WWE Superstars Results – August 4th

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We start off this week’s episode of Superstars with the Smackdown brand and your announcers are Jack Korpela and Matt Striker.

Match Number One: Alicia Fox versus Kaitlyn

Alicia pushes Kaitlyn from behind and then she gives Kaitlyn a nasty look. Alicia with a side head lock take down and Kaitlyn with a head scissors but Alicia escapes. Kaitlyn with a shoulder tackle for a near fall. Alicia with a waist lock but Kaitlyn picks Alicia up by the wrist and then she puts Alicia on the turnbuckles. Alicia with a Thesz Press off the turnbuckles. Kaitlyn with an Irish whip but Alicia with a kick and then she drives Kaitlyn into the mat for a near fall. Alicia with a series of knees to the back and then she sends Kaitlyn face first into the mat. Alicia with a reverse chin lock as Kaitlyn tries to get back to his feet. Kaitlyn with punches to Alicia followed by a sunset flip for a near fall. Alicia with a clothesline and then she returns to the reverse chin lock.

Alicia takes Kaitlyn to the mat while keeping her in the chin lock. Kaitlyn with elbows and forearms but Alicia slams Kaitlyn’s head to the mat again. Alicia returns to the reverse chin lock but Kaitlyn with a belly-to-back suplex to escape.

Kaitlyn with a flapjack to Alicia followed by a drop kick for a near fall. Kaitlyn sends Alicia into the corner and Kaitlyn follows up with forearms in the corner Alicia with an Irish whip but Kaitlyn with a back elbow out of the corner for a near fall. Alicia avoids a side slam and Alicia with the scissors kick for the three count.

Winner: Alicia Fox

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Brodus Clay versus Pat Silva

Clay runs Silva into the corner followed by forearms to the back and a kick to the back. Clay with a forearm to the back of the head and then he punches Silva and then he stomps on the chest. Clay chokes Silva with his boot and then he goes to the floor and Clay with a forearm across the chest. Clay chokes Silva in the ropes. Clay with a forearm to the side of the head followed by a series of elbow drops and he pulls Silva up before the referee can make the three count. Clay with an Exploder suplex and then he hits a head butt to the chest followed by an Irish whip and splash into the corner. Clay with a flying cross body for the three count.

Winner: Brodus Clay

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time for the Raw portion of the show and your announcers are Scott Stanford and Josh Mathews.

Before our next match starts, JTG makes his way to the ring to join Scott and Josh at the announce table as we see the footage from this past week’s NXT when Kozlov faced JTG and out JTGed JTG.

Match Number Three: Vladimir Kozlov versus Primo

They lock up and Kozlov with an arm drag and Primo goes to the apron. Kozlov with a hip lock take down and Primo retreats to the corner and the referee keeps Kozlov away. Primo pushes Kozlov and Kozlov pushes back. Primo with a side head lock followed by a shoulder tackle from Kozlov and Primo goes to the floor.

Primo kicks the ropes when Kozlov tries to re-enter the ring but Kozlov feels no pain. Kozlov catches Primo and then he puts him on the top turnbuckle and then he kicks Primo and sets for a power slam but Primo escapes and he clips Kozlov.

Primo works on the ankle as Kozlov tries to fight out of the hold. Primo continues to work on the ankle with kicks and then he hits a single leg DDT. Primo works on the ankle again and Kozlov refuses to give up. Kozlov kicks Primo away but Primo with a drop toe hold to Kozlov. Primo punches Kozlov until the referee warns him.

Kozlov moves when JTG tries for a shoulder in the corner and he goes to the turnbuckles. Kozlov with a head butt to the sternum followed by a kick to the chest. Primo with boots to Kozlov followed by a drop kick to the knees. Primo comes off the turnbuckles but Kozlov with a head butt to the sternum for the three count.

Winner: Vladimir Kozlov

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Raw Rebound.

Match Number Four: Jack Swagger versus Chris Masters

They lock up and Swagger with a waist lock take down and he applies a waist lock to Masters. Masters gets back to his feet but it is only momentarily as Swagger gets him back on the mat. Swagger with another waist lock take down and he locks the arm. Swagger with a modified surfboard but Masters gets to his feet and he takes Swagger down with an arm drag. Masters with a few shoulder tackles and Swagger goes to the floor to regroup.

Swagger claims that Masters cheated but the referee is not going to hear any of Swagger’s claims.

Swagger returns to the ring but he quickly returns to the apron. They lock up again and Swagger retreats to the corner. Swagger punches Masters and then he kicks him until the referee warns him. Swagger with an elbow to the top of the head. Masters with a flying back elbow and a suplex for a near fall. Masters kicks Swagger in the corner and the referee warns Chris.

Masters with a slam and then he connects with a leg drop but there is no doom involved so Swagger kicks out. Masters with a chop and then he tries for a running power slam but Swagger escapes and he sends Masters into the turnbuckles and then he connects with a forearm. Swagger with a double jump Swagger bomb to the back and he gets a near fall as we go to commercial.

We are back and just in time to see the end of Swagger’s victory lap. Swagger with a forearm to the kidneys. Swagger tries again but Masters knows what is coming and he hits a clothesline and both men are down. Masters blocks a punch and he connects with punches of his own. Masters with shoulders in the corner followed by a short arm clothesline. Swagger takes out the knee with a shoulder and then he connects with a big boot but he can only get a near fall.

Swagger with a key lock but Masters gets to his feet. Swagger with forearms to the back and then he gets a near fall. Swagger with a body scissors on Masters and Swagger grabs the ropes for extra leverage but the referee sees it because it is right in front of him. Masters with punches and he tries for a slam but his back does not allow it. Masters with a kick but Swagger with a clothesline.

Swagger with a running shoulder tackle and he continues to pose for the fans without worrying about finishing off Masters. Swagger charges at Masters and Masters tries for the Master Lock but Swagger gets to the ropes. Masters with a Samoan drop and Masters tries to get a second wind. Swagger runs into a boot from Masters and then Masters goes to the turnbuckles for the flying shoulder tackle and he connects. Masters with a spinebuster and he gets a near fall.

Both men struggle to get back to their feet but Masters gets up first. Swagger with a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall. Swagger stands over Masters and then he kicks him as Swagger sets for the Swagger Bomb but Masters gets his boots up and Masters tries for the Master Lock but Swagger backs Masters into the corner. Swagger applies the ankle lock and Masters tries to fight it off but he has to tap out.

Winner: Jack Swagger

We go to credits.

Source: PWInsider.com