Crayo said:
Surprised no one has mentioned Bret Hart yet.
I was just coming in to do that.
He sometimes forgets wrestling is a work. He actually called up newspapers to tell them after Montreal that that wasn't the real finish and that he didn't really lose, almost forgetting that no one would have thought he really lost for real anyway, since wrestling is predetermined. Cornette joked about this in a shoot, where he said Bret would call them up to tell them he didn't really lose a match, but would never bother to call the newspapers to tell them that he never really won one either, since people laid down for him and put him over. Hell, the fact that he refused to lose at all in Montreal kinda shows how big of a mark he is for himself.
As mentioned, he wonders why Austin is ranked higher than he if he beat him every time he wrestled him (he has felt this way for years, because he said this same thing in a promo with Goldberg in 1999, and it was an unscripted comment.)
He is also sometimes arrogant to the point of delusional. Saying that when he went to WCW, they should have put him in a dream match with Hogan right away, and the fact that they didn't shows how Bischoff never had any brains for wrestling. While WCW could have done SOMETHING meaningful with Bret, saying they should have just discarded Hogan/Sting (which they had been building up for over a year) just to suit Bret Hart is just ridiculously arrogant and foolish.