Could Microsoft have absolutely destroyed their product anymore than the Xbox One? Not even to mention the pathetic name, people seem to forget the fact that the reveal and the specs spell absolute destruction. Now before I get the term "Sony fanboy" shoved up my ass, let me tell you something. I own an Xbox 360, a PS3, and a Wii, and I have to admit that the Xbox 360 was worth the price tag. But where do I start on this absolute piece of shit. First of all, the idea of having to pay a price to use used games is an idea that should have went down the shitter when it first came up. But everyone knows the greed of the modern day company, and I should have expected that. And once again, the idea of the always online console was shut down by Microsoft. But what they didn't say is that the system requires an Internet connection to work, and you can go into offline mode from there. Who in the flying fuck had that idea? Another thing, the Kinect always has to be hooked up to the system in order to work. I swear, it gets worse and worse. I hope to god that Sony pulls their shit together after seeing this and doesn't make the same mistake.