WrestleMania XXV - The Rock vs. John Cena

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This was my entry into the IWF Olympics BTB Challenge. I was working my ass off with that and thought it should be posted in my homeland, the BTB Section. There is 4 weeks worth of Raw's and the finale at WrestleMania XXV. The only portions of these shows are the segments concerning the Rock and John Cena. It takes off the night after No Way Out. The Rock has been advertised to return to the WWE for weeks and has finally arrived on Monday Night Raw. This is where the story begins...

I don't expect the standard review system since there really aren't that many options to have a Best Match or Best Promo, this is basically for fun and want to know what you guys think of this.

See, just because WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling is on hiatus doesn't mean I kicked BTB to the curb, what lacks in some places I make up in another :) Without further adue, I hope you enjoy my little side project.


WWE Raw (24 Hours after WWE No Way Out)
Chicago, IL

The Rock’s theme music hits as the People’s Champion returns to the WWE.

: Well King, guess who’s back!!!

King: It’s the Brahma Bull JR! The People’s Champ! The Rock has finally returned to the WWE!

JR: Listen folks, we have been advertising the Rock’s return to World Wrestling Entertainment for weeks now, and now that he is finally back here tonight back on Monday Night Raw, it’s almost surreal! The Great One is back!!!

King: Do you hear this ovation JR? It’s deafening!

JR: The rafters are shaking, I can’t hear myself think, it’s like Bears won the Superbowl, I tell you what! Chicago is electric tonight!

King: Did you really expect anything less from the most electrifying man in sports entertainment JR?

The crowd continues to give the Great One a standing ovation as the Rock stands dead center in the ring with a microphone in hand. The Rock gets in his signature stance and says…

Rock: Finally…The Rock…has come back….to Chi-ca-go!!!

JR: This Chicago crowd sure does love the Great One don’t they King?

King: Who doesn’t love the Rock JR? Let’s be serious!

Rock: More importantly…finally…finally…The Rock has come back…home. You see it’s been way too long since the Great One stepped into a WWE ring. Last time all of you WWE fans saw the Rock was most likely at the WWE Hall of Fame ceremony last year where I inducted my grandfather “High Chief” Peter Maivia and my father “Soul Man” Rocky Johnson. You see, last year that night in Orlando, I felt something that I hadn’t felt in a long time; you know what the Rock felt that night? The Rock felt the electricity, the very same electricity he would feel night in and night out when the Rock would lace up his boots. Sure it was one night only, but ever since than, it has been nagging me every single day. It turned into a craving; I was hungry for that feeling just one more time! So do you know what the Rock did? The Rock picked up the People’s phone…hit a couple buttons…and got on the line with a Mr. Vincent Kennedy McMahon, that’s what the Rock did. You know Mr. McMahon and the Rock go back a long, long way! The Rock and Vince McMahon are best friends believe it or not, that’s what most people don’t realize, I am best friends with Vince. Hell, he has his official Kiss My Ass club, but he is the only member of the People’s Kiss My Ass Club! That jabroni has had his lips glued to the People’s Ass for more that a decade now!

Huge pop from the crowd.

Rock: So I tell him over the phone…”Vince, I have been thinking about that highly anticipated phrase…one more match.”

The crowd starts chanting “ONE MORE MATCH! ONE MORE MATCH!”

Rock: Vince starts getting excited over the phone, I can feel it, that electricity, I can’t help it, that electricity follows the Rock everywhere the Rock goes, do you want to know what? It’s because of one reason and one reason only; the Rock is the Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment! Now, back to what the Rock was talking about. We get the talking and all of a sudden I find the conversation moving towards Vince. You know, the typical Vince McMahon ego talking about his devilish good looks and huge “huge genitalia, how the conversation took a turn in that direction, the Rock doesn’t know, but I was trying to hold back from bringing up the People’s package…which reminds me…where’s Lillian Garcia?

The Rock turns towards Lillian Garcia who is sitting by the announcing area.

Rock: …Hey mama. You probably had your eyes locked on the People’s Package the minute the Rock stepped out of that curtain, haven’t you? Oh Lillian, you know the Rock is just messing with, the Rock wouldn’t do you like that…but seriously, and once in awhile is fine, control your sexual emotions! Alright, alright, enough of that, what I am trying get at is that the Rock is here! The Rock is back! Hollywood was fun, but there is no beating this right here! Look at the MILLIONS…

The crowd chants “…AND MILLIONS!!!”

Rock: …of the Rock’s fans who have come out to Monday Night Raw tonight, look at them! Thank you all for coming out tonight, I love you all, god bless, and trust me you will be seeing a lot more of the Rock around these parts now…if you SMELLLLLLLLLELLLLLLELLLLLLLLL…what the Rock…

The crowd chants “IS COOKIN’?”

Rock: …is…cookin’?

The Rock’s music hits as the People’s Champ exits the ring and walks up the ramp.

: Ladies and gentleman, I don’t know about you, but I have Goosebumps just witnessing the Rock in that very ring.

King: Trust me JR, you aren’t the only one, I think Lillian over there has way more than just Goosebumps!!

(Later that night)

Todd Grisham is standing by with John Cena.

Grisham: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, joining me at this time is the one and only…John Cena.

The crowd boos.

Grisham: Now, John, tonight you have…

Cena: Sorry Todd, I am going to stop you right in your tracks, don’t you have any respect? Do you know what day it is?

Grisham: Um, it’s Monday…

Cena: Wrong again Todd! Well, yes, it is Monday, but more importantly it’s apparently homecoming for the “Great One,” the Rock. Looks like you missed out on the celebration there Grisham, there were balloons, confetti, a parade, even those stupid little whistles you blow at New Year’s, it was all there, the red carpet for Hollywood’s “Biggest Star!” It was one hell of a party…

Grisham: Um, John, I don’t recall any of that…

Cena: Of course you don’t. I don’t either, you want to know why? It’s because the WWE has been hyping the Rock’s return for weeks now anticipating this guy to come back. This “guy” who would come back to Monday Night Raw, hasn’t wrestled a match in what? 4 years? This “guy” who would come back to Monday Night Raw and do what? Wrestle a match? No. The Rock has always been that guy who draws. He draws money and he draws ratings, he is the corporate puppet. The Rock thinks he can waltz right in here and sweep Vince McMahon off his feet and turn all the bright lights on him, well “Brahma Bull,” sorry to rain on your “parade,” but there’s another guy in that locker room who “draws big,” there’s another guy in that locker room who could “take on Hollywood,” and there’s also a guy in that locker room who still to this day busts his ass for this business just to earn those opportunities. You want to know who that guy is. His name is John Cena. John Cena is the top dog here on Monday Night Raw and tonight, I am going to go out there once again and do what I do best…fight. I take chances, I put all the cards on the table, hell, I am taking a chance right now shooting on the Rock in front of a Chicago crowd that can’t help but to hate me, but that’s just who “John Cena” is I guess. I think I made my points very clear, don’t you think Todd?

Cena nods his head and walks away.

(Later that night)

John Cena’s music hits as the leader of the Chain Gang comes down the ramp.

Folks if you love him or hate him, John Cena is the top dog here on Raw that will never back down and never quit!

King: Geez JR, a cool looking t-shirt will brainwash anyone these days! Besides, who wants to talk about John Cena when the Rock is back in the WWE!!!

Chris Jericho’s music hits as Y2J comes down the ramp.

: Are you going to say I can’t talk about Chris Jericho either because “The Rock is back?” I have all the respect in the world for the Rock, but the WWE doesn’t revolve around him. He is surefire hall of fame, but let’s not get too wrapped up in the Great One’s big comeback!

John Cena vs. Chris Jericho
Cena and Jericho circle the ring. The crowd gets behind Chris Jericho just to boo Cena since they are in Chicago. Cena blocks out the boos from the fans and locks up with Jericho. Jericho tries to back Cena up to the corner, but John reverses and backs Y2J up to the corner. Cena starts nailing him with shots in the corner until the ref yanks him off. Cena obeys the ref, but Jericho picks his spot and kicks Cena in the gut. Jericho reverses positions and Cena finds himself in the corner eating shots from Jericho. Jericho knees Cena in the gut and then climbs onto the second rope. Jericho starts reining down mounted punches to the skull of John Cena 1…2…3…Cena pushes him off. Jericho falls out of the corner and lands on his feet. Jericho charges Cena, but Cena powers back with a shoulder block. Jericho gets up and Cena flies across the ropes. Cena bounces back and plants Jericho with a flying shoulder block. Cena gets to his feet and tells Y2J to get back to his feet. Cena picks Jericho up, but Jericho connects with a shot to the gut and a forearm uppercut. Jericho pulls John back in straight into a side headlock. Jericho goes for the side headlock takedown, but Cena blocks. John Cena lifts up Jericho and plants him down with a backdrop suplex. Cena gets up slowly. Cena goes towards Chris on the mat, but Jericho kicks him a couple times and Cena pauses, stumbling back. Jericho gets up to his feet and charges Cena for a clothesline, but Cena ducks. Jericho goes off the ropes and back. Cena goes for a hip toss, but Jericho blocks and reverses and nails the Champ with a hip toss of his own. Cena gets right back up and Jericho flips him over with a hip toss. Cena gets up and Jericho plants him with several kicks to the legs. Jericho doubles back off the ropes and nails Cena with a drop kick. Cena stumbles, but he doesn’t fall. Jericho kicks him in the gut and then runs to and off the ropes and connects with a bulldog onto Cena. Jericho covers Cena 1…2…kickout! Jericho sits Cena up and slaps on a headlock. Jericho tightens the grip as Cena begins to fade. Cena starts to show life shaking his arms in the air to a terrible reaction. Cena gets up while still in the headlock. Cena counters Jericho’s headlock by sending him up and spinning him down to the mat with his signature protoplex. Cena gets amped up and gets ready for the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Cena goes over to Jericho and bends down for the “You Can’t See Me,” but Jericho connects with a cheap eye rake. Cena stumbles back trying to see. Jericho springs up to his feet and doubles back off the ropes. He charges John Cena and plants him with the Code Breaker. The place erupts as Jericho goes to pin Cena 1…2…kickout again!

JR: The Allstate Arena here in Chicago was certain that John Cena was going to be put away by the Code Breaker, but apparently, like always, Cena still has some fight in him!

Jericho starts to argue with the ref that it was 3, but the ref keeps telling Y2J that it was only 2. Cena gets up and smiles behind Jericho’s back. Cena spins Jericho around and kicks him in the gut. John Cena runs to the ropes and back and connects with the Throwback on Chris Jericho. Cena smiles and signals for the 5 Knuckle Shuffle yet again. Cena bends over, but doesn’t say “You Can’t See Me.” He bends back up and swings his arm like the Rock’s People’s Elbow. Cena runs to the ropes and across the ring off the other side. Cena stops right at Chris Jericho and bends over saying “You Can’t See Me,” and drops a huge elbow on Chris Jericho.

King: Hey! Just what does John Cena think he’s doing? If I didn’t know better I would have sworn I just saw the People’s…

JR: Wait a minute King! Looks like Cena is going for the win here!!!

The crowd boos Cena out of the building. Cena does his “Word Life” pose then grabs Jericho’s leg and locks in his signature STFU submission maneuver. Jericho struggles then finally taps out to John Cena.
WINNER: John Cena

JR: John Cena loves a good fight and sure as hell he got one here tonight with Chris Jericho! What a great match that was!

King: I smell something fishy here JR! Do you think John Cena was “mocking” the Brahma Bull in that match?

JR: I don’t know what you mean King, all I know is that John Cena might have lost last night in the Elimination Chamber at No Way Out, he sadly won’t be in the main event of WrestleMania this year, but looks to me like John Cena is at the top of his game!

(Week 1 End)

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
DAMN! This one is great XBA, Cena sounds heel here and I really liked it! I can't wait to see what will happen on Week 2.


Denver, CO

The camera pans next to a limousine that pulled up in the parking lot. The driver gets out and walks to the back door of the limo. He opens the door and out comes the Rock. He breathes heavily in and out and smiles. The Rock looks around and grabs his bag out of the limo. He begins to walk up the driveway when Raw General Manager Mike Adamle confronts him.

Adamle: Rock! Rock! Hey Rock! How’s it going???

Rock: Whoa, whoa, whoa, sorry bro, the Rock ain’t got time for chit chat and autographs, the Rock’s got places to go and people to see, but here you go…

The Rock hands his duffle bag to Mike Adamle.

Rock: …you can take that to my locker room, thanks man, really.

Adamle: Rock? Come on! It’s me! I am not valet or bus boy or anything, it’s Mike Adamle!

Rock: Mike Adamle?

Adamle: Yea Rock, Mike Adamle!

Rock: …oh…wait a minute, are you telling the Rock that Mike Adamle has graced the Rock with his presence and actually took time out of Mike Adamle’s jam packed schedule to talk to the Rock?

Adamle: Well, that’s putting it on pretty thick don’t you think Rock, haha.

Rock: Yea that is putting it on pretty thick, by the way…can you tell me just who in the BLUE HELL is Mike Adamle?

Adamle: Oh, come on Rock, it’s the General Manager of Raw here; I have been GM here for quite some time!

Rock: …hmmm…oh I am just playing Mike of course I know who you are. Let me tell you that you my friend are doing a great job, let’s walk and talk…

The Rock and Mike Adamle start walking away from the camera and their voices start to fade into the distance.

Rock: Thank god I wasn’t greeted with Eric Bischoff’s ugly mug…

(Later that night)

John Cena’s music hits as the leader of the Chain Gang comes down the ramp.

: What an impressive victory over former World Champ Chris Jericho John Cena had last week King, I wonder why Cena is coming out to the ring! It broke on WWE.com earlier today that Cena has something to say, I wonder what it could be!

King: Well JR, not to sound unbiased, but if I didn’t know better I would say John Cena is pretty upset over how No Way Out went 2 weeks ago, that was his last “in†at WrestleMania!

Cena: Now, now, quiet, quiet, I need to get something off my chest. Now, I know recently I have been doing things that I don’t normally do and saying things I don’t normally say, I am fully aware, I see the 27 replays that WWE plays during ECW and SmackDown, I know. The reason for those outbursts is…well, I am just plain bummed out. You want to know why? I am bummed because it’s WrestleMania season. Now, don’t get me wrong, WrestleMania season is the best time of the entire year, but this year, gee, I don’t know, it just doesn’t feel like WrestleMania. A month ago I got butterflies in my stomach knowing that I might do the impossible once more and win the Royal Rumble and receive my first class ticket to WrestleMania this year, unfortunately that opportunity was capitalized on by the “Ultimate Opportunist,†Edge.

The crowd boos.

Cena: Hey, hey, Edge isn’t that bad, so what he slept with every skank there is behind that curtain, I mean…

The crowd starts chanting “CENA! CENA! CENA!â€

Cena: …ha…now, Edge won the Royal Rumble, so what, I was pretty respectful, the guy deserved it. Undertaker sent him into a flaming ring at Summerslam last year, give the guy a break. Next, I had my eyes set on the newest tradition, the Elimination Chamber match at No Way Out with the winner claiming the number one contender spot for the World Heavyweight Championship, Batista’s World Championship, at WrestleMania XXV, and as many of you know “the Champ†came up short that night as well losing in the final pinfall to the “One Man Dynasty†Randy Orton. I know what you are thinking out there, you are saying “Chin up John, after all you had an impressive victory over Chris Jericho last week!†Trust me, when you compare the two, headlining WrestleMania XXV or defeating Chris Jericho, which one would you choose? That’s what I thought. Now, John Cena isn’t one to get bummed out or bumped out of WrestleMania, I am looking for a fight and I am not going to leave this ring until I get one!

JR: Wait? Cena wants to fight right now? That’s fine with me!

King: Cena should stop crying about not being included at WrestleMania JR, I mean come on, there’s way more to a WWE Superstar’s life than WrestleMania!

Mike Adamle’s theme music hits as Raw’s General Manager comes down the ramp.

: John…John…John, we have known each other for a long time now, did you think I would forget to put you in a match at WrestleMania? Well, before tonight your WrestleMania future could have been in jeopardy, but thankfully the right pieces came together at exactly the right time because you are now in a match at the 25th anniversary of WrestleMania! Trust me John, when you find out who your opponent is, you will be much happier than if you had a World Heavyweight title match anyday…

Mike Adamle smiles and nods at John Cena and then walks back behind the curtain.

JR: Good way to leave us hanging Mike! Who could John Cena’s opponent…

The Rock’s music hits as the Great One comes down the ramp to a thunderous ovation.

: Wait a minute…

King: Oh my god JR! It’s the Rock!!! What could the Rock be doing out here?

JR: Do you think King?

King: Think what JR?

JR: Do you think that…the Rock might be John Cena’s opponent at WrestleMania?

The Rock raises his arm in the corner to the crowd and then turns around and circles John Cena slowly staring at him.

Cena: Uh…

The Rock puts his hand in front of John Cena’s face shutting Cena up.

Rock: Finally….the Rock has come back to Cleve-land!!!

The crowd goes nuts.

Cena: Can you please tell me just what is going on here Rock? I mean Mike Adamle comes out here and announces I have a match and the next thing I know you…

The Rock puts his hand in front of John Cena’s face shutting Cena up again.

Rock: If you would please stop talking a mile a minute, maybe, just maybe we can save this butchered promo you just tried feeding this crowd. First off, the Great One comes out to this very ring in front of the MILLIONS…


Rock: …of the Rock’s fans and you don’t even have the decency to introduce yourself?

Cena: Well, looks like someone is a little slow, if you don’t know by now, my name is John…

Rock: IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT YOUR NAME IS!!! Actually, in all fairness, The Rock knows who you are. You see, the Rock is very well aware that you my friend are John Cena. I remember you from a couple years back John, yea, I remember all of this…

The Rock sarcastically does the “You Can’t See Me.â€

Rock: Yea! Yea! The Rock remembers it all, the Rock remembers all of it, Word Life! You Can’t See Me! Didn’t they call you the Doctor of…uh…refresh my memory here…

Cena: The Doctor of Thug-a-nomics Rock, it was the Doctor of Thug-a-nomics.

Rock: Right, that’s it. Hell, you even through a bag of peanuts at the Big Show and told him to suck your…

Cena: That’s enough of that, let’s remember this is a family show!

Rock: What I am trying to get at Cena is that you have definitely come a long way. Actually, the minute the Rock left the WWE, you skyrocketed, isn’t that right? Wow, has that Rock been gone that long?

Cena: Ha, it sure has been a long time…

Rock: The Rock has definitely missed a lot over the passed few years. I missed Rob Van dam become a World Champion! I missed Bradshaw from the old APA actually do something with his career, hell the Rock even missed Triple H’s nose grow an inch and a half bigger! Now that’s something I regret. However, most importantly, as I pointed out last week, John, the Rock misses that electricity. The Rock misses getting into this ring and feeding off the fans, the Rock misses the WWE and as you may know has come back for “one more match.†It’s pretty funny because as the Rock arrived at the arena today, I was greeted by this strange short man, who actually turned out to be the Raw GM Mike Adamle, and he informed me that he had this idea for a match at WrestleMania. He told the Rock that this match would “blow WrestleMania out of the water!†Yea, that’s what he said, actually, this match involved you my friend. He told the Great One that at WrestleMania “The Doctor of…†…help me out here…

Cena: Thug-a-nomics…

Rock: Right! Mike Adamle told the Rock that at WrestleMania XXV “The Doctor of Thug-a-nomics†John Cena would step into this very ring in Houston and make “history.†He said that this match would be the biggest match in the history of this business. At this point the Rock really didn’t give a crap what words was coming out of this little man’s mouth until…he told the Great One…the at WrestleMania XXV…John Cena would be standing in one corner…in front of 10’s of thousands of WWE fans in Houston…staring across the ring at…his opponent…

JR: Who Rock? Who?

Rock: …staring at his opponent…the Rock.

King: Oh my god!!!

JR: Good lord what an announcement!

The crowd goes crazy.

Rock: That’s right at WrestleMania XXV, headlining the biggest event in the history of this business, John Cena will be going one on one with the Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment, but what I want to know from you John Cena is…are you too “bummed†to go one on one with the Rock?

Cena: Rock I know you have been out of the loop for sometime, but I have had a little catchphrase of my own, I never back down and I never quit, so if YOU want some…come get some!

John Cena and the Rock stand toe to toe in the middle of the ring as the arena goes crazy.

JR: Ladies and gentlemen, you have just witnessed something special, but I tell you what this moment will stand the test of time in Raw history, but King, what will happen when both of these men collide at WrestleMania????

(End Week 2)

the dark knight

lol i should get an award for best BTB set ups >_>

Evil Austin

That was exceptional XBA, really great stuff this is why you are quite possibly the best promo writer ever. Ill be reading week 3 for sure and lol at Rock not being able to remember the 'thug-a-nomics'. But once again great work here.


Las Vegas, NV

Mike Adamle is standing in his office.

Adamle: Good evening WWE Raw fans, welcome to Monday Night Raw, I am the Raw General Manager Mike Adamle. Last week we witnessed one of the momentous moments in the history of Monday Night Raw as the Rock revealed that he would take on John Cena at this year’s WrestleMania. However before we get to WrestleMania XXV, we have to make every stop on the road to Houston, which brings me to tonight. Tonight in your main event, since John Cena was bummed about not making it into the main event at WrestleMania, John Cena will take on the man he lost to in the Elimination Chamber at No Way Out, Randy Orton right here tonight. Also, the Rock will make an appearance LIVE in that very ring here tonight and will have some comments on his upcoming WrestleMania match. Let’s get this party started shall we?

(Later that night)

The Rock’s music hits as the Great One comes down the ramp.

: Well King, here is the most electrifying man in sports entertainment, the People’s Champ the Rock!

King: I love this JR, the Rock is back and peace has finally been restored here in the WWE. Ever since the Rock left, I feel like the WWE has been missing something, now that I realized that it was the Rock that was missing the whole time, I feel a whole lot better!

Rock: Finally…the Rock has come back to Las…Veg-as!!! Now the Rock is in a very, very good mood tonight because we now less than 2 weeks away from the return of the Brahma Bull to a WWE ring! The Rock has been getting the e-mails, getting the phone calls, logging on to the internet, the Rock knows what the WWE fans are saying about…the Rock vs. Cena. The Rock is well aware that the past and the present of the WWE are going to collide head to head at the biggest WrestleMania of all time. The Rock is well aware that John Cena is at the top of his game and the Rock hasn’t set foot in the squared circle in 5 years. Most importantly, the Rock is well aware that you…the WWE fans are…torn apart. You have divided yourselves into two sides. On one side, you are pulling for John Cena…

The crowd boos.

Rock: …and on the other, you are pulling for the Great One!

The crowd cheers.

Rock: If you were to ask the Rock just who he thinks will come out victorious in this match, the Rock would tell you to listen to the people, listen to the Millions…


Rock: …of the Rock’s fans chanting his name…


Rock: And that right there, then that is when you will have the answer you have been looking for. You see at WrestleMania XXV, it won’t just be new school vs. old, no, at WrestleMania XXV there will be a generation vs. generation! Not just in the form of The Rock vs. John Cena, no, it will be John Cena vs. the Rock, “Soul Man†Rocky Johnson, and god rest his soul, the “High Chief†Peter Maivia! You see John Cena what happens when the present generation is smacked across the face with 3 generations of lineage? The Rock saw your little semi-shoot interview you pulled on Raw two weeks ago John Cena, the Rock kept his mouth shut last week about it, but it has been eating away at the flesh of the Brahma Bull for far too long and I think you need to be taught a lesson about those who came before you, and I think this 3rd generation superstar just might be the one to do it…

Randy Orton’s music hits as the “One Man Dynasty†Randy Orton comes down the ramp.

: Excuse me Rock, but I just had to but in. Let me tell you, from one 3rd generation superstar to another, I hope you beat the crap out of John Cena at WrestleMania. However, but there might not be a John Cena to fight at WrestleMania once I am done with him tonight, you see…

The Rock puts his hand in front of Randy Orton’s face shutting him up.

: The Rock does not like to get interrupted, especially by someone the likes of you Randy. You see, the Rock knows who you are, the Rock isn’t that old. The Rock remembers 5 years ago, do you Randy? The Rock remembers it all too well. “Where it all began again,†WrestleMania XX, you Randy, and your Evolution buddies Batista and WOO! “the Nature Boy†Ric Flair took on the legendary team of the Rock and Sock Connection. Randy, if the Rock recalls correctly, you beat the Rock and Sock Connection that night, and with that being the Rock’s last match in the WWE, the Brahma Bull still has the slight taste of defeat from that night 5 years ago. I am beginning to think you strolling your tattooed self down to this ring tonight was a tad of a bad idea…

Orton: Well you know what a “bad idea†is Rock? Do you want to know? I think it’s a bad idea for you to be giving me, the number one contender for Batista’s World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania, lip. Don’t you know who I am Rock? I am the most valued commodity…

Rock: “Oh, look at me, I am Randy Orton and I love greasing myself up even when I am not wrestling!†You at you, you shine more than a mirror. Hell Randy, half of your paycheck goes towards lubricant anyways, we all know you grease yourself up, but who knows what else you use that lube for. You want to know what you can do with the lubricant. Randy, you can take the bottle of lubricant, turn that son of a bitch sideways, and you can stick it straight up your tattooed monkeyass!

Orton gets pissed off and is almost blowing steam out of his ears.

Orton: Oh, Rock, you don’t know how deep you have just dug your grave!

The Rock and Randy Orton stand nose to nose in the middle of the ring.

JR: This might break down quick!!!

John Cena runs down the ramp from behind of Randy Orton. He slides into the ring and gets in a fighting stance right behind the Legend Killer.

: Wait a minute! It’s John Cena!

Randy Orton turns around and Cena charges him for a clothesline, but Orton ducks and John Cena. Cena stops before he hits the Rock. Randy Orton slides out of the ring as Cena chases him out. John Cena stands at the ropes watching Orton walk backwards up the ramp.

King: Did John Cena almost hit the Great One?

The Rock stands right behind John Cena. Cena turns around and stands face to face with the Rock. John Cena tries apologizing and offers to shake hands with the Rock burying the hatchet. The Rock looks to the crowd and asks for their opinion. They crowd is going nuts. John Cena extends his hand out as does the Rock. As soon as the Rock grips the hand of Cena, he pulls him in and drills him with a Rock Bottom. The crowd has a mixed reaction as the Rock stands back up and grabs the mic.

Rock: This is for calling the Rock a “Corporate Puppet!â€

The Rock’s theme hits as the People’s Champion makes his way to the back.

(Later that night)

Randy Orton’s music hits as the “One Man Dynasty†comes down the ramp.

: Well King, as we saw earlier tonight the Rock in a sense fired the first shot at John Cena when he delivered a huge Rock Bottom to the Champ, do you think this will have any effect on Cena’s match with Randy Orton tonight?

King: Hold on just a minute JR, did you just say the Rock fired the first shot? Excuse me, but Cena verbally tore the Rock apart in that interview 2 weeks ago, if you ask me the culprit here is John Cena! He pulled that trigger to fire the first shot! If you ask me, Randy should bulldoze Cena in this match considering he is fresh off his Elimination Chamber victory and is heading towards WrestleMania against Batista for World title gold!

John Cena’s music hits as the Chain Gang Leader comes out of the gate to a mixed reaction.

John Cena vs. Randy Orton

The fans still have a mixed reaction towards John Cena, but do not cheer for Randy Orton at all. Randy walks to the middle of the ring cockily and demands Cena come meet him face to face. Cena walks up to the middle of the ring face to face with Orton and Cena slaps him right across the face. Orton pauses and goes for a shot on Cena, but Cena blocks and fires back with huge right hands one right after another. Cena keeps unloading onto Orton backing him up to the ropes. Orton is pinned against the ropes and ducks his upper half of his body under the top rope forcing the ref to push Cena back. Cena keeps unloading despite what the ref says until the ref physically pushes Cena back. Cena finally calms down and apologizes to the ref, but Randy Orton charges him and nails him with a clothesline. The crowd boos as Orton starts stomping the hell out of Cena. The ref tries to back him up, but Orton stops and grabs Cena up. Orton nails him in the gut with a knee and sets him up for a suplex. Orton goes for a suplex, but Cena blocks. Cena lifts Orton up and drills him with a suplex of his own. Orton cringes, but gets right back to his feet. Orton turns around and Cena grabs him by the arm whipping him into the corner. Orton crashes into the corner and Cena charges him for a clothesline, but Orton dodges and this time Cena crashes into the corner. Orton sneaks up from behind with the roll up cradle pin on John Cena 1…2…kickout! Orton and Cena get up and Orton clocks Cena with a forearm uppercut. Orton pulls Cena into a headlock then straight into a headlock takedown. Orton keeps the hold singed in on the mat trying to make Cena tap. Cena gets up and Orton still has the lock locked in. Cena goes for his protoplex maneuver to counter Randy Orton, but Orton shifts his weight in mid air crashing down on John Cena for the cover 1…2…kickout! Cena grabs Orton who is laying on top of him and sits up. He stands on his feet not letting go of Orton.

JR: What strength by John Cena! This is unbelievable!

Cena tosses Orton up onto his shoulders and signals for the FU. He attempts his signature maneuver, but Orton counters in mid air and lands on his feet behind Cena. Orton grabs Cena around the neck and connects with his signature back breaker. Orton covers John Cena 1…2…kickout! Orton gets up and grabs Cena, but Cena counters with a jaw breaker. Cena gets back up and kicks Orton in the gut. Cena bounces off the ropes and connects with the Throwback on Randy Orton. Cena smiles and stands above Orton and says “You Can’t See Me!†Cena runs to the ropes, brushes the dirt off his shoulder and connects with the 5 Knuckle Shuffle onto Randy Orton. Cena gets up and positions himself signaling for the FU. Orton gets up to his feet slowly and turns around. Cena scoops him up ready to plant him with the FU, but Orton once again sneaks out the back door. Orton spins Cena around and nails him with the RKO. Orton covers Cena 1…2…kickout!

King: Wow! How close was that JR!??!?!

Orton gets up and runs to the corner. Orton starts to undo the turnbuckle cover. The ref immediately runs over and pushes Orton away and tries to replace it. Behind the ref’s back Randy Orton punts John Cena square in the head. Orton covers John Cena as the ref comes back to the action 1…2…kickout! Orton pounds his fists on the mat in anger. Orton stands up and signals for the RKO one more time. Cena stumbles up to his feet. He turns to Orton and Orton goes for the RKO, but Cena counters and pushes Orton away. Orton turns back towards Cena and goes for a clothesline, but Cena ducks. Cena grabs Orton by the leg and yanks him grounding Orton. Cena locks in the STFU on Randy Orton. Orton struggles and Orton tries to get to the ropes desperately. Orton crawls over and grasps the ropes causing Cena to break the hold. Orton slides out of the ring and starts to walk up the ramp.

JR: Where is Randy Orton going here King? He knows the rules, is he trying to get counted out here?

Batista’s music hits as the World Heavyweight Champion makes his way out of the gate and blocks Randy Orton’s way out of the arena.

: Looks like Batista isn’t going to let Randy Orton go anywhere except back into that ring!

John Cena runs up from behind and grabs Orton by the trunks and hurls him back into the ring. Orton scurries around looking for a way out of the match, but before he knows it he is up on the shoulders of John Cena. John Cena plants Orton down with the FU. Cena pins Orton 1…2…3!
WINNER: John Cena

JR: There is your winner ladies and gentlemen! The Champ! John Cena! What a match, now King, I don’t know if you agree or not, but from what it appears John Cena has rebounded and now looks like he is building some steam heading into WrestleMania to take on the Rock!

King: Sure, he wins two matches and suddenly he is great again? Give me a break, if it wasn’t for the Rock, John Cena wouldn’t even be at WrestleMania this year!

JR: Hold on a minute King, I am just getting word that right here next week on Monday Night Raw, there will be the official contract signing between the Rock and John Cena! These two men will meet face to face one more time before WrestleMania, what will their reactions be after that heated confrontation earlier tonight? Be sure to tune in right here next week!

(End Week 3)

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
the section really needs you back man. some classic XBA stuff with perfect promos. the Rock's promos are so awesome here, there really is no need for matches to build up the WM 25 match. great stuff, you would've won if there was competition in the olympics, imo.


Los Angeles, CA

Todd Grisham is with John Cena.

Grisham: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, joining me at this time is none other than John Cena. First off congratulations on the impressive victory last week against Randy Orton, but what is on most people’s minds this evening is…

Cena: Excuse me for just a second Todd, but did you just say “People’s†minds? Funny, is it just me or has everything lately been “People’s†this or “People’s†that? By the way, I know what you were going to say and it is no secret, yes, the Rock gave me the famed “Rock Bottom†last week. In the Rock’s mind, I guess I deserved it, but the saying is as saying goes, what goes around comes around Rocky. John Cena never backs down from a fight and from what happened last week, it looks like the Rock just might get a fight a little earlier than WrestleMania this Sunday…

Grisham: With that said, will that affect your contract signing later this evening?

Cena: Let’s just say Todd this will be a contract signing that “the People†will never forget!

(Later that night)

Mike Adamle stands in the middle of the ring with a table in front of him and a contract in his hand.

: Good evening Raw fans, thank you for attending and watching at home because you are in for a treat. In my hand I hold the contract for the biggest match in WrestleMania history, that’s correct this is the contract for the Rock vs. John Cena! Why wait? Let’s bring out the two competitors…

The Rock’s music hits as the Great One comes down to the ring.

: He is one of the most recognizable figures in this industry, the Rock is a multimedia mogul and for the first time in 5 years he steps back into the squared circle at WrestleMania XXV! However, his match will not be a cake walk he is taking on WWE’s top dog, that’s right, John Cena!

King: Come on, how can you give Cena that much credit when compared to the Rock? You have got to be kidding me!

John Cena’s music hits as the Chain Gang Leader comes down the ramp.

: I would never belittle John Cena for his accomplishments in this business King. Cena has elevated this business to a global level much like Hulk Hogan, and yes, the Rock, before him!

King: I just don’t understand you sometimes JR…all I know is that the Rock is going to beat the hell out of John Cena come Sunday in Houston bar none!

Adamle: Gentlemen, please have a seat…

The Rock and John Cena sit across from one another staring each other right in the eyes. The Rock removes his sunglasses and leans over the table staring daggers at Cena. The Rock puts out his hand to Adamle and Mike Adamle hands the contract and pen to the Rock. The Rock slides the contract on the table over to Cena. Cena looks at the Rock, then looks at the contract and shrugs his shoulders. Cena signs the contract and then slides it back over to the Rock.

Rock: You know John Cena, the Rock just doesn’t understand you. The Rock can’t get it through his head. Why in the blue hell would John Cena want to go into WrestleMania, after a huge loss last year, knowing that the odds of him winning aren’t that great once again?

Cena: Rock, sign the paper. Just sign the paper.

Rock: The Rock will sign this paper when the Rock sees fit, no butts about it. John, can I ask you a question? When the Rock Rock Bottomed you last week, how did it feel? How did it feel knowing that you were just humiliated in front of world by a man who hasn’t stepped into a ring in 5 years? You, John, the top dog in this business, Mr. Untouchable or Un-seeable, or whatever you call yourself, were punked out by a man who hasn’t stepped foot in the ring for years. That wasn’t even our match John, excuse the Rock’s cockiness, but just imagine how it will feel when the Rock nails your candyass with another Rock Bottom this Sunday, but this time it will be in front of the MILLIONS…


Rock: Of the Rock’s fans? Come on, answer the question. Do it! It’s a simple…

Cena: Rock, listen here, when it comes to talking or fighting, John Cena never turns down a good fight, got me? So instead of talking, how about you sign that contract and we start WrestleMania right here right now?

John Cena gets up and flips the table over. The crowd goes nuts.

Rock: Sounds like a plan there “John.â€

The Rock walks right up to Cena and puts the contract in his face making Cena get a close up look of the Rock signing it. The Rock signs his name and begins to laugh.

Rock: One last word from the Rock before this goes down John, from the bottom of the Rock’s fuzzy little heart, good luck…â€Champ…â€

John Cena grabs the Rock up on his shoulders and drills him down to the mat with a huge FU.

JR: John Cena just FU’d the ROCK!!!

King: Nooo!!! No! No! That wasn’t supposed to happen!

John Cena grabs the microphone and bends over standing above the Rock…

Cena: Good luck to you too Rock…

Cena drops the mic and walks out of the ring to a mixed reaction.

JR: Can you feel it King? Can you feel that electricity? Just imagine the electricity in Houston with 70,000 people! This match will be one for the books I am sure! The Rock and John Cena collide this Sunday at WrestleMania!!!


again, hands fucking down perfect

Amazing, you are a master of writing freakin btb's and matches my friend

PS: Withco gay smurf smurf ass (lol what a good inside joke =] )
Withcur leave it to beaver lookin ass!


WWE WrestleMania XXV
Houston, TX

Todd Grisham is backstage with the People’s Champion the Rock.

Grisham: First off, congratulations to Jeff Hardy for winning the Money in the Bank Ladder match, what an amazing contest one suited for the biggest WrestleMania of all time. Joining me at this time is the Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment, the Rock.

The Rock puts his hand in front of Todd Grisham shutting him up.

Rock: Finally….the Rock has come back…to Hou-ston!!! More importantly, finally…the Rock has come back…to Wrestle-Mania!!! Tonight the Rock will go into…hold up, has the Rock been out this long? I can’t believe this, Coach! You’re white!

Grisham: Ha, no Rock, I am not…

Rock: Coach, come on, you have been losing your brother status for years now, but I never expected this!

Grisham: Rock, come on…

Rock: Coach, Coach, Coach, this is the 21st century get with the times man! There’s a little something called spray tan! Spray enough of that crap on you and you’ll be blacker than Booker T no doubt about it!

Grisham: …but I am Todd Grisham!

Rock: Todd Grisham? Todd? Grisham? So you aren’t the Coach?

Grisham: No Rock, Coach moved on in his career, I am not the Coach…

Rock: Then why in the BLUE HELL am I talking to you? Grisham your ass on outta here Jabroni!!!

The Rock shoves Todd Grisham to the side.

Rock: I am going to keep this short and sweet, tonight the Rock steps back into the squared circle for the first time in 5 years. The Rock is not going to lie to his “people,†but the Rock is getting the sweats, the Rock is getting butterflies in the Rock’s stomach, hell, the Rock has a headache like no other. You know what? The Rock wouldn’t trade it for anything because the Rock is here! The Rock is LIVE at WrestleMania here in Houston! This is the real deal! John Cena! Tonight you will be walking into that ring with the Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment! You John have not felt that electricity since most of you past matches have sucked, plus you have never went one on one with the Great One! You see the Rock is a lightning rod…

The Rock pats his pant leg.

Rock: …in more than one way, but this lightning rod attracts the “people.†The Rock generates that electricity, that electricity only the Brahma Bull can. Don’t get shocked tonight Cena, because tonight will indeed be the biggest match of your career, tonight will indeed be the Great One’s return, but most importantly tonight…you and me John, if you like it or not…will indeed put on a match that will last a lifetime…now can you SMELLLLLLLLLL…WHAT THE ROCK…is Cookin’????

(Later that night)

JR: Well ladies and gentlemen, the time for talking is done, it’s showtime! The following match will indeed be the biggest match in the history of WrestleMania. Ladies and gentlemen, it is indeed time for the Rock-Cena. This match has been weeks in the making, and it all started the night after No Way Out…

REPLAY: History between the Rock and John Cena.

The Rock’s music hits as the Great One comes down to the ring in front of 70,000 plus people.

: Do you hear this reaction JR? This is incredible! I am surprised Reliant Stadium hasn’t had the roof blown off of it! This is amazing! The Rock is back at WrestleMania!

JR: The Rock hasn’t made a WrestleMania appearance since WrestleMania XX at Madison Square Garden 5 years ago. The Rock showed that he is not one for ring rust as he nailed John Cena with a Rock Bottom two weeks ago on Raw. The big question here is…who will go down as the biggest superstar of the 21st Century? The Rock or John Cena?

King: This rivalry has sure sparked a fire within the WWE fans JR, I was outside before the show and there were almost riots between the Rock’s and Cena’s fans! It was something to see how two superstars can fire up the crowd much like these two larger than life superstars!

John Cena’s music hits as the Chain Gang Leader explodes out of the gate in front of 70,000 people at Reliant Stadium.

: There are several superstars who made an impact in this business, but I don’t think there will ever be another one like John Cena. John Cena is the most hard working individual these old Oklahoma eyes have ever seen. John Cena is a workhorse and has a love for this business like no other. I for one am damn proud of this kid because he stands on the grandest stage of them all standing across the ring from possibly the most famous man to ever lace up a pair of boots, the Rock. This one moment will last a lifetime!!

The Rock vs. John Cena
John Cena and the Rock stand across the ring from one another as the 70,000 people in Houston go insane before the bell even rings. The fans chant “LET’S GO ROCKY!†than the other fans chant “LET’S GO CENA!†back and fourth. Cena looks at the Rock and nods his head. Both men slowly make their way to the center of the ring. They stop within mere inches from one another. The crowd is rocking in Houston. The Rock whispers something to John Cena. John Cena answers with his “You Can’t See Me,†waving his hand in front of his face. The Rock answers back with his signature “Just Bring It†taunt. Cena goes for an overhand right hand, but the Rock blocks and starts unloading the “People’s shots†onto John Cena. One right after another, the Rock unloads on Cena back him up to the ropes. The Rock bounces Cena off the ropes and across the ring. Cena hits the opposite ropes and hangs onto them. The Rock charges Cena, but Cena ducks and Cena flips the Rock up and over the top rope. The Rock miraculously lands on the apron of the ring. Cena turns around and goes for a right on the Great One, but the Rock hops off the apron dodging the shot. The Rock takes a breather on the outside while Cena is in his fighting stance. The Rock slowly gets onto the apron making sure Cena doesn’t try anything. Cena backs up and the Rock gets back into the ring. The Rock and Cena circle the ring and lock up. The crowd has a heavy mixed reaction as John grabs the Rock’s arm and puts him in a hammerlock. The Rock fires back a back elbow shot to the skull of Cena and Cena breaks the hold. The Rock turns around unloading with shots. The Rock grabs Cena by the arm and hurls him to the ropes. Cena bounces off the ropes and the Rock nails him with a huge backdrop. Cena gets up and the Rock grabs him in a front facelock. Cena bear hugs the Rock and runs him back first into the corner. Cena kicks the Rock in the gut multiple times while the Rock is pinned in the corner. Cena backs up and then charges the Great One. The Rock dodges and Cena goes sternum first into the corner. Cena bounces out backwards. Cena turns around and gets an arm drag from the Rock. Cena gets up again, turns towards the Rock, only to get yet another arm drag from the Brahma Bull. The Rock gets up and the fans are chanting “ROCKY! ROCKY! ROCKY!†John Cena gets up and turns towards the Rock. The Rock charges him for a clothesline, but Cena ducks. The Rock turns around and gets a huge kick to the gut. Cena grabs the Rock and sets him up, and then executes a perfect Fisherman’s Suplex. Cena covers the Rock 1…kickout! Cena gets up as does the Rock. Cena runs off the ropes as the Rock turns around. Cena charges off the ropes and drills the Rock with a flying shoulder block. Cena gets up and grabs the Rock up. The Rock breaks out of Cena’s grasp and lands some People’s Hands onto Cena. The Rock grabs Cena’s arm and twists him all about until the Rock kicks him in the gut and plants him with the People’s DDT. The Rock makes the cover on John Cena 1…2…kickout! The Rock slams his fists on the mat and gets to his feet. Cena scrambles about getting to his feet. Cena uses the ropes to get up and the Rock charges Cena clotheslining Cena and himself up and over the top rope spilling onto the outside floor in front of the announce table. The Rock gets up and grabs Cena by the head. The Rock attempts to slam Cena head first off the announce table, but Cena blocks and cracks the Rock’s skull off the table. The Rock steps back stumbling, then Cena rams him spine first into the apron. The fans begin to boo John Cena. Cena yanks the Rock away from the apron and grabs him by the arm. Cena attempts to whip the Rock into the steel steps, but the Rock counters and hurls Cena into the solid steel steps shoulder first. The Rock steels King’s water bottle off the announcer’s table and takes a sip of it. He walks over to Cena, who is getting up and splashes him right in the face with it. The Rock grabs Cena by the head and runs him straight to the announcer’s table and cracks his head off the table. Cena slams off of it and stumbles backwards. The Rock grabs Cena by the head and slides him back into the ring. The Rock follows and quickly makes the cover 1…2…kickout! The Rock gets up and starts stomping the hell out of John Cena. The Rock hits him repeatedly with stomps and then the Rock backs off. The Rock screams…

Rock: Get your monkey ass up Cena!

King: I have to admit, I didn’t expect anything less from the Rock here tonight, he looks as great as he did the day he left!

John Cena gets up behind the Rock’s back. The Rock turns and charges Cena, but John counters him with a hip toss. The Rock springs back to his feet and charges Cena, but Cena plows him back down with a huge clothesline. Cena pounds on his chest and the crowd chants “CENA! CENA! CENA!†Cena stalks the Rock. The Rock gets up with his back turned to Cena. The Rock is hunched over and the Rock runs to him and plants him with the Throwback. John Cena gets up and is feeding off the crowd. He screams at the Rock to get up. The Rock gets up spaghetti legged. Cena gets behind him and grabs him executing the Protoplex. Cena smiles and signals for the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Cena bends down and says “You Can’t See Me!†Cena runs to the ropes. The Rock springs off the mat and is suddenly up. Cena bounces off the ropes and is greeted with a huge Samoan Drop by the Rock. Half of the crowd boos the Rock as the Rock signals it’s over and gets in his Rock Bottom Stance. Cena gets back up and the Rock goes for it, but Cena clocks the Rock in the side of the head with an elbow and then plants him with a DDT of his own. Both men are down at this point and the Reliant Stadium is red hot. Cena rolls over and gets the cover on the Rock 1…2…kickout! John Cena gets up and begs the ref that is was three, but the ref says only two. Cena gets up and signals for his own finisher, the FU. Cena kicks it old school and pumps up his pumps. The Rock gets up and turns towards Cena and John Cena scoops the Rock up for the FU. The Rock hits Cena in the skull with an elbow then counters with a spinning People’s DDT off of Cena’s shoulders. The Rock hooks the leg on John Cena 1…2…kickout!

JR: These guys are almost mirror images of one another King. Cena countered the Rock Bottom with a DDT and then the Rock countered the FU with a DDT! Amazing!

The Rock gets up and goes for Cena’s legs looking for the Sharpshooter. Cena kicks him away desperately. The Rock backs up and Cena stands. The Rock charges Cena, but Cena counters and scoops the Rock onto his shoulders looking for the FU again. Cena shifts him up, but the Rock shifts his legs down and lands on his feet in front of Cena. Like lighting the Rock sets Cena up and plants him with the Rock Bottom. The crowd erupts. The Rock covers John Cena 1…2…kickout! The Rock can’t believe it. He gets up and drags Cena up by the head, but Cena counters and rams the Rock back first into the corner. Cena starts unloading blows onto the Rock, but the Rock blocks one and reverses throwing Cena into the corner. The Rock lifts Cena and puts him on the top rope. The Rock goes top rope and attempts a superplex. The Rock goes for it, but Cena unloads massive headbutts to the Rock. The Rock loses his balance and lands on his feet hunched over on the mat. Cena jumps off the top rope and lands his signature top rope leg drop to the back of the Rock’s neck. Cena covers the Rock 1…2…kickout! Cena gets up and circles the grounded Rock. Cena looks for the FU.

JR: Watch it Cena don’t make the same mistake twice!

The Rock gets up and turns around only to be scooped up by John Cena. The Rock struggles on his shoulders. Cena loses control and the Rock counters the same way emerging in front of Cena. The Rock sets Cena up for another Rock Bottom.

JR: This is what I was talking about! Could it be another Rock Bottom???

Cena ducks and gets behind the Rock grabbing the Rock’s ankle. The Rock loses his balance and the Rock falls forward. Cena still has the Rock’s leg and then locks in the STFU in the middle of the ring. The Rock screams in agony. He desperately reaches for the ropes, but he is way too far. The Rock resorts to biting Cena’s hands. Cena screams and lets go of the Rock. He grasps his hands screaming at the ref that the Rock bit him. The ref starts screaming at the Rock, but the Rock waves him off. Cena gets over it and charges the Rock, but the Rock catches him with a huge People’s Spinebuster. The Rock sees Cena laid out dead center in the ring. He kicks him in the shoulder and pulls off his elbow pad.

King: Wait! Could it be the People’s Elbow???

The Rock swings his arms and runs to the ropes. The Rock runs and bounces off the opposite side only to come back to Cena. He bends over and tells Cena “You Can’t See Me†and the Rock plants Cena with the People’s Elbow. The Rock sits up and prematurely celebrates his victory. The Rock leans over and hooks the leg of John Cena covering him 1…2…kickout!

JR: John Cena still has some fight left in his tank!

The Rock gets back up and grabs John Cena. The Rock slaps him across the face and says “Just Bring It!†The Rock pulls him in and sets him up for another Rock Bottom, but Cena once again nails him in the side of the head with an elbow. The Rock staggers away, but comes back only to get planted with a Rock Bottom by John Cena. Cena flips over laying on his back. Cena springs up imitating the Rock. Cena bends over and pumps up his pumps once again. The Rock gets back up and Cena scoops him up and plants him with the FU. Cena crumbles onto the Rock pinning him 1…2…3!
WINNER: John Cena

John Cena’s theme hits as the crowd goes insane.

: Good Lord KING! What a slobberknocker! I can barely hear myself think in here!

King: No! Rock! No!

JR: Mark it down on your calendars folks! April 1st, 2008 is the day that John Cena beat the Rock! I can’t believe my eyes!

Cena gets up and the ref raises his hand in victory.

JR: You deserve it Kid! What a match, this has been one hell of a ride, this match has! The Rock tried to finish it with a Rock Bottom, but Cena countered with his own Rock Bottom! Then Cena capped it off, picked the Rock up and gave him the short but sweet FU! What a wrestling match!

King: I can’t believe the Rock lost! How could this happen?

Cena extends his hand out to the Rock. The Rock nods his head and let’s Cena pick him up. The Rock and Cena lock eyes for a minute and the Rock extends his hand out and both guys shake hands and then hug.

JR: That’s true sportsmanship right there! That’s what our business is about folks, sportsmanship! These two world class performers put on a match like no one else thought possible and gave it 100%! This has been a true WrestleMania worthy performance!

The Rock raises Cena’s hand in victory as the Reliant Stadium erupts in a standing ovation.