It's really not about it being too predictably for me although that certainly doesn't help. I mean, take Undertaker's Mania matches, I've never once believed Taker had a chance of losing the streak since I started watching but that doesn't mean I didn't get excited when Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker at Mania XXV was announced (or it when it became apparent that it was happening).
The problem for me is that the direction they are heading to holds absolutely zero interest for me. I don't care for The Rock as WWE Champ, but I'd be more accepting (for lack of a better word) of it had he won it for any other reason than to drop it Cena, like a bout with Dolph Ziggler (I really wanted to see Rock vs. Ziggler at Mania, I can dream). Brock Lesnar leading to a Triple H match doesn't interest me. Jericho's returning is always a good thing, but it's not enough to get me watching. I've checked out what he's been doing and it's definitely not enough to get me interested. They've finally aligned The Shield with Heyman/Punk, something I've been against from the get-go, and they're heading towards their first lost and eventually break up already (though I suppose they could stay around for longer, but I don't really see them lasting past Mania season - might just be pessimistic here). Considering they were what I considered the most exciting/interesting thing about WWE for quite some time, I'm not exactly thrilled about either of those two.
Outside of that stuff, what is there to get excited for? Mark Henry? Sorry, but my opinion on him hasn't changed just because WWE finally figured out how to book him. He's still as entertaining in the ring as he was prior to his monster heel push, and that was nothing to get excited for. That's not to say I think he's horrible by the way. Cesaro? They're booking him well but it's a pretty much slow book up to prominence. Which is good and the right way to go about it, however on it's own it doesn't justify me spending time watching the whole program or getting excited for. Bo Dallas? Haha, no. Dallas is awful. The Cara/Rey match if it's still going through does interest me. Obviously when Dolph becomes the World Champion I'm bound to be excited. Until that happens though, I just don't care about anything going on in WWE.