What IF Stone Cold vs. Hulk Hoagn at WrestleMania X8 instead of The Rock!?
How different would have 2002 have been if this match have been!? Now we all know that Stone Cold was sopost to vs. Hogan at WMX8 but Stone Cold did not want to vs. him well alot that what heard from inveiw from old writer had said at that time. So The Rock took his place in them match. But What Stone Cold when along with the match!? We all know going into the match Rock was the face and Hogan Heel with the nWo. But fans still cheer for Hogan and boo The Rock! But this was b/c of him going into more of an actor. So if Stone Cold was wrestling Hogan the fans may have cheer more for Stone Cold vs. cheering for Hogan. Which Could have change WWE Created of thing for 2002. I mean that would make Hogan the WWE Champion at backlash of 2002 beating HHH! So if Stone Cold vs. Hoagn Stone Cold wins just like The Rock did. But Hogan and the nWo made have lasted longer as a team. And also could mean no Hogan getting 1 run as WWE Champion. Which could me Stone Cold would get the WWE Champion at Backlash of 2002 before losing it to Undertaker a month later. What do you all think!? Though?