WWE Main Event (10/2/13) and SD Spoilers (10/4/13) Spoilers

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Dark match
Tyson Kidd over Justin Gabriel by roll up in a back and forward match. Solid match with lots of counters, and they shook hands after to a round of applause from the crowd

Main Event
The show opens with Santino vs Sandow. Sandow starts with a promo about being the uncrowned world champ. He beat Santino after an extended match where he countered the Cobra.

Up next is a HHH interview with Michael Cole about if making fun of Big Show is becoming of a COO. He says that it is necessary to make a man out of Big Show

Wyatt Family video hits saying we are here. They are set to face the Primetime Players. They have a back and forward match. Harper beats Titus with the discus clothesline after the match breaks down with Rowan and Young interfering. After the match Bray Wyatt attacks Titus. Titus was over with the local Q fraternity in the audience.

Curtis Axle w/ Heyman defeated Zach Ryder in a semi quick match.

There's a recap of the Rhodes angle from Raw to put over the shield tag match.

The main event is Tons of Funk versus the Real Americans. The Real Americans win by Cesaro hitting the Neutralizer on Tensai. The Real Americans had a lot of support in their match with their We The People saying. Moment of the match is Cesaro getting 10 revolutions with Clay in his helicopter move

The show opens with Big Show cutting a promo sayin he is getting fed up and is going to lose it soon. He says he almost lost it Monday and T&A was inexcusable but everything is Triple Hs fault. Trips interrupts him and says he is the one at fault for not being able to pay his mortgage and bills, but since he admittedly is a huge monster with a short fuse he's changing the main event. The match is now Randy Orton and The Shield vs Big Show.

Fandango and Summer Rae come out to the crowd fandangoing. Ricardo Rodriguez makes his way to he ring to introduce RVD who comes out to the second loudest ovation of the night filled with RVD and ECW chants. Summer Rae gets Fandango disqualified by tripping him on the top rope. Post match sees RVD hit the Van Terminator on Fandango with a trash can. He stays after the match to play to the crowd.

Ryback w/ Heyman and Axle defeats R Truth. Post match Axle attacks R-Truth

Backstage RVD sends the compacted trash can to Del Rio as a gift.

Del Rio wrestles next vs Dolph Ziggler. They get an extended amount of time and have the match of the night. ADR wins by submission.

Los Matadors make their SD debut by defeating 3MB without McIntyre. Post Match the bull (Mascarita) does a top rope splash to 3MB outside the ring.

IC title match for Battlegrounds is announced. Axle will defend against R-Truth on ppv because of his actions earlier to night and loss Monday,

Heyman promo saying Ryback will destroy CM Punk on Sunday

Brie Bella with Nikki defeated Aksana. Post match celebration is interrupted by AJ with Tamina. AJ says what Orton will do to Randy is exactly what she will do to Brie Sunday. She goes on to say that both can go into early retirement and have ugly goat faced babies together. <br>

Big E loses to Kofi Kingston in the next match after a roll up. Kofi leaves after winning and Big E is livid.

Bray Wyatt is out to cut a promo and tell us follow the buzzards come Sunday

Big Show defeats the Shield and Randy Orton after Orton uses a chair when Big Show starts to dominate the match versus the 4 of them. The Uso twins and Bryan make the save to a chorus of Yes chants.

Bryan challenges Orton to a fight and he defeats him by running knee after countering the RKO.
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