Nah. If the brand REALLY took off, I could absolutely see them trying to do an NXT Arena show on Friday Night, or Hell, Saturday Afternoon/Evening before the HOF. Ya know WWE always wants to rip every single cent from you they can lol.
I love NXT. I think it's a great show, but I don't have any illusions about what it is. It's a development show. I look at the stupid gimmicks that I can't believe someone thinks will REALLY work (and then the NXT Audience loves it like indy smark fucks. Adam Rose? Are you fucking kidding me? Leo Kruger was badass ffs.) I watch NXT weekly but I skip most RAWs now but I'm not about to say it's a better show, it's just more what I give a shit about. WEll, that and I gotta justify this 9.99 sub for something, right?