Weird Stories I was shown...

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Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
Here's some weird stories a friend emailled to me. I dont know where he found them, but I think they're great!


Darting around my small one bedroom apartment in Kangaroo Point, I find my deoderant can stashed away under some clothes under my bed. I spray wildly, trying to cover up the odour that is two packets of McNuggets racing through my system. A knock at the door, I turn and make my way to the kitchen, and open the door. Matthew. I cracked a wise-ass dick joke as he entered, and to a chuckle made my way to the computer desk, grabbed my wallet, phone and keys. Dumping a bag with what I believed to be spare clothes, he finally caught onto my dick joke and laughed. No fucking time, dickweed - we have to go! I pushed Matthew [as politely as I could manage] out the front door, and down the small set of steps as I closed up my house, notifying him the bus we needed to catch was leaving in a few [minutes, duh!].

Today really was a great day, although we didnt know how great this day would be, until a little later on...

Whilst on the bus, during our usual immature and illogical conversation, the topic of the "Molestation Force" arose [heh, that's not the only thing that arose on the bus!] and we once again on the topic of little children, 'Jo-hos' and kickin' ass [In a similar fasion Matthew is on a fat-cake: all up in it's grill!]. The bus pulled up at the stop, and giving a friendly gesture to the bus driver [thanking him ... THANKING him], we stepped onto the pavement and stood in front of what could only be labelled as The Myer Centre [well, it would seem bloody illogical to rename a current place for the sake of a story based on actual people/places...]. Matthew turned to me, with a smile on his face [similar to the one he gets when he sees a Jo-ho down the street...]

I knew what the fucktard was thinkin, 'thats the smile you get when you see a Jo-ho'. I began on my way up the escalators to [Heaven!?] the cinemas, freezing in time as it delivered us to what was ... HOLY SWEET MOTHER OF FUCK! A line up, as far as the eye could see [which wasn't that far, since people in the line blocked a majority of my eye sight]. Dickface and I looked at each other, and with the click of our fingers [Mental Trevor!] we took a step away from each other, and turned towards the other. Raising my voice high above my inside voice [which is only 12db, since my recent accident] I yelled "MOLESTATION FORCE ... ASSEMBLE!!!", and we threw clenched fists at eachother, metting in the middle. With a sudden, strong gust of wind, and a flashing bright light; we had successfully done what was originally a stupid idea, created by boredom. The flash of white light, blinding a nearby teenage punk, caused him to step into an elderly lady, and pushed her down two flights of stairs. We looked at eachother, the sense of power overwhelming; and started to "make our own line!". Cracking skulls and kicking crotches; Nick and I made our way to the front of the line, finally breaking a happy couples' necks as we stepped up to the counter. The young man behind the counter handed us what we wanted happily, and before we could pay he handed us a handful of money and yelled in a high pitched voice "DON'T KILL ME!".

I looked at Shitface and laughed, as we made our ways into the cinemas, ready to enjoy an exciting cinematic adventure entitled "McBoosum's Amazing and Sexy Adventure in Naked Land 2!"


What yall think, I spose you need a particular stupid sense of humour for these stories...


Active Member
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Titletown, Mexico
ohh man; I got some like Tampoon stories and such too man :cowboy:

so like back this one day, my mom was out drinking and shit, and i was like all bored and shit at my house so i decided to bail down to my cousin's house.

I got there and lets just say tha damn door was locked and so i had to be very innovative and walk around to the back of the house and knock on his window, but right when i was like right near his window i could hear him pounging his girlfriend, and i was like :Lighten: so i decided to sneak right up and go "Boo!" and scare'em a bit, but right when i was about to climb in near the window some little fucking plasticy rubbery thing with this milky shit in it came flying towards me.
so like does this count as a story about a tampoon encounter?:alien: