But this really depends, the IWC will have different opinions, they may go to a show because Danielson is there, not Cena. I will now honestly say HBK draws for me and for mostly everyone else.
This is a thread about the biggest draw though. I'm sure one Big Daddy V mark goes to ECW shows because V will be on the card. That doesn't make him a draw.
HBK was and is an average draw if he even is one. The WWE had terrible PPV buyrates back when he was champ and that was back in the day when the WWE didnt have 16 PPV's.
There were four wrestlers ever who were draws in and of themselves. Those are Austin, Rock, Hogan and Andre. They could draw regardless of the current fued they were in or the strength of the lower and mid cards. Cena is in a level just below that. He can draw, but he needs to be in a worthwhile and entertaining feud. People like HHH and HBK, though highly talented, need strong undercards, gimmick matches, etc. to draw huge numbers.
On a side note, whoever said Orton is the biggest draw in the WWE might need their head examined. He hasn't even really had the chance to prove he was a draw. I don't remember the exact numbers for Summerslam 04 and Unforgivin 04 but from memory I don't beleive they were that good.