0:00:00 - Michael Cole
0:02:29 - Fandango
0:04:28 - Senior Vice President of Special Events, John Saboor
0:08:53 - Vince McMahon
0:11:12 - Alberto Del Rio with Ricardo Rodriguez
0:14:35 - George Fertitta
0:16:31 - New York Giants
0:16:57 - Triple H
0:18:30 - Stephanie McMahon
0:25:00 - Mark Henry
0:27:10 - Wayne Hasenbalg
0:29:30 - CM Punk
0:31:55 - The Rock
0:38:30 - John Cena
0:41:52 - The Rock and John Cena Photo Op
0:43:18 - Photo Op with All WWE Superstars
0:44:31 - Matt Striker Interviews Stars