-- Thanks to Mad Metal for sending this in: Netflix is now offering the documentary portion of the newest WWE DVD release Big Show: A Giant's World for immediate streaming viewing.
-- Most major media outlets have picked up the story about the Rock returning to WWE last night, and that he will guest host WrestleMania. That is obviously exactly what WWE wanted.
-- While the WWE YouTube channel usually blocks Canadian viewers, The Rock promo is not blocked for viewers in Canada.
-- The Memphis Commercial Appeal has posted the obituary for Hazel Lawler, the mother of Jerry Lawler, who passed away on Sunday. You can read that at
-- WWE had posted the promo that The Rock cut on RAW last night. While scanning YouTube to pull content in order to protect their own copyrights, they accidentally pulled their own video. They have now posted an edited version, which you can view below:
Thanks to Mad Metal for contributing to this article. Got a news tip? Send it to us by clicking here.
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