WWE- A New Standard

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WWE Raw, ECW and Smackdown continue, starting from One Night Stand.

There will be an earlier WWE Draft held on a separate show, to “redefineâ€￾ the WWE and start off fresh. Mr McMahon has announced there will be lots of changes for the better, especially in ECW, and the WWE will be attempting to set “A new standardâ€￾.

I will post the rosters and champions after the draft.

One Night Stand Results (in recap)

1- John Cena def. JBL in a FIRST BLOOD match.

Cena made JBL bleed after wrapping his face in barbed wire and applying the STFU. Even after JBL tapped and bled, Cena did not break the hold, and he left JBL sprawled out outside the ring.

2- Jeff Hardy def. Umaga in a FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE match.

Hardy won after a Twist of Fate off a ladder through a table on the outside, before landing a Swanton bomb off the titantron.

3- Beth Phoenix def. Melina in an I QUIT match.

Beth made Melina quit after giving her a samurai driver through the announce table, followed by handcuffing her to the ring post, and choking her with an extension cord from the computer.

4- CM Punk def. 4 others in a SINGAPORE CANE ON A POLE match.

Punk won after retrieving the cane after a top-rope GTS to Chavo Guerrero. After the match, the Bigshow laid him out and stole the cane, along with the title shot that came with it.

5- Batista def. Shawn Michaels in a STRETCHER match.

Batista pushed Shawn’s stretcher over the line after a Batista Bomb onto it. During the match while Batista was distracted, King Jericho interfered, hitting HBK with a chair and placing him on the stretcher.

6- Triple H def. Randy Orton in a LAST MAN STANDING match.

HHH KOed Orton after two sledgehammer shots, a spine buster onto an open chair and a pedigree through the remaining announce table.

7- When the Undertaker went to Chokeslam Edge off the ladder, Edge appeared to grab the briefcase on his way down. However, just as this happened the lights went out and a gong sounded. When the lights went back on, the Undertaker was shown tombstoning Edge onto the title, giving the Phenom the victory.

Pay Per Views

00 Wks- One Night Stand BOTH
04 Wks- Vengeance: Night of Champions BOTH
07 Wks- Great American Bash SMK/ECW
10 Wks- Bad Blood RAW
14 Wks- Summerslam BOTH
17 Wks- No Mercy SMK
20 Wks- Unforgiven RAW/ECW
24 Wks- Cyber Sunday BOTH
28 Wks- Survivor Series BOTH
31 Wks- Armageddon SMK
34 Wks- New Years Revolution RAW
38 Wks- Royal Rumble BOTH
42 Wks- No Way Out BOTH
46 Wks- Wrestlemania BOTH

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Looks alright, I wish you luck ith this. Also, are you going to be doing all three shows?


For a while but I may after a while either begin to focus on a particular brand and post the other shows by recap, or search for a partner to help me out a bit.


Draft Show

Draft Show​


Mr McMahon walks out, ready to make an announcement.
McMahon- Welcome fans, to Monday Might Raw! Today will be a very special edition of Raw. As I said last week, there will be an upcoming WWE draft because you the fans deserve change. Well, I think you deserve a hell lot of change, and I think you deserve it right now. That’s why I have decided to move the annual WWE draft to tonight on Raw. The only bad news is that there will be no Smackdown or ECW this week, to give all wrestlers a rest and a fresh start on their new brands. So, are you ready for the WWE Draft on this extended three hour episode of Raw? I think you are. Just like last year there will be a Main Draft and a Supplemental Draft. The brands that get the random draft picks will be decided through matches right here tonight. What more can I say? Let the games begin!

MATCH 1- Chuck Palumbo (Smackdown) v CM Punk (ECW)

The match starts with Chuck Palumbo dominating Punk with first a side headlock, then a sleeper hold. Punk fights out, and uses his martial arts experience to send Palumbo down with a series of kicks. Palumbo uses his power to back Punk into the corner, but he misses the spear and is sent hurtling into the turnbuckle. Punk the goes for the Pepsi Plunge, and hits it. He sets up for the bulldog, but Palumbo pushes Punk into the opposite turnbuckle. He lifts him up to a horizontal positioning and Palumbo hits a huge last call from the second rope!
1…..2….. No, kick out at 2 ½!
Chuck Palumbo is furious and stomps on Punk numerous times before putting him into an abdominal stretch. Punk seems to be fading away. He jeers at the crowd, but Punk fights back with a couple of right hands, and reverses the hold into a GTS! Wait no, Palumbo has prove too heavy, and has fallen through to a splash pin on Punk.
1…..2….. Punk rolls through to a pin of his own!
1…..2…..3 Punk wins!


Draft Pick 1- ECW

The random roulette machine starts spinning.

The roulette machine slows. The needle points to…..

Hardy’s music hits and he says a short speech before exiting.

MATCH 2- Umaga (Raw) v Batista (Smackdown)

The match begins with Batista and Umaga evenly matched with power and attempting some big moves early on, but to no avail. Batista eventually manages to reverse a running Umaga into a flapjack, and is finally able to get some momentum. He goes down to pin Umaga, but is thrown off him before a 1 count. Batista lifts Umaga, and levels him with a huge right hand. However, this hardly seems to faze the Samoan Bulldozer, who screams at Batista and knocks him down with a vicious headbutt. He runs to the ropes and goes for a diving splash, but Batista rolls out of the way, rises, and rebounds with a huge spear!
1…..2….. Suddenly Shawn Michaels’ music begins to play and this distracts Batista from the pinfall. The Animal rises and HBK walks to the ring. Just as he is about to enter the ring, King Jericho runs out with a steel chair!
In the ring, Umaga is now up and clotheslines the distracted Batista over the ropes to the outside. He rolls to the floor, and Shawn goes for Sweet Chin Music, but he is hit from behind by Jericho, as he has no idea he is there. After Y2J hits HBK with the chair he also starts beating Batista, causing a win by disqualification. Umaga then also leaves the ring and hits Batista with the Samoan Spike, while Jericho looks on and laughs at both Batista and Michaels who are both laid out bloody on the floor.


Draft Pick 2- Smackdown

The roulette machine spins. The needle points to…

Umaga, who is still beating down Batista, screams and runs backstage. King Jericho soon follows, leaving Batista and HBK to lie there.

MATCH 3- Big Daddy V (ECW) v Mark Henry (Smackdown) v JBL (Raw) v Tommy Dreamer (ECW) v Finlay (Smackdown) v Mr Kennedy (Raw) ---ELIMINATION BATTLE ROYALE---

The bell rings and the combatants begin to circle each other, with no obvious alliances being formed. Eventually, various pairs lock up and start brawling in the centre of the ring. Big Daddy V and Mark Henry combat each other, until they spot a wounded Tommy Dreamer and decide to double-team him. They lift him and throw him over the top rope but Dreamer hangs on to the rope, now on the outside of the ring. The two behemoths start pushing him over, but Mr Kennedy then attempts to single-handedly lift Mark Henry over. JBL sees the commotion and walks over, to see Dreamer hanging by a thread. He runs back off the ropes and goes for a Clothesline from Hell, but Finlay spears him mid-air. He then goes and helps Mr Kennedy, and the two somehow manage to lift Mark Henry over for the first Elimination. However, in the 400 pounder’s force, he also takes Dreamer out and the two crash to the floor below.
Mark Henry Eliminated!
Tommy Dreamer Eliminated!
Big Daddy V, frustrated about Henry’s Elimination goes and runs at Kennedy now resting on the ropes. Kennedy pulls them down, sending Big Daddy V over but not out. Big Daddy V then attempts to step over the ropes, but JBL runs and hits him with a Clothesline from Hell, sending him falling off the apron to the floor.
Big Daddy V Eliminated!
The remaining three competitors of Kennedy JBL and Finlay all eye each other down and circle each other in the ring. JBL then whispers something to Finlay and the two wrestlers charge at Kennedy, but Finlay turns half way and hits JBL with a huge fist. He goes to Irish whip him, but JBL reverses it into one of his own. JBL turns around, but suddenly he gets hit with a huge Mic Check from Kennedy. Kennedy then sees Finlay still on the ropes and charges, but Finlay ducks and pushes Kennedy over for elimination.
Mr Kennedy Eliminated!
Finlay then smiles and walks over to JBL and picks him up. He goes for a Celtic cross but JBL reverses it and goes for the Clothesline. Finlay ducks and again picks up JBL, this time hitting the finisher! He struggles to get Layfield up to a vertical basis but he does and goes to throw JBL out. Suddenly JBL reverses and whips Finlay into the turnbuckle. He lifts him up and they both end up on the top rope. JBL goes for a fall away slam off the top but Finlay fights out with punches. He lifts JBL up for a super Celtic cross, but JBL throws Finlay off, who the crotches himself on the top rope. JBL takes advantage of the situation, and climbs down, to deliver a Clothesline from Hell to Finlay that sends him over the top rope.
Finlay Eliminated!


Draft Pick 3- Raw

The needle once again spins around. It lands on…

All is silent after the Rated-R-Superstar’s drafting. After a long pause the gongs sound and the Undertaker’s music begins to play. No one reacts though and the show continues.

MATCH 4- Lance Cade (Raw) v Festus (Smackdown)

The match begins with Cade getting a cheap shot on Festus but then the bell rings and the crazy Festus throws Cade off with ease. He goes to hit the flying shoulder block on Cade, but he ducks out of the way. Cade then rebounds off the ropes and gives Festus a huge clothesline, knocking him down for a two count. He gets very frustrated and kicks Festus right in the face. Cade goes up to the top rope and waits until Festus is on his feet. He jumps for a bulldog and instead lands a clothesline but the blow hardly hurts the big man. Festus screams in Cade’s face and throws him into the turnbuckle. Festus goes for a big clothesline, but Cade dodges, rebounds and hits the flying bulldog off the ropes!
1…..2….. No! It will take more to pin Festus.
Cade lifts Festus up and hits him with a few left hands, but Festus fights back and lands a huge headbutt. He runs to the ropes and this time hits the flying shoulder block. He runs again, this time hitting the seated bronco buster. He goes for a pin while still seated on Cade.
1…..2….. Cade kicks out.
Festus throws Cade against the ropes and goes for a clothesline, but Cade ducks under and keeps running. Now he goes for his own clothesline but Festus moves out of the way. Cade keeps going, and on the rebound is hit with a huge boot from Festus. He lifts Cade up and… yes! Festus hits the huge flapjack! He goes for the cover.
1…..2…..3 Festus wins!


Draft Pick 4- Smackdown

The needle spins and eventually lands on…
CM Punk

The Straight-edge superstar makes a challenge to both the Smackdown and ECW rosters as he has a potential title shot for each. He also issues a challenge to the Bigshow for the next week’s Smackdown for the title shot. Bigshow accepts and leaves.

MATCH 5- Snitsky (Raw) v Steven Richards (ECW)

Stevie looks very nervous as the match begins, and tries to get in some minor offense when the bell rings. Snitsky is unaffected though, and hits a huge punch that knocks Richards down. Snitsky picks him up and goes for a big boot but Stevie dodges and hits a superkick!
1….. What? Already Snitsky kicks out?
Stevie Richards is shocked and goes to the top rope. He jumps for a crossbody but Snitsky hits him with a boot in mid air! He picks the wounded Richards up and hits him with the Pump Handle Slam for the three count, in what is basically a squash.


Draft Pick 5- Raw

The spinner lands on…
The injured REY MYSTERIO

He comes out to a huge pop and announces his return for next week.

Mr McMahon again walks out with a microphone ready to make an announcement.
McMahon- Now I know that it’s going to be hard to top Rey Mysterio’s raw debut, but I have two huge announcements of my own. The first on regards the WWE divas and that it is that the divas no longer belong to their respective brands. I have decided that the WWE Women’s title will tri branded and the divas may defend it on any show against any approved opponent. I hop this will give Smackdown and ECW a new liveliness in the Women’s division-
Melina’s music plays and she walks out.
Melina- Mr McMahon, you shouldn’t be adding more competition to the championship; you should just get rid of useless talents like Beth Phoenix. Do you really want to better the current Women’s division? If you do, I recommend taking her away. Look at her- ugly, talent less, and an all around bitch. Fans sat crying at home during her worthless title reign, trust me; they do not want to se it agai-
Beth Phoenix’s music plays and she enters the ring.
Beth- Melina, during your pathetic speech I have been sitting backstage, laughing at the comments you have made. Ugly? I am the Glamazon, the perfect combination of beauty and power. Talent less? I was the one who made you quit last night. Me a bitch? As far as I know, you spent two years of your career acting as MNM’s personal whore.
Melina- Excuse me, I defended my title at Wrestlemania, you can’t hold a candle to me you bitc-
Mickie James music plays and she stands on the stage.
Mickie- Girls, I am sick of you two always fighting with each other. We are all female pioneers.
Beth- Some are more successful than others.
McMahon- Girls, girls, settle down. You two obviously have some major issues with each other, and I propose that you settle these issues in a match, with the winner getting a shot at Mickie James’s title at Vengeance.
Beth- I can’t wait to crush you.
Melina- Bring it on.
McMahon- And to make sure the match is perfectly clean; I am naming Mickie James the Special Referee.
Mickie- OK. I’m cool with that.
McMahon- Now could you all please stand by and exit as I still have another major announcement.
The divas leave, while eyeing each other off.
McMahon- And Mickie, have fun tonight with John Cena.
Mickie blushes while herding the other two backstage.
McMahon- Thank you divas. Anyway, the second announcement I have to make is regarding the contracts of two currently unhappy superstars. That’s right; the WWE has negotiated contracts with two off-contract stars from the inferior company TNA. Now these two stars have been involved in the WWE before and will take pleasure with joining us after Vengeance. One on Raw and the other on Smackdown. I can’t reveal the two superstar’s names because of security reasons but you will all find out in due time. I can only say that I think you will all be very pleased.
He leaves with a smile on his face.

MATCH 6- Carlito+ Santino Marella (Raw) v Matt Hardy+ Kofi Kingston (Smackdown/ECW)

The match begins with Carlito and Kingston in the ring, using athletic moves to combat each other. Kofi lands a dropkick and tags in Hardy, who goes instantly to the top rope. He jumps for the back elbow, but Carlito dodges and runs to tag in Marella. Marella shouts in Hardy’s face but Hardy counters with a DDT. He lifts Marella up and performs a side suplex followed by an elbow drop for a two count. He picks Santino up and throws him over the top rope. Carlito illegally enters and hits him with a backstabber, while the referee is distracted by Kofi’s protests. Marella recovers and covers Hardy.
1…..2….. Hardy gets his hand on the rope!
Carlito is tagged in, and starts assaulting Hardy. He backs him into the corner and begins punching him. The referee is forced to start counting and Carlito has to stop the onslaught. He taunts to the crowd and runs to hit a clothesline on Hardy. He dodges and Carlito goes straight into the turnbuckle. Hardy rebounds off the ropes and hits a huge bulldog on Hardy. He goes to the top rope and hits a leg drop!
1…..2….. Santino breaks it up, but Kingston enters and hits him with the Jamaican Buzzsaw. Hardy tags him in, and he hits a spring board dropkick onto Carlito for a two count. He signals for Air Jamaica. Kingston runs to the ropes but gets pulled down by Marella at the outside. Hardy jumps off the apron, but when he goes to Marella he gets spat in the face. Marella goes for a clothesline but Hardy dodges and hits the side effect onto the floor! Hardy goes back in the ring and sees Carlito who is setting up for a Backstabber on Kofi. He runs up behind him and hits the Twist of Fate. The referee tells him to leave the ring and he goes back on the apron. Kofi sees the opportunity and uses it to hit the Air Jamaica onto Carlito. Suddenly Hardy is desperate for a tag. He is tagged in and goes to the top rope. He does the V1 signal and jumps for the leg drop. He hits it and goes for the cover.
1…..2…..3 Hardy and Kingston win!

WINNER- Matt Hardy + Kofi Kingston by PINFALL

Draft Pick 6- Smackdown

The needle spins and lands on…

He walks out with a mic.

Draft Pick 7- ECW

The spinner lands on…

As John Cena keeps talking Snitsky ambushes him and hits him with a big boot. He picks him up, but is hit with the microphone and then with an FU!
Cena leaves the downed Snitsky on the stage, and walks to the back.

MATCH 7- Ted DiBiase Jr+ DH Smith (Raw) v MVP+ Colin Delaney (Smackdown/ECW)

DH Smith and Colin Delaney begin in the ring. Smith smiles and goes to shake hands with Colin but he instead levels him with a right hand. He hits Delaney with a series of offensive maneuvers, and then a scoop slam for a near fall. He tags in DiBiase, and the two hit an impressive double suplex onto Delaney. Ted lands an uppercut and then does a delayed vertical suplex to Delaney taunting the fans in the process. He puts him into an abdominal stretch, and wears him down. Colin tries to fight out and eventually manages to break the hold with an elbow to the jaw of DiBiase. Colin hits a DDT and goes to the top rope. DH Smith sees the danger and knocks Delaney back to the floor. Ted and Colin both try to get the tags, but when Colin lunges for MVP; he jumps from the apron and proceeds to walk out from the arena. Colin looks on in bewilderment but DH Smith sneaks up behind him and lands a back suplex pin combo for the three count.

WINNER- Ted DiBiase+ DH Smith by PINFALL

Draft Pick 8- Raw

The roulette wheel spins and the needle lands on…

MVP looks out raged and begins shouting as he has been standing on the stage watching Colin lose his match. He starts shouting for a recount but the next pick already begins.

Draft Pick 9- Raw

The spinner points to…
The fighting Irishman FINLAY!

Finlay sneaks up behind MVP and hits him with his shillelagh. The two new Raw stars brawl into the back.

MATCH 8- Tazz (ECW) v Mick Foley (Smackdown) v Jerry Lawler (Raw)

The three commentators eye each other in the ring. Tazz and Mick Foley are the obvious favorites, with Lawler not having much wrestling experience. Suddenly Tazz lunges for Lawler, knocking him down with a big punch. Foley takes advantage of this and hits a clothesline on Tazz, sending him from the ring. Lawler then hits a low blow on Foley, followed by a standing fist drop for a two count. Lawler stands over Foley but is blindsided by Tazz who hits the Tazzplex. Tazz then goes to Lawler and locks in the Tazzmission. Lawler is about to tap, but then Foley gets Mr Socko and locks in the mandible claw on Lawler as well. Lawler taps out, but no decision is made as both men are applying submissions. Foley lows blows both men and Jerry falls to the floor. Mick also sees the winded Tazz and hits the double arm DDT on him.
1…..2…..3 Mick Foley wins the battle of the General Managers.


Draft Pick 10- Smackdown

The roulette spinner eventually lands on…

The king walks out and makes a speech on how he is finally rid of Shawn Michaels. He talks about how he can finally escape him, though he would still like to beat him up a couple of times. He then talks about the World Heavyweight championship and says that how he is the king, he should be granted a title shot. He then challenges Batista before walking off.

MATCH 9- Shelton Benjamin (ECW) v Trevor Murdoch (Raw)

Before the match starts Trevor Murdoch picks up a microphone and begins to sing. Shelton Benjamin gets annoyed, and runs towards him, hitting him with the Paydirt, sending Murdoch’s face right into the mike. The bell rings, and Shelton goes for the cover.
1…..2…..3 Shelton wins in a cheap result.

WINNER- Shelton Benjamin by PINFALL

Draft Pick 11- ECW

The spinner points to…

Carlito comes out and makes a speech about how ECW is about to get cool. He leaves along with Shelton Benjamin.

MATCH 10- Kane+ Jeff Hardy (ECW) v The Undertaker+ John Cena (Smackdown) v Randy Orton+ Edge (Raw)

Kane, Orton and Cena all begin in the ring. Cena and Orton eye each other down in the centre of the ring. Suddenly, Kane hits Cena with a big boot and, leveling him. He sees Orton run at him but he counters with another huge boot. He picks Orton up into position for a choke bomb, but Cena spears Kane and starts hitting him with an array of punches. Kane throws him off and goes for a big boot, but he misses as Orton pulls him into a side backbreaker. Orton pins Cena, but it is quickly broken up by the big red machine. Kane tags Hardy in, and Hardy cleans house with seated senton on Orton and a leg drop to the groin of Cena. He goes up the ropes for a Whisper in the Wind, but Edge pushes him down to the canvas and gets tagged in by Orton. Edge’s team is in domination as Edge DDTs Hardy. He goes and runs at Cena, attempting a spear, but Cena moves and tags in the Undertaker, while Jeff Hardy manages to tag in Kane. Edge runs to tag Orton, but he drops from the apron, leaving Edge to fend for himself. Edge turns back around, only to be greeted with a huge double Chokeslam. Kane and the Undertaker argue about who should make the cover. Suddenly, Orton runs in and RKO’s Kane. The Undertaker throws him outside the ring, and goes to cover Kane.
1…..2….. Kane sits up!
He uppercuts The Undertaker and picks him up for a side-slam. Kane goes to the top rope, signaling for the clothesline. He jumps, but is greeted by a huge spear from Edge mid-air. Edge is about to go for the cover, but The Undertaker sits up and scares him into tagging the reluctant Orton. Cena is tagged in and the two have a stare down in the centre of the ring, which is ended when Orton pokes Cena’s eyes and hits a swinging neckbreaker. Cena rebounds off the ground and staggers into the grasp of Kane, who brutalizes him with a Chokeslam. Kane then turns to Orton, who blindsides him with an RKO. Wait, Kane reverses it into a big boot. He tags in Hardy and both ECW stars go to the top rope. Kane jumps and hits the clothesline! Hardy with a Swanton Bomb! Jeff makes the cover.
1…..2….. Cena breaks it up, and throws Jeff out of the ring. Cena signals for the 5-Knuckle Shuffle. He runs to the ropes but is hit with a spear out of nowhere by Edge who has tagged himself in! Now The Undertaker tags himself in and greets Edge with a Chokeslam. Meanwhile Jeff Hardy is outside and he sets up a table for later, before entering the ring. He looks at The Undertaker, who points at Kane, signaling that he wants to fight his half-brother. The two monsters both hit each other with equal attacks until The Undertaker is powered into the turn buckle. Kane is about to clothesline him, but he is hit with an FU! Orton then goes to RKO the Undertaker, but he is thrown over the apron into Jeff Hardy, and the two are sent crashing into the floor. The Undertaker sees the wounded Kane lying in the ring and chokes him out. He lifts him up and hits a Chokeslam!
1…..2….. Edge breaks up the pin!
The Undertaker stares at Edge, fuming. Edge attempts an Irish whip but Undertaker reverses it. The Phenom attempts to go old school, but Edge reverses and goes for a spear. He misses and is sent into the turnbuckle, from where he staggers back. The Undertaker lifts him over. Tombstone Piledriver, lights out!
1…..2…..3 Smackdown wins the main event.
John Cena runs over to celebrate with The Undertaker, and the ref holds their hands up together. Suddenly, the Undertaker catches Cena off guard and hits him with a Chokeslam! The Undertaker does his cut-throat taunt and gets ready to leave. He is exiting the ring and sees the carcass of Edge in the corner of the ring. He picks him up and puts him in the powerbomb position. At this point he grabs a microphone and utters the words- “This is for Vickieâ€.
He lifts Edge for the Last Ride and sends him right through the table on the outside of the ring! He walks off, as Edge just lies there, bloodied.

WINNER- The Undertaker+ John Cena by PINFALL

Draft Pick 12- Smackdown

The needle spins for a very long time and it stops on…

The crowd goes silent, but then the needle flicks over one more position to…

HBK’s music plays and he walks out. He says that he will be looking to make a big impact on Smackdown, and will look to capture the championship. He issues challenges to both Batista and King Jericho. These two superstars both come out and the show ends with a stare down.

Quick Recap:

1. CM Punk def. Chuck Palumbo
2. Batista def. Umaga
3. JBL def. 5 other superstars
4. Festus def. Lance Cade
5. Snitsky def. Stevie Richards
6. Matt Hardy + Kofi Kingston def. Carlito + Santino Marella
7. DH Smith + Ted DiBiase def. MVP + Colin Delaney
8. Mick Foley def. Tazz & Jerry Lawler
9. Shelton Benjamin def. Trevor Murdoch
10. The Undertaker+ John Cena def. Kane+ Jeff Hardy & Edge+ Randy Orton


Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
BM: Main Event, loved it! No suprise that John Cena & Undertaker won thought. I really thought that Edge & Randy Orton were going to carry a victory there, nice job.

WM: Snitsky .vs. Steve Richards, not too exciting at all, but it had some good potential in it.

BP: Shawn Micheals going to SmackDown! Never saw that coming, I think HBK would be perfect for SmackDown to be honest. When I saw Triple H, I thought he was drafted, but no:p that was awesome.

WP: None, all the drafts were shocking, exept Edge going to Raw, I saw that coming.

AI: Good show dude, it was awesome, and you had many matches in it ( 10 ). I give this show a 9.5/10 rating. Good work!


Draft Aftermath

2008 WWE Draft​

Jeff Hardy to ECW
Umaga to Smackdown
Edge to Raw
CM Punk to Smackdown
Rey Mysterio to Raw
John Cena to Smackdown
Snitsky to ECW
MVP to Raw
Finlay to Raw
Chris Jericho to Smackdown
Carlito to ECW
Shawn Michaels to Smackdown

2008 WWE Supplemental Draft​

Big Daddy V to Raw
Elijah Burke to Smackdown
Chuck Palumbo to ECW
Hawkins+ Ryder to Raw
Lance Cade to Smackdown
Hardcore Holly to ECW
Gregory Helms to Raw
Kendrick+ London to Smackdown
The Great Khali to ECW



Paul Burchill
Ted DiBiase Jr.
Charlie Haas
Curt Hawkins
Gregory Helms
Mr Kennedy
Santino Marella
Robbie McAllister
Rory McAllister
Trevor Murdoch
Rey Mysterio
Randy Orton
William Regal
Cody Rhodes
Zack Ryder
DH Smith
Super Crazy
Triple H
Val Venis
Big Daddy V

The 2nd Generation Superstars (Ted DiBiase Jr+ DH Smith)
The Edge Heads (Curt Hawkins+ Zack Ryder)
Cryme Tyme (JTG+ Shad)
The Highlanders (Robbie McAllister+ Rory McAllister)

Other Personnel
General Manager- Vince McMahon
Commentator- Jim Ross
Commentator- Jerry Lawler
Ring Announcer- Lilian Garcia
Backstage Announcer- Mike Adamle


Big Show
Elijah Burke
Lance Cade
John Cena
CM Punk
Kenny Dykstra
Matt Hardy
Mark Henry
Chris Jericho
Brian Kendrick
Vladimir Kozlov
Paul London
Shawn Michaels
Shannon Moore
Jamie Noble
The Undertaker
Jimmy Wang Yang

The Untouchables (Deuce+ Domino)
Biscuits & Gravy (Jesse +Festus)
The Hooligans (Brian Kendrick+ Paul London)
The Rednecks (Shannon Moore+ Jimmy Wang Yang)

Other Personnel
General Manager- Vickie Guerrero
Commentator- Michael Cole
Commentator- Mick Foley
Ring Announcer- Justin Roberts
Backstage Announcer- Maryse


Shelton Benjamin
Colin Delaney
Tommy Dreamer
Armando Estrada
The Great Khali
Chavo Guerrero
Hardcore Holly
Jeff Hardy
Kofi Kingston
Mike Knox
The Miz
John Morrison
Bam Neely
Chuck Palumbo
Stevie Richards
Matt Striker

The Master & the Apprentice (Colin Delaney+ Tommy Dreamer)
La Familia (Chavo Guerrero+ Bam Neely)
MNM v2 (The Miz+ John Morrison)

Other Personnel
General Manager- Theodore Long
Commentator- Joey Styles
Commentator- Tazz
Ring Announcer- Tony Chimel
Backstage Announcer- Lena Yada


Jim Duggan
The Boogeyman
Eve Torres
Ron Simmons
Jonathan Coachman


WWE Champion- Triple H
Intercontinental Champion- VACANT

World Heavyweight Champion- The Undertaker
United States Champion- Matt Hardy

ECW Champion- Kane
ECW Television Champion- VACANT

Undisputed Tag Team Champion- VACANT
Undisputed Women’s Champion- Mickie James
Undisputed Cruiserweight Champion- VACANT
Mr. Money in the Bank- CM Punk
King of the Ring- Chris Jericho


Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
This BTB is looking great X Power, especially as a new BTB'er, although I have to agree with Jamie, as it is very unrealistic to have 10 matches on Raw, even if it is a 3 hour show. The rosters look great and everything, and the draft results were awesome. I liked the suspense how you made it look like the WWE Championship would be going over to Smackdown with HHH moving, until the needle goes one more over to HBK, who will continue his feud hopefully with a heel and KIng of the Ring Chris Jericho. Best of luck :p

Evil Austin

well it looks good.. again one thing instead of having ten matches why not have 5 on a normal weekly show or 6 - 7 on a 3 hour one but instead of having ten short ones why not have half the amount but make them long good ones.. but its a good start better than most people do when they first start... Expect a review for the next show.


Week 1 in Preview

Week 1 in Preview

WWE Notes:

- On wwe.com, Mr McMahon announced that a tag team tournament will take place over the three brands for the currently vacant Undisputed Tag Team Championship. 12 teams are scheduled to be in the competition and the final will be at Vengeance: Night of Champions.
- Theodore Long was announced the new general manager of ECW after Mr McMahon made the decision that a general manager could not wrestle. Due to this stipulation, William Regal has been stripped of his General Manager duties and employed as a wrestler. For now, Mr McMahon will serve as the General Manager of Raw.
- Mr McMahon has successfully signed the two unhappy TNA superstars and they will definitely debut at or after Vengeance.
- WWE diva Torrie Wilson has recovered from injury and the WWE have decided to sign a new contract for her.
- Mr McMahon has confirmed that the Cruiserweight Championship will come back, in an invitational battle royal at Night of Champions.

ECW Preview:

- New ECW resident The Great Khali has issued an open challenge. Tune in to see who will accept.
- Colin Delaney has been issued his latest challenge. See if he can take down the biker Chuck Palumbo.
- Theodore Long has announced that a new championship will be added to ECW, but there were no details on what it will be. Watch ECW to find out who will challenge for this championship.

Raw Preview:

- Mr McMahon has ordered that the ex General Manager Will Regal must face Rey Mysterio in his return to Raw.
- Beth Phoenix takes on Melina for a shot at the Women’s Title, with Mickie James as the special referee.
- Finlay has challenged JBL to a match. JBL will announce if he accepts on Raw.
- In a tag main event, Edge and Randy Orton will take on Triple H and Mr Kennedy. Who will challenge for the WWE title for Vengeance? Watch Raw to find out!
- The 2nd Generation stars will fight Cody Rhodes and a mystery partner on Raw.

Smackdown Preview:

- Bigshow has accepted CM Punk’s challenge and the two will face off to determine the No.1 contender to the ECW title.
- Lance Cade’s challenge to Festus has been accepted by Jesse and the two will fight on Smackdown.
- Vickie Guerrero has put the Undertaker in a match with Vladimir Kozlov. Can the Phenom overcome his great streak and down Kozlov? Watch Smackdown to find out.
- Chris Jericho will host a ‘royal’ Highlight Reel with special guests Batista and Shawn Michaels.
- Matt Hardy has sustained a minor injury at a house show that should last for approximately 4 weeks. The championship will not be vacated.


Week 1 Heat

Week 1- Sunday Night Heat

MATCH 1- Lance Cade v Jesse

The match starts with Lance Cade on the offensive, who constantly glances at Festus who paces around on the outside. Lance Cade uses a standing arm lock to gain control of Jesse. Jesse powers out though and starts punching Cade. Cade fights back though, and rebounds with a chop block, knocking Jesse off his feet. Lance Cade lifts Jesse up and hits him with a rock bottom and powerbomb combo.
1…..2….. Kick out the last minute!
Jesse is not done, and appears to get some minor offense in. He throws a punch to Cade’s abdomen, and goes for a Fame Asser, but Cade counters it with a delayed back suplex for a two count. Cade decides that it’s time to get serious, and Irish whips Jesse into the turnbuckle. He runs, but misses the clothesline. Jesse connects with a dropkick right on the jaw of Cade. He goes to the top rope and jumps to hit the leg drop. Cade rolls through though and lifts Jesse up for his finisher once again. He lifts him for the Rock bottom, but Jesse counters it into an arm bar submission. Cade is struggling and goes for the ropes, but Jesse rolls the hold into a small package!
1…..2….. Cade kicks out. Jesse stomps on Cade and hits a leg drop. He goes to throw Cade to the outside, and he does. However, when he sees Cade on the apron he walks over, but Cade pulls his face down over the ropes. Cade bounces into the ring and off the ropes to hit a devastating clothesline.
1…..2…..3 Cade wins!
The bell rings and Festus, who is helping Jesse, lulls into a coma in the middle of the ring. Cade takes the opportunity to hit the powerbomb combo on Festus. He then challenges him to a match on Smackdown.


Hawkins+ Ryder are shown in the ring, ready to make an announcement regarding their next match.
Hawkins- As you may know, I have a very important-
Ryder- Shut up losers (to the crowd)
Hawkins- As you may know, I have a very important message for all of you regarding our next match. We are scheduled to be in a tag team match for the newly announced tag-team tournament.
Ryder- Yep, and when we win that match, we will be one step closer to becoming the Undisputed tag team champions.
Hawkins- Anyway, the news is regarding our opponents, The Highlanders. They haven’t been wrestling that well as for a while and the Board of Directors has noticed this.
Ryder- And now they're going to finally do something about it.
Hawkins- You see if Robbie and his other dumb ass friend lose their next match, they are fired from the WWE.
Ryder- So long, chumps.
The Highlanders enter to their music, looking very nervous.

MATCH 2- The Edge Heads v The Highlanders

Robbie and Ryder start off in the ring with Robbie on the early offensive. He makes a tag to Rory and they work on Ryder’s neck with a sleeper hold but Ryder makes it to the ropes. Rory lifts him up for a powerslam but takes a poke to the eye. Ryder makes the tag and Hawkins takes Rory out with a clothesline. He whips Rory into the corner and goes for a spear, but Rory dodges and makes the hot tag to Robbie. Robbie calls to the crowd and hits an uppercut. He then hits a flying lariat and goes to the top rope. He jumps with a back elbow and hits Hawkins straight in the neck.
1…..2….. Ryder breaks up the count.
Rory enters and runs at Ryder, but he pulls the ropes down and Rory is sent crashing to the outside. While the ref is watching this, Hawkins hits Robbie with a blatant low blow and a spear. As soon as the referee turns around, he makes the cover.
1…..2…..3 The Highlanders are fired!

WINNER- Hawkins+ Ryder by PINFALL

MATCH 3- Chavo Guerrero v Tommy Dreamer

Chavo has brought his enforcer Bam Neely to ringside and Dreamer anxiously glances at him throughout the course of the match. In the early stages Chavo dominates after choking Dreamer out with the second rope. He hits a huge backbreaker and stomps on Dreamer. Chavo goes up to the top rope but Dreamer realizes the danger and goes up as well. The two throw punches at each other on the top rope. Chavo goes for a superplex, but Dreamer lands on his feet and reverses it into a DDT. Both men are lying on the ground and the ref begins to count.
1…2…3…4…5…6…7… Dreamer goes for the pin.
1…..2….. Chavo kicks out!
Dreamer Stays on the offensive and dropkicks Chavo in the knees sending him staggering away. He lifts up Chavo for the Dreamer Driver but he floats over and hits a neckbreaker on Dreamer for a two count. Chavo is now on the offensive and gets a few stiff shots in before throwing Dreamer to the outside. He then distracts the referee by trying to take the covering off a turnbuckle. Meanwhile Bam Neely hits Dreamer with a big boot and rolls him to the inside, where Chavo stops stalling and covers Dreamer.
1…..2…..3 Wait, the referee overrules the decision as Dreamer has his foot on the ropes.
Chavo is extremely frustrated and lifts Dreamer up for a suplex. He appears to be going for the three amigos and hits two of them with ease. However, when he goes for the third one, Dreamer counters it and sends Chavo into the corner. He runs for a clothesline, but Chavo dodges and hits a bulldog out of nowhere! Chavo goes to the top rope and signals to the crowd. He jumps for the splash but Dreamer rolls away. He lifts up Chavo for a Dreamer Driver but Chavo somehow reverses it into position for a Gory Bomb. Wait, in an extreme feat of athleticism, Dreamer kicks himself over Chavo and in one swift movement hits a DDT!
1…..2…..3 It’s Over!

WINNER- Tommy Dreamer by PINFALL

As Dreamer celebrates, Bam Neely runs in and hits him with a shot from behind. He and Chavo double team Dreamer for a while, but the none other than Colin Delaney rushes in to make the save. He hits a springboard dropkick on Neely sending him from the ring and he throws out Chavo as well. Chavo however grabs the mike and has something to say.

Chavo- Hey Dreamer, Delaney you guys think you are extreme? Dreamer you're not the soul of ECW, you're the scar of ECW. That’s why I and Neely; La Familia are challenging you for a match next week at ECW. Then you’ll see who will prevail.
Dreamer grabs a mike off Delaney.
Dreamer- You know what Chavo, you're on, and because you think you two are so hardcore why not make the tag team match extreme rules. The we’ll prove to you who really is extreme.
Chavo- Agreed, Neely and I will crush you two, just like anyone else that stands in our way. See you two losers on Tuesda-
Theodore Long’s music plays and the ECW General Manager walks out onto the stage.
Long- Player’s chill out. Y’all will get your match on ECW and it will be an extreme rules match. But since we have a tag team tournament on now, why don’t you two fight for a cause. La Familia takes on The Master and the Apprentice in an extreme rules match and the winners advance in the tag tournament. Does that sound good to you playas?
Chavo- Excelente.
Dreamer- What he said, we’ll be ready.
La Familia walk off and the show ends with Dreamer and Delaney posing in the centre of the ring.

Quick Recap:

1. Lance Cade def. Jesse
2. The Edge Heads def. The Highlanders
(Undisputed Tag Team Championship Tournament)
3. Tommy Dreamer def. Chavo Guerrero

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
BM - Chavo vs Dreamer was OK, but it wasn't great. Nonetheless, it was the best match on your show.
WM - Edge Heads vs Highlanders was like a squash to me
BP - N/A
WP - N/A
AC - This was an OK show. There's lots of room for improvement, but I guess the way you things are better because you book all WWE shows. It's my first time reading this BTB, good luck.


ECW Week 1

ECW Week 1

The Great Khali walks out to the centre of the ring with a microphone and without his usual translator.

Styles- Is Khali actually going to talk?
Tazz- I don’t know but what he has to say probably regards the open challenge he made on WWE.com.
Styles- Shush Tazz, he’s about to speak!

Khali- Tonight ECW. Great Khali. Open Challenge.
Khali screams and walks off.

Tazz- Wow, strong words from a strong superstar.
Styles- Yeah, but I wonder who will accept this challenge.
Tazz- Whoever it is, they have got to be prepared!

MATCH 1- Mike Knox v Jeff Hardy

Before the match officially starts, Knox hits Hardy with a cheap shot and hits him with a big boot on the outside. He then throws Hardy onto the steel steps and then throws him into the ringpost.

Tazz- Jeez, Knox is playing dirty tonight.

Suddenly Theodore Long appears in the big screen.
Long- Mike Knox, if that’s how you want to roll playa, outside the ring, then so be it. I am officially changing this match into one of no disqualifications or countouts, and falls count anywhere! Peace out, playas.

Styles- Wow, ECW just proved why it is so extreme.

Mike Knox does a sick laugh and continues the outside onslaught on Jeff Hardy. He again slams him into the barricade, where Hardy leans. Knox then hits a big boot, sending Jeff over the barricade and into the crowd, who quickly disperse. Know picks Hardy up and throws him back over to ringside. He looks under the ring and finds what he wants, a chair.

Tazz- This match is about to get even more extreme!

He hits Hardy over his back with the chair. He goes to hit him across the face, but Hardy ducks under and dropkicks the chair into Knox’s face. Hardy is now on the offensive, pelting Knox with the chair before throwing it down onto him on the ground. Hardy looks again under the ring and sees a table which he sets up. He sees Knox stir, so he hits a leg drop with another steel chair to Knox’s groin area. Hardy then looks again under the ring, this time finding a ladder. At this finding, Hardy seems to be pleased and goes back to Knox, who hits a drop toe hold, sending Hardy into the announce table. Knox then finds a baseball bat under the ring, and begins to hit Hardy with it. He whacks Hardy over the face for a two count, busting him open. Knox then sets up the table next to the announce table. He lifts Hardy for a powerbomb, but Hardy reverses it into a hurricanrana that sends him onto the table. Hardy hits him with the baseball bat, to make him stay down.

Styles- Knox is on the table Tazz, this can’t be good.

Hardy then sets up the ladder, and begins to climb it. Just as he reaches the top however, Know gets up and pushes the ladder over, sending Hardy’s face right onto the apron and then rebounding onto the floor. Knox dives on him for the cover.
1…..2….. Hardy kicks out!
Knox lifts hardy up once again and hits him with an uppercut, before driving his back into the apron. He then throws Hardy into the ladder, and he and it fall across the two set up tables. Knox grabs the baseball bat and goes to hit Hardy, but he throws the ladder up, hitting Knox’s face. Hardy then throws the ladder at Knox and hits a Whisper in the Wind! Hardy then throws Know on the announce table and hits a Twist of Fate!

Styles- Look at all this offense, Hardy is relentless tonight.
Tazz- Yes, he is certainly playing extreme.

Hardy then rolls Knox onto the remaining table. The crowd knows what will happen and Jeff climbs the ladder. He jumps and hits the Swanton Bomb, and the crowd begin a holy sh*t chant. Hardy manages to reach over and cover Knox, who lies motionless.
1…..2…..3 Hardy wins in his ECW debut match.

Styles- That was a crazy match Tazz.
Tazz- Neither of the competitors will be walking away 100% tonight, that’s guaranteed.


Theodore Long’s office is shown, with the GM inside.
Long- ECW fans, I have a huge announcement to make. For a long time, ECW has had only one championship. This leaves a lot of our superstars with nothing to gain. Well playas, I plan to change all that as Mr McMahon has let me bring in a new title, the ECW Television Championship. As for who will compete for it, I plan to have a triple threat match later on in this show. Two of the competitors will be fierce rivals Shelton Benjamin and Kofi Kingston, along with our newest, coolest draftee, Carlito.
Knocking is heard on the door and Armando Estrada enters.
Estrada- Teodor Long, my amigo. The man who took my job but I don’t care, I’m still cool.
He offers Long a Cuban cigar.
Long- I call the shots now, so you can save the butt kissing.
Estrada- OK. What I am really here for is to raise an issue. And dat is dat I know ju don’t like me, but I want to know why you didn’t pick me in the match for the new ECW Television Title.
Long- Playa, what do you think makes you deserve a match? You haven’t won one match in ECW so far.
Estrada- Do you know how successful I made this brand? If not for me, ju would not be here now.
Long- Tell you what. At Vengeance I propose a fatal 4-way for the Championship. It will be the champion after tonight taking on three others to be decided by qualifying matches. One of these qualifying matches can contain the losers of tonight’s match, another can contain new superstars Jeff Hardy and Snitsky and the third can contain you. How does that sound?
Estrada- Sounds good, but who will be my opponent?
There is a knock on the door and Hardcore Holly enters.
Holly- Theodore Long, I was standing outside your office and I couldn’t help hearing that you wanted a challenger for this new title. This is my home. The home of extreme and of hardcore. Who better to give a title opportunity to than me?
Long- Well, Holly, you'll need to prove yourself here in ECW before you get an opportunity at the ECW Television title, and I have to be convinced that you are worth the shot.
Holly- Sure, Teddy, it wont be long before I establish myself as the best superstar ECW has to offer. Oh and, Estrada; watch out!
Estrada- Next week, we shall see.
Long- That’s all, playas.
Estrada stays in the office but Holly leaves.

Tazz- Wow, the new ECW Television Title is being awarded tonight. And then it’s going to be defended at Vengeance!
Styles- A huge announcement there from our new Manager.
Tazz- And we might be seeing Estrada v Holly next week!

MATCH 2- Chuck Palumbo v Colin Delaney

Chuck Palumbo dominates the start of this match, and after hitting Colin with a big boot, locks in a sleeper hold. He wears Colin down, but the crowd gets on the underdog’s side and eventually Colin escapes the hold after an elbow to the face. Colin dropkicks Palumbo in the knees and hits a bulldog. Delaney goes to the second rope and jumps for a crossbody, but Palumbo catches him in mid-air. Palumbo lifts Colin up over his shoulders and goes for the full throttle. However, Colin floats over and hits a Dreamer DDT. He crawls over for the cover.

Tazz- If Delaney wins, this could be an upset.

1…..2….. Palumbo throws Colin off him and into the turnbuckle.
Palumbo gets up and punches Colin straight in the face, and powers him into the turnbuckle. Palumbo runs and goes for a spear but Delaney dodges and rolls Palumbo up.

Tazz- Wow, Delaney may steal this one.
Styles- He doesn’t seem very confident in himself though, he has his feet on the ropes.

1…..2….. The referee notices that Delaney has his feet on the ropes. Colin looks embarrassed and says sorry to the ref.
As Delaney is apologizing, Palumbo gets up and clubs Colin from behind. As Delaney gets up, Chuck raises him and hits the Full Throttle. He goes for the cover.
1…..2…..3 Colin can’t overcome Palumbo today.

Tazz- Wow, Delaney; thanks for coming.

As Chuck celebrates his victory, Hardcore Holly runs into the ring with a baseball bat and starts hitting Chuck with it. The crowd cheers Holly as he walks off wearing Palumbo’s blood.

Styles- Hardcore Holly obviously thinks this is the best way to prove him to Theodore Long.
Tazz- Well he’s sure convinced me that he is title worthy.

WINNER- Chuck Palumbo by PINFALL

Theodore Long’s office is again shown, with Estrada still inside. Hardcore Holly runs inside panting.
Holly- Teddy, does that prove good enough to you?
Long- Well it sure proved that you are extreme, and this is the land of extreme, so I guess yes, you can have your match.
Estrada- Wit me?
Long- Indeed, next week on ECW it will be Estrada versus Hard-
A scream is heard outside the office and Chuck Palumbo barges in, bloody and lunges right at Hardcore Holly.
Long- Palumbo, Holly, save that for the ring or you’ll both be fired right now!
They stop brawling.
Long- Palumbo, what is your problem playa? Barging in like this.
Chuck- Holly’s my problem. Didn’t you see him earlier; he jumped me to prove himself. I just won my ECW debut match, I should be the one put in the Television title qualifier.
Long- How does this sound? You both obviously have worthy arguments and I can’t decide who is better so next week there will be a triple threat match. It will be Chuck Palumbo taking on Hardcore Holly taking on Armando Alejandro Estrada, with the winner competing at Vengeance for the ECW Television Title.
Chuck- See you there, chump.
Holly- If you show up, that is.
The two leave. Estrada looks at Long.
Estrada- I thank ju senor. I will be the eventual winner of the E…C…Double-ju Television Championship.
Estrada leaves the office.

Styles- So the matches are announced. The champion after tonight takes on three other competitors at Vengeance.
Tazz- But who will be advancing to that match?
Styles- You have tonight’s losers facing off, then newcomers Jeff Hardy and Snitsky and then newly announced, a triple threat match between Chuck Palumbo, Armando Estrada and Hardcore Holly.

MATCH 3- Carlito v Shelton Benjamin v Kofi Kingston

The three circle each other in the ring and after a stare down Carlito and Benjamin both lunge for and attack Kingston. They double team him with first double clotheslines then they throw him out of the ring.

Tazz- Ouch! It looks like there are alliances being made.
Styles- I think you spoke too soon.

Carlito and Shelton lock up in the middle of the ring and Shelton manages to start a side headlock. Shelton flings Carlito into the turnbuckle and hits him with a running splash. He then throws him out of the ring where he lands on the recovering Kofi. He poses in the middle of the ring before going to launch himself out of the ring and onto the two others. However, Kingston dodges, and Shelton only ends up hitting Carlito. When he gets up, he is greeted with a huge Jamaican Buzzsaw from Kofi.

Tazz- Shelton ends up eating his words.

Kingston slides into the ring but then jumps and hits a springboard leg drop onto Benjamin. He rolls him into the ring and covers him.
1…..2….. Carlito breaks it up!
Carlito goes for a backstabber on Kofi, but Benjamin instead dropkicks him away. Kofi and Benjamin get up and eye each other off in the centre off the ring. Shelton pokes Kofi in the eyes and hits him with a stiff clothesline. He turns around and gloats to the crowd, only to be hit by a knee lift followed by a swinging neckbreaker by Carlito. Carlito gets a two count and begins to work on Benjamin but Kofi Irish Whips Carlito into the corner. He then tries to whip Shelton into him, but he reverses it, sending Kofi into Carlito. Shelton goes for another splash, but this time, Kingston dodges and Carlito is hit instead. As Shelton comprehends the situation, he is hit with another Jamaican Buzzsaw by Kofi.

Styles- Kofi senses trouble in paradise!

As Kofi sees Benjamin lying in the middle of the ring he runs off the ropes going for his signature leg drop. Rebound, Boom Boom Boom and… Backstabber? Carlito out of nowhere hits Kingston as he was about to go for Air Jamaica and win the match!
1…..2…..3 Carlito is the new ECW Television Champion

Tazz- Out of nowhere Carlito is the new champ. This means that Shelton and Kofi will fight for a spot at Vengeance.
Styles- Shhhh, I think he has something to say.

Carlito picks up a mike.
Carlito- Now that’s cool,
He leaves and celebrates.


Lena Yada is shown backstage with La Familia.
Yada- Chavo, Bam, what are your thoughts on Tommy Dreamer and Colin Delaney and your match with them next week.
Chavo- Is that a trick question?
Yada- No, I just-
Chavo- Dreamer and Delaney are inferior to me and Bam. We are degraded just talking about them; even looking at them sickens us. Look at the match tonight with Colin Delaney. I don’t know why he was granted a contract. He has to try and cheat to win, and even then he can’t pull it off. He is the scum of ECW. Unlike me and Bam, we are the headliners of ECW.
Yada- What do you have to say about your match next week?
Chavo- Did I tell you to talk?
Yada- No, but-
Chavo- Then shut up and get out of here.
Yada sulks and walks off.
Chavo- Next week, I and Bam will destroy Dreamer and Delaney so much; they will end up a pool of bloo-
Chavo is tapped on the back.
Chavo- Stupid bitch, didn’t I tell you to go away.
He looks over his shoulder but instead of seeing Lena Yada, he sees Tommy Dreamer. Dreamer has a kendo stick in hand and starts wailing on the two of them. Colin Delaney then comes with a chair and starts hitting them with it.
Delaney- You said I don’t know how to cheat? Next week just wait, we’ll be ready!
He drops the mike and exits with Dreamer. Chavo and Bam just lie there in pain.

Styles- La Familia got what was coming to them Tazz.

The Great Khali makes his way towards the ring.

Tazz- Who will accept Khali’s open challenge?

Khali- Face Khali. Come now.

Styles- Not many words but a clear message. Who will accept?

There is a very long pause, then an explosion is heard and Kane makes his way out, with a huge pop. Khali looks slightly intimidated as the match begins.

MATCH 4- The Great Khali v Kane

The two monsters lock up in the ring; Khali begins to dominate after locking in a standing armlock. In one motion, Khali hip tosses Kane half way across the ring. He steps on Kane, crushing his chest, and he shouts at the crowd while he does it. He then does the same thing but to his arm. Khali bends over to pick Kane up, but Kane trips him and he falls out of the ring. Kane goes out, but Khali is waiting, and he slams Kane into the apron. He rolls Kane into the ring but stays outside. He further targets Kane’s arm, bashing it into the ringpost several times.

Tazz- The ref is counting, Khali better get back in.

As the referee counts 8, Khali re-enters the ring and continues dominating Kane. He throws Kane into the corner and hits him with a big boot for a two count. He then hits an elbow drop on Kane’s weakened arm for another near fall. Again, he continues the offensive, putting Kane in another standing armlock. Kane eventually fights out, and reverses the hold into a side slam. Kane goes for the Chokeslam, but he can not lift Khali, as his arm is so weak. Khali clubs Kane over the head and hits him with a scoop slam. He raises Kane to a vertical basis and goes for the Brain Chop, but Kane blocks it and hits an uppercut. He goes to Irish Whip Khali but is whipped himself; however he rebounds with a big boot. Kane goes up to the top rope and hits the clothesline.

Styles- Kane signals that it’s Chokeslam time.
Tazz- Can he pull one off though?

Kane chokes Khali, but gets batted away and thrown to the ropes. Khali runs at Kane, but he pulls the ropes down, sending the Punjabi Giant to the outside. Kane exits the ring and goes to pick up Khali, but CRACK! Kane is hit square in the head with a steel chair and falls to the floor. Khali screams and keeps on hitting Kane, until he is busted open. He then places the chair on the ground and delivers a huge Khali Chokebomb onto it. The show closes as Khali begins to make Kane bleed from with the mouth with a vice grip. He is shown screaming at the audience as the cameras stop rolling.


Quick Recap

1. Jeff Hardy def. Mike Knox
2. Chuck Palumbo def. Colin Delaney
3. Carlito def. Shelton Benjamin & Kofi Kingston
(ECW Television Championship)
4. Kane def. The Great Khali​