UWF 2012: Past Raw Trashtalking

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Feb 1, 2012
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The Miz is not impressed by what The Undertaker has to say and sort of mocks him in the process. Maryse looks at The Miz and has a little laugh while the crowd gets behind The Undertaker. The Miz finally is ready to respond back


The Miz:

Really? Really? REALLY? You're really actually going to use that phrase with me Undertaker, well I'm not buying it! If you think for one second that I'm going to be frightened by that little catch phrase of yours then you have another thing coming. What I am actually going to do is look you in your stone cold face and laugh at that phrase. Let's remember one thing Undertaker, for over six years I had to deal with people like you in the back that wanted me fired because of who I was. I wasn't good enough to be a superstar in this business. You were just like the others who also during those six years who would kick me out of the locker room and made me find a place to shower and change. You were just like the others who told me that I should just go back to MTV because I wasn't cut for this. Yet I didn't break down and I wasn't frightened about losing my job or even being kicked out of the locker room and not being liked by anyone. It was because of people like you that allowed for me to take all of that hatred in and use it to my advantage. So some catch phrase by you will not frighten me. For over twenty years you have been using that phrase, but for once someone will stand up and not be intimidated by it.

The crowd boos Miz heavily as he gets frustrated with them and gets heated

The Miz:

Shut up, all of you SHUT UP! You are not worthy of being in my prencense and listening to what I have to say. But Undertaker, are you getting this? What I'm telling you is that I'm not scared of you. I have dealt with and overcame way more than what your legacy has over it. You will see a new side of me on Raw or as you say in your yard. I am going to show you why I belong and when I beat you, this will become my yard and you will be nothing more than ash that lies inside that urn of yours you used to drag out here. I am the poster child to this company, not CM Punk, not Wade Barret, not Randy Orton, and certainly not you. After Raw when I'm threw with you, I want you to look me in the eyes and admit to me, admit to the UWF Universe, and admit to the whole world that you were wrong, that you underestimated me. You will admit to those words to me because I will not lose, I will prove to everyone once again why I am the future and the present of this business. I am the playmaker that you have never been in the ring before and you will find that out soon enough that I am AWESOME!!

The crowd boos massively while The Undertaker has a serious ready to fight look on his face while The Miz stares into his eyes
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And the boos are loudly interrupted.

[video=youtube;bQ-n-4z3Uh0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQ-n-4z3Uh0&feature=relmfu#search/cm punk return[/video]

The crowd lets out a loud, LOUD mixed reaction as CM Punk slowly walks from the back. He smirks as he walks to the cameraman and says "Looks like I'm back!" into the camera.


He walks a few steps and kneels on his left knee and does the signature "IT'S CLOBBERING TIME" schtick, and that makes the crowd go crazy. He walks confidently to the ring and takes a microphone and starts rolling it in his hands. He then climbs the top turnbuckle and yells "WHAT'S MY NAME?", as the crowd goes even crazier and his music fades to silence. The crowd loudly expresses their emotions by chanting Punk's name, without Punk acknowledging it, because that's simply the way Punk behaves.

He walks around for a while and finally starts talking.


CM Punk:

Randal.. Randal. After all these years we know each other, sadly you haven't even managed to learn a thing or two about me. The first and probably the less important one is; I'm not one of the Vincent Kennedy bred slaves who'll do whatever they can just to keep their job in one of his Meccas, and UWF sure is one of the ones that come from the McMahon family. Sadly, Randal, you have mistaken me with the likes of John Cenas and yourself, sadly, you forgot who I am. Now the second thing, the more important one, and that is that you forgot who is "the boss" here, if I have to say it in a street manner. You see, Randal, I have been living something a man would call a wrestler's dream during the past year. For me, though, it's not a dream-come-true, since that what was happening is my only standard I live, but since I am forced to deal with brainless asskissers like not only you - and please, Randal, don't interrupt me by telling me how you're not an asskisser and are actually pretty badass, because you're not, what you are describing throughout the night is your gimmick that you actually play pretty bad and everyone in the back knows who Randal Keith Orton truly is.

The crowd lets out a loud mixed reaction.

Ladies and gentlemen, Randal Keith Orton. A man who has been in many federations, just like I have been, a man known for his "aggression", a man nearly the same age as I am. Randal.. is a man who has kissed thousand asses to literally crawl from a WWE jobber position to the Vincent Kennedy Senior Asskisser World Champion. Randal.. I'd continue, but I don't want you to start crying, but if the people want me to continue..

The people roar.

Okay then. This man you heard talking just a while ago, Randal Keith Orton is nothing more than a wrestling failure, given his career. He started as a WWE nobody in their developmental territories, where the self-proclaimed "Viper" couldn't even manage to win the top title. Moreover, probably due to his father being a nobody and a wannabe legend, or at least one of the legends Vince tries to shove people down their throats, he somehow got a spot on the main roster as a total rookie. So the WWE put him into a stable with a 99 years old 1980's version of Dolph Ziggler that talks like Daffy Duck alongside his idiotic son-in-law who was pushed - and always is in his companies - just because he made him grandchildren, and don't forget to add David, the steroid-full Scott Steiner wannabe, with the only exception that David actually had some charisma, while Scott had zero. And so our hero got a push that got him into this stable, where Vinnie Mac gave him the opportunity to lick his anus a bit more so he could get a World Heavyweight Championship instead of the Intercontinental, and what's the worst, he had no right to win a world title from a legend like Chris Benoit is. And I could actually keep endlessly talking about everything he's done in the Evolution and such, but then, after it, goes one of my favorite parts of the Randal Keith story, "Legend Killer". Now actually, Randal, this is when I started actually liking you, you cut some good promos and had some good matches, if I have to be honest. Things went downhill though when you agreed to drop the gimmick and kissed the ass of your boss a bit more. I'd call the moment when you lost it the night when you "attacked" Steph and big Don Vincenzo himself on live television. But everyone with a brain, and basically every intelligent wrestling fan actually knows you gave her a metaphorical tongue tornado backstage when her daddy told you in his very own specific way that you should become a ruthless viper that will drag a team of developmental rookies around himself. And that's the point when you started to suck Randal. But that's only a story from the WWE. And your main problem is that I have achieved what you dream of during the past year, and as you heard it in this very sentence it took me LESS THAN A YEAR. It took me less than a year to become the synonym of the word "wrestling", it took me less than a year to change the wrestling landscape, and I kissed 0% ass, unlike you. Honestly, you would probably still be struggling either in the WWE developmental territories or in the WWE jobberzone nowadays if there wasn't your asskissing plus your wannabe legend father. On the other hand, I'm almost as old as you are, and before I got "mainstream", I've won world championships in the best indie federations, I fought several superb wrestlers that would kick your ass in less than a minute and you probably never heard of them, I've wrestled all around the world and THEN went "mainstream". Unlike you though, I didn't try to find a way to stick my tongue up the McMahon family anuses and I wound up being a jobber and eventually they have seen that I am in fact the best they can find in the world and I've gotten several opportunities, until Vinnie Mac started disliking me because he expected me to kiss his ass and I said no, which somehow got me back to the jobberzone and so on. Nothing would have changed though if I haven't risen against the bureaucracy and the strict hierarchy backstage and unleashed my thoughts on live television several times. And that's how I won my world titles. Eventually during the past year I've been almost undefeated, pinned only once this year. I have showed the world that I truly am the best WRESTLER in the world and that NO ONE can stop me from doing whatever the hell I want. Oh.. and I almost forgot, Randal. If you want to give a spice to your promo, think of a catchphrase of your own and don't steal it from Jericho next time.

Fans are loud at this point.


And there lies your psychological problem, Randal. Your mind is over-obsessed with endless trying to be better than me, while you know you just can't be better, whatever you do. You will never defeat me, deal with it. Hell I beat you not so long ago at WrestleMania, looks like that wasn't enough for you, so expect more on RAW next week, you "Viper". I've done it all, Randal, in a million times easier and a faster way than you with no asskissing, I wonder what that means. This brings me to something else, Theodore Long. Now, after WrestleMania, there were rumors floating backstage that UWF is shutting down, and believe me, I've had enough of wrestling federation failures in my career, so I have logically quit my job and terminated my contract the night after. The interesting detail is that I never lost my UWF Undisputed World Heavyweight Championship. What was even more interesting though was my cellphone the day after I've done it, starting with infinite missed calls from Dixie Carter, and Dixie, if you're watching, I don't wanna join WCW, brother, continuing with Ring of Honor, Combat Zone Wrestling, New Japan Pro Wrestling, hell even the WWE. But then, a call made me change my mind. The moment when I heard Theodore Long begging me to come back, telling me that the federation won't die after all, in an almost crying voice, that was priceless. Of course, I came back under a LOT of my conditions, but that is one of my standards. Wherever I go, I own the place. And the same goes for this place. The second gamechanger made me angry. Now, Theodore, I'm not sure.. are you mentally ill.. or just trying to mess with me? None of the options are good for you. However, your actions weren't good for you neither. You see, the title we will fight for, I never lost it. Technically I am still the champion. However you screwed me out of the title that belongs to me, because I am and was and probably will be the only Undisputed Champion until this federation dies one day. Taking what's mine away from me? Do you really want to play the Steve Austin - Vince McMahon game with me? Because I'm not sure if that is exactly what you want. Nonetheless, basically nothing will change, since I will win my title back.

Fans let out a mixed reaction once more.

Now I almost forgot that one more person is in the ring as well, Wade Barrett. You see, Wade, you could take this confrontation between the three of us as a lesson. As much as I despise Randal, he is actually an established name in this business, unlike you. I am, unlike both of you, the synonym to the word wrestling, to the words UWF, CWF, UCW, WWE, ROH, 2011, name it. However, you, Wade, are just a loudmouthed rookie. Not that I am not a loudmouth, but you see, there are some differences between us, starting with me being able to back my words up, unlike you. You see, you come out here and cut a promo on us needing to know that you are a somebody. The promo you cut almost made me fall asleep, Wade. You see, one little thing.. before starting blabbering about being a legit main eventer, make sure you don't lose a 2nd tier title on WrestleMania to a mexican JBL, and that should basically explain all the story, given that the 2nd tier title you won here is the only bigger achievement you ever achieved, besides you trying to form a New World Order wannabe with a bunch of no names, minus Bryan Danielson. You see, I understand you still have a mental orgasm from pinning me, but that's just probably because you were lucky. And since you have this tight relationship with Lady Luck, well, make sure you kiss her ass enough so she lets you survive RAW.

Punk walks a few steps around and continues.

All of you, see, there is basically no one and nothing that can ever stop me from being the best wrestler in the world that I am. And the very same goes for you, Wade and Randal, there's, as the song of the owner of the ass you kiss says "no chance in hell" that I'll let you win MY title on Tuesday. Take it as a given that I am the best, and you won't get even close my level EVER in your career, because unlike you, I busted my ass in the indies for AGES to get to this point when I am the phenomenon, the undefeated champion, the one you all want to become, and for your information, won't become.

Punk smiles as the fans go crazy. The craziness is interrupted by..


OOC: Okay, sorry it took me so long guys. I've had a hectic week you know, I just couldn't manage to write the TT before this point, so sorry once again. I probably won't have time to write an another one until next Wednesday, so if we could leave it like this at 1-1-1, it would be nice. But, if you REALLY need to write a next round, well, you can, but I can't really guarantee you I'll write an another one in this sesh. So if we could leave it like this I think it would be nice from you, because I have a lot of things to do for school during this week. Sorry once again guys.​

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Austin responds with the same intensity that's being thrown at him.


Stone Cold: How dare I? What's the matter kid, did I hurt yer feelings? Do you want me to apologize for some of the things I said? Well tough cookies rookie, I'm not apologizin' for a damn thing that I said. Jamie Noble, John Bradshaw Layfield, and Ric Flair both seperately and combined don't amass enough star power to even be a justifiable candidate to co-headline something with Stone Cold Steve Austin's name on it. Not only that, but hell yeah the world owes me something, they owe me every damn bit of gratitude they can muster. Why? I came out to this ring night in and night out and busted my ass in this ring, makin' damn sure they got their money's worth, makin' damn sure no one in the crowd regretted buyin' a ticket ta' see Stone Cold wrestle. All these years later with shot ta' hell knees and a screwy neck, I still bust my ass in this ring, except now I do it for the one person I know's gonna appreciate it, me! But it wasn't just the matches, I came in this ring every night and did what every disgruntled son of a bitch watchin' wished they could go into their place of business and do, I kicked my boss's ass. I told that pompous son of a bitch exactly what I thought of him and put him on the mat, and I enjoyed it, and they enjoyed it. I gave them something to believe in, I gave them a reason ta' tune in every week, and because of that professional wrestling got put on the map. Without me, wrestling wouldn't have hit that boom period, which means little bastards like you would probably be tearing tickets at the tilt-a-whirl because there wouldn't be a business. But thankfully for you and everyone else, I did come along, wrestling did hit that boom period, and you have a job in this still thriving business because of it. You're welcome.

I know you're tryna' convince yerself and everyone within earshot that yer tearin' me apart on the microphone for my five catchphrases and what you perceive as little contribution to the industry, but in actuality you're just kickin' yerself in the ass for not thinkin' of those catchphrases yourself. There is someone standing in this ring acting, but it's not me acting tough, it's you acting like you aren't jealous. You undermine my wrestling ability, my character, and my intelligence but it's only because you can't stomach the fact that this dumbass redneck figured out how ta' make it in this business and get rich. Just like you don't have ta' compete in this tournament ta' get a title shot, at the end of the day, I don't have ta' wrestle anymore. I'm set for the rest of my life. I could've sat home in Texas and hunted and fished and enjoyed retirement, but instead I decided ta' hop onboard with You Dubya Eff's rebirth, not because I have to, but because I want to. I get satisfaction out of knocking you bastards around. But Raw, Raw will be the most satisfying confrontation in a long time, even moreso than Wrestlemania, not because the rebirth means more than the biggest show of the year but because, as I've pointed out before, unlike John Cena, you're willing ta' fight. You're willing ta' honor your talent contract and go. The night of the twenty-fourth, there will only be one man, and he won't be the "Greatest Man That Ever Lived", he'll be the "Toughest Son of a Bitch" that ever graced an E See Dubya, Dubya See Dubya, Dubya Dubya E, See Dubya Aye, See Dubya Eff, You See Dubya, and You Dubya Eff ring. Talking is no longer required, Aries, it's time ta' let actions speak louder than words...

Austin drops his microphone as his music begins playing again. Stone Cold leaves the ring and makes his way up the ramp, stopping at the top and throwing up two middle fingers before turning around and disappearing behind the curtain.


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Nov 8, 2010
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Wade Barrett looks over at Punk, before looking out to the crowd in disbelief, and finally, he breaks the silence with what he is confused about.


Wade Barrett: Excuse me if I'm missing something here, but the last time I checked the record books Punk, I have a victory over you.... and Randy Orton doesn't. I am the only person in this company, that has a one on one victory over you. You beat Randy Orton at the stable point of our whole company, you slayed him to the sword at Wrestlemania, and all you want to talk about is Randy Orton? He may have been a stellar name in the WWE but this is no WWE. That part of my career is long gone, I am one hundred percent UWF now, and here, whether you like it or not, I'm the man. Yeah, my United States championship alluded me in a five man cluster fest, but hell, you put me in front of anyone one on one and I will prove that mano et mano, The Barrett Barrage over engulfs the Best In The World.... and a Viper would tie itself up in knots in the process of it. You have proved that you are better than Randy Orton, and now you come out here, and waste all of our time, talking about a feat that you have already accomplished once. Why didn't you come down here and talk in more detail, about how you are going to exact your revenge to a loss at the hands of "The loudmouthed rookie, that couldn't overcome the Mexican JBL" which one a side note, I expect that joke from a lot of superstars here, but from the man self-proclaiming to be different to anything we've grown accustomed to here, it's a cheap shot, and it shows no imagination.

But then, that is you all over isn't it. No imagination. The only thing you've added to your arsenal of moves in the past five years is an elbow drop that you imitate an old overrated namesake in Randy Savage. Originality is not in your bones, it's not in your blood.... it's not in your heart. And that that has no originality, has no answers for the difficult questions. Instead you just stick to what you know. You know you can beat Randy so you address Randy Orton. I address the both of you because I know I can beat anyone put in front of me. Speaking of that Randy, I'll be coming to you in a moment, but our second city savior here hasn't been rebutted for and I have a few more itches I need to get out of my system before I can concentrate on becoming the Undisputed champion. Punk, you come out here, and you talk a whole roster of a different organisation that don't even exist anymore, ranging from Dolph Ziggler, to Vince McMahon to Christ Benoit, and every family tree that existed there-in. I don't know if your that up on British television lately, but your name-dropping worse than Tom Jones on The Voice. We get it. You've been around, you accomplished a lot, and you've accomplished a lot even here. Your brought a no bit championship that meant nothing here and felt like the man. You hid behind that championship because.... well simply because on your own.... your nothing. And for this first time in this companies existence Punk, you are walking into the lions den, without a championship to hide behind, without the facade of accomplishment that you like to over-exaggerate.

Barrett paces as he continues to rant.

You want to talk about Nexus? I don't. But you brought it up so I digress. The Nexus was my way in. It was the door that opened my career after I won the very first series of NXT. And what happened. For eight months we terrorized the whole of the WWE, without a ounce of regret, remorse or concern. We were the talking point of the year, and we took the top face of the company at the time, and turned him into our puppy dog. We were the dynasty of wrestling, the diamond in the rough. Key word: Were. What happened next. Spinster of words and lies, Cult Mad Punk walked back through the door and turned my Nexus against me, picking your spot when the waves weren't brushing our way, and I was outted out of the group, leaving you to be their new member. Was I angry, yes. Upset, yes. But time passes, and in the space of two months, just like you did with your "Straight Edge Society" you turned a dynasty into dust. You took the greatest thing that has happened to the competition in the WWE and you let it get destroyed... by whom? By that man over there. Randy Orton.

Barrett smirks at Randy and Punk before walking away from both of them into the opposite corner and seems to calm down from his rant.
Randy Randy Randy.... your sipping from the same crazy cup that Punk is, non-alcoholic of course... because your sounding so hypocritical about your views on me, when we can all think back to a few weeks ago. A few weeks ago when you had the whole of the roster at your disposal, you could have literally picked anyone, in the Pick Your Poison match for Punk, and out of every option, you picked... me. Now, why would you pick me if you feel that I have done nothing, and I am no threat. Whats more, I came through and delivered. So why am I in this match Randy, I think I can spell it out to you in a way you can't confuse it.... I happened to do..... What you could not do.... at Wrestlemania. That's it. In all fairness, you weren't the champion walking in to Mania, so you don't get no rematch clause, it should be you that's counting your lucky stars that you have been included in this match. But luck is a two-sided sword Orton. Where your being given the opportunity, it is also a blessing in disguise. This is my first bite at the cherry, being the Undisputed championship. First bites of the cherry is what I am known for taking here in the UWF. First chance at going for the European title, got it. United States championship, the exact same story. I don't need to pick my words carefully out here like you two because I have the truth on my side, and the results to back it up.

There are a lot of things that I would call "impossible". Hitting a bullseye blindfolded after being spun round twenty thirty times leaving you faced the wrong way. Sitting through a whole Twilight movie. Going through a CM Punk "pipebomb" without desperately grabbing the remote and hoping to see Ashton Kutcher instead of Charlie Sheen on Two and Half Men. But, after this Tuesday, all of those examples will seem basic to achieve, compared to surviving the Barrett Barrage and leaving with the UWF Undisputed Championship.

Barrett smirks at the two men....

OOC: Okay. Not being a dick. I was doing a second TT before Derrick put his OOC, and that was with the blessing of CWalker. Second point, it's a World title match. I do more than 1-1 for normal matches, so 1-1 for a title match would be an absolute piss-take. I don't know about other people, but unfortunately gone are the days that world title matches are threads with 20+ quality posts in, I miss those days, they really brought the best out in me. Plus Derrick, overposting then asking to leave it 1-1-1 is never gunna stick.
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Apr 23, 2011
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OOC: Okay, bro, I know, I said, if you really want to, we can do round 2, but I'll have troubles to do so. I didn't intend to overpost, I saw the hugeness of my TT after I posted it bro. So yeah. Sorry guys once more. Didn't mean to bomb. I just wanted to write everything I've had in my mind prepared for the sesh, and I wrote it all because I wasn't sure if I'll be able to post a second one. I'll try my best to write a 2nd TT just after Fetter posts. So yeah. That's it.


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Ooc. My 2nd should be up tomorrow and its a title match so what happens happens not to be a dick


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5/1 Raw "Fresh Start" Fatal 4-Way

"WOO WOO WOO! You Know It!" Blast out from the speakers followed by Zacks "Oh Radio" Theme. The crowd gives a nice reaction to the "Long Island Iced Z" Zack bounds out from the back, all smiles. He has on his normal merchandise. He yells out some words which can't be heard over the noise of the crowd, and continues down to the ring.


He makes his way to the ring, and picks up a mic that has been set on the steel steps. He enters the ring, and smiles until the crowd dies down some so he can give his first words to the UWF Universe.


Zack Ryder: Welcome everyone to another edition of Z! True Raw Story! I am your star, "Long Island Iced Z" Zack Ryder!

The crowd cheers. Some small "Woo Woo Woo" chants can be heard.

Zack Ryder: And as you saw on last weeks Raw, I have been signed to a UWF Contract. Isn't that great bro? And then things got EVEN better when T'Lo announced that I would be in a "Fresh Start" Fatal Four Way match with 3 other new superstars. You all know who they are of course. Mr. Oversized Jaw, Dolph Ziggler. "I use my daddy's name" Ted DiBiase, and "I can't decide what to do" Brock Lesnar. "Next Big thing?" More like next temporary visitor, am I right? Haha, you know it bro! So with this match announced, I'm thinking "What am I going to do? 3 other superstars!" Then I got to thinking, I'm Zack Ryder bro! I can do this. Because I'll be damned if I am over shadowed again in another company. But enough about that. It can't be a party without the other broskis, so I tell you what. I'm going to stand here and wait for my competition to get out here, so I can fist bump their faces one...at..a...time! Woo Woo Woo, You know it!


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Jun 26, 2010
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England, UK
RAW 5/1 - CM Punk vs Mr. Anderson



The lights go down and a single spotlight rests on the entrance ramp to welcome Ken Anderson to the arena. Chewing gum as obnoxiously as ever Anderson makes his way out from the back full of energy. He’s rocking the ‘asshole’ tee and struts down to the ring, smirking a little and acknowledging fan made signs and fans with the newly released Anderson merchandise. He jogs up the steel steps, pauses and then climbs through the ropes in his usual fashion. He stands in the centre of the ring as the spotlight comes to rest on him before posing for his drop down microphone to descend into his hand. The lights remain down as the arena quietens…

Anderson: Ladies and Gentleman…boys and girls…assholes of all ages…

Small pop from the crowd as Anderson smiles and chews his gum.

I hail from a little place; some of you may know it, called GREEN BAY, WISCONSIN!

Mixed reaction from the crowd.

I just had my physical to ensure I’m in peak physical shape for ring competition and I’ve been reliably informed I’m weighing in tonight at 243 poundssss. I am MISTERRRRRRRRRRR…

The crowd finishes it off with a rapturous chorus of ‘Anderson!’

And let me tell you something, straight off the bat, no talking around it. Teddy Long? You’re a smart guy. Oh yeah. Smartest guy I know because the very night I signed my contract I made my presence felt, I made my presence known and I was allowed to do that. Thank you. That night, trending around the world was simply hash tag…asshole. Thank you for that. This week I get the opportunity to…to really stake my claim to the Undisputed title. Thank you. I get to stake that claim by going one on one with the former champ, the former face of the company, C…M…Punk.

Huge mixed reaction from the crowd.

And for that I think I’ll go right ahead and thank you again. You’ve got your head on a swivel and you need that in this business because what you’ve seen Teddy, what you’ve seen is the REAL best investment you’ve made this past week. WHO CARES ABOUT THE REST? The assholes demand the best. Forget Ryder, forget Lesner, forget the little tournament that’s going on, this is Anderson’s show. Anderson’s time and it’s going to be Anderson’s Undisputed title.


Mixed reaction for Anderson this time but a chant of ‘asshole’ starts to reverberate around the arena.

I know that because I know I’m the best…the best, a moniker Punk wears oh so proudly around his straight edge neck. For a long time Punk had no challenger, no-one was even on his level and he could sit and preach as he pleased but now, now there’s an asshole in the building. Now there’s a guy who won’t sit there and take that crap, now there’s a guy who’s going to come out here and shove this microphone down Punk’s throat every time he opens his mouth to whine or complain or tell everyone how much better he is than the rest of us! The assholes, this asshole nation under one, yours truly, are sick to death of it. Just like I promised a few weeks back when I was given the chance to…to feel out UWF before I signed a contract I told the WORLD that after Wrestlemania everyone would be talking about me and not about Punk or the world title and I haven’t forgotten that promise. There’s only one way I know to get things done and that’s forgetting names entirely and kicking the asses of every little bitch on this show until I get to the top dog, until I get to Wade Barrett or whoever else might be keeping my title warm for me whilst I earn MY shot.

Pop from the crowd.

See, Punk, ya think that you’ll come riding in for the big recovery match this week. You’ll unload some of that frustration and rage and you’ll re-establish your claim to the title. You’ll be wanting to make sure I’m let go, that I’m a flash in the pan but what you don’t realise is that for every night you take a loss and you get that little bit more determined…I’m always going to be 10% more driven, more hungry to take what is rightfully mine, what has ALWAYS been mine. It doesn’t feel so good does it Punk, to have it all taken away. I've been there, with my JOB and my LIVELIHOOD taken away. Your title, your position as poster boy, whether you’d like to admit it or not, is gone. That warm feeling you get because you know deep down everyone loves the rogue even if they won’t admit it, it’s going, it’s fading. It’s going to eat you up Punk…Eh? Huh? Heh? No response? It figures, people, including yourself, tend to be…what’s the word I’m looking for…fake, frauds –

Anderson is cut off by…



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UWF Number One Contender Tournament

The Walls


Fans boo as Chris Jericho music hits, Jericho comes out of the curtain and makes his way down to the ring.


Jericho seem to not care about the fans as he makes his way down the ramp, Jericho goes in the ring and he has a microphone in his hand. Jericho goes as the fans boo and he begin to speak


Chris Jericho: What did I tell each and everyone of you? Didn't I say last week in this very ring that I would be advancing in this tournament? Didn't I say that I will be your next Undisputed champion? Well open up your ears you parasites because I am going to repeat it. I am your next UWF Undisputed champion,and there is no reason why I am in this tournament.

fans boo as Chris Jericho goes and he begins to speak again

Chris Jericho: You know what I find pathetic? Is that the UWF does not understand I am the guy for this company. You know I am going to pull out a little interesting fun fact... last Tuesday on Raw. Guess what was the most watch match on that program? It was Paul London versus I. All the viewers tuned into see me do what I do best. It is funny because the UWF championship match was one of the lowest segments of the night. You see no one cares about Wade Barrett, no one cares about Randy Orton, and no on especially cares about CM Punk. All of them are nothing but guys who can not hold a candle too me.

You see next Tuesday I am going to prove why I am the best this company has to offer.My road to the world title it is a simple one. All I have to do is defeat that Chris Jericho rip off the Miz, and than go onto the finals to wrestle either a guy I have beaten on numerous occasions in Stone Cold Steve Austin. Or I go on too face the young brash Cody Rhodes who likes to think he is Dr. Doom. I am pretty sure it is safe to say that this is in the bag.

Fans boo as Jericho smiles


the fans start to chant for "Austin, Austin, Austin"

Chris Jericho: Keep chanting his name. You know I like hearing that name Stone Cold Steve Austin. Do you know why the name of Stone Cold Steve Austin gives me thrills, instead of chills? It is because on the night when I became the WWF's first ever undisputed champion. I not only defeated him, but defeated the Rock on the same night. It is something no one could say they have ever done but me. Folks I do the impossible, and when you look at the situation put in front of us four men I am the more well suit for it. In one night we have to wrestle two matches. Two matches that is something I can do on a daily basis. I could wrestle three if I wanted. That is just a mere task. Tell me do you think the Miz could do such a feat? The Miz if he so happens to win will be too tired after having wrestled a match against me. Cody Rhodes you think he could do it? No he is still to young, still to cocky. He has no idea of the situation put in front of him. Sure a year ago he was on top of his game and was the world champion, but that was one year ago. Than we come too Stone Cold? I have shown I can beat him, he is nothing more than an old man trying to relive the glory days... Austin, the days of Austin 3:16 are gone, there is a new hope and light... that light is Jericho 4:50. Everyone will see it, everyone you will embrace it. Because there is no one who can stop someone who is the best.

Fans boo as Jericho all of a sudden is interrupted by...


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Whoa Oh

*The crowd turns their hatred towards the stage, as from behind the curtain appears Cody Rhodes. He begins to walk down the ramp with a microphone in hand not waiting to lift it up as his music fades off while he walks towards the ring*


Cody Rhodes:

Hold on just one moment there Chris, because you seem to be very…Very mistaken. As you’ve seemed to written me off for my youth, while that is what makes me the bigger threat to all of you. See when you, and Stone Cold were my age you were scratching and clawing trying to make a name for yourselves. However you were still nothing special, you two hadn’t honed your craft you were still trying to make it big. But you paid your dues, and you two became two of the biggest names out there, however…

*Rhodes runs up the steel steps stepping into the ring, flipping his hood off of his head as he does*


I don’t pay dues, in the period where you learned how to do this I have already reached the peak you two are holding on to for dear life. And I am not even in my prime yet, not to mention the fact that with my new outlook on life there is absolutely nothing that anyone can do to stop me. You see Jericho a man whose name is right behind Hulk Hogan amongst people made this business what it is today, I obliterated him. Look at the difference between all our matches, Austin Aries and Paul London where coming into their matches as underdogs against you two and they still where only one second away from winning. Crash and Burn was your savior while a quick stunner was Austins, and The Miz well the Miz was able to sneak a win. I however I didn’t have a close match, I didn’t have a sneaky victory, I beat down Warrior and when I could have ended it I decided to prolong the beating. I’ve won tournaments, in fact Chris if we look back in the history books my track record against you is flawless so believe it or not I am pulling for you. As it’s always nice, to beat a familiar face as opposed to one you couldn’t care less about, that said I face Stone Cold Steve Austin.

*the crowd pops at the menion of Austin as Rhodes snarls before continuing*

Stone Cold has been around for a while, and yet brands and contracts have kept us apart throughout our careers. And now we face off one on one, While he was busy not winning the world championship I was busy defeating every single person put in front of me and now the story will go to the same. However let me pontificate on the fact that a year ago I would of simply pinned Stone Cold, but now…now I shall devastate him. Stone Cold is known as the rattle snake, but that comparison is made out of his ability to lay out someone with one strike. Many people like to compare themselves to snakes and what they fail to realize is that at the end of the day snakes are much more afraid of you than you are of them. Any other person would back away from you, and in the frightened state you can strike, but against me Austin you won’t be able to. Because I will stomp you until all that venom is snuffed out, and whether I face The Miz or whether I face Chris Jericho next it makes no difference. Because this isn’t about winning, this is about me ruining your bodies as my looks were ruined by those who mistreated me. The World title is the light at the end of the tunnel, but in that tunnel will lay the motionless, mangled carcasses of those who dared try and stop me from what is rightfully mine.

*Rhodes cracks his neck as he looks down on the floor*

-Cody Rhodes…6:25


Apr 23, 2011
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"I'm Here To Show The World ..."


"Here To Show The World" by Downstait hits the PA system of the arena, which means it's time for "Show Off" Dolph Ziggler. Dolph appears on the stage, where he stands, looks at both sides of the arena, slides his hair back and then throw his arms in the air, while the crowd is booing heavily. After that Dolph continues his way to the ring and on his way he's showing off a bit, taunting the crowd.


Ziggler jumps on the apron and enters the ring, then he climbs the turnbuckle and screams. Dolph jumps down and asks for microphonem when he gets it, he starts to talk ...

Stop it right there kid! Who do you think you are? Do you really think, that you have what it takes to share one ring with the greatest performer that ever lived? If you don't get it, I'm talking about me. By the way, if this is supposed to be another Z! True RAW Story!, it means that my time is now. Do you remember "Ask The Heel" ? Well, I'll tell you what. The thing is, you have your little show, which lasts about 6 minutes, but the thing is, you always gave me at about 30 seconds on your show and the result? Everybody was just watching MY part of this damn crappy show and not yours. But kid, this is real world, here you can't hide behind your little cute camera and there are no miracles or special film effects, which means, I won't let you win this match. I see no opponent in you, just like I don't see Brock Lesnar or Ted DiBiase like a some kind of a thread to me. The truth is, that I will STEAL the show, just like I always do!

Crowd boos, but there are some people, who are clapping their hands and supporting Dolph ...

I could talk about my opponents every single day, but at the end of the day I would always said ... you're not on the same level as I am. And speaking of the same level, there is this kid Ted DiBiase, who's here in UWF, for only one reason. And that reason is, that once, many years ago his father was a great wrestler, but that time is gone. But Ted, you are not like your father and you are here in this company just because of the great name you have. Which means you don't deserve, to beat me in this match and I can assure you, that you WON'T! I am really awesome at what I do and what I do is beating the hell out of my opponents. Every day in and day out I beat small, tall, fat, skinny, black, white and all kinds of guys and it doesn't matter what they look like or how good they are, because at the end of the day, I AM the winner. I've faced better guys than you are DiBiase and my opinion is, that you have nothing to do in this company and I'm gonna prove it in this match, because not only that I will defeat you, I will also humiliate you in front of these people ...

Dolph smiles, but attendance is booing him loudly. But Dolph doesn't care and continues ...

Don't boo me, you should be booing yourself for supporting kind of a guy like Zack Ryder is!


The boos are even louder now, but Dolph continues again ...

Brock Lesnar, youngest WWE champion, am I saying this right? If not, then correct me. I guess that should amaze me, but not. I am really not amazed. But what would really amaze me would be, if you come down to this ring and face me like a man, 'cause what you usually do is sneak behind someone's back and take him down. Well, you'll need to put much more on the line, to even equal the qualities of Dolph Ziggler. After the match I will left you in this ring lying down on your back, with some broken bones and reduced self-confidence ... no excuses. Brock, to tell you simply, you are terrible, you are not entertaining and you are not a good wrestler ... I AM. I'm a genius, I'm a greatly performing genius, who will with his amazing intelligence and quite good wrestling skills defeat anyone, who will step in this ring with him ... dash ... me. Brock, I just have to go through you and two other guys, is there any easier job? I guess not ...

Dolph drops the microphone and he's showing off a bit for the crowd, while they boo him, when suddenly ...


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OOC: Are we going to set up a format? Like everyone has to TT once before anyone can TT again?


Apr 23, 2011
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OOC: I don't know ... I would make it like this, if only me and you TT and there's no other TT until 28th May, you can put another up. If they're gonna TT, I think we should always wait for 2 guys to TT, before we can put another up ok?


Jun 3, 2010
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OOC: Luban, it's only April, bro. I will TT tomorrow morning, maybe whoever plays Lesnar will have gone or maybe not but we'll stick to an order. Als


Apr 23, 2011
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OOC: DAMN! Sorry. LOL. Uhm, okay, after Prodigy posts, you can get another up Tapout
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