I haven't watched a whole lot, but what I've seen has been better than what I've seen earlier this year. Now, ever since I found out I have HDNet, I don't miss Ring of Honor for anything. Even if Raw comes on an hour earlier, it can wait until my 60 minutes of professional wrestling is finished, then I move to sports entertainment. I don't mind Miz capturing the title. Like another member, Im not entirely sold on him (that's an understatement for the other board member...LOL), but I like the guy. I liked his reaction when he won the title, and to be honest, the WWE has a budding star who should only gain more notariety as time passes. I watched some KOTR and it was pretty decent. The guys were putting some good stuff on and it kept my interest. As for PPV buyrates, I still laugh at that. It's a number that can be affected by any number of things. People have started to get rid of cable and go with Internet television. The economy isn't coming back like the "experts" have told us. And with the UFC's rising popularity, people are probably choosing to put their $45 a month towards a UFC ppv instead of a WWE. All in all, I think WWE is going to get better. One of the biggest reasons I have been tuning in more and more is because of Danielson and Im sure we'll soon see Seth Rollins making his way to NXT. Rollins is Tyler Black. If I've learned one thing by watching this promotion since 1985 it's that it's just like a rollercoaster. When it's up, it does very well, then drops off for a tick, then comes roaring back uphill.