They take bumps and also get hurt from that and not only this but the moves that are executed on them for example a body slam. It truly hurts, wrestling isn't fake you can't say FAKE it is so stupid and ignorant to ever say something like that.
To be honest I hate every people who states that wrestling is fake, it is not, wrestling is scripted, it is entertainment, you cannot call it fake because if you go to a cinema do you run up to the screen and scream "FUCK THIS MOVIE EVERYONE LETS GET OUT OF HERE THIS IS FAKE"
Seriously everyone who thinks that way should grow up. It's more childish to say that it is fake than being a real wrestling mark that takes everything for granted, and yes in my eyes it is.
Not to lie but the punches, kicks, stomps however are not real hits. I've always proven people wrong, for example when my friends tell me it is fake I drag them from the ear to a nearby computer and show them all these devastating falls like Shane McMahon's jump from that Titantron against Kane or however it was. No one can deny that Shane didn't get hurt, he must have been hurt for like weeks after that.
How can something like this be called fake? Fake is stuff you say to robots or stupid Beats by Dre that cost a mere' $2. They are not even comparable to movies, movie stars use effects for their bombings and killings and some of them doesn't even take stunts at all.
But wrestlers they take stunts, travel all year around, get hurt just to entertain people like you and you call them fake.
I hope no one in this forum thinks Pro Wrestling is fake or we may have a very long debate.