U REALLY CAN'T GO TOO FAR WITH A GIMMICK! It really depent on the show since WWE is SHIT PG Rate gimmick are limit/water down Which is why ALOT of wrestling a fulting to get over today! And it does not help that Cena is alway in the spotlight usly I mean it it have now been for CM Punk getting OVER his way he would still be down in the dump. CM Punk to get over his way not WWE way b/c WWE way would NEVER WORK! B/c that never want to go far with anyone anymore though why guy like Wade,Kofi,A. Cesso, Bryan, Chirsan, ETC: B/c WWE does not backbone to defevey someone until the main event like that use to b/c that just want to the same guy that have in Cena,Orton,Edge,Batisa,HHH and not try to make new star and work then by putting then in the main event. To put a guy like Wade in the main event again say Shumus for the World Champion at Wm would be resin for then b/c that don't if fans will draw way that have someone like Cena would will draw b/c of the GOD DAM KIDS! And the Audlt EVEN too b/c the Audlt want him to LOSE. Like People buy WM28 last year b/c an Audlt want to see Cena lose and the Kids buy WM28 to see Cena win! That why WWE is going down so bad b/c that are afaid to DO ANY NEW AND MAKE NEW STAR! CM PUNK MADE HIMSELF WHICH JUST TELL HOW BACK WWE ARE AT BOOKING! And the fact that have to call up The Rock to get rating and draw people to want buy a PPV tell that don't have new star really to go if say Cena got seruis injury.