Roll a die in my opinion, I can (unfortunately) see ADR leaving with the WHC, with Cena having the easy out with the arm injury. They let him put over Bryan in a tag match clean while selling a legit injury, maybe this can be another case like that?
Will he? I doubt it. The feud between Sandow and Cena could be gold if done well, with Sandow ragging on all of Cena's terrible promos (would mark for mentions of his WoW account) and ripping into all the faults of the Cena character, but that won't happen.
Anything involving this feud will get Sandow over as a babyface. As Seabs said (lol @ the sig) if he cashes in on Cena, he's a hero. If he "saves us" from this boring ass ADR title reign, he's a hero to those who still care. If he doesn't cash in, look at Ziggler last year. Having this really entertaining dude holding the briefcase while a couple of idiots that many crowds can't get behind made him a babyface star, that may be the best way to go if WWE wants to do that with Sandow.
The only way to get Sandow heat from this is to rebuild Ziggler enough to be a credible opponent-yet big underdog against Del Rio, let him win the WHC, then have Sandow cash in on him. What other babyface that people care about could you do that with?