Kayfabe Wrestling World Podcast - (Will Neilson)

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Chicken McDouble

The Architect
Apr 15, 2016
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United Kingdom


Wrestling World Podcast

"Welcome to the Wrestling World Podcast, my name is Adam Brooks (is this what Thunder wanted to call him?) and as you know last week we had Precision superstar Alex Clark on our show, and he discussed various topics about Precision and how all the new stars were being treated. Well... today we have another Precision superstar, former Mr. Money in the Bank, Undisputed Champion, first ever Survival Champion and current Intercontinental Champion, it is Will Neilson!"

*Will gives a slight wave to the camera, he is in blue jeans along with a "I got beat by Will Neilson" shirt. Will places his Intercontinental Championship on the desk and faces Adam, waiting for the questions to come in.*

"So, we had Alex here last week as you know and he talked about how the new guys in Precision were treated. Of course, you've been in Precision since it started over a year ago and we just wanted to get your thoughts in this whole new influx of talent coming in."

"I mean, it's great that new talent come in, it gives everyone and especially myself more competition. You've got Senn, Dragon, Scorpio, Clark, Kelly... all these names that have decided to come to Precision. However, they know that the big dogs are here, people that outclass them in every single way and one of those is me as I've proven on several occasions. Senn couldn't even hold the new Precision title for a month! He lost it after 2 weeks to Andersen Vega! If the new guys want to stay up on the top of the card then they need to step their game up, but I feel that some of them just can't do that."

"Okay, now we've talked about the main group of new talent, we're going to ask you about your opinions on specific superstars on Precision. Firstly, the newly signed Juan Santos, he sent out a warning to every champion on the roster and you being a champion, what do you think of him?'

"I watched it backstage on the monitor, the dude is a joke. Where's this whole 'Sensational' stuff coming from? He doesnt stand out from the rest of the crowd, and as I said before, if he wants to stand out then he needs to show that he is unique and that he has something that no one else has. Juan isn't sensational, and if he ever steps in the ring with me there will only be 'Juan Way Out' and that is on a stretcher after being beaten by me."

"Harsh words indeed, the kid has just started out so I don't think you should be judging him from what you see now, it's what he does in the ring that shows who he is... but who am I to speak, it's your opinion after all. Okay, next on the agenda we have the man that you will be facing this week on Precison in Yuri Black, so again, give us your thoughts and opinions and more specifically what strategy will you use to potentially beat him?"

"Come on Adam... you can't be that stupid to ask me to reveal my strategy on beating Yuri Black, if I even had one! There is no strategy to beating him, I do what I do every night and regardless of the opponent I usually walk out victorious. He's been having some beef with um... Martin Kelly? Michael Drake? Ah yes, Michael Kelly. I mean for two guys who have just arrived here and barely know anything about each other, they really hate each other... like even in the back there's been times where both of them have had to be held apart from each other, it's crazy. There's major bad blood between both of them, and to be honest it's getting ridiculous and boring to see them fight every single time, they need to end it and I'm hoping that Viewer's Choice will be that end."

"So who's side are you on then?"

"Neither, they're both idiots."

"... alright then, let's move on. Time to move on up the food chain a bit and we move onto Jack Rogue, Jack has gone under a significant change of attitude since finally breaking free from the clutches of Andersen Vega, and even the deranged Ivy Hale has joined Rogue in his conquest on Precision. What are your thoughts?"

"Ivy Hale? Is that the red haired chick that he hangs round with?"


"She's strange, like Victor Sokolov levels of strange. But moving onto the main topic and that is Jack Rogue, I honestly don't see why he is the way he is, just one crazy ginger who wears this half-mask and makes people in the audience occasionally scared. Big deal. He lost in his first defence of the Intercontinental Championship, something that I'm not going to do, because I am a better champion than he will ever be and if he's the so called veteran... then how can I do more stuff in one year than he can in over two?"

"I... honestly don't know how to respond to that question, I don't know Rogue and I've only just met you about an hour ago.."

"But who has done more round here? Me or him?"


"Come on.. you're boring me."

"That would be you."

"Correct, now ask me your next question."

"Speaking of the Intercontinental Championship, you seem to have the odds stacked against you when you take on Golden Dragon and Joseph Diamond in a triple threat match at Viewer's Choice for that title. The fans pick the stipulation aswell, so do you think you're going to walk out the winner?"

"Obviously I will win, there's no question about it. Ladder match? I take them both out and climb to the top of the ladder and grab my title. Tables match? I'll put both of them through a table, whether it's a blazing inferno or not. Steel Cage? I'll risk everything and jump off that cage if it means holding onto this championship. Dragon may have beaten me, but I have the motivation to overcome him and Diamond, and walk out still the Intercontinental Champion."

"I would cover more with you, but I'm aware that you have places to be and I only have time to ask one more question. It's something that you may or may not have heard about, but Buster Gates is getting married. Are you happy for Buster? Have you been invited to the wedding itself?"

"If it makes him happy then he can be happy, and most importantly it's going to be held at Bad Blood so you could pretty much say the whole locker room is invited. However, I honestly don't plan to be really watching, it's not my type of thing and to me, training and focusing on matches counts more that watching live weddings in a wrestling ring. But yeah, if he's happy then it's fine with me, just don't expect me to be watching."

"Well, we thank you for your time Will and hopefully we might see you in the future back on here? Maybe if you have a bit more time on your hands?"

"If they replace you as the host then sure, I'll be happy to come back."

"Neilson picks up his Intercontinental Championship and walks out of the camera view as Adam Brooks waves goodbye to Neilson and the image fades to black."

Honestly isn't the longest podcast but I tried to do as best as I could within the time constraints that I have atm :)