is it really the worst in 3 years?
anyways, the nba playoffs and the timeslot changes is the reason for this otherwise the ratings were increasing these past weeks.
It's the worst since the last Monday Night episode.
It was almost as low 2 weeks ago (.84), but not sure how much of this you can blame on the timeslot change. If nothing else they'd just turn on the show early then realize it wasn't on yet. (Doesn't Spike usually advertise Impact on the barely-noticeable bottom part of the screen right before it comes on?)
If there's anything TNA can take from this it's that last week you had interesting hooks like James Storm's tag partner and if AJ Styles will get patched in. Oh, and no NBA.
A combined 13 million people were watching the NBA and Pawn Stars' move to Thursday, guess that's to blame. Although if it's WWE we'll say don't blame football since we're a bunch of hypocrites that don't make any damn sense