of the corner, and attempts a Muscle Buster. He gets him up, but Styles escapes and goes into a roll up 1..2..kickout! Joe whips him towards the ropes after both of them stumble up and backdrops him. He crawls and tags in Kurt Angle. Angle is fired and up just lays the beating on AJ, with a mixture of uppercuts and left hooks. He grabs him and does 3 German Suplexes. He pulls the straps down and gets ready for the Olympic Slam. Cage appears ringside now with a steel chair. Behind the ref’s back, Angle whacks Joe in the back with a chair. Cage runs around the ring to his corner. Angle is pissed, but the ref holds him back.

West: Of course, Cage with the fast cheap shots!

AJ catches Angle from behind and knees him in the gut. He nails the Styles Clash Kurt Angle. He pins him 1..2..kickout! While kicking out, Angle gets Styles in the Ankle Lock. Christian runs in and breaks up the pin. Angle gets up and just stares Cage down. Cage goes for a clothesline, but Angle ducks and German Suplexes him. He smiles and tags in Samoa Joe. AJ looks to blindside Angle, but Angle ducks and flies right into Joe’s Kokina Clutch. Angle slaps on the Ankle lock to Christian Cage and AJ and Cage both tap out.
WINNER: Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe

Tenay: Wow, the tables sure turn when Tomko has no back up, they’re screaming in pain!

West: Will this be the same scene at Sacrifice in Chicago!?!?!

Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle raise each other’s hands in victory.

TNA Wrestling presents TNA Sacrifice LIVE! From Chicago, IL

NWA World Heavyweight Championship
Kurt Angle defends against Christian Cage

Team ECW vs. Team WCW
Shane Douglas, Rhino, and Raven vs. Sting, DDP, and Scott Steiner

NWA World Tag Team Championship
Tennessee Bull Rope Match

AMW defends against Team 3D

AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe

X Division Championship
Petey Williams defends against Senshi, Christopher Daniels and Eric Young

LAX vs. Konnan’s Gang

Rated RJC

Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Pittsburgh, PA
Sacrifice looks amazing can't wait all your title matches are great then you have team ecw vs team wcw and then you snuck aj/joe on the card wow


i didnt sneak AJ and Joe on the card, it was planned all along, if anyone else could review my show that'd be great

The Icon

Mar 31, 2007
Reaction score
Awesomeness Land
Wow! The AJ Styles and Christian Cage vs. Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe was a great match, cant wait till TNA Sacrifice!

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
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Great Impact...looking forward to Sacrifice...the main event was definately awesome...keep it up...

Check out my BTB: WWE The Commencement...