I'd change privacy laws
We own nothing. We don't even own our words unless we write it down with pen and paper. We sign off on our ideas the moment we hop on the internet and agree to terms and conditions. Our information is stored through out websites, subsciptions, email accounts, credit card statements, and when combined it's a plethora of data that is used to predict your future. Have you ever noticed after visiting a site, you will see a simliar ad in the future? Remember a few years back when you logged on fbook one day everything was made public? That's because they changed your privacy settings and decided to sell it to major corporations to market towards you. The scariest part is how the NSA can access this information to "prevent" anything from happening by red flagging certain words or phrases whem combined together is deemed as a threat. If you can manage to get software to access your phones information, thats a treat as well. You can literally see every key stroke instantly saved to a database that can be accessed at anytime. The most depressing part is even if you ex communicate yourself from the internet, cell phone, etc that the information is there and saved forever. When you select deactive, or delete, you are basically just hiding information from yourself. We are not free, we can be arrested for peaceful protests that have not happened as a preemptive measure. Things we think about doing can be used against us.