Now I keep seeing people always blaming the PG Ratings for the bad Raws lately, but I believe the PG rating isn't to blame. The classic era was a PG rating and remember it had good wrestling and good storylines. The ratings aren't the things that are bad, it's how the feuds, wrestling, and everything is being developed. As much as I use fuck, shit and other words, we don't need that to make wrestling good, nor do we need to see blood on every episode of Raw.
We still see weapons getting used and announcer tables getting smashed. The problem with Raw today is, unless it's revolved around John Cena it doesn't get main event attention. Not blaming Cena, but whoever is working this. Remember, the WWE championship didn't get the main event slots when Cena wasn't part of it. The tag team division is barley getting built up, and the divas division is dead. The midcard division is hanging on by a mere thread.
This could all be repaired by giving feuds, using the new hour for Raw for developing Diva feuds, tag team feuds, longer more entertaining matches, less pathetic humor like what Santino does and then rebuilding championship prestige, and building up everybody. Also use someone like Cena, take him AWAY from the championship picture, he has had 12 reigns, that's enough. He needs to put young talent over, and at least if someone like Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow, or Dolphh Ziggler gets over then the future of WWE can be set. PG ratings didn't fuck up WWE, it's poor planning. Look at NXT and FCW, they are good and are at PG ratings too.
We still see weapons getting used and announcer tables getting smashed. The problem with Raw today is, unless it's revolved around John Cena it doesn't get main event attention. Not blaming Cena, but whoever is working this. Remember, the WWE championship didn't get the main event slots when Cena wasn't part of it. The tag team division is barley getting built up, and the divas division is dead. The midcard division is hanging on by a mere thread.
This could all be repaired by giving feuds, using the new hour for Raw for developing Diva feuds, tag team feuds, longer more entertaining matches, less pathetic humor like what Santino does and then rebuilding championship prestige, and building up everybody. Also use someone like Cena, take him AWAY from the championship picture, he has had 12 reigns, that's enough. He needs to put young talent over, and at least if someone like Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow, or Dolphh Ziggler gets over then the future of WWE can be set. PG ratings didn't fuck up WWE, it's poor planning. Look at NXT and FCW, they are good and are at PG ratings too.