Personally? Yes, he should hang up the towel and go join his friend shawn, and just be done with it. HHH used to be entertaining to watch, but he is just annoying and overused now, he wins when he shouldn't win, he's on tv when he shouldn't be, yet, he still steals the spotlight from right under superstars who deserve it. He needs to let the WWE have a future, and leave. He could come back maybe a few times a year, like Taker does, and maybe we wouldn't get so tired of him, but seeing him all the time? No thank you..
Not the same Hunter I remember from the early 2000's, he's grown old, it seems as if he has no passion, he doesn't seem to have that sick, cerebral attitude anymore, and that's why the fans want nothing to do with him, he's become boring. HHH should have been kicking down doors, and taking names, not siding with Cena during the Cena/Punk feud, but you wanna know the real reason nobody likes him now? Because he's a sell out. Like Punk said, thats what he is, he is a phony, he used to be all about saying "FUCK THE SYSTEM!" but now? He's conformed to the system so he can stay around for as long as he can, so he can keep getting paid. He went from DX, to the Cerebral Assassin, to the one thing he despised for so long, being a corporate monkey, following the rules, and doing as what he is told to do. "You can't tell us what to do"? More like "You can tell me what to do as long as I get my airtime and money".