Was logging on to post this except without the video. Some nice points in there, nice share. Totally agree on Hogan but he has to be huge for live attendance. Only reason to justify him being there.
The whole thing with the tourney being invalidated: Look at Joseph Park. He was sitting at -10, he jobbed a bunch of times, beat Hernandez (-3), won the 20 point street fight (17), and if he won the battle royal he'd be in the final 4. BULL. SHIT. This isn't an IWC complaint, people understand these things. It felt like it didn't get nearly enough focus with the MMA and Faction War crap nobody cares about being the complete focus, Magnus should get a big rub from leading but I can't remember what he did + there wasn't enough focus on it to make it feel like a big deal.
Another problem that popped up was that there wasn't enough focus on the characters involved. People have been bitching about Aries and Roode and AJ not getting enough focus, well in the BFG Series their characters couldn't progress the way they arguably should have and they couldn't be in feuds. If the rest of the show was good around them (like the Aries/Roode feud that got everyone buzzing) that wouldn't be a problem. This year all you had to look forward to was a Mickie James promo, hopefully with lots of cleavage.
I thought the series was phenomenal last year, this is like the usually crappy time after Wrestlemania when Creative needs to recharge their batteries, but here you get an easy-to-book tournament with 60+ free matches that all mean something and can be treated as a big deal. It's the best concept I've seen in years except maybe Option C. Definitely keep it going, but... is it that hard to plan something out even a little? This was a disaster.