-- WWE has put up a great feature looking back at Edge's career, which you can check out by clicking here.
-- Jim Ross updated his blog at JRsBarBQ.com, here is what he said about "The Rated R Superstar": "Great to see Edge fulfill his commitments and travel with WWE on this European tour to say adis to his fans. I can still vividly remember hiring Edge and Christian out of Ontario back in the day and then signing them both to a full time deal one night at a TV taping under the bleachers of an arena that slips my mind at the moment. Edge has so much to give to the business and I'm relatively certain that WWE will utilize Edge's many skills in the future.
"I know of many wrestlers who, when dealt a hand such as Edge, would not have fulfilled their commitments on what isn't an easy tour."
-- As noted earlier, Mick Foley talked Edge's retirement on his blog, here is what he wrote:
For those of you who don't know, Edge and I used to regularly perform one of the greatest tag-team moves of all time. Let me set the scene for you. Any arena, in any part of the country for roughly an eighteen month period -maybe early 1999 through late 2000. Al Snow, despite what I may have written in the past, was actually quite a witty guy; more than capable of holding his during the course of our legendary (if ridiculously drawn-out) battle of the brains. Think of each insult or joke as a punch, putting together as many as possible - some better than others, some hitting their mark, other missing wildly with the ultimate goal of knocking your verbal sparring partner out. It was not unusual for Al to start off strong, peppering me with jabs, sinking some solid body shots. But like DeNiro in Raging Bull, Al Snow never did put me down. Why? Because he lacked my secret weapon. Because, literally, he had no Edge. But I did.
Sensing that his friend might be in danger of an embarrassing loss to the underdog Snow, Edge would leap into action, overselling the laughs at whatever feeble comeback I tried to mount, before combining with me to hit the valiant, yet doomed Snow with that most incredible of finishers The White Guy Jumping High Five! The move was a guaranteed knockout: creating such waves of laughter among my WWE contemporaries, that Al would simply concede defeat, saying something about how it wasn't fair, that Edge was my henchman, that my jokes weren't even funny, blah, blah blah. All valid points, but none of that mattered at the time..or even now. All that mattered then..and now, is that Edge was my secret weapon, and that I was undefeated in locker-room (or airplane, train, boat, baseball games..you get it) showdowns with Al Snow.
It didn't take a crystal ball to see that Edge was going to be a star. He clearly had the moves, the look, the charisma. But it wasn't until a particular "Brood" interview, where Gangrel seemed to stumble verbally, that Edge was given a chance on the stick an opportunity he took full advantage of; leaving all the boys with that unmistakable "ohh, he can talk, he's going to draw money" feeling. Clearly, this guy was not meant to be either silent or brooding, and within a matter of weeks (or so it seemed) Edge and Christian had been de-Brooded and began to explore their more comedic side, from the 5 second poses for those with the benefit of flash photography, to their stellar showdowns with the kick-ass, take-names new Commissioner of WWE me! I've often mentioned that my days as WWE Commissioner were among the happiest of my career. And of all the things that went into making that time so happy, nothing made me happier than to work with Edge and Christian on a series of bizarre, innocent and ridiculous backstage vignettes we collectively referred to as "Chredgeley" as in CHRistian, EDGE, and foLEY. You know, until I wrote that out, I never realized that Edge got his whole name in there, and Christian and I only got three letters each. Hey, that doesn't seem fair! Not trying to sell A DVD here, (especially since I have a new one coming out on 4/19 that I WILL be trying to sell) but I enjoyed working with Jay and Adam (pretty sure you know which is which) so much, that I specifically asked for a "Credgely" compilation package on 2000's "Hard Knocks and Cheap Pops" video.
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-- Jim Ross updated his blog at JRsBarBQ.com, here is what he said about "The Rated R Superstar": "Great to see Edge fulfill his commitments and travel with WWE on this European tour to say adis to his fans. I can still vividly remember hiring Edge and Christian out of Ontario back in the day and then signing them both to a full time deal one night at a TV taping under the bleachers of an arena that slips my mind at the moment. Edge has so much to give to the business and I'm relatively certain that WWE will utilize Edge's many skills in the future.
"I know of many wrestlers who, when dealt a hand such as Edge, would not have fulfilled their commitments on what isn't an easy tour."
-- As noted earlier, Mick Foley talked Edge's retirement on his blog, here is what he wrote:
For those of you who don't know, Edge and I used to regularly perform one of the greatest tag-team moves of all time. Let me set the scene for you. Any arena, in any part of the country for roughly an eighteen month period -maybe early 1999 through late 2000. Al Snow, despite what I may have written in the past, was actually quite a witty guy; more than capable of holding his during the course of our legendary (if ridiculously drawn-out) battle of the brains. Think of each insult or joke as a punch, putting together as many as possible - some better than others, some hitting their mark, other missing wildly with the ultimate goal of knocking your verbal sparring partner out. It was not unusual for Al to start off strong, peppering me with jabs, sinking some solid body shots. But like DeNiro in Raging Bull, Al Snow never did put me down. Why? Because he lacked my secret weapon. Because, literally, he had no Edge. But I did.
Sensing that his friend might be in danger of an embarrassing loss to the underdog Snow, Edge would leap into action, overselling the laughs at whatever feeble comeback I tried to mount, before combining with me to hit the valiant, yet doomed Snow with that most incredible of finishers The White Guy Jumping High Five! The move was a guaranteed knockout: creating such waves of laughter among my WWE contemporaries, that Al would simply concede defeat, saying something about how it wasn't fair, that Edge was my henchman, that my jokes weren't even funny, blah, blah blah. All valid points, but none of that mattered at the time..or even now. All that mattered then..and now, is that Edge was my secret weapon, and that I was undefeated in locker-room (or airplane, train, boat, baseball games..you get it) showdowns with Al Snow.
It didn't take a crystal ball to see that Edge was going to be a star. He clearly had the moves, the look, the charisma. But it wasn't until a particular "Brood" interview, where Gangrel seemed to stumble verbally, that Edge was given a chance on the stick an opportunity he took full advantage of; leaving all the boys with that unmistakable "ohh, he can talk, he's going to draw money" feeling. Clearly, this guy was not meant to be either silent or brooding, and within a matter of weeks (or so it seemed) Edge and Christian had been de-Brooded and began to explore their more comedic side, from the 5 second poses for those with the benefit of flash photography, to their stellar showdowns with the kick-ass, take-names new Commissioner of WWE me! I've often mentioned that my days as WWE Commissioner were among the happiest of my career. And of all the things that went into making that time so happy, nothing made me happier than to work with Edge and Christian on a series of bizarre, innocent and ridiculous backstage vignettes we collectively referred to as "Chredgeley" as in CHRistian, EDGE, and foLEY. You know, until I wrote that out, I never realized that Edge got his whole name in there, and Christian and I only got three letters each. Hey, that doesn't seem fair! Not trying to sell A DVD here, (especially since I have a new one coming out on 4/19 that I WILL be trying to sell) but I enjoyed working with Jay and Adam (pretty sure you know which is which) so much, that I specifically asked for a "Credgely" compilation package on 2000's "Hard Knocks and Cheap Pops" video.
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