For Example, We had Mortal Kombat Vs DC, Street Fighter X Tekken, Etc which ones would you like to kinda cross paths and make a game?
Eternal champions, HA! Just saw an advertisement for that the other day going through old comics. I wanted to pull off the death moves SO BADShaq fu vs eternal champions
SWEET. Man I miss stuff like this
Shaq fu vs eternal champions
When they get elminated insteaded of their body's flying out of the arena, body parts fly out and hit the screen. haha.Mortal Kombat and Super Smash Bros.
Looked up what the first one was and never played it. I want it now.
Ugh Soul Calibur! <3 Yes!Jwab has my first answer and than I'd want to see Soul Calibur cross with any 2D fighter a la Kombat, Street Fighter, Blazeblue etc