World Wrestling Entertainment Season 1

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New Member
Oct 27, 2007
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Hello everyone. I am new here and will be doing my own WWE RAW Creative Writing. I am going to post my Roster and all that god stuff. I will not be doing Smackdown just RAW. I will start with Cyber Sunday. I will use all of the current RAW matches but I will write them the way I think they should happen. After Cyber Sunday I will start with my own ideas. Its just easier to start where the Real Life WWE is.


John Cena
Randy Orton
Jeff Hardy
Lance Cade
Trevor Murdoch
Bobby Lashley
Brian Kendrick
Charlie Haas
Cody Rhodes
Hacksaw Jim Duggan
Hardcore Holly
Jerry Lawler
Jim Ross
Jonathan Coachman
Mr. Kennedy
Paul London
Robbie Mccalister
Ron Simmons
Rory Mccalister
Santino Marella
Shawn Michaels
Shelton Benjamin
Super Crazy
Triple H
Val Venis
William Regal

Current Champions
WWE Champion-Randy Orton
WWE Tag Team Champions- Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch
Intercontinental Champion- Jeff Hardy

Color Commentators- Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler
Backstage Commentators- Todd Grisham
Ring Announcer- Lillian Garcia

Cyber Sunday will be posted Sunday. RAW will be posted every Monday. No specific time just whenever I can get it posted on Monday. I will be posting current news from my WWE Season throughout the week. I will also post a preview for RAW around Wednesday or Thursday. Thanks and I hope you all enjoy my WWE Season.


New Member
Oct 27, 2007
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Randy Orton (c)
(Mr. Kennedy, Jeff Hardy, or Shawn Michaels)

Triple H vs Umaga
(Steel Cage, First Blood, or Street Fight)

Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch(c)


London & Kendrick
Val Venis & Ron Simmons

Cody Rhodes vs Hardcore Holly
(Lumberjack Match, Bullrope Match, or No DQ Match)


Jun 18, 2007
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Memphis, TN.
Well, I have absolutely no advice to give to this one; it looks good. Just stay active, and nice preview!

The Rated R CMStar

Too bad you will not be doing ECW and SD. My advice, get some partners and complete the entire WWE. As for Cyber Sunday, I will wait and see how you write it and how you think the real life PPV should go down


New Member
Oct 27, 2007
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Well I just dont have time to do all 3...

And as for Cyber Sunday. Since I am only doing RAW that left 2 matches..So I added a couple to make the show a little longer. But I would be willing to take on a partner in the future if anybody is interested??



New Member
Oct 27, 2007
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Wwe Cyber Sunday


Sunday October 28, 2007
Washington, DC

We see footage from the past few weeks with the Randy Orton and the WWE title situation. We see Shawn Michaels return to RAW where he Super Kicked Randy Orton.

We then see Footage of the Triple H Umaga story.

The opening Video rolls and the Pyro Explodes and we are Live in Washington DC for Cyber Sunday!

JR:Hello Ladies and Gentleman we are live in Washington DC for Cyber Sunday. JR alongside Jerry the King Lawler and King what a night this will be.

King: JR I have a feeling tonight is gonna be one of the biggest Pay Per Views
of the year. What a night JR.

JR:King your exactly right and lets kick it off right now. Lets send it to the ring.

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentleman the first contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WWE Tag Team Championship!

WWE Tag Team Championship
Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch(c)​

Cade and Murdoch make their way to the ring first. They get in the ring and await their opponents. All of a sudden the music of London and Kendrick hits the speaker and the high flying duo make their way to the ring.

Its Kendrick and Cade starting things off. Cade catches Kendrick off guard and knocks him in the back with a clothesline from behind. Kendrick hits the mat hard. Cade pulls Kendrick to the center of the ring and makes a quick cover, but Kendrick kicks out after a 2 count. Kendrick gets to his feet and Cade starts in with the hard rights and lefts. Cade send Kendrick to the ropes and goes for another Clothesline, but Kendrick ducks and hits the other ropes. Kendrick connects with a flying cross body on Cade. Rolls into a cover on Cade but a kickout after two by Cade. Kendrick to his feet and bounces off the rope and drop kicks Cade as he sets up in the center of the ring.

Kendrick tags in London who comes in and hits the ropes and flips over Cades head jerking his head forward and snapping it backwards. Cover by London and again a kickout by Cade. London to his feet and picks Cade to his feet. Cade counters with a hard right hand to London knocking London backwards. This doesnt stop London as he hits a dropkick on Cade knocking Cade back to the mat.

JR:King London and Kendrick are faster and hiccups in that ring

King: JR it should be illegal to be that fast.

JR:King thse two for sure brought their A game tonight. They want those tag team titles bad!

London tags Kendrick back in and he goes to work on Cade who hasnt had a chance to get to his feet yet. Trevor Murdoch finally comes in and knock Kendrick out of the ring as to slow him down a little bit. Cade gets to his feet as Murdoch gets back out of the ring. Kendrick gets back in the ring and climbs to the top turn buckle. Kendrick goes flying accross the ring with a flying cross body, but Cade catches him in mid air and slams him with a hard body slam. Cover by Cade but Kendrick kicks out after two.Cade gets to his feet and tags in Trevor Murdoch who is just itching to get in the ring.

Murdoch comes in and almost takes Kendrick's head off with a clothesline. Murdoch then goes over and knocks London of the ring apron to the floor. Murdoch picks Kendrick up to his feet and sends him to the ropes. Murdoch goes for a dropkick but Kendrick grabs the ropes and Murdoch gets nothing but air. Kendrick runs and does a flip and hits a leg drop on Murdoch. Cover by Kendrick but Murdoch kicks out. Kendrick tag in London who goes straight to the top rope. London hits the 450 splash on Murdoch. Kendrick goes over and knocks Cade off the ring apron. London makes the cover on Murdoch.

Winner: London & Kendrick-New WWE Tag Team Champions

King: JR I dont believe it, They won the tag team titles.

JR:King these two game to win tonight and just as quick as the match started it was over, with Kendrick and London as the new WWE Tag Team Champions Again for the 2nd time

Kendrick and London celebrate their win in the ring, when all of a sudden the Highlanders run in the ring and attack the new champs. Cade and murdoch join in and all 4 men attack the new champs.

JR:King this aint right. Somebody needs to get out here and help the tag champs.

King: Well JR why dont you get in there and help them if your so worried about!

Finally out come Val Venis and Ron Simmons to help the champs. All four bad guys exit the ring as quick as they got in it. Kendrick and London get to their feet as we fade out...........

In the back Triple H is taping up his hands when HBK walks in.

Triple H: Whats up?

HBK: Nothing just thought I would see how your feeling after that
beating from Umaga two weeks ago?

Triple H: Nothing a little tape cant fix up. How you feeling?

HBK: Nothing a little tape cant fix. The real reason im here to let you know. HBK is back and if you need anything. I got your back.

Triple H: Same here.
HBK Walks out and Triple H continues to tape up his hand

JR:Well King it was good to see HBK and Shawn Michaels back together again.

King: I bet Mr. McMahon wouldnt be happy about it if he saw it.

JR:Well in any even King. Coming up next is a new match that has been added to the card. Over the past few weeks Cody Rhodes has been trying to earn the respect of Hardcore Holly, and for Weeks he has failed. But tonight maybe he can finally achieve that goal.

We see footage from the past few weeks where Cody Rhodes has gotten beat by Hardcore Holly.

Hardcore Holly vs Cody Rhodes
Both men get to the ring and await to see what kind of match they will have. William Regal comes up on the screen and announces that the match will be a No DQ Match. Holly starts the match off first with a hard kick to the midsection of Cody Rhodes. Holly then comes back with a hard forearm to the back of Rhodes. Holly sends Rhodes to the outside. Holly smacks Rhodes around outside the ring a little and puts him back in the ring.
Holly covers Rhodes but Cody kicks out. Holly continues to kick Rhodes while he is on the mat.

Holly gets out of the ring and walks over to lillian Garcia and grabs her chair right underneath her. Holly then gets back in the ring and waits for Cody to get back to his feet. While Holly is waiting Dusty Rhodes hits the ring and takes the chair away from Holly and throws it down. Holly gets in the face of Holly and they argue. Cody gets to his feet and grabs the chair. Holly and Rhodes both stop arguing. Cody is staring Holly down hard. All of a sudden Cody smashes his dad over the head with the chair busting the legend wide open. Holly and Rhodes shake hands and start to smile.

JR:King what the hell just happened?

King: I dont know JR?

JR:Cody Rhodes just smashed his father over the head with that steel chair and busted Dusty Rhodes wide open. What the hell is this all about?
King: JR maybe it was an accident?

JR:An Accident my Oklahoma ass. He did that on purpose but why?

Holly starts getting in the face of an un concious Dusty Rhodes. All of a sudden Cody smashes Holly in the head with the chair. Rhodes drops the chair and with a sadistic look on his face gets out of the ring and walks up the ramp.

JR:King I dont understand this at all. First Cody Rhodes knocks his father out with the chair and then knocks Hardcore Holly out with it.

King: JR I am as lost as you are

We go to the back where Vince McMahon is walking into William Regal's office.

Vince: Mr. Regal. How are you tonight?

Regal: Just Splended. Why do you ask?

Vince: Well I just wanted to let you and everyone else know that since tonight is such a historic night, that tomorrow night will be just as
important. Tomorrow night on RAW I am going to make an announcement that will rock the foundation of the WWE. This announcement will shake the WWE right down to its core. And Mr. Regal I want every RAW superstar to be there.

Regal: Mr. McMahon. May I ask what this announcement is about?

Vince: Yes you can ask. But just like everyone else. You will have to wait until tomorrow night to find out what it is. By the way. Where the hell is my son Hornswoggle?

Regal: He is with Jonathan Coachman.

Vince: And where is Coach?

Regal: Im not sure. The last time I saw him he was playing hide and seek with Hornswoggle.

Vince: Well you just remember you are responsible for the well being of Hornswoggle. If something happens to him then its on your head. You just remember that. Now if you will excuse me, I am going to get in my limo and go home.

Vince walks out as Regal starts to look for Hornswoggle.

In another part of the building Jeff Hardy is getting read when Mr. Kennedy walks up.

Kennedy: Hey Hardy whatcha doin?

Hardy: Getting ready.

Kennedy: Ha..for what? A match? Ha your not gonna be in a match tonight. Its gonna be me vs Randy Orton for the WWE Title. So you can just take your ring gear off and put it out in the car. Cuz you aint gonna need it tonight.

Hardy: You know, if you wrestled half as good as you talked, You might accually have a shot at winning this vote. But it aint gonna happen tonight Kennedy. So just sit back and relax and watch how its done kid.

Hardy walks off and leaves Kennedy standing there.

JR:King I wanna know who is gonna face Randy Orton tonight for the WWE title?

King: I dont know JR, But I wanna know what Mr. McMahon's announcement
is gonna be tommorow night on RAW.

JR:King I dont know, but coming up next its gonna be Triple H taking on Umaga. And King lets take a look at how this all got started.

We see the Umaga/Triple H saga roll on video

Triple H vs Umaga
Triple H and Umaga both come to the ring. William Regal comes up on the screen and announces the outcome of the voting. And the match will be...A Steel Cage Match!!

The Cage starts to lower around the ring. Before it completly lowers, Triple H runs at Umaga and knocks Umaga through the ropes and outside the ring. Triple H follows and starts to pound away on Umaga. Triple H slams Umaga's head into the announce table. Triple H continues to beat Umaga all around the ring.

JR: King this match has not even officially started and these men arent even inside the cage.

King: JR the Cage is not even all the way around the ring yet. These two men are beting the hell out of each other.

The referee yells at them to get back in the ring, but Triple H continues his assault on Umaga all around the ring. He grabs the camera cord and wraps it around Umaga's neck choking the Samoan Bulldozer. Triple H finally un wraps the cord from Umaga's neck. Triple H then grabs a chair and starts to wear Umaga out with the chair. Triple H finally busts Umaga wide open with the steel chair to the head.

JR:King its a good thing this is not a first blood match or It would already be over with.

King:JR This match still hasnt even started. They wont get in the ring.

Triple H finally rolls Umaga into the ring and the bell sounds. The cage lowers all the way and the match is finally underway. Triple H starts to stomp on Umaga. Umaga still bleading all over the place tries to roll out of the ring but the cade stops him. Triple H picks Umaga to his feet and slams his head into the cage. Trips continues to slam Umaga's head into the cage over and over again. Blood flies everywhere as Umaga continues to bleed. Trips starts to climb the cage as Umaga falls to the mat.

Umaga gets to his feet and grabs the leg of Triple H and keeps him from crawling any further up the cage. Triple H stomps on the face of Umaga but that doesnt stop Umaga from holding on to Triple H's leg. Umaga then starts to climb the cage next to Triple H. Umaga gets even with Triple H and slams Triple H's head into the cage. Triple H then grabs Umaga's head and slams it into the cage. Both men trade head slams until they grab each others head at the same time and slam each others head into the cage at the same time. Both men fall to the mat.

King: JR these two are gonna kill each other!

JR:King there is a lot of hatred between these two and they will do whatever it takes to win.

Both men are on the mat. Triple H gets to his feet first then Umaga gets to his feet covered in blood. Triple H sends Umaga to the ropes but maga hits Triple H with a big boot sending Triple H to the mat. Umaga starts to climb the cage but Triple H grabs his leg and pulls Umaga back to the mat. Triple H get Umaga to his feet and sets up for the Pedigree. Umaga is able to revers it and hits a backdrop on Triple H.

Umaga picks Triple H up and lawn darts him into the side of the steel cage. Triple H hits the mat hard.
Umaga picks Triple H up and again lawn darts him into the cage. Triple H again hits the mat hard. umaga again picks Triple H up but this time he rubs his face on the cage like a cheese grader busting Triple H wide open. Now both men are bleeding pretty bad all over the ring. Umaga picks Triple H up and hits a big side walk slam on Triple H. Umaga covers Triple H but there is no ref to count because this is a steel cage match.

King:JR he's covering Triple H, but there are now pin falls or submissions in this match.

JR:Obviously Umaga hasnt been in very many cage matches. These two men are giving it all they have. This ring is covered in blood King. It looks like a
masacre out there.

King:JR they have lost a lot of blood. This is an amazing match.

Umaga gets to his feet and starts to climb the cage. Triple H is still on the mat bleeding. Umaga gets to the top of the cage.

JR:King Umaga is at the top of the cage but he isnt climbing out. Whats he going?

King:JR I dont know but if he was smart he would climb out of the cage and win the match

JR:King Umaga is turning around. He isnt gonna do what I think he is, is he?
King:JR I dont know but he needs to climb down the cage.

JR:King he is gonna do it. OH MY GOD!!!

Umaga flies off the top of the cage and goes for a splash on Triple H, but Triple H moves and Umaga gets nothing but the mat. When Umaga hits the mat the mat gives away and Umaga falls through the mat and through the ring.

JR:King Umaga has gotta be dead! He just fell 20 feet through the ring!!

King:JR somebody needs to go check on him.

Triple H rolls out of the way and has a look on his face like he cant believe what he has just seen. He slides away from the massive hole in the ring and starts to climb the cage. Triple H climbs to the top of the cage and climbs down the other side.

Winner: Triple H

Triple H gets down but continues to look at the massive hole in the ring.

JR:King I cannot believe what we have just witnessed. Umaga fell through the ring and to the floor under the ring. Somebody needs to get down here and check on him. He might be dead King.

King:Well JR who knows but Triple H looks like he has just seen a ghost. He still has a big eyed look on his face.

JR:Well King Triple H won the match, but the bigger issue here is Umaga. I
havent seen anything happen in that Hole he fell in. And folks lets take another look at this. Umaga goes up to the top of the cage, Turns around and attempts a splash on Triple H, bt the Game moves out of the way and Umaga goes through the ring. King I have never seen anything like this.

King: JR Umaga might be really dead. I havent seen him come out of that hole yet.

JR:Well King the next time we come to Pay Per View will be Sunday November 18 and it will be the Survivor Series.

A video promo airs for the Survivor Series

JR:King Umaga was finally helped out of that hole. And as you can see now he is being sent to the back on a stretcher. Word on Umaga s we get it. But King do you know what time it is now?

King:Oh JR I Sure so. Its time for the WWE Championship match

JR:King thats right and the moment of truth has arrived and lets go to the ring.

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentleman the following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WWE Championship.

First the Champion makes his way to the ring. Orton waits in the ring to see who his opponent will be. All of a sudden we hear the music of Mr. Kennedy...Kennedy comes to the ring and the crowd boos like crazy.

JR:King I dont believe it. Mr. Kennedy won the vote to face Orton for the WWE Championship.

King: JR thats what it looks like. Kennedy making his way down to the ring as we speak

Orton smiles as Kennedy gets in the ring. Kennedy gets ready to face Orton but before the bell rings William Regal's music starts to play. Regal comes out on stage.

Regal: Whoa Whoa Whoa. Mr. Kennedy, im sorry but I must ask why you are out here? I dont know what you have been smoking but you may exit the ring now, because you have not won the right to be in this match. Whoever told you that you won the vote were wrong. So please Mr. Kennedy exit the ring now.

Kennedy looks confused and then gets mad. Kennedy walks up the ramp and walks by Regal as he walks to the back.

King: Well JR we know its not Kennedy who is facing Orton so who is it?

Regal: Now moving on. Apparently history is going to be made here tonight at Cyber Sunday. Because during the counting of the votes it was determained that there was a tie. Shawn Michaels and Jeff Hardy had a tie in their votes. So therefore the WWE Championship match is now a Triple Threat Match. It will be Randy Orton defending against Shawn Michaels and Jeff Hardy. So lets get it started right now!

Hardy comes out first and the crowd goes crazy.

Next out is Shawn Michaels.

JR:King how about this. A Triple Threat match for the WWE Championship. Can you believe this?

King: No JR I cant believe this. This is a history making moment.

+Orton cant believe this. He starts to throw a fit. While he is throwing a fit both Hardy and HBK go after him and start to beat him up. They back him into a corner and both stomp on him. Hardy pulls Orton up to his feet and hits a twist of fate on Orton and throws Orton outside the ring. Now its Hardy and HBK one on one for the time being. Hardy and HBK lock up and HBK puts Hardy in a headlock.

Hardy sends HBK to the ropes and hits a back elbow on HBK. Cover by Hardy but a kickout after two by HBK. Hardy gets to his feet and stomps on HBK as HBK gets to his feet. and Hardy goes for a twist of fate but HBK counters and goes for Sweet Chin Mucis but Hardy grabs HBK's foot and turns him around and hits a clothesline. Cover by Hardy..
Thr...Kickout by HBK.

Hardy gets back to his feet and climbs to the top rope. Hardy goes for a Swanton but HBK moves out of the way and Hardy gets nothing but mat. HBK gets to his feet and gets in the corner and starts stomping for Sweet Chin Music. HBK waits for Hardy to get to his feet. When Hardy gets to his feet HBK goes for Sweet Chin Music but Orton gets back in the ring and hits an RKO on HBK.

Orton just stands over HBK and gives Hardy enough time to hit a running bulldog on Orton. Cover by Hardy and a kickout from Orton after two. Hardy gets to his feet and again climbs to the top rope but Orton goes over and grabs Hardy and sends him flying across the ring and to the mat. Cover by Orton.
Thr...kickout by Hardy. Orton Picks Hardy up and throws him outside the ring and goes over to HBK who is still down from the RKO. Orton picks HBK up and goes for another RKO but HBK reverses and sends Orton to the ropes. HBK connects with a dropkick to Orton. HBK makes the cover but the count is broken up by Hardy who comes in from the outside.

Hardy picks Orton up and signals for the Twist of Fate. He sets up for it but HBK connects with Sweet Chin Music on Hardy before Hardy can hit the move on Orton. Hardy hits the mat. Orton the goes over and hits and RKO on HBK before HBK can even know what is going on. Cover by orton..
Thr...all of a sudden somebody pulls Orton out of the ring. Its somebody wearing a black mask dressed all in black. The man pull Orton out of the ring and slams him into the steel steps.

Then the masked man gets in the ring and waits for Jeff Hardy to get to his feet. When Hardy gets to his feet the man hits a Stone Cold Stunner on Hardy. The ref calls for the bell.

Then the man waits for HBK to get to his feet. When HBK gets to his feet the masked man hits another Stone Cold Stunner on HBK. The referee tries to get the man out of the ring, but the man gets out of the ring and runs off through the crowd. The ref tells Lillian to make an announcement and she does.

Lillian: Ladies and Gentleman I have just been informed that due to the interference, All three men have been disqualified. Therefore still your WWE Champion. Randy Orton!

JR:You gotta be kidding me?!?! Orton keeps his title but this aint right King. Somebody came in and attacked all three men.

King: JR that looked an awful lot like a stone cold stunner the man used. You dont think....

JR:King I dont know what to think..However I do know this is not the right way to end this match. We had one hell of a match going before it was interupted. This isnt right King.

King: Well JR I just wanna know who the man in the mask was?

Cyber Sunday goes off the air with All three men layed out from the attacks and Orton still the WWE Champion...............................

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Steel Cage Match- Triple H vs. Umaga

Worse Match: World Tag Team Titles Match-
Redneck Wrecking Crew vs. London & Kendrick

Best Interview/Segment: Kennedy/Hardy or McMahon/Regal

Worse Interview/Segment: N/A

Additional Feedback/Comments: This was a very short pay-per-view. I think you could have added a couple more matches to it to give it that pay-per-view type feel because this actually seemed like a normal show. The matches were pretty good reads but I think you need to work on the flow of your matches and the transition between moves when writing the matches. If you work on that then your matches will definately be much better. I also think you could have added a couple more promos to the show since it was a pay-per view and your promos are great in my opinion. I think some promos you could have added to make the read more entertaining would be a comedic segment with Coach and Hornswoggle playing hide and seek or something like that. I think that this show was great and the occurences were interesting such as Cody knocking out his father and Holly...possibly a more agressive side of Cody we're going to see in the future? Umaga going off the cage and through the mat with a splash? WOW! That would be pretty sick and I'm guessing this is the end of the Umaga/HHH rivalry for now. I think your main event was nicely written but I just enjoyed reading Umaga vs. HHH a bit more. This was a pretty good show but like everyone else there is room for improvement. I'll be checking back to see the fallout to Cyber Sunday as well as Mr. McMahon's announcement that will "rock the foundation of the WWE". Looking forward to your next show...feel free to check out The Commencement if you like...


New Member
Oct 27, 2007
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Monday October 29, 2007


RAW starts with William Regal in the middle of the ring. No Pyro and no Video.

Regal:Ladies and Gentleman hello and Welcome to Monday Night RAW. I am out here tonight to make an announcement. Last night at Cyber Sunday the WWE Championship match was interupted by a man wearing a mask. So what I am announcing tonight is at our next Pay Per View Survivor Series there will be a match. A match that has never happened before. At Survivor Series for the first time ever.................

Regal is interupted by the music of Randy Orton. Orton makes his way to the ring to a crowd full of boos. Orton comes down and gets in the ring still holding his WWE Championship.

Orton: Regal. Who gives a crap about Survivor Series! I want you as General Manager to find out who in the hell attacked me last night at Cyber Sunday. Its BS. You should be getting to the bottom of this, not out here running your mouth aout a PPV thats month away!

Regal: Well Mr. Orton first of all I am working on finding out who attacked you and the other two competitors last night. I think I have a pretty good idea who it might be. But since your out here, the match I am talking abotu at Survivor Series directly effects you. See since we didnt get to see a complete WWE Championship match last night at Cyber Sunday we will see it at the Survivor Series. Because at the Survivor Series it will be Randy Orton defending his WWE Championship against Jeff Hardy and Shawn Michaels in a Triple Threat match. But Randy its not just any Triple Threat match. This match is going to be special. Because it will be a Three Stages of Hell Triple Threat match. A one of a kind never before seen match.

Orton:What is a Three Stages of Hell Match?

Regal: Well Im glad you asked. A three stages of hell match is exactly what it sounds like. 3 stages of hell. 3 different matches rolled into one. There will be 3 different matches. But each match has a different stipulation. For instance the first match might be a street fight, and the second might be a steel cage. And the person who wins 2 out of the 3 will be the WWE Champion. So Champ. the Favor is not with you..But good luck anyhow

Regal gets out of the ring as Orton yells at him that this is not fair.

Regal gets to the bottom of the ramp and starts talking again.

Regal: Oh yes Mr. Orton. I almost forgot. You are in a match tonight. It will be Randy Orton vs Jeff Hardy in a non title match. So Champ you should probably go get ready.

Orton is furious as he gets out of the ring and goes to the back

JR:Well King what an announcement from the RAW General Manager.

King: JR that was a pretty big announcement, but what about the announcement from Mr. McMahon we heard about last night.

JR:Thats right King, Folks if you werent with us last night at Cyber Sunday Mr. McMahon said he would be here tonight to make a huge announcement that would shake the foundation of the WWE. I have no idea what it could be about. But King what about what we saw last night with Cody Rhodes?

King:JR I have no clue what to think about that.

JR:King when we come back Todd Grisham will try to get a word with Cody Rhodes...


After the break Todd Grisham is outside of Cody Rhodes's locker room. Grisham knocks on the door but doesnt get an answer. He opens the door and walks in. Cody gets up and comes over to Todd.

Cody: Who in the hell invited you in?!?!

Todd: Well nobody answered so I just came in.

Cody: Yeah well maybe theres a reason nobody answered! What the hell do you want?

Todd: I was just wanting to get an answer for your actions last night at Cyber Sunday. Why did you knock your dad out with a steel chair?

Cody: I am tired of living under the shadow of my father. I am tired of being known as "Dusty Rhodes's son". I am my own person and last night I proved it. Last night I cut that cord to my fathers name and became my own person. So if you or anybody else has a problem with that then they can come see me. Other than that im done with this interview.

JR:King I just dont get this at all. Cody Rhodes damn near took his fathers head off last night with that chair. And King in other news last night at Cyber Sunday new Tag Team Champions were crowned in London and Kendrick. And King what a high flying matchup that was.

King: JR These two teams fought their butts off in this match. And JR your right it was a great match.

JR:King also last night at Cyber Sunday Triple H and Umaga battled in out inside a Steel Cage and King, I have never seen anything like what we saw last night. Umaga jumping 20 feet or more off the top of that steel cage and falling all the way through the ring.

King:JR I have been out here with you for a lot of years and I dont think I have ever see anything like that.

JR:King I can tell you that Umaga was rushed to a local hospital. No word yet on his condition. but King the show must go on and when we come back it will. Carlito in action when we return.


Carlito vs Charlie Haas

Carlito starts it of by spitting apple in the face of Charlie Hass. This lights a fire Under Haas, and Haas goes after Carlito and takes him down with a big tackle. Haas opens up on Carlito with hard rights and left. The referee tries to get Haas off of Carlito but Haas shoves the referee backwards. The referee warns Haas but Haas ignore the ref.

The ref again tries to get Haas off of Carltio but again Haas shoves the Referee. The ref has no choice but to call for the bell.

Haas still isnt letting up on the rights and lefts on Carlito. Finally Shelton Benjamin comes in and Hass thinks its the referee and knocks Shelton int he head with a ahrd right hand. Shelton gets up and then Haas realizes he just hit his partner. Haas tries to apologize as Carlito crawls out of the ring.

Haas tries to explain to Benjamin but Shelton wont hear it. He gets out of the ring and goes up the ramp with Haas right on his heels.

King; Uh Oh JR trouble for the WGTT.

JR:Thats no joke. Carlito spit that apple in Haas's face and Charlie just went off the deep end and shoved the referee.

King: Not once but twice JR!

JR:Well King you cant put your hand on an official. Thats just common sense.

After the match we are in the back parking lot where a long white limo is pulling up. The limo stops and the back door opens and Shane McMahon steps out of the limo. Behind that limo another white limo pulls up. And out of that Limo steps Linda and Stephanie McMahon.

JR:King, Did you just see that. The McMahon family has just arrived but why?

King:JR I have no idea, but I bet it has something to do with Mr. McMahon's announcement.

JR:King I have no idea but it looked like they were not in a very good mood.

King: JR A McMahon in a bad mood is never a good thing.


Cody Rhodes vs Brian Kendrick​

This match never gets started due to Hardcore Holly runnign in and he and Cody Rhodes get into a fist fight. It is finally broken up when William Regal comes out and makes a match for next week. No holds barred match with Holly facing Rhodes.

King: JR did you hear that. No holds barred. Cody Rhodes vs Hardcore Holly!

JR:Well King I think this may be a can of worms that Cody Rhodes is gonna be sorry he opened. I dont know what has goten into Cody Rhodes?

King:I dont either JR but what about the McMahon Family?

JR:Folks if you are just joining us earlier tonight the Entire McMahon family arrived at the arena. We dont know why they are here but we are being told that Mr. McMahon is just arrivng.

We go back stage where Mr. McMahon is just entering the building with a big smile on his face. The first perosn he sees is Randy Orton.

Orton: Mr. McMahon

McMahon:Mr. Orton?

Orton: Mr. McMahon I guess you saw me retain my WWE title last night?

McMahon: No Randy what I saw was you barely keep your title by the skin of your teeth. Thats what I saw. And I also saw somebody run down to the ring and attack you allowing you to retain your title. Thats what I saw. Now if you wille excuse me I have an announcement to make in the ring. And you might wanna come with me. Your presents will be requested!


After the break we see every RAW superstar out on the stage with the McMahon family in the stage. Next we hear "No Chance" blast over the speakers. Out on the stage comes Mr. McMahon. He comes out doing his usual McMahon strut to the ring. He gets in the ring and grabs a mic.

McMahon: Im sure you are probably wondering why I called all of you here. Well there is a very simple explination. Last night at Cyber Sunday I said I would have a major announcement tonight on RAW. An announcement so big it would shake the entire foundation of the WWE. And I know for the past 24 hours you have all been buzzing about what the announcement might be. Well here it is.

Effective November 30th I Vincent Kennedy McMahon will be stepping down as Chairman of the board!

The crowd gets quite and everybody looks stunned.


King:JR he cant be serious?!?!

McMahon: Thats right, I Vincent Kennedy McMahon will be stepping down as Chairmanin of the Board of directors for World Wrestling Entertainment. Thank you all very much and goodnight.

McMahon leaves the ring with no further explination. He walks up the ramp and to the back with a strange look on his face, as we fade out to break.........


JR:King I am stunned. We just heard Mr. McMahon say he was stepping down as Chairman of the Board. What in the hell is going on around here?

King: JR I dont know but this crowd is still stunned.

JR:King as we all are. During the break we saw the McMahon family trying to get some answers out of Mr. McMahon but he got in his limo and drove off. This is a very stranger situation.

Roby Mccalister vs Santino Marella

Both men get in the ring and tie up. All of a sudden the lights go out and when they come back on the masked man is in the ring. He hits Roby Mccalister with a Stone Cold Stunner and then goes after Santino. The masked man hits Santino with a Stone Cold Stunner. Then he locks in a sharpshooter on Marella. Marella screams out in pain. Referees and security swarm the ring but the man escapes before he can be captured.


King: JR I wanna know who this masked man is?

JR:Dont we all King?

King:Something strange is going on around here. Masked men running around. Mr. McMahon announcing he is resigning. What in the hell is going on.

JR:King I dont know but those Stunners look offly familiar.

King:JR I know what you are thinking.

JR:King will when we return its gonna be our main event of the evening.


Randy Orton vs Jeff Hardy

Hardy and Orton stare each otehr face to face. Orton slaps Hardy accross the face as a sign of disrespect to Hardy. Hardy comes back by tackling Orton and openign up with hard rights and lefts to the face of Orton. Orton manages to get out of the ring by rolling under the bottom rope. Orton gets out of the ring and walks around it to kind of shake off the fists of Hardy.

JR:King it appears as though Orton is alittle afraid of Jeff Hardy.

King:JR are you kidding me. Theres no way the WWE Champion is afraid of Jeff Hardy.

JR:Well Im just saying it appears that way to me.

Orton continues to walk around the ring. Hardy has enough and gets out of the ring and starts chasing Orton around the ring. Orton gets back in the ring. Hardy follows under the bottom rope and when he does Orton starts stomping on the Intercontental Champ. Orton picks Hardy up and sends Hardy to the ropes. Hardy ducks the clothesline and hits a flying elbow on the champ. Cover by Hardy but Orton kicks out after two.

Hardy quickly gets to his feet and Orton knocks him down with a hard knife edge chop. Hardy back to his feet and again gets a hard chop by Orton. Hardy fires back with a hard right. Orton follows up with another hard chop. Hardy then takes Orton down with a hard clothesline. Cover again by Hardy but Orton kicks out after two.

Orton gets to his feet and Hardy runs at him. Orton pick Hardy up and hits a sidewalk slam on Hardy. Cover by Orton but he only gets a 2 count. Orton picks Hardy up by his hair and sends him to the ropes. Orton goes for an RKO but Hardy counters and sets up for a Twist of Fate but Orton counters with a kick to the mid section and then follows up with a DDT on Hardy. Cover by Orton but again only a two count.

King:JR there have definetly not been a lack of pin falls in this match, Thats for sure.

JR:King both of these men have a ton of pride. And King they both wanna win.

Orton picks Hardy up and hits him with a hard upper cut to Hardy. Hardy hits the mat hard. Orton picks him back up and hits a drop kick. Cover again by Orton but again Hardy kicks out. Orton picks Hardy back up but this time Hardy drop kicks Orton out of nowhere. When Orton gets back to his feet Hardy dropkicks him again and sends Orton out of the ring through the ropes. Hardy follows Orton out of the ring and slams Orton into the ring apron back first. Orton screams in pain. Hardy puts Orton back in the ring. Hardy sets up for the Twist of Fate. Orton counters and goes for teh RKO. Hardy counters again and hits a spinbuster on Orton. Hardy goes to the top rope, and hits a Swanton. Cover by Hardy...
Thr....Kickout by Orton after almost three. Hardy waits for Orton to get to his feet. When Orton gets to his feet Hardy grabs him for a Twist of Fate and Orotn again counters and this time he connects with the RKO...Cover by Orton...

JR:King Hardy tried his best but it just wasnt enough for the champ.

King: JR this was a short match but Hardy tried his best.

JR:King now what is Orton doing. He has that look on his face. That same look he had on his face when he punted Shawn Michaels out of the ring nearly.

Orton has the same look on his face like he is going to kick Hardy. Hardy is stirring a little. Orton sets up for the punt. Hardy gets to one knee. Orton starts to run at Hardy but when he does the lights go out. When they come back on both Hardy and Orton are laid out in the ring. All of a sudden the ring fills with smoke. When the smoke clears the masked man is standing in the ring. He picks up the WWE Title. The ring fills with smoke again and when the smoke clears, the man is gone and so is the WWE title...Raw goes off the air with Orton and Hardy laid out in the ring..................

The Rated R CMStar

BM: Randy Orton vs Jeff Hardy

WM: Carlito vs Charlie Haas

BP: Orton/Regal

WP: Todd/Cody

AC: OK, first, I guess you are doing William Regal as a face, because he just put Orton in a hell of a situation. I guess we will have to wait and see who the masked man is!


New Member
Oct 27, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah. These were pretty short shows due to me deciding to do this season on such short notice. My shows are usually longer than this. And things will make sense once I really get things rolling. Thanks for the feedback...


Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: ME

Worst Match: Roby vs. Santino.

Best promo: Opener with Regal and Orton

Worst promo: Cody and Todd

Additional Thoughts: I'd like to see some longer matches. The masked run in guy thing seems to be getting pretty common around BTB's but I like to see where they go. So it will be interesting tosee if your giving away the obvious person or setting us up for a suprise. Guys where in character and I look forward to further developments.

Overall: A-


New Member
Oct 11, 2007
Reaction score
BM- The Main Event


BP- Orton and Regal

WP- Cody and Todd

AC- I like your litle masked man deal you are doing and I think the matches need to be just a little bit longer in my opinion

Rate- 7.5


New Member
Oct 27, 2007
Reaction score

For Monday November 5, 2007

Last Monday night on RAW we saw the fallout from Cyber Sunday. No new WWE Champion was crowned but we did see New WWE Tag Team Champions crowd at the PPV.

Brian Kendrick and Paul London will be in Action this Monday night and their WWE Tag Team Titles will be on the line. But who will they face?

Also on RAW last week we saw the WWE Champion go one on one with the Rainbow Haired Warrior Jeff Hardy. Orton came out on top but it was the events that took place after the match that had heads turning. The "Masked Assasin" as he has come to be called within WWE struck again last Monday night. Who is this masked person and what does he want with the WWE?

And in an announcement that send Shockwaves through the WWE, Mr. McMahon announced his retirement to the world. Rumor has it that Shane McMahon will be at RAW Monday to address his fathers latest announcement.

And what has gotten into young Cody Rhodes? He has been on a mean streak as of late. First knocking his father out with a steel chair at Cyber Sunday, and then last Monday night going on another rampage. This Monday night on RAW Cody Rhodes will go one on one with Hardcore Holly in a Classic Hardcore Match. Will the young inigma get schooled by the veteran?

Find out all this and much more when RAW comes to you live at 9/8c only at IWF!

Confirmed Matches

WWE Tag Team Championship

Brian Kendrick & Paul London vs ?????

Classic Hardcore Match
Cody Rhodes vs Hardcore Holly

Shane McMahon rumored to be on RAW.