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Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
WWE had a draft to spicen things up.
Raw and ECW have a thing like Smackdown and ECW
Smack!Down brought the hardcore championship is on Smack!Down.

Triple H
Randy Orton
CM Punk
Jeff Hardy
Mick Foley- General Manger
Ken Kennedy
Paul London
Brian Kendrick
Santino Marella
Tommy Dreamer
Elijah Burke
Big Daddy V
Kofi Kingston
Shannon Moore
Jonathan Coachman
Jim Ross - Announcer
Jerry Lawler - Announcer
Charlie Haas
Hardcore Holly
Stevie Richards
Robbie McAllister
Rory McAllister
Kenny Dykstra

Big Show
The Undertaker
Shawn Michaels
Chris Jericho
Rey Mysterio
Matt Hardy
John Morrison
The Miz
Great Khali
John Cena
Vladimir Kozlov
Mark Henry
Todd Grisham-GM-Commentator
Beth Phoenix
Mickie James
Katie Lea Burchill
Paul Burchill
William Regal
Chavo Guerrero
Theodore Long
Michael Cole-Commentator
Michelle McCool
Torrie Wilson
Vickie Guerrero
Lilian Garcia-Ring Announcer
Hacksaw Jim Duggan
Val Venis
Chuck Palumbo
Eve Torres

ECW the C show
Shelton Benjamin
Super Crazy
Lance Cade
Trevor Murdoch
Cody Rhodes
DH Smith
Mike Knox
Curt Hawkins
Zack Ryder
Gregory Helms
Jamie Noble
Jimmy Wang Yang
Justin Roberts-Ring Announcer
Armando Estrada-GM
Kelly Kelly
Lena Yada
Mike Adamle

Evil Austin

looks alright i guess, but I shall make judgment with the first show to see whats it is like, speaking of Judgment can you check out my judgment day PPV for WAW we are wrestling which should be up in the next week.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Looks pretty good. Just wondering, who is ILP?

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
This looks to be a nice start. The rosters are even and there could be some very good rivalries to come out of them. Just a question though, who are your champions?

Good luck with this, guys.


New Member
Apr 15, 2008
Reaction score
For your information we are starting four weeks before One Night Stand.

The show starts off with the lights out and a spotlight on Lillian.

Grisham,†Here to sing ‘America the Beautiful’, Lillian Garcia!â€

Lillian,†O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

O beautiful for pilgrim feet
Whose stern impassioned stress
A thoroughfare of freedom beat
Across the wilderness!
America! America!
God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law!

O beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife.
Who more than self their country loved
And mercy more than life!
America! America!
May God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness
And every gain divine!

O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

O beautiful for halcyon skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the enameled plain!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
Till souls wax fair as earth and air
And music-hearted sea!

O beautiful for pilgrims feet,
Whose stem impassioned stress
A thoroughfare for freedom beat
Across the wilderness!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
Till paths be wrought through
wilds of thought
By pilgrim foot and knee!

O beautiful for glory-tale
Of liberating strife
When once and twice,
for man's avail
Men lavished precious life!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
Till selfish gain no longer stain
The banner of the free!

O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
Till nobler men keep once again
Thy whiter jubilee!

The opening video plays to Papa Roach’s “To Be Lovedâ€

The pyro goes off and the crowd is cheering wildly.

Grisham,†Welcome to Monday Night Raw, I’m Todd Grisham, your GM and along side me, Michael Cole.â€

Cole,†Thanks Todd, tonight it’s the Chase for the Title to determine the new
WWE Champion, here’s Grisham in the ring to explain.â€

Grisham,†Tonight it will be the Chase for the Title, here’s how it works, it will start off as an over the top rope battle royal, once it reaches the final six, it will turn into a six-man tag match, whoever is pinned is eliminated. Then it turns into a ladder match, with four contracts hanging above the ring, the four to grab the contracts will move on. It then turns into a fatal four way hardcore match, whoever is pinned is eliminated. Once it reaches the final three it will turn into a steel cage, the first two men to escape will face each other at One Night Stand for the WWE Championship. Plus Rey Mysterio is set to return to action tonight!â€

Garcia,†This is an over the top rope battle royal. Introducing, the Raw roster.â€

Over the top rope battle royal
Funaki is eliminated. Val Venis is eliminated. Jim Duggan is eliminated. Deuce is eliminated. Domino is eliminated. Chuck Palumbo is eliminated. The Miz is eliminated. Paul Burchill is eliminated. Snitsky is eliminated. William Regal is eliminated. Chavo Guerrero is eliminated. John Morrison is eliminated. Great Khali is eliminated. Finlay is eliminated. Kane is eliminated. Mark Henry is eliminated. Vladimir Kozlov is eliminated. John Cena & Batista are eliminated. Edge is eliminated.

Winners: Big Show, Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio, & Matt Hardy. (26:31)

**Commercial Break**

Theodore Long is backstage with Chris Jericho.

Long,†Congratulations are in order, Chris Jericho, you are one of the lucky six to move on in the Chase for the Title.â€

Jericho,†Indeed, I am one of the lucky six, but by the end of tonight, I will be in the final two and at One Night Stand, I will walk out WWE Champion, that’s all I have to say junior!â€

Long,†Back to you Cole.â€

Cole,†Thanks Teddy, Ladies and Gentlemen, Todd Grisham has an announcement that we would like to make to all of our WWE fans, Todd.â€

Grisham,†Next week here on Monday Night Raw, we will determine the new World Tag Team Champions in a fatal four way tag match.â€

Cole,†Thanks Todd, but now it’s time for the six-man tag match.â€

Lillian,†This contest is a six-man tag team match. Introducing first, Matt Hardy.â€

(Hardy makes his way to the ring)

“His tag team partner, Rey Mysterio.â€

(Mysterio makes his way toward the ring)

“And their tag team partner, The Big Show.â€

(Big Show makes his way to the ring)

“And their opponents, first Chris Jericho.â€

(Jericho makes his way to the ring)

“His partner, Shawn Michaels.â€

(HBK makes his way to the ring)

“And their partner, The Undertaker.â€

(Taker makes his way to the ring)

Six-Man Tag Team Match-HBK, Y2J, & Undertaker vs. Hardy, Mysterio, & Big Show
The match starts off with Jericho starting in with Mysterio. Jericho controls Rey through the most part, but Jericho went for a bulldog, but Rey held on to the ropes, sending Jericho to the mat, allowing Rey to tag in Hardy. Hardy comes in and hits Jericho with four clotheslines and hits Y2J with the side effect. Jericho reverses one of Hardy’s dropkicks and hits the lionsault and tags in HBK. Michaels comes in and Hardy tags in Big Show. Michaels and Big Show brawl for a long time, before Michaels kicks Show’s knee and tags in Undertaker. Taker hits Show with some right and left punches as soon as he entered the ring. Show tagged in Hardy after a while in the ring with Taker. Taker and Hardy continued to hit each other with punches, until Show entered the ring, but Jericho dropkicked him out of the ring. Hardy tags in Rey, but Michaels sweet chin music’s Hardy, and he goes to the outside. Rey sets Taker up for 619, but Taker gets up from the ropes and hits Rey with a chokeslam, then picked him up and hit the tombstone piledriver for the three.
Winners: HBK, Y2J, Taker, Hardy, & Big Show. (21:52)

Lillian,†This is the ladder match in the Chase for the Title.â€
Ladder Match-Taker vs. HBK vs. Y2J vs. Hardy vs. Big Show
The match starts with Jericho immediately grabbing the ladder and setting it up. Jericho climbed the ladder, but Shawn climbed up the other side and threw Jericho off onto Hardy. Taker throws Shows out of the ring, then runs on the ropes and dives out onto him, while HBK grabs a contract. HBK advances. Jericho picks Hardy up and irish whips him on of the ring, Jericho climbs up the ladder fast and grabs a contract. Y2J advances. Taker and Show brawl into the crowd, while Hardy grabs a contract. Hardy advances. Taker throws Show into wall in the crows as we go into commercial.

**Commercial Break**

We return as Show is choking Taker on the top rope. Show goes for a chokeslam, but Taker hits him with a low blow and then hits Show with a chokeslam. Taker climbs up the ladder, but Show climbs up the other side and grabs Taker for a chokeslam, but Taker hits him with a headbutt, but Show is still on, so Taker unleashes five headbutts and Show falls off the ladder as Taker grabs the final contract.
Winners: Taker, HBK, Y2J, & Hardy. (19:49)

Lillian,†This is the fatal four way hardcore match.

Hardcore Match-Hardy vs. Taker vs. Y2J vs. HBK
The match starts with HBK pushing the ladder over and Taker goes to the outside. HBK turns around and gets hit with the side effect from Hardy. Jericho comes in and hits Hardy with an dropkick. Jericho, then runs on the ropes and goes for a lionsault, but Hardy moves out of the way and hits Jericho with a clothesline. Michaels and Taker brawl into the crow and go backstage, where no one can see them. Jericho and Hardy continue to fight for a while, until Jericho hits Hardy with a bulldog, but Michaels comes out of nowhere and hits Jericho with sweet chin music for the three count.

Winners: Hardy, Taker, & HBK (23:04)

Lillian,†This is the steel cage match in the Chase for the Title.â€

Steel Cage Match-Hardy vs. HBK vs. Taker
The steel cage lowers as we head to commercial.

**Commercial Break**

We return as HBK is fighting Hardy sitting on top of the cage. Taker climbs up with them and grabs Hardy for a chokeslam and chokeslams Hardy from the top of the cage. HBK, then hits Taker with huge right hand knocking Taker down off the cage, leading to HBK escaping. HBK advances.

**Commercial Break**

Taker turns around to get hit with a DDT from Hardy. Hardy climbs the cage, but Taker grabs his foot and pulls him off. Hardy and Taker start ramming each other into the cage head first, busting both men open and blood is spilling all over the ring. Later in the match, Taker picks Hardy up for a tombstone, but Hardy slides behind him and throws him into the cage. Hardy starts climbing the cage, but Taker grabs his leg and pulls Hardy off into a last ride powerbomb. Taker starts climbing the cage, as Hardy combs the other side. Hardy and Taker are neck and neck, but Taker drops down first giving him the victory.

Winners: Shawn Michaels and Undertaker (36:08)

Taker gets to his feet as HBK comes down the ramp and stares down with Taker as the show fades to black.

Chuck Taylor's Grenade

That chase match was ridiculously overbooked and illogical. The ladder match should have been after the hardcore match. And no real wrestling promotion would have this many matches with the same people in it. A six man tag, a ladder match with four winners (wtf?), a hardcore match and a steel cage match? All in less than five pages? Most people on here can write two pages for a throwaway Raw/Impact show.

The Ripper

Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
I dont know how to review that really, there no real gaps in betwen matches and hardly any promos. Also about a third of the post was America the beutiful which would not open a raw show.