My main problem is the fact that most of the guys today just aren't as interesting or charismatic as the guys 10-15 years ago.
Sheamus, The Miz, Wade Barrett, Cody Rhodes, Jack Swagger, Ryback, Kofi Kingston, etc. just don't do it for me. Daniel Bryan is only good in an underdog or mid-card role, I don't care to see him main event regularly in the long term. Dolph Ziggler is a workhorse, but still not charismatic in a way that grabs me. Antonio Caesro is kinda bland, but still has my interest somewhat. Cena is great when he really has a good feud he can sink his teeth into (his match on Raw with Punk proves he can really bring it when he wants to.) Randy Orton is someone I neither like or dislike, I'm mostly indifferent towards him as can be. For the most part, CM Punk, Alberto Del Rio (as a face, his heel run was boring as hell), The Shield, Damien Sandow, etc. are about the only people I care about.
WWE's booking is another story. But I doubt even good booking can make me care about people that I already have a severe lack of interest in.