I don't know how they would orchestrate that. At Wrestlemania 13 (an event I was fortunate enough to attend) although Bret Hart was starting to lose a little fan support, he was still VERY popular. Steve Austin, on the other hand, if you go back to the Royal Rumble, had gotten a rather dead ovation. Austin was, however, very big in Chicago at the time. We were actually chanting his name before the PPV even came on. It was a pretty perfect setting for the turn.
A double turn here would be more just like WWE saying, "Okay, we give in. You fans want this, we're giving it to you the way you want." I think it would lack drama and might even be hard to indicate the moment it happens in the match. I mean, Roman already has done some heel like actions. I'm sure those of us who would like Rollins as a face don't want him to just start being a good guy who does everything completely fairly. So how would we even know that the double turn happened? It could just be Roman being the same Roman he has been. We've all indicated his "heel turn" on several different occasions now.