WWE Superstars Results – September 1st

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Jan 28, 2011
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We start off this week’s show with the Smackdown brand and your announcers are Matt Striker and Jack Korpela.

Match Number One: Ezekiel Jackson versus Heath Slater

They lock up and Jackson sends Slater back to the mat. Slater does not seem impressed and he goes for a waist lock and a forearm to the back. Slater has something to say to Jackson and then he tries to punch Jackson but Jackson tries for a press slam. Slater with a kick to the leg but Jackson with a shoulder for a near fall. Jackson with a forearm to the back followed by a punch to the midsection.

Jackson sends Slater into the turnbuckles and then he punches Slater. Jackson with an Irsh whip but he misses a charge into the corner and Slater with a single arm DDT or two and he gets a near fall. Slater with kicks to the arm and ribs and then he wrings the arm to the mat.

Slater with a key lock to Jackson but Jackson powers Slater off. Jackson presses Slater over his head and he drops Slater to the mat. Jackson with a clothesline and a body block followed by an Irish whip. Jackson with a running clothesline to Slater in the corner and Slater is sent onto the turnbuckles. Slater runs Jackson’s shoulder into the post again and Slater with punches.

Slater misses a forearm and Jackson gets Slater on his shoulder for the Torture rack and Slater taps out.

Winner: Ezekiel Jackson

We go to footage from May when R Truth attacked John Morrison before one of John’s matches.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Did You Know that Facebook loves WWE.

Match Number Two: Brodus Clay versus Brandon James

They lock up and Clay sends James into the mat and then he connects with a forearm and a head butt to the chest as James comes off the ropes. Clay with an elbow drop followed by a modified dominator but he picks up James at two. Clay with an Irish whip and a running splash into the corner followed by the cross body for the three count.

Winner: Brodus Clay . . . Flawless Victory

We go to John Morrison’s return in July when he attacked R Truth.

We go to commercial.

Before our next match, Zack Ryder has something to say and he welcomes everyone to tonight’s show. He asks who wants to be his Broski of the Week. Zack gives the winner an autographed t-shirt.

Match Number Three: Zack Ryder versus Tyson Kidd

They lock up and Ryder with an arm drag and Kidd applauds what Ryder did. They lock up again and Kidd backs Ryder into the corner and Kidd with a slap instead of a clean break. Ryder with punches to Kidd and the referee has to pull Ryder off. Ryder with the running boot into the corner and Kidd goes to the floor. Kidd moves when Ryder tries for a pescado to the floor.

Kidd with a baseball slide to Ryder and then he goes to the floor and sends Ryder into the apron. Kidd with a kick to the head and then he returns Ryder to the ring to get a near fall. Kidd with a kick and running back elbow and he gets a near fall. Kidd chokes Ryder in the ropes and the referee warns him.

Ryder with a kick and punches but Kidd with a kick and snap mare followed by a kick to the back and he gets a near fall. Kidd with a reverse chin lock. Ryder gets to his feet and he punches Kidd followed by a forearm. Kidd holds on to the ropes and Ryder misses a drop kick. Ryder avoids a sharpshooter and Kidd and Ryder each hit clotheslines and both men go down.

Ryder punches Kidd and hits a running double sledge. Kidd flips over Ryder in the corner and hits a back heel kick but Ryder with Sky High and he gets a near fall. Ryder sets for the Rough Ryder but Kidd sends Ryder over his head to the mat and Kidd with a drop kick for a near fall. Kidd runs into knees from Ryder and Zack hits the Rough Ryder for the three count.

Winner: Zack Ryder

We continue the R Truth/John Morrison retrospective and we go to the Falls Count Anywhere Match from August.

It is time for the Raw portion of the show and your announcers are Scott Stanford and Josh Mathews.

It is time to take a look back at what Kevin Nash since his return at SummerSlam.

Match Number Four: John Morrison versus R Truth

They lock up and Truth backs Morrison into the corner and Truth misses a punch. Morrison with a side head lock and shoulder tackle for a near fall. Morrison with a reverse chin lock and take down. Truth with a punch but Morrison with a hammer lock. Truth with an elbow and shoulder tackle. Morrison and Truth block hip tosses and Morrison gets a near fall after a clothesline.

Truth with a hard Irish whip to Morrison and then Truth punches Morrison and gets a near fall. Truth punches Morrison and the referee warns Truth. Truth argues with the fans in the crowd and then he kicks Morrison in the ribs and then he connects with an elbow and gets a near fall. Morrison with a standing drop kick and then he clotheslines Truth over the top rope to the floor. Morrison goes to the floor and then he tries to use the steps but Truth ducks down. Morrison hits a springboard round kick to Truth and they return to the ring and Morrison gets a near fall.

Morrison with a jackknife cover for a near fall. Morrison with a take down and then he hits a pommel horse leg drop for a near fall. Morrison with a kick but Truth goes to the floor. Morrison tries to send Truth into the ringside barrier but Truth blocks it. Truth sends Morrison into the ringside barrier and we go to commercial.

We are back and Truth with a reverse chin lock on Morrison. Morrison with a jawbreaker and then Morrison runs Truth into the corner and he punches Truth. Truth runs into boots from Truth and Truth gets a near fall. Truth kicks Morrison in the back. Truth with a sit out gourbuster for a near fall. Truth with a reverse chin lock and he punches Morrison in the head. Morrison with an elbow but Truth with a forearm to the back as he remains in control.

Morrison with an enzuigiri and both men are down. Morrison with clotheslines followed by a leg lariat. Morrison with a standing C-4 and he gets a near fall. Morrison tries for the Shining Wizard but Truth moves and he gets a near fall with a rollup. Morrison with a flip neck breaker for a near fall. Morrison pulls Truth into the corner to set for the corkscrew split legged moonsault but Truth rolls back to the center of the ring. Truth with a kick and then he hits the suplex into a stunner but he can only get a two count.

Truth puts Morrison on the top turnbuckle and Truth with a forearm to the back. Truth goes for a super belly-to-back suplex but Morrison holds on and he knocks Truth off the turnbuckles. Morrison stays on top and he tries the split legged corkscrew moonsault but Truth gets his knees up and then Truth hits Shut Up for the three count.

Winner: R Truth

We go to credits.

Source: PWInsider.com