WWF (2001)

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Jun 17, 2014
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The shows will be written in the same style and format as my other thread WWE (Current)
I will be re writting shows as off the night after Wrestlemania 17!

Champions list

WWF Champion - Stone Cole Steve Austin
WWF Tag Team Champions - Edge and Christian
WWF Intercontinental Champion - Chris Jericho
WWF European Champion - Eddie Guerrero
WWF Hardcore Champion - Raven
WWF Womens Champion - Chyna
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion - Vacant


Monday Night RAW (Monday)
Smackdown (Thursday)
Heat (Sunday)
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Jun 17, 2014
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WWF Monday Night RAW - April 2nd 2001
Live from Fort Worth, Texas
Commentators - Jim Ross and Pauly Heyman

The show starts off with The Rock making his way to the ring. He grabs a mic and says," You know what, tonight i am not in the mood for my usual catchphrases because last night at Wrestlemania i could turned by the biggest piece of crap i have ever met. Not only did he turn on you guys, but he joined the man he has been fighting since 1998. So Steve, why don't you get your bald candy ass down to this ring." Steve Austin's music hits and he walks out to the ring. He grabs a mic but Rock slaps it out of his hands. Rock says," Steve man to man, i can't believe what you did last night but by god i will be coming for that WWF Championship because i have already cashed in my rematch clause for the WWF Championship at Backlash and just to make sure that none of your escape plans will work, i have spoken to Linda Mcmahon and she confirmed that our match at Backlash, will be inside a Steel Cage!" Austin then goes to hit The Rock with the Belt but the Rock ducks and punches him and sends him over the top rope!

WWF European Championship Match
Eddie Guererro (C) vs Test

Finish - This is Test's rematch for the Championship that he lost last night at Wrestlemania. Test goes for a powerslam, but Eddie Rolls him up and pulls the tights to get the win. (7:49)

Aftermath - Test goes to hit him but Eddie slides outside the ring and runs to the back with his European Championship.

Backstage is Stone Cold Steve Austin who is walking backstage and is looking for Vince Mcmahon.

Chris Benoit vs William Regal

Finish - Regal hits a very nice Butterfly suplex and covers him near the ropes and the referee is angled at a position where he can not see Kurt Angle holding onto his legs so that he can't kick out and Regal gets the win. (12:51)

Aftermath - Angle gets inside the ring and him and Regal start beating down on Benoit when Chris Jericho, the Intercontinental Champion runs in to make the save.

Backstage is Angle and Regal who look angry and Regal says," As i am the commisioner, i will be dammed if those two will get away with this. So you know what i am going to do, well i am going to make it a Fatal Four Way match for the Intercontinental Championship at Backlash. Also, next week on RAW it will be Me and You vs Benoit and Jericho"

Triple H vs Kane (C)

Finish - Triple H goes for a Pedigree but out of no where Raven hits him from behind with a steel chair. He puts the chair on the canvas and nails Kane with an Even Flow DDT and he has a referee with him and the referee counts to three and we have a new WWF Hardcore Champion Raven! (17:36)

Aftermath - Raven runs away with the WWF Hardcore Championship and Triple H gets a sledgehammer from under the ring and he is about to hit Kane straight in the face when The Undertaker rushes in to make the save and him and Triple H brawl all around ringside area and up the ramp. Kane on the other hand runs into the crowd to go after Raven!

Backstage and Steve Austin finally finds Mcmahon and he says," Vince how can Linda do that. She can't can she." Vince realises that Austin will go crazy so he says," Yes she can, she owns fifty percent of the World Wrestling Federation, but Steve you are Stone Cold Steve Austin, you are going to destroy The Rock at Backlash and just to make sure that he won't be going in one hundred percent. I have made a match for tonight between The Rock facing off against The Big Show." Steve smirks.

Edge (c) vs Jeff Hardy

Finish - Edge gets the win after hitting a spear. (7:16)

Aftermath - Edge celebrates with his brother Christian and Matt and Jeff Hardy are in the ring looking angry and frustrated.

X-Pac vs Crash Holly

Finish - Good little back and fourth match with X-Pac getting the win after Albert distracted the referee and Justin Credible comes in and nails him with a superkick and Crash walks into the X-Factor to get the win. (6:36)

Aftermath - The X Factor celebrate as they walk up the ramp.

We see The Rock backstage warming up for his upcoming match with The Big Show

The Rock vs The Big Show

Finish - The Rock hits The Rock Bottom on The Big Show to get the win. (11:42)

Aftermath - As the Rock is celebrating on the second turnbuckle Stone Cold Steve Austin runs down to the ring and hits The Rock from behind with a steel chair and continues to destroy The Rock with the chair but The Rock blocks a chair shot and steals the chair from him and goes to hit him but he rolls out of the ring and the show finishes with The Rock celebrating with the steel chair in his hands!

-----WWF Presents Backlash 2001-----

WWF Championship Match - Steel Cage Match - Stone Cold Steve Austin (C) vs The Rock
WWF Intercontinental Championship Match - Chris Jericho (c) vs William Regal vs Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle

Thanks for reading!
Drop a comment below saying what you liked and even what you didn't like about the show!


Jun 17, 2014
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WWF Smackdown - April 5th 2001
From Oklahoma City

The show starts off with Kane making his way to the ring with his half brother The Undertaker. The Undertaker has a mic and says," Triple H if you think that you can take out my half brother with a sledgehammer on Monday Night, then you better fasten your seat belt kid because i am coming for you full throttle and the pain i made you suffer at Wrestlemania will be nothing to what i will do to you at Backlash and i have spoken to the commissioner William Regal and he accepted my proposal for a Stretcher match!" William Regals music hits and just before he can speak Jericho comes out and attacks him from behind! Security seperate them.

WWF Hardcore Championship
Raven (c) vs Perry Saturn

Finish - Raven hits a Eagle Flow DDT onto a trash can lid to get the win. ! (8:26)

Aftermath - As he celebrates Rhyno comes charging into the ring and goes to Goar Raven but he runs away to the backstage area

Backstage is The Undertaker who walks up to Regal and says," What were you thinking interrupting me." He grabs him with a choke hold. Regal says," I just came out to tell you that tonight you will be going one on one with a debuting superstar." Undertaker lets go off his kneck and says," He better be worth my time." Undertaker walks out of the commissioners office and slams the door and Regal looks petrified.

Justin Credible vs Matt Hardy

Finish - Hardy goes for a moonsault but Credible gets his knees up and nails him with the That's Incredible to get the win. (7:37)

Aftermath - The X-Factor who were ringside beat down on Matt until Jeff Hardy runs in to make the save!

Triple H makes his way to the commisoner William Regals office and shouts," What are you playing at making a stretcher match between me and The Undertaker at Backlash. Do you have any idea what that guy could do to me." He gets up into Regals face and says," But he doesn't know what i can do to him!" Regal again looks scared for his life as Triple H leaves.

Kane vs Al Snow

Finish - Kane gets a easy and quick win after he hits the Chokeslam. (2:48)

Aftermath - Kane just walks to the back.

They show a video package that says Booker T is coming to the WWF at Backlash!

Dean Malenko vs Jerry Lynn

Finish - After ten plus minutes of great action Malenko gets the win after rolling him up but pulling the tights. (15:28)

Aftermath - Lynn looks insanely mad and walks around ringside and kicks the commentary table and starts smashing steel chairs against the steel steps.

Backstage is Edge and Christian who are warming up for there upcoming tittle defense against The Dudley Boys.

WWF Tag Team Championship Match
Edge and Christian (c) vs The Dudley Boys

Finish - As Edge hits a spear the X-Factor run out and beat down on Edge and Christian causing a disqualification! (12:49)

Aftermath - The Dudleys are angry at the fact that X-Factor cost them the Tag Team Championships so they start brawling with them The Hardys run out and they start brawling with X-Factor as well as The Dudleys. Edge and Christian run up the ramp and hug there WWF Tag Team Championship belts.

The Undertaker vs Rob Van Dam

Finish - Rob Van Dam gets a amazing reaction from the crowd and he losses the match to the Last Ride from The Undertaker! (19:37)

Aftermath - The Undertaker helps Rob Van Dam up to his feet and shakes his hand and out of no where Triple H runs in and he and The Undertaker start brawling all the way to the backstage area. This leads Rob Van Dam in the ring who soaks up the moment and jumps up onto the turnbuckle to celebrate when all of a sudden Booker T comes in and nails Van Dam from behind and takes him out with a scissors kick. He shouts at Van Dam saying," Who do you think you are stealing my spotlight. I will see you at Backlash!"

-----WWF Presents Backlash 2001-----

WWF Championship Match - Steel Cage Match - Stone Cold Steve Austin (C) vs The Rock
WWF Intercontinental Championship Match - Chris Jericho (c) vs William Regal vs Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle
Stretcher Match - Triple H vs The Undertaker
Booker T vs Rob Van Dam

Thanks for reading!
Drop a comment below saying what you liked and even what you didn't like about the show!


Jun 17, 2014
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Sunday Night Heat - April 8th 2001
From Fort Worth,Texas

Tazz vs Test

Finish - Tazz appiles the Tazzmision but Test falls backwards into the turnbuckle and hits a running big boot to get the win. (6:27)

Aftermath - Test celebrates.

Christian (c) vs Albert

Finish - Christian distracts the referee and Edge comes in and nails him with a spear to get the win, which was turn about fair play as X-Pac did the same earlier on in the match. (8:26)

Aftermath - Edge and Christian quickly bail as the rest of X-Factor run into the ring.

Backstage is William Regal who announces that he is stripping Dean Malenko of the WWF Light Heavyweight Championship due to the fact of a thirty day none compete cause and we will have a eight man tournament to crown a new WWF Light Heavyweight Champion and the final will be at Backlash. He also announces that there will be fresh faces in the division!

Quater Final match in the WWF Light Heavyweight Championship Tournament
Tajiri vs Crash Holly

Finish - Tajiri gets the win after the referee gets knocked down and Crash goes for a splash off the top rope but Tajiri sprays mist into his face and then connects with a insane kick to the head to get the win and advance to the semi-finals. (12:34)

-----WWF Presents Backlash 2001-----

WWF Championship Match - Steel Cage Match - Stone Cold Steve Austin (C) vs The Rock
WWF Intercontinental Championship Match - Chris Jericho (c) vs William Regal vs Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle
Stretcher Match - Triple H vs The Undertaker
Booker T vs Rob Van Dam
WWF Light Heavyweight Championship Tournament Final - ??? vs ???
Thanks for reading!
Drop a comment below saying what you liked and even what you didn't like about the show!