In the spirit of D'Z's face tag team thread from the TNA section I figured we could do one for WWE as well. Only here use both sides of the moral spectrum. WWE's tag team division isn't exactly the strongest right now but WWE has the roster to improve it. So look at the WWE roster page from and think out some various constellations that could be placed in the tag division and how they would help it out.
I'd put Ryder back with Hawkins in it. Ease down the broski gimmick while letting him keep it, just tone it down. The two are used to working together as a team and are both solid wrestlers in the ring. Hawkins is comfortable on the microphone and I think that they can play a Edge and Christian style team, mixing comedy and antics into their personas and feuds.
Evan Bourne is needed back in the division when he returns from injury. I'd set him up with someone like Riley probably. That way we get the big guy/little guy dynamic that is proven to work well. Get Riley back in his jock gimmick as well. I'm not sure how Bourne would work as a heel but he could always play the role of tiny douchebag next to the big bad jock.
McGillicutty could benefit from the tag division as well. The tricky part is who to put him with. He is a good heel who uses crowd interaction in his ring style (yelling at the crowd, mouthing off to his opponent etc) to enhance the match and I think McGillicutty in a sort of James Storm/Stone Cold hybrid role as an outlaw would work well. Hadn't McIntyre been in the 3MB I think he would have meshed well with Michael for this type of team. So I guess I'd split Drew from the band (They can always get a new guy for the trio) and throw him in with Michael for an outlaw style tag team.
Who would be your picks?