Finish up the Dallas/Barrett feud, even though they've completely screwed up the storyline they can still throw the strap on Dallas to kinda get him over as an underdog character. After a while he acts like he's hearing voices (the commentary puts this over), and eventually he finds some random items laying around... some wood, a leg to a rocking chair, banjos, and this entire go-nowhere angle is paid off by Bray Wyatt eventually debuting and talking about how Bo used to be a member of his family, and while you can take the man away from the family, you can't take the family away from the man. Bo, after several title defenses, gives the title away to Bray and rejoins the family as a mindless cult follower who never talks...
Actually, don't do that, that was fucking awful. Way too Winter/Angelina.
Paige: Have Kaitlyn run through all the Divas' on the main roster (except maybe Nattie), let her show some fun-loving personality so she'd actually get over, and let Paige win the belt after an open challenge. Keep the aggressive badass anti-diva character around, debut her heel.
Don't debut Ohno until they actually get a good character for the guy.
Neville's gotta be called up as well, doesn't matter how just get him on Raw