-- Scott sent this one in: Just wanted to let you know that Miss Zombie Hot herself, Daffney, will be appearing at Megacon in Orlando on Saturday March 26th! She will be at the Scott Blair Art booth - Artists Alley Green #8 - and she will be signing her brand new smokin' hot pin-up exclusive to Megacon2011! Also, Tna Knockout SoCalVal and Traci Brooks will be there! Orange County Convention Center Hall D 9800 International Drive, Orlando, FL 32819
-- Chris Jericho posted the following on Twitter last night: "My brother Bully Ray cut a great promo tonight. He gets it and is the best heel in TNA by far..." I couldn't agree more!
-- Jeremy Borash suffered a concussion from the Bully Ray kick on last night's iMPACT!. Word is that it was not a planned spot.
-- The following was posted on D'Angelo Dinero's Twitter last night: "WARNING: To those sending hate mail after tonights iMPACT,you will be blocked! TNA wrestlers are trained professional entertainers.-TEE Admin"
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-- Chris Jericho posted the following on Twitter last night: "My brother Bully Ray cut a great promo tonight. He gets it and is the best heel in TNA by far..." I couldn't agree more!
-- Jeremy Borash suffered a concussion from the Bully Ray kick on last night's iMPACT!. Word is that it was not a planned spot.
-- The following was posted on D'Angelo Dinero's Twitter last night: "WARNING: To those sending hate mail after tonights iMPACT,you will be blocked! TNA wrestlers are trained professional entertainers.-TEE Admin"
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