WWE Superstars Results – 9/8/2011

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Jan 28, 2011
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We start off this week’s show with the Raw brand and your announcers are Scott Standford and Josh Mathews.

Match Number One: JTG versus Mason Ryan

JTG takes his time coming out of the corner while Ryan wants to get things going. They lock up and Ryan sends JTG to the mat. JTG retreats to the ropes and Ryan is not happy. JTG with a kick and forearms to the back followed by a side head lock. Ryan with a shoulder tackle followed by shoulders in the corner. Ryan with a biel that sends JTG across the ring. Ryan with a big boot that sends JTG to the apron. JTG with a clip to the knee and then he works on the back with a series of forearms. Ryan with a clothesline followed by a running shoulder into the corner. Ryan with an Irish whip and back body drop.

Ryan with a clothesline in the corner but JTG with a sliding uppercut but Ryan catches JTG and hits a few back breakers followed by a power slam. Ryan with a kick and then he hits a pump handle power slam for the three count.

Winner: Mason Ryan

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks versus Titus O’Neil and Percy Watson

Tyler and Percy start things off and Tyler backs Watson into the corner. Reks with a forearm and punches in the corner followed by a side head lock take down. Reks with a shoulder tackle but Watson with a drop kick and then he hits a double underhook take down. Watson with a punch but Reks with a kick and he runs Percy into the corner to tag in Hawkins. Curt kicks Percy and then he slaps him. Hawkins with more kick to the head and then he hits a suplex and gets a near fall.

Hawkins sends Percy into the turnbuckles and Reks is tagged back in and Reks hits a clothesline on Watson. Watson tries to make the tag but Reks stops him. Watson with punches but Reks with a forearm across the chest as he takes Percy back to the mat. Hawkins tags in and Watson tries to fight out of the corner. Hawkins with a snap mare and Curt with knees to the back before applying a reverse chin lock.

Watson with a belly-to-back suplex and both men are down. Titus and Reks make the tag and Titus with a running shoulder tackle followed by a punch and a reverse atomic drop and a flying clothesline and Titus barks. Titus goes for Clash of the Titus but Hawkins breaks it up and all four men get in the ring and while the referee deals with Watson, Reks and Hawkins hit a power slam and neck breaker combination on Titus for the three count.

Winners: Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins

We go to commercial.

It is time for the Smackdown portion of the show and your announcers are Matt Striker and Jack Korpela.

Match Number Three: Alicia Fox versus Tamina

Tamina pushes Alicia and then Alicia shimmies for no reason and Tamina with kicks and a forearm. Alicia with an elbow to Tamina and then she avoids a charge into the corner and Alciia with a sunset flip for a near fall. Alicia with arm drags into an arm bar. Alicia tries for a neck breaker but Tamina blocks it and hits a savate kick for a near fall.

Tamina with kicks to Alicia and then she sends Alicia into the turnbuckles. Tamina kicks Alicia followed by a hard Irish whip. Tamina with kicks in the corner and then she hits a running butt splash into the corner. Tamina gets a near fall. Tamina with a back breaker on her shoulder but Alicia gets back to her feet but Tamina with a thrust to the throat.

Alicia sends Tamina’s arm into the mat and then Alicia backs into the corner. Tamina misses a chop and Alicia with a few drop kicks followed by a jumping kick and forearms. Tamina with an Irish whip but Alicia with an elbow out of the corner for a near fall. Tamina kicks Alicia and then hits a leg drop. Tamina goes up top for a daughter of the Superfly splash but Alicia moves and Alicia hits the Axe kick for the three count.

Winner: Alicia Fox

We go to commercial.

Match Number Four: Brodus Clay versus Allen Turner

Clay with an arm bar and elbow to the head followed by a punch and a head butt to the chest. Clay with a leg drop and a t-bone suplex. Clay with a muscle buster but he pulls Turner up at two. Clay sends Turner into the corner and then Clay with a running splash and cross body for the three count.

Winner: Brodus Clay Flawless Victory

We go to commercial.

Match Number Five: Heath Slater versus Daniel Bryan

Slater tries to get into Bryan’s head by delaying. Bryan with a wrist lock and he takes Slater to the mat. Bryan with a side head lock take down but Slater with a head scissors and Bryan escapes. Slater with a kick and elbow but Bryan with a back elbow and kick to the back for a near fall. Bryan works on the arm and drives Slater’s arm into his shoulder and Bryan with an arm bar on one arm and a hammer lock on the other and he gets a near fall.

Bryan with a surfboard but Slater counters and he tries for a Gory Special but Bryan with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Bryan sets for the Mexican surfboard and he drives Slater into the mat. Bryan with a kick to the back and then a series to the chest and Bryan gets a near fall. Slater with a kick to Bryan followed by a punch and then he drives a knee into Bryan’s back and he applies a reverse chin lock.

Bryan punches Slater and then connects with a European uppercut. Bryan with a Dragon Screw leg whip and then he hits the running drop kick into the corner. Bryan gets a near fall. Bryan with a snap underhook DDT for a near fall. Bryan with a hammer lock but Slater with elbows to try to get out of the hold. Bryan with a drop kick and then he tries for the LeBell Lock but Slater is able to go to the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Slater with a side head lock but Bryan with a shoulder tackle. Slater with a hot shot and then Slater with a baseball slide to the head as Bryan hangs from the ropes and Slater gets a near fall. Slater with a kick to the ribs and Bryan goes to the apron. Slater chokes Bryan and the referee warns him.

Slater with a slingshot that sends Bryan’s throat into the bottom rope and Bryan goes to the floor. Slater celebrates his performance so far but he lets Bryan recover. Slater with a snap mare and knee to the back and then Slater with an arm bar. Bryan with kicks to the head to get out of the hold and both men are down.

Bryan with kicks to Slater but Slater hits a back breaker and gets a near fall. Slater kicks Bryan in the corner. Slater with punches and Bryan slumps into the corner. Bryan flips over Slater in the corner and Bryan hits the flying clothesline and both men are down. Bryan tries to get a second wind but Slater with a kick and then Bryan sends Slater over the top rope to the floor. Bryan with the suicide dive onto Slater and both men are down on the floor.

Bryan sends Slater back into the ring and he goes up top for the missile drop kick but Slater moves out of the way. Bryan lands on his feet and then Bryan hits a Yakuza kick for a near fall. Bryan with kicks to the chest but Slater ducks and hits an reverse slam and gets a near fall. Slater punches Bryan but Bryan punches back. Slater with a gutbuster to Bryan for a near fall.

Slater kicks Bryan in the corner and then Bryan rolls through in the corner and gets a near fall with a sunset flip. Bryan with a DDT and then he holds on and applies the guillotine choke and Slater taps out.

Winner: Daniel Bryan

We go to credits.

Source: PWInsider