WWE Hell in a Cell PPV Results – October 2nd

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Jan 28, 2011
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- WWE’s 2011 Hell in a Cell pay-per-view opens up with a vignette for tonight’s title matches that will take place in the Cell – Randy Orton vs. Mark Henry and CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. John Cena.

- And we’re live from the New Orleans Arena in New Orleans, LA as the pyro goes off and Michael Cole welcomes us to Hell in a Cell. Cole is joined by Jim Ross and Booker T tonight. Cole says Jerry Lawler is still out dealing with injuries.

Sheamus vs. Christian

Christian comes out for the opener. We see The Miz and R-Truth, who have tickets in hand, make their way through the crowd and take a seat at ringside. John Laurinaitis comes out and argues with them, leading to security escorting Truth and Miz back through the crowd and out of the arena. Sheamus comes out next as we get ready for tonight’s opener.

The bell rings and they lock up. Sheamus takes it to the corner but breaks away as Christian stalls on the apron. They lock up again and Sheamus slams Christian down face first to the mat. Sheamus takes Christian down with a side headlock and a 2 count. Sheamus with another takedown and more headlock pin attempts. Sheamus with a big slam and another 2 count. Sheamus locks Christian in the ropes but he fights off. Sheamus comes right back after a slap to the face and chases him around the ring. Sheamus wails away with forearm shots to the chest for a 2 count.

Christian comes off the second rope but Sheamus catches him in mid-air and slams him hard. Sheamus climbs to the top but Christian pushes him off to the floor. Christian follows to the floor and beats Sheamus back into the ring. Christian with more right hands and kicks. Christian chokes him on the ropes now as the referee counts. Christian continues the offense. Sheamus fights back but Christian hits a missile dropkick for a 2 count. Christian slaps Sheamus now. Sheamus comes back full force and beats Christian to the mat. Sheamus starts dropping knees as the crowd cheers him.

Sheamus with a pair of clotheslines and a big slam for another 2 count. Sheamus with a kick to the gut. Sheamus goes for a press slam but Christian slides out. Christian goes for Killswitch but Sheamus fights him off. Christian comes back again but Sheamus hits a backbreaker after catching him in mid-air. 2 count for Sheamus. Christian comes back with right hands and goes to the top. Sheamus catches him and climbs up also. Christian knocks him back to the mat. Sheamus charges in the corner but Christian moves and kicks him in the head. Christian nails a tornado DDT from the corner for a 1 count.

Christian goes for the Killswitch again but Sheamus blocks it and clotheslines him in the corner. Sheamus with a running knee to the head. Christian makes another comeback but Sheamus kicks his legs out. Sheamus pulls himself up to the top turnbuckle and leaps down with a big shoulderblock. Sheamus goes for a Brogue kick but Christian sidesteps. Sheamus comes in from the apron with a shoulder to the gut. Christian goes under his legs and trips him, sending Sheamus face first into the apron. Sheamus comes back and drops Christian’s head on the floor. Sheamus blocks a shove into the ringpost but turns around to a spear on the floor. Christian gets back in the ring as the referee counts.

Sheamus makes it back in at the 8 count but Christian spears him for another 2 count. Christian climbs back to the top and goes for a diving headbutt but Sheamus moves. Sheamus goes for the Celtic Cross but Christian counters with a Killswitch attempt. Sheamus blocks it and hits a Brogue kick for the win.

Winner: Sheamus

- Matt Striker is backstage trying to interview World Heavyweight Champion Mark Henry. Henry tells him to shut up and starts mocking him. Henry says it doesn’t matter where he faces Randy Orton – the Cell or a back alley – either way he’s going to join the Hall of Pain.

Sin Cara vs. Sin Cara

We go to the ring and out first comes Sin Cara, wearing the blue and gold. The Sin Cara music begins to play again but it’s got a different intro. The other Sin Cara in black and silver comes out next and hits the ring.

The bell rings and they lock up. Black Cara takesdown first and stands on Blue Cara’s back. Submission into a 2 count by Black Cara. Blue Cara fights out with arm drags and they square off. They go to lock up but Black Cara pushes Blue to the mat and they trade holds. Back to their feet for another face off. They lock up for a test of strength and go to the mat. More pin attempts traded and holds before another face off. Another back and forth sequence with counters and another face off as the crowd claps.

They run the ropes and Blue Cara arm drags Black Cara right out of the ring, then leaps over the ropes and down onto his opponent. Blue Cara baseball slides into Black Cara, sending him back to the floor. Blue Cara goes for a moonsault from the apron but misses Black Cara. Black Cara takes advantage and kicks him before bringing it back in the ring. Black springboards into the ring for a 2 count. Black Cara with a headlock now. Blue Cara tries to make a springboard comeback but Black dropkicks him in the head, barely connecting, then covers for a 2 count. Black Cara with more kicks to the back. Black Cara with big knife chops in the corner now. Black Cara knocks Blue off the apron with a forearm shots to the face and then leaps over the ropes with a big splash.

More back and forth action. Black Cara with a backbreaker and another 2 count. Black Cara with another headlock and then more kicks to the back. More back and forth until they collide in mid-air. The crowd boo’s and a boring chant breaks out. Blue Cara fires back with kicks and misses a springboard back elbow. Black Cara ends up on the floor while Blue leaps from the top rope and takes him out. Back in the ring he gets a 2 count. A roll-up by Blue Cara now for another 2 count. Black Cara kicks Blue and powerbombs him for a 2 count. Black Cara stomps and goes to the top. Blue meets him and climbs up with him. Blue Cara hits the arm drag from the top rope and charges in the corner, kicking Black in the face. Blue goes to the top and rolls through on a senton. They run the ropes again and Blue Cara counters, turning a roll-up into a powerbomb for the pin and the win.

Winner: Blue Sin Cara

- CM Punk is backstage when David Otunga walks in. Otunga reminds Punk he graduated from Harvard and talks about how he’s representing the rights of all WWE stars, including Punk. Punk says he doesn’t need a lawyer, he’s got his own voice. Punk says he’s winning the WWE Title tonight and won’t be changing his mind. Punk says he loves Otunga’s bow-tie and sweater but hates lawyers. Punk tells him to go away.

WWE Tag Team Title Match: Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger vs. Air Boom

We go to the ring and out come the WWE Tag Team Champions Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne. Vickie Guerrero is introduced next and comes out asking everyone to excuse her. Vickie calls her clients the next WWE Tag Team Champions and out comes Jack Swagger and his partner United States Champion Dolph Ziggler.

The bell rings and it’s Swagger starting the match off with Kofi. They lock up and Swagger takes Kofi to the ropes with a headlock. They lock up again and Kofi applieos a headlock. They run the ropes and Swagger drops Kofi with a shoulder. Kofi ends up taking Swagger down and getting a 1 count. Kofi with a big uppercut and a tag to Bourne for some double teaming. Bourne with a 2 count. Swagger comes back and slams Bourne hard before tagging in Ziggler.

Bourne attacks Ziggler with kicks and takes him down for a 2 count. Kofi is tagged back in for some double teaming and another 2 count. Another tag to Bourne for an assisted head scissors takedown. Bourne dropkicks Ziggler and covers for another 2 count. Ziggler finally makes the tag to Swagger. Swagger works Bourne over in the corner with shoulder thrusts as Vickie cheers on. Swagger tosses Bourne across the ring and covers for another 2 count. Swagger slaps Bourne and pushes him into the corner before tagging Ziggler back in. Ziggler takes Bourne back down, drops an elbow and covers him for 2. Ziggler charges in the corner but Bourne moves out of the way and tags in Kofi. Kofi runs the ropes but Swagger pulls the rope down, sending Kofi outside to the floor hard.

Ziggler brings Kofi back int he ring for a 2 count. Ziggler with a submission hold now. More offense from Ziggler and a cheap shot from Swagger while the referee isn’t looking. Ziggler tags in Swagger and he beats Kofi back down with right hands. Kofi fights back with a kick to the head and shots to the gut. Swagger beats him back down and knocks Bourne off the apron. Ziggler stomps away on Kofi while the referee isn’t looking. Swagger covers for a 2 count.

Ziggler is tagged back in to continue the attack on Kofi. Dolph taunts Bourne and drops a big elbow on Kofi for a 2 count. Swagger comes back in and stops Kofi from tagging. Swagger goes for the ankle lock but Kofi rolls out of it. Swagger picks Kofi on his shoulder. Kofi turns it around and drops Swagger with a big DDT. Bourne comes in as does Ziggler. Bourne unloads with kicks on Ziggler and knocks Swagger off the apron. Bourne goes to the top and leaps down with knees to the face. 2 count on Ziggler. Ziggler tries to come back but Bourne blocks the leg drop and hits a standing moonsault for 2. Swagger comes in and puts the ankle lock on Bourne. Kofi leaps off the top rope and takes out Swagger. Ziggler takes out Kofi. Bourne rolls up Ziggler but the referee wasn’t looking and it’s only a 2 count. Ziggler clotheslines Bourne and tags Swagger back in. Swagger goes to the second rope while Ziggler puts Bourne on his shoulders. Swagger goes for a powerbomb from the top but Bourne turns it into a hurricanrana for the win as Kofi pulls Ziggler out of the ring.

Winners: Air Boom

- We see the Cell being lowered over the ring before a video package for tonight’s World Heavyweight Title match.

Hell in a Cell for the World Heavyweight Title: Randy Orton vs. Mark Henry

We go to the ring and out first comes the World Heavyweight Champion Mark Henry. Henry gets a feel for the Cell structure before making his way in. Henry enters the ring and raises his World Title high in the air. Out next comes Randy Orton to a big pop from the New Orleans crowd.

Orton enters the Cell, and the ring before we get formal ring introductions. The door on the Cell is locked as the bell rings and Orton strikes first. Orton attacks with right hands and forearm shots, knocking Henry to one knee. Orton kicks Henry out to the floor and goes to throw him into the steel of the Cell. Henry overpowers him and stops the Cell shot. Henry picks Orton on his shoulder and goes to torpedo him into the Cell. Orton counters and shoves Henry into the wall face first. Orton clotheslines Henry on the floor and stomps on him.

Orton brings it back in the ring and stomps on Henry. Orton drops a big knee and then goes for the second-rope draping DDT. Henry fights it off and slams Orton into the turnbuckles. Henry follows Orton to the floor and pulls his shoulder into the ringpost. Orton comes back and takes Henry to one knee again. Orton kicks Henry from the apron and staggers him around the Cell. Orton leaps from the apron but Henry catches him and rams him back into the Cell, then the ringpost and Orton goes down. Henry brings it back in the ring and Orton comes back with a right hand. Henry scoops him and nails a big running powerslam for a 2 count.

Henry follows Orton to the floor and they go at it. Henry scoops Orton up on his shoulder and slams him down hard on the floor. Henry puts his boot on Orton’s throat now. Henry takes the steel steps apart and slams Orton head first into the Cell. Henry grabs the top part of the steps and throws them like it’s nothing at Orton’s head. Orton moves out of the way and the steps collide with the Cell. Orton fights back with kicks and punches now. Henry clubs him with forearm shots. Henry scoops Orton again and rams him head first into the side of the Cell. Henry welcomes Orton to his hell and tells him he runs this.

Henry smears Orton’s face into the Cell before they bring it back in the ring. Orton fights back with kicks but Henry clotheslines him hard in the corner. Henry hits a big splash in the middle of the ring but Orton kicks out at 2. Henry drops Orton over his knee with a big backbreaker, then another. Henry with a 2 count. Henry locks in a bear hug now as Orton goes down to one knee. Henry rams Orton back into the corner and stands on his chest. Henry goes back to a bear hug to wear Orton down. Orton fights out with right hands but Henry headbutts him. Henry takes it back to the floor. Henry goes for the World’s Strongest Slam on the floor but Orton slides out and climbs the cage. Orton unloads on Henry and lays him out on the floor. Orton beats Henry around the Cell. Henry rolls back in the ring and in comes Orton. Orton with a Thesz press and series of big right hands.

Orton hits a nice standing dropkick, then the second-rope draping DDT. Orton hits the mat and preps for the RKO. Orton nails the RKO but Henry kicks out at 2. Orton waits on Henry to get back up and readies for the punt kick. Henry gets up and catches Orton with a World’s Strongest Slam for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mark Henry

- The Cell rises above the ring as Henry exits with his World Heavyweight Title. Orton gets to one knee in the ring. Henry goes under the ring and pulls a chair out, bringing it in the ring. Henry attacks Orton and hits a World’s Strongest Slam. Henry wraps the chair around Orton’s leg and climbs to the second rope. Henry goes for a big splash but Orton moves. Orton grabs the chair and attacks Henry with it. Henry rolls out of the ring but Orton chases after him and cracks him in the back with the chair repeatedly. Henry kicks Orton in the gut and blocks another chairshot. Henry runs off to the back as Orton gets to his feet. Orton slams the chair down before his music hits and we go to replays.

- Josh Matthews interviews Alberto Del Rio backstage. Del Rio says John Cena and CM Punk will see a different side of him tonight. Del Rio says he will come back from hell with the WWE Title.

- We go to the ring and out comes WWE Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes in a suit and his baggers at his side.

Cody rips on the New Orleans fans. Cody says the cursed Intercontinental Title should be put rest and places it inside of one of the brown bags. Cody has one of his lackies hand him a velvet bag to reveal the classic white Intercontinental Title. Cody talks about greats held the title such as Bret Hart, Ricky Steamboat, Randy Savage and Steve Austin. The crowd pops at the title returning. Cody says he will wear the title in honor of those men but will wear it with more pride and dignity than any of them. Cody puts the title on and says he will defend the title to any man, any time and any place. John Laurinaitis comes out and introduces himself to everyone.

Laurinaitis apologizes but says Triple H ordered him to come out and make this match. Out comes John Morrison.

WWE Intercontinental Title Match: John Morrison vs. Cody Rhodes

Morrison makes his entrance as Cody is going to be wrestling in slacks and button-up. Morrison attacks after the bell but Cody goes to the corner. Morrison with a roll up for a 2 count. Morrison takes Cody back down for another pin attempt. Headlock takedown by Morrison now.

They run the ropes and Cody misses a dropkick. Morrison takes him back to the mat and keeps control of the match. Morrison with a shoulder block and Cody rolls out of the ring. Cody takes his button-up shirt off and turns around to a baseball slide kick from Morrison. Morrison throws Cody’s shirt to the crowd and uppercuts him. Morrison brings it back in the ring but Cody rolls right back out and walks off. Morrison attacks him from behind and brings it back to the ringside area. Cody uppercuts Morrison down. Cody grabs onto the ringpost and is going to let the referee count him out. Morrison comes back over and kicks him in the head, throwing him back in at the 8 count. Cody attacks Morrison as he enters the ring and drops him on his front side. Cody stomps away on Morrison’s head now.

Morrison fights out of a headlock but Cody takes him back down. Cody continues the attack but Morrison rolls him up for a 2 count. Cody comes right back with a clothesline. Cody slaps Morrison around now and taunts the crowd. Cody locks on a Figure Four as Morrison tries to break it. Morrison makes it to the ropes and breaks the hold but is holding his knee. Cody with right hands and a knee drop to the face. Morrison turns it around and unloads with elbows and right hands in the corner. Morrison with a pair of clotheslines and a heel kick to the face. Morrison with a close 2 count. Morrison goes for Starship Pain but Cody stops him. Morrison kicks Cody in the gut but misses the running kick. They go back and forth until Morrison kicks Cody in the head and he goes down. Morrison misses a springboard kick and Cody rolls him up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Cody Rhodes

- Triple H is backstage on the phone when John Laurinaitis runs up. Triple H is pissed at him for making matches without his permission. Laurinaitis says Air Boom are being attacked. The Miz and R-Truth are in their locker room beating them up before running off. Alex Riley and Ezekiel Jackson tend to the champs, who are down, as Triple H yells at Laurinaitis some more for not having proper security.

WWE Divas Title Match: Beth Phoenix vs. Kelly Kelly

We go to the ring and out first comes Beth Phoenix with Natalya. WWE Divas Champion Kelly Kelly is out next with Eve Torres. The cable feed goes out for a minute but when it comes back on, Beth is beating down on Kelly as Natalya cheers her on. Beth with a headlock takedown. Kelly tries to make a comeback but gets slammed hard. Beth continues and then spanks the Divas champion. Beth with a backbreaker now. Beth keeps in control and hits a suplex.

Beth with a 2 count and a series of punches. Another 2 count. Kelly tries to make a comeback again but Beth kicks out. Beth with another pin attempt as Natalya cheers her on. Beth kicks Kelly and then chokes her on the ropes as the referee counts. Kelly comes back with a neckbreaker and a forearm shot. Kelly tries for a roll up but Beth sits down on her for her own pin attempt. They trade pin attempt and go back and forth. Beth grabs her for the Glam Slam but Kelly counters out of the corner. Kelly goes for a backslide pin but Beth rams her back in the corner. Beth with back elbow shots in the corner now. Beth charges in the corner but Kelly moves. Kelly handsprings into the corner with a back elbow and connects. Kelly goes to the top and plants Beth with a bulldog. 2 count for Kelly.

Eve comes over and stops Natalya from getting involved. Beth slams Kelly hard and applies her new submission hold. Natalya takes the mic and tells Kelly to scream louder. Natalya continues to taunt Kelly. The hold is broken but Natalya decks Kelly with the mic while the referee isn’t looking. Beth hits the Glam Slam for the win and the title.

Winner and New WWE Divas Champion: Beth Phoenix

- We get a promo for tonight’s main event.

Hell in a Cell for the WWE Title: Alberto Del Rio vs. CM Punk vs. John Cena

Ricardo Rodriguez introduces Alberto Del Rio as Del Rio is all business making his way inside the Cell. Out next comes CM Punk to a nice pop from the crowd. WWE Champion John Cena is out last as we get ready for formal ring introductions and the bell.

The bell rings and Punk goes for Del Rio but Del Rio slides out to the floor. Punk chases Del Rio around and into the ring. Del Rio avoids Cena in the ring and goes back out to the floor. Del Rio ends up in the ring while Cena and Punk are on the floor now. Punk comes in and tangles with Del Rio. Cena attacks from behind but Del Rio goes back to the floor. He comes back in but Cena beats him down. Punk pulls Cena off and wails away on Del Rio. Punk and Cena take turns on Del Rio in the corner. Punk rolls Cena up from behind for a 2 count.

More back and forth action. They end up on the floor and Punk pulls out a chair from under the ring. Cena goes at it with Punk on the floor and knocks him down hard into the Cell wall. They continue on the floor before bringing it back in the ring. Punk in control with a pair of 2 counts. Punk goes back under the ring, smiles and brings a table out. Punk sets it up on the floor. Punk runs to Cena on the apron and hits a big running knee. Punk goes to bulldog Cena from the apron to the table but Cena just shoves him face first into the Cell wall.

Cena turns around in the ring to a big chair shot from Del Rio. Del Rio stomps away on Cena and picks the chair back up. Del Rio props the chair up and back drops Cena on top of it for a 2 count. Del Rio with more kicks to Cena. Del Rio rams his knee in Cena’s face and taunts him. Del Rio takes Cena to the top rope and hits him in the back with a forearm shot. Cena ends up upside down in the corner as Del Rio works him over. Del Rio charges with a shoulder thrust but hits the ring post when Cena pulls himself up and out of the way. Cena goes to the top but Punk hits the ropes and knocks him off. Punk comes in and side suplexes Del Rio for a 2 count. Punk with another sit down suplex for a 2 count.

Del Rio hits Punk with a clothesline out of nowhere for a 2 count. Del Rio applies a headlock on Punk and keeps him grounded. Cena runs in and gets a 2 count on Del Rio then one on Punk. Punk comes back and sends Del Rio to the floor with a kick to the head. Punk and Cena both are down now. More back and forth. Del Rio takes out Punk and Cena with a chair. Del Rio hits Cena again and sets the chair on his chest. Del Rio stomps it into Cena then stacks Punk on top of Cena and the chair. Del Rio goes up top and splashes down hard onto Cena, Punk and the chair. Del Rio with a 2 count on Punk and a 2 count on Cena. Del Rio goes for the armbreaker on Punk but he blocks it and backdrops Del Rio over the ropes. Del Rio lands hard on the steps and is out on the floor. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment on Cena and hits it but Del Rio runs in and breaks the pin at a 2 count.

Del Rio drops Cena with a kick to the back of the head and covers him for 2. Del Rio applies an armbreaker on Cena but Cena fights it off. Punk comes in and breaks it up. Punk kicks Del Rio out to the floor and goes for GTS on Cena. Punk nails it but Cena kicks out at 2 as Del Rio breaks the pin. Del Rio rams Punk into the Cell and then the ring steps. Del Rio grabs the chair and hits Punk in the knee with it before stepping on his face. Del Rio comes back in the ring and goes for Cena. Cena rolls him up for a 2 count. Del Rio clotheslines Cena and then kicks him out of the ring. Del Rio throws Cena into the ring steps and then tosses him into the wall of the Cell.

Del Rio and Punk go at it in the ring now. Punk with a pair of clotheslines and a scoop slam. Punk climbs up top and hits the big elbow drop on Del Rio but he kicks out at 2. Cena runs in and hits shoulder blocks and a back drop on Punk. Cena goes for the Five Knuckle Shuffle but Punk kicks him in the head. Punk scoop slams Cena and goes back to the top. Del Rio runs up and knocks Punk off, sending him crashing through the table on the floor. Cena trips Del Rio and applies the STF. Ricardo Rodriguez comes down with a key and unlocks the Cell. He brings a steel pipe in but Cena knocks him off the apron. Cena drops Ricardo on the floor with an AA. Cena turns around to a pipe shot from Del Rio. Del Rio knocks Cena out of the Cell and locks himself in with just Punk.

Del Rio goes over to Punk, who is still laying on top of the broken table. Del Rio brings Punk in the ring and stalks him. Del Rio with a German suplex for a 2 count. Cena is still on the floor outside of the locked Cell. Punk counters a move and rolls Del Rio up for a close 2 count. Del Rio runs into a boot in the corner but runs right back and kicks Punk in the head, knocking him off the top. 2 count for Del Rio. Cena starts to get to his feet but is locked out of the Cell. Punk blocks the cross armbreaker and fires away on Del Rio with kicks. Punk with a leg lariat. Cena tries to get in the Cell but realizes he can’t. Punk with the high knee in the corner and a bulldog on Del Rio.

Punk springboards in and takes Del Rio down with a forearm but he kicks out at 2 again. Cena tries forcing himself through the Cell door but can’t get in. Del Rio grabs the steel pipe from the floor in front of Cena. Del Rio smacks Punk in the head with the pipe and then taunts Cena with the pipe from inside the Cell. Del Rio enters the ring but Punk goes for GTS. Del Rio hits him with the pipe two more times and covers him for the win and the WWE Title.

Winner and New WWE Champion: Alberto Del Rio

- As soon as the Cell rises up, Cena rushes under it and attacks Del Rio from behind. The Miz and R-Truth sneak in, wearing jeans and hoodies. They beat everyone down and kick the referees down. Triple H and John Laurinaitis run down but the Cell is lowered, keeping Triple H out. Triple H orders Laurinaitis to the back to open the Cell. Miz and Truth continue their beatdown in the ring as several WWE Superstars run down and try to shake the Cell down. Truth takes out a camera man as Miz beats u a referee. The whole locker room is trying to get in the Cell now as Truth and Miz continue beating down everyone in the ring. Another camera man in the Cell gets taken out. Security, Superstars and officials are now surrounding the ring, with police. Someone comes down and cuts the lock off the Cell with bolt cutters. Police enter the ring first as Triple H is held back. Truth and Miz surrender to the police and drop to their knees, putting their hands behind their back. Truth and Miz are put in handcuffs, then taken out of the Cell by police. Triple H runs up and takes them both down. Triple H wails away with right hands on both men as they’re in handcuffs. Triple H pushes down Laurinaitis and it’s chaos at ringside. Triple H is going crazy as two men hold him back and try to pull him to the backstage area. Hell in a Cell goes off the air with Triple H behind held back while Miz and Truth are taken away in handcuffs, the whole locker room and officials looking on.