LAS VEGAS – ( is on scene and reporting live from tonight's "WEC 50: Cruz vs. Benavidez" event.
Tonight's show takes place at The Pearl at the Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas. The main card airs on Versus.
Follow along with our round-by-round updates and official results beginning at approximately 6:40 p.m. ET (3:40 p.m. PT) for the preliminary card and 9 p.m. ET for the main card.
Tonight's event features a bantamweight title-fight rematch between current champion Dominick Cruz and the man he beat en route to the belt, Joseph Benavidez. The evening's co-feature sees two of the promotion's top lightweights, Anthony Pettis and Shane Roller, meeting with a potential title shot on the line.
To discuss tonight's show, be sure to check out our WEC 50 discussion thread. You can also get behind-the-scenes coverage and other event notes from on-site reporter John Morgan (@MMAjunkieJohn) on Twitter.
Enjoy the fights, everyone.
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Round 1 - Referee Josh Rosenthal in charge of the evening's first fight. Castillo takes the center early and opens with a low kick as he circles. Poirier fakes one kick then delivers a leg to the body. Castillo shoots in, but Poirier saw it and sprawls. Poirier stays on it and shoves Poirier to the cage. Castillo elevates with a high single, but Poirier remains upright. Knees traded inside, and Castillo maintains a bodylock while pressing in. Scramble two minutes in, but Castillo continues to push. Castillo finally pulls Poirier away from the cage and sets up on top. Poirier with an open guard. Castillo stands over his opponent after generating little from the ground. Castillo with a big punch from the top. Poirier tries to secure a leg, but Castillo spins through it and fires five heavy right hands. Castillo stacking Poirier and delivers a few more punches. They stand, and Poirier rolls through with Castillo on the back and secures a knee. Poirier gets the leg extended with less than a minute, but Castillo remains calm and fires more punches. Poirier won't let go, but Castillo is not in trouble. More punches from a standing position at the bell, and sees the first for Castillo, 10-9.
Round 2 - Castillo moves in, but Poirier is there with a stiff jab. Castillo shoots, but Poirier again shows an excellent sprawl. Castillo gets a bodylock from behind end elevates, but Poirier again with excellent balance. Castillo pulls away with a straight punch. Reset, and Castillo again closes the distance. Poirier sprawls against the cage. He pushes Castillo's head down and tries for a flying submission but settles for pulling guard. Castillo on top and drops in a few elbows. Poirier with an open guard. He gets the left leg on the shoulder halfway through the round. He latches it under the right for the triangle choke attempt. Castillo patient on top. He lifts Poirier and slams him to the floor. It loosens the grip, but it doesn't break it. Poirier tightens it up again, and as Castillo tries to spin out to the right, Poirier squeezes the legs. Castillo continues to push to the side, and Poirier finally releases. Castillo now in side control. Poirier regains half-guard in the closing seconds. Tense moments for Castillo for the latter half of the round. believes it was enough for Poirier to take the round, 10-9.
Round 3 - Castillo jabs to open then throws a nice straight right. Low kicks from Castillo. Poirier misses a counter, and Castillo rushes into the clinch. Castillo tries again to elevate, but Poirier again with outstanding balance. Castillo pushes in against the cage. Poirier scrambles off, but Castillo won't relent. Finally the takedown comes, and Castillo moves into side control. Poirier works to his butt immediately and stands. Castillo maintains the bodylock throughout and puts the fight right back on the floor with a trip. Poirier lands a nice elbow from underneath. Castillo presses down. Poirier gets the left leg on the shoulder again, and Castillo elevates. Poirier adjusts his grip and tries to secire the triangle. It doesn't look as tight as the previous attempt. Castillo elevates, but as he moves back in, Poirier does get the hold tighter. Castillo pulls out and moves into side control. One minute. Castillo maintaining control on top, and he steps over and into the mount. Castillo not delivering any strikes from the top. As the clapper sounds, he does elevate and rattle off a few punches. It should seal the result. Rounds two and three might produce interesting scores, but sees the final frame for Castillo, 10-9, and gives him the fight, 29-28. Danny Castillo def. Dustin Poirier via unanimous decision (30-27, 29-28, 30-27).
Round 1 - Referee Herb Dean in charge of this featherweight contest. Caraway jabs early. He;s got a low stance. Paixao wobbles him with a low kick. Paixao tries to push in, but Caraway shucks him off. Paixao with a spinning kick that misses. Caraway fakes a shot and lands a stiff left. He repeats the move with success.Paixao shoots into the clinch, but Caraway wants no part of it. Caraway pushes off two more takedown attempts. Paixao on his back, and he tries to grab a leg, but Caraway scampers away. Paixao tries to move in with an armdrag. Caraway pushes away and lands a straight punch. Halfway in, but Caraway keeping himself upright at all costs. Caraway again with the fake shot and left hand. He does it again. It's like Paixao kryptonite. Paixao tries again to tie up the arms on the feet, but he is struggling to get this to his domain. Caraway fires an overhand right and looks at the clock. Paixao just misses on a spinning kick. Caraway again with the fake shot and Paixao wobbles back when the left connects. Paixao looks OK seconds later, but he's going to need something else. Caraway shoots in at the 10-second mark, and he finishes there. It's 10-9 Caraway on the card.
Round 2 - Caraway measures his punches. He looks confident. Paixao ducks under a left and gets a bodylock. Caraway remains standing as he's pushed into the cage, but this is Paixao's best chance yet. But Caraway spins of the cage and works free. Low kick from Paixao. Another fake shot into a left hand for Caraway. Paixao can't help himself. Low kick from Paixao. Another. Caraway tries to catch them, but Paixao lands another hard kick. Halfway in. Paixao lands another low kick, and he shoots behind it. Paixao takes half-mount, but it's only briefly. He moves up, Caraway escapes back to the feet. Caraway lands a jab. Paixao with two leg kicks. Scramble with both fighters jabbing. Caraway stalking. Two punches land for Caraway. Caraway shoots in, but this time he gets trapped in an omo plata. Paixao turns it into an armbar at the bell, but Caraway rolls through it. Fun round. sees it for Caraway, 10-9, based on the effective punches, but it was close.
Round 3 - Caraway again measuring to open. He fakes the shot and throws a right. Paixao now wising up and keeping his hands high. Caraway fires an overhand. Paixao now not falling for the fake shots, and he lands a stiff low kick. Caraway trying to stay out of Paixao's range. Paixao tries to tie things up, but both fighters are sweaty and Caraway moves away. A second clinch for Paixao but Caraway just backs away. Halfway in. Paixao lands two punches flush. Caraway retreats, and Paixao lands another low kick. Caraway does land another left. Paixao with a low kick, and those continue to score well. Caraway lands a lead left, but another 1-2 for Paixao looks stiff. Caraway moves in and takes the fight to the ground, but he backs away immediately. Paixao tries again to pick the ankle, but Caraway escapes. Caraway retreating on the feet. Paixao pushing forward in the closing seconds. Crowd cheers as the final flurries unfold. Nice action to end. sees the strikes from Paixao taking the round, 10-9, but awards the fight to Caraway, 29-28. Fredson Paixao def. Bryan Caraway via split decision (28-29, 29-28, 29-28).
Round 1 - Referee Kim Winslow makes her first appearance of the night. Lamas dancing around early. Jansen lands a low kick. Lamas very light on his feet early, but Jansen working the low kick. One works the cup, but they restart quickly. Traded punches by both, and Jansen moves into the clinch. Knees traded, but Jansen's are heavier as he pushes in. Jansen changes levels and picks up the left leg. Lamas stays upright and pulls away. Nice low kicks from Lamas, but Jansen answers with punches. Lamas moves away and lands a high kick, but Jansen simply shoots in again. High single again, and Jansen kicks the right leg. Lamas still won't fall. More low kicks from both. Jansen works into another clinch and finally gets the takedown with about 80 seconds left. Lamas gets his back to the cage, but Jansen ties up both legs and prevents him working to the feet. Jansen cranks the neck, but Lamas pulls free and works back to the feet. Traded shots in the clinch. Close round, but sees it for Jansen based on the takedown and control in the clinch.
Round 2 - Jansen fires heavy strikes to open, but Lamas is right there to answer. Lamas shoots in, and Jansen tries to get a guillotine. Lamas backs away, adn Jansen slips on a strike. THis time it's Lamas with the guillotine. He tries to work it standing, but finally releases and lands a knee as he retreats. Jansen with a leaping knee and a straight punch. He tries to secure the neck, but Lamas pulls away. Traded punches in the pocket, and both land. Jansen again gets the takedown. He looks for an arm-in choke momentarily before spinning around to back control. Jansen tries an inverted triangle, and he lands a few shots to the ribs as he hangs upside down. Lamas pushes up and pops out the back. On the feet, and Jansen ducks under a spinning backfist and lands a takedown. They pop immediately back up, and Jansen clinches up and elevates and dumps Lamas to the floor. Lamas immediately latches onto an arm underneath. Jansen defends the kimura, and Lamas transitions. Scramble, and Lamas nearly secures a triangle in the rush. Fun series in the closing seconds. Jansen's face is marked up. Another close round, but gives it to Jansen, 10-9.
Round 3 - Lamas with an impressive early combination. Jansen again shoots in. Lamas hits the mat, but he's immediately sitting up and working for a submission. Lamsas wraps the left hand around the neck, but there's no choke there. Jansen steps around to the back a Lamas tries to work up. Slick transition, and Jansen gets both hooks in. Lamas ties up the arms, but Jansen flattens his opponent out. Jansen has his right hand on the chin. Lamas keeps it tucked, but a few punches forces him to move. Jansen tries to tighten the choke, but Lamas somehow survives, it, spins into the moves and gets his own left hand into a guillotine choke in the scramble. He's high on the topside, and Jansen moves out. Jansen bleeding badly now. Lamas again scrambles up, locks in that guillotine and falls. He can't secure it. Amazing scrambles with blood flowing everywhere. Winslow watching close. Lamas moves to the back, but Jansen spins out and to the top. Lamas tries to sweep, but he can't get it before the round ends. Jansen raises his hands as blood flows down his face. Great final round, and a very good fight that could see some wild scores. sees the final round for Lamas, 10-9, but the fight for Jansen, 29-28. Wouldn't be surprised to see it go either way. Ricardo Lamas def. Dave Jansen via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28).
Round 1 - Referee Josh Rosenthal in the cage. Vazquez takes the center early. Semerzier tries to keep distance. Vazquez lands a right hand. Shortly after, he shoots in, elevates and slams Semerzier to the floor. Semerzier tries to grab the neck as he falls, but Vazquez works into a crucifix and lands several short punches. Semerzier scrambles underneath into a better defensive position, but Vazquez steps over and moves to mount. Semerzier rolls, but Vazquez moves back into mount after a choke attempt misses. Vazquez with a few big elbows that catch Rosenthal's attention. Semerzier rolls again. Semerzier struggling on the bottom getting any room to breathe. Less than two minutes. Semerzier bucking to create some room. He gets half-guard, and Vazquez stands. He rushes right back in, picks an ankle and moves to the side. Semerzier on his side, and Vazquez lands a few elbows that look very close to the back of the head. Round ends there. sees the round clearly for Vazquez, 10-9. Semerzier had nothing and could have given up a 10-8, but there didn't seem to be enough damage to justify that score.
Round 2 - Semerzier jabbing early. He looks more focused than he did to start. Semerzier misses a big right hand, and Vazquez ducks under and moves in. Vazquez jumps to a guillotine, but Semerzier patiently shakes him off. Semerzier thinks about following to the ground but backs away. Vazquez lands an overhand left. He jumps to the back of Semerzier and locks in a rear-naked choke on his standing opponent. Semerzier's face shows he's in trouble immediately. He taps and walks away disgusted. Javier Vazquez def. Mackens Semerzier via submission (rear-naked choke) - Round 2, 1:35.
Round 1 - Referee Herb Dean calls this lightweight fight. Jewtuszko lands an early low kick. He falls on a switch kick attempt. Njokuani stands over him and delivers a few nice right hands. Njokuani kicks the legs. Jewtuszko tries to throw some upkicks, but Njokuani finally lets him up Jewtuszko throws a few kicks to the body. A right hand and a spinning backfist wobbles Njokuani. Jewtuszko rushes in with a guillotine on the feet. He lets it go in favor of clinchwork. Big uppercuts in the clinch drop Njokuani. Jewtuszko on his knees, and Jewtuszko throws more punches to the dome. Dean gives Njokuani a chance to recover, but it's obvious he's not going to. That's the fight. Maciej Jewtuszko def. Anthony Njokuani via TKO (punches) - Round 1, 1:35.
Round 1 - Referee Steve Mazzagatti, unfortunately sans mustache, in charge of the night's first televised fight. Micklewright pushes forward but eats a low kick. Palaszewski kicks the leg again. Micklewright lands a short right, but Palaszewski returns to the leg. Palaszewski with a lead hook. Micklewright jabs, and the two trade briefly. Micklewright moves into the clinch and pushes into the clinch. Palaszewski spins off with a bodylock, but it's a stalemate, and Mazzagatti calls for a restart. Palaszewski with a nice lead punch but Micklewright continues to jab away. Palaszewski sticking and moving, and a series of uppercuts land. Two minutes left. Palaszewski slips a few punches. Micklewright lands a low blow, but Palaszewski wants an immediate restart. Palaszewski with the crisper boing to open. He catches Micklewright with a low kick. Quick restart. Micklewright effective with the jab, but Palaszewski scoring stiff counters. High kick for Palaszewski. Both fighters comfortable on the feet. Traded punches at the end, and Palaszewski works in a high kick. Good action to start, and sees an entertaining round for Palaszewski, 10-9.
Round 2 - Palaszewski on the prowl early. A kick wobbles Micklewright, and Palaszewski unleashes with a flurry. They're mostly blocked. Micklewright moves forward, but a right hand sends him to the canvas. Palaszewski moves in to follow, but Mazzagatti is already in to make the call. Bart Palaszewski def. Zach Micklewright via TKO (punches) - Round 2, 0:31.
Round 1 - Referee Kim Winslow in the cage. Pickett jabs early, and Jorgensen answers. Stiff punches change hands. Jorgensen kicks low, and Pickett drops him with a straight. Into the clinch, and Pickett is blasted by a straight. Heavy hands early from both. Pickett pushes into the clinch, but Jorgensen defends well and they separate. Pace settles a bit after frantic open. Jorgensen shoots in on a single leg. It works, but Pickett pops back up. Straight right for Jorgensen. Pickett moving well to create openings. Uppercut for Pickett, and a 1-2 follows. Jorgensen scores and Pickett retreats while pushing his mouthpiece in. Pickett regains his composure and fires back. Unbelievable chins and action. Jorgensen shoots in. Pickett grabs a guillotine as he falls, but Jorgensen passes immediately to side control. Pickett works back to his feet. Pickett back on the attack, but Jorgensen countering well. Leaping knee from Pickett. Pickett moving forward, but Jorgensen there to answer every time. Outstanding first round that awards to Pickett, narrowly, 10-9
Round 2 - Pickett the aggressor early. His boxing remains crisp after a fast-paced first round. Jorgensen absorbs the shots. Pickett just a little quicker right now, though Jorgensen is game as he returns fire. Nice counter from Jorgensen catches Pickett's attention. Pickett with a jab, but Jorgensen sends his mouthpiece flying with a right hand. No matter this time. He keeps fighting. Winslow picks up the mouthpiece. No rinse. Quick break to put it back in and they restart. Pickett shoots in, but Jorgensen sprawls. Pickett throws a low knee, and there's a quick restart. Pickett again on the attack, and he scores in a flurry. Jorgensen answers right back. This is top-notch entertainment - toe-to-toe slugging. Jorgensen takes the fight to the floor, and Pickett grabs guard. Jorgensen lands a few short punches from the top, and an elbow comes down. Pickett tries to answer from underneath, and he kicks his legs high at just the right moment. Triangle close, but he can't secure. Scramble back to the feet. Traded punches to the bell. Another spirited round. gives it to Jorgensen, 10-9.
Round 3 - Pickett's left eye bruised badly, but he's game. Both fighters punching again early. Pickett with several nice punches, but Jorgensen there to answer every time Both fighters have gas in the tank and are ready to throw. Jorgensen shoots in. Pickett defends well, but a second effort sees him on his back 90 seconds in. Pickett with a slick transition from triangle to armbar back to triangle. Jorgensen feels it all and defends and returns to the feet. Halfway in. Both guys trading shots in this 135-pound version of a "Rocky" movie. Jorgensen gets underneath and works the fight again to the floor. Pickett again threatening from the bottom, but Jorgensen alertly moves out to the side. Jorgensen lands a few knees to the body. He's controlling the positioning with one minute left. Pickett scrambling underneath. He works to his feet and tries to roll, but Jorgensen's grip is secure and he slams Pickett to the floor. Pickett sweeps to the top in the closing seconds, but Jorgensen holds tight until the bell. sees the final round for Jorgensen, 10-9, and gives him the fight, 29-28. Scott Jorgensen def. Brad Pickett via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27).
Round 1 - Referee Josh Rosenthal calls this bantamweight contest. Swanson keeps range early. Mendes lands an early overhand right. Swanson wobbles a bit but regains his composure quickly. Swanson actually looks for the shot, and Mendes tries to take the back. Swanson rolls to avoid that, but Mendes is in side control. Mendes lands a few shoulder strikes from the top, but he's more focuses on maintaining the position. Two minutes in.Swanson with his legs crossed to prevent the pass. Mendes stays low. Mendes does posture up for an elbow. Two minutes left. Swanson trying to move underneath, but he finally gets a restart. Mendes lands another straight right. He's very fast with his hands. Swanson forced to reach a bit, and he has yet to land flush. Swanson lands a 1-2, but when he kicks low, Mendes gets a takedown. They pop back up quickly. Mendes with a lot of lateral movement. Swanson bouncing, looking for an opening. Mendes finds one instead. Leaping knee by Swanson in the closing seconds, but Mendes turns it into another takedown. Round ends, and it's 10-9 for Mendes on the card.
Round 2 - Mednes with an early low kick, and he gets another takedown immediately. Swanson rolls out to the right and works back to his feet. Swanson stalking. He lands a jab. Low kick lands along with a few punches. Swanson goes to the body twice, and Mendes smiles. Uppercut for Swanson. Mendes slowing a bit, and Swanson looks very light. Two minutes in. Swanson again to the body. His getting comfortable. Mendes answers and moves into the clinch, and it's an instant takedown. Swanson searches for something underneath, but Mendes grinding away from the top.Swanons works back to his butt and tries to scramble up, but Mendes pushes back down. Swanson saying more active underneath, but he can't escape from the bottom. One minute left. Mendes content to ride for now, though he does deliver a few short shots from the top. Swanson scrambles up at the bell and misses a wild high kick. MMAjunkie sees a close round for Mendes, 10-9.
Round 3 - Mendes lands an early strike and gets an immediate takedown. Swanson is able to crawl back up. Low kick for Swanson. Jab for Swanson. Mendes fires back. Swanson moves forward, but Mendes shoots in again. Swanson works up his left leg from underneath. He's looking for an omo plata, but Mendes turns his head and defends. Mendes in half-mount and looking to pass. Halfway in, and Mendes again controlling the positioning. Mendes works his leg free and is in mount, though Swanson gets guard back immediately. Mendes pressing in from the top. Swanson finally works free, but Mendes immediately dumps him down. Swanson up again, and he's going to need a Hail Mary shot. Swanson moves in, but Mendes just latches him up and tosses him to the ground. Swanson tries again with an omo plata in the closing seconds, but it's not there. sees the final round for Mendes, 10-9, and gives him the fight with a score of 30-27. Chad Mendes def. Cub Swanson via unanimous decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28).
Round 1 - Referee Herb Dean oversees the evening's co-main event. Roller with a few early jabs and moves into the clinch. He tries for a hip toss, but Pettis defends and moves away. Both fighters patient on the feet. Roller chases a shot across the cage. Pettis defends against the cage.Roller drops for a leg as Pettis backs away, but it's Pettis who lands a nice punch. Reset in the center, and Pettis kicks high. Roller comes back with punches and he's again into the clinch. Pettis spins away from the cage. Pettis works to top position momentarily, but Roller sweeps. Pettis scrambles away. Leaping strike blocked by Roller. Pettis pushes in. Roller pushes him away, and they reset. Hands traded briefly before Roller circles away. Spinning kick lands, and Roller looks a little wobbled. Pettis moves in, but Roller regains his composure and clinches. Pettis with a knee. Pettis drops and tosses a little Capoeira at the bell. Close round, but sees it for Pettis, 10-9.
Round 2 - Roller again working for the takedown early. Pettis showing nice takedown defense again. Traded low kicks. Roller looks like he's going to strike for now, and Pettis adds a little zip to the low kick. Into the clinch again, and it's Pettis that sets up on top. Roller tries to snatch the neck for a moment, but it's not there. Roller hold Pettis tight underneath. Halfway in. Roller looking to escape, but it's Pettis who controls the action from the top. Pettis punching to the ribs. Roller gets his legs high, but as the triangle comes in, Pettis pulls away. On the feet, and it's Roller who scores with crushing straights. Pettis looks briefly wobbles. Roller moves into the clinch and lands a few uppercuts. One minute, and and Roller works to mount. Great sweep by Pettis as he bucks out and moves to the top. Pettis backs away and misses a spinning kick at the bell. Good action, but sees it again for Pettis, 10-9, though it was close.
Round 3 - Roller stalking early, and he finally gets the takedown he's been hoping for. He's on the side, but Pettis scrambles. He can't get up, though Pettis looks for a triangle, then an armbar. Roller escapes and lands a punch before standing over his opponent. He punches into the guard, and Pettis tries again for a submission. It's threatening momentarily, butt Roller pulls out. Roller tries to secure the neck again. Pettis kicking up his legs as much as possible. Roller avoiding the attempts. Pettis finally works free and back to his feet. Two minutes left. Both fighters look winded as they start again. Roller misses an overhand right. Pettis unleashes a stiff combination of licks and punches. Pettis now moves the fight to the floor and presses Roller to the cage. Roller stands, and Pettis lands a knee before backing away. Low kick for Pettis. Roller secures an arm-in choke, but Pettis rolls out of it with an amazing sweep. He works it immediately into his own triangle choke attempt in the closing seconds. It's deep, and Roller taps with just moments remaining in the fight. Anthony Pettis def. Shane Roller via submission (triangle choke) - Round 3, 4:51.
Round 1 - Referee Steve Mazzagatti in charge of the night's main event. Cruz bouncing early. Benavidez with his hands high, measuring.Left scores for Benavidez, though Cruz answers with a right. Quick clinch, but Cruz moves away. High kick blocked by Benavidez. Crowd firmly behind Benavidez. Benavidez slips a shot and lands to the body. Cruz answers and pushes into a clinch. Cruz lands a knee to the chin. Knee to the body as he presses in. Another as he backs away. Two minutes in. Benavidez lands a counter but doesn't over-commiit. Cruz moving in and out. Benavidez has his timing down better this time, and he lands two punches. Cruz kicks low.Cruz darting in and out, but Benavidez lands a punch. Cruz coming up short. Benavidez lands a combination that stops Cruz in his tracks. Cruz shoots in successfully. One minute left. Benavidez ties up underneath. Elbows from the bottom. Cruz answers with a few punches from the top. Butterfly guard underneath until the bell. sees a tight round for Cruz, 10-9.
Round 2 - Similar open. Fight hits the ground momentarily, but they pop right back up. Benavidez is cut on his forehead, but it's not too bad yet. Cruz continuws his assault form the outside while Benavidez counters. Benavidez paws at the blood. High kick misses for Benavidez. Cruz lands a straight. Benavidez fires a combination, and his counters are very effective. Benavidez tries for a takedown, but Cruz defends it well. Benavidez slips on a kick, but he uses the level change to shoot in. Cruz pulls himself away. Two minutes left. It's still Cruz initiating things. Right hand fro Cruz, and Benavidez short on a shot. Benavidez does land, and Cruz falls to the cage, but he's just baiting. Benavidez tries a front kick. Cruz pushes in, and Benavidez tries to secure the neck. Can't do it, and Cruz pulls away. Both guys fighting well, and sees another tight one for Benavidez on his counter effectiveness.
Round 3 - Cruz still bouncing, but he misses. Scramble to the ground, but immediately back up. Low kick from Benavidez. Hands traded. Cruz is moving in and out, but Benavidez dealing with he movement well. Benavidez moving forward with kicks. Benavidez ducks under a right hand, but Cruz defends well. Benavidez tries for a single, but it's not there. Benavidez now stalking a little more. Cruz still bouncing, still moving. The pair ties up and jockeys for position. Benavidez pressing in, but Cruz again pushes him off. jab for Cruz. Benavidez fires off bog hooks that mostly miss. Combination fro, Benavidez finished by a low kick that staggers Cruz for a moment. He answers with his own snapping low kick. Blood trickles down Benavidez's forehead, but he lands a nice kick to the body. Cruz still doing Cruz, but he's walking into some punches. Cruz shoots in for a takedown at the 10-second mark. He gets it, and it finishes there. Another tight one. sees it narrowly for Cruz, 10-9.
Round 4 - This time Cruz gets the early takedown. Benavidez sets up in guard. Benavidez throws a few elbows underneath, but Cruz pushes in and lands punches from the top. Cruz passes to half-mount momentarily. Benavidez gets it back. Cruz passes again, but Benavidez slips out and tries to latch on to a standing guillotine. It slips off. Cruz pushes in, but Benavidez escapes again to his feet. He looks again for the choke, but it's not there. Cruzpushes against the cage with underhooks. Two minutes left. Benavidez tries a slick toss. Cruz rolls through it and back to the feet, but he's got a cut now. Cruz pulls the fight to the floor Benavidez tries again for that dangerous guillotine, but the fighters are slick and comes right off. Cruz on top and gets the back briefly. Benavidez spins out, but Cruz will finish on top and take the round on the card, 10-9.
Round 5 - Cruz still light, and the blood doesn't look like an issue. Benavidez pressing early, but he can't connect. Into the clinch, but Cruz's wrestling still solid. Low kick from Benavidez. Cruz jumps over Benavidez with a missed knee. Cruz on the outside. Benavidez works in with a combination, but he misses a spinning attack. Benavidez with another spinning strike. Attacks not quite as frequent now, but both guys still pressing. Cruz moving in and out of range. His cardio is certainly not an issue. Benavidez lands with a strike and moves into the clinch, but Cruz scampers away. Right hand lands for Benavidez. Cruz still pressing in. Final minute. Benavidez slips as he throws wild hooks. Cruz leaps in again with a shot that misses. Flurry by both, but Cruz slips deftly uner a kick and throws Benavidez to the floor. It ends there. Great effort by both fighters. sees the final round for Benavidez, 10-9, based on the more effective striking and aggression, but the fight for Cruz, 48-47. Dominick Cruz def. Joseph Benavidez via split decision (47-48, 48-47, 49-46).
LAS VEGAS – ( is on scene and reporting live from tonight's "WEC 50: Cruz vs. Benavidez" event.
Tonight's show takes place at The Pearl at the Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas. The main card airs on Versus.
Follow along with our round-by-round updates and official results beginning at approximately 6:40 p.m. ET (3:40 p.m. PT) for the preliminary card and 9 p.m. ET for the main card.
Tonight's event features a bantamweight title-fight rematch between current champion Dominick Cruz and the man he beat en route to the belt, Joseph Benavidez. The evening's co-feature sees two of the promotion's top lightweights, Anthony Pettis and Shane Roller, meeting with a potential title shot on the line.
To discuss tonight's show, be sure to check out our WEC 50 discussion thread. You can also get behind-the-scenes coverage and other event notes from on-site reporter John Morgan (@MMAjunkieJohn) on Twitter.
Enjoy the fights, everyone.
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Round 1 - Referee Josh Rosenthal in charge of the evening's first fight. Castillo takes the center early and opens with a low kick as he circles. Poirier fakes one kick then delivers a leg to the body. Castillo shoots in, but Poirier saw it and sprawls. Poirier stays on it and shoves Poirier to the cage. Castillo elevates with a high single, but Poirier remains upright. Knees traded inside, and Castillo maintains a bodylock while pressing in. Scramble two minutes in, but Castillo continues to push. Castillo finally pulls Poirier away from the cage and sets up on top. Poirier with an open guard. Castillo stands over his opponent after generating little from the ground. Castillo with a big punch from the top. Poirier tries to secure a leg, but Castillo spins through it and fires five heavy right hands. Castillo stacking Poirier and delivers a few more punches. They stand, and Poirier rolls through with Castillo on the back and secures a knee. Poirier gets the leg extended with less than a minute, but Castillo remains calm and fires more punches. Poirier won't let go, but Castillo is not in trouble. More punches from a standing position at the bell, and sees the first for Castillo, 10-9.
Round 2 - Castillo moves in, but Poirier is there with a stiff jab. Castillo shoots, but Poirier again shows an excellent sprawl. Castillo gets a bodylock from behind end elevates, but Poirier again with excellent balance. Castillo pulls away with a straight punch. Reset, and Castillo again closes the distance. Poirier sprawls against the cage. He pushes Castillo's head down and tries for a flying submission but settles for pulling guard. Castillo on top and drops in a few elbows. Poirier with an open guard. He gets the left leg on the shoulder halfway through the round. He latches it under the right for the triangle choke attempt. Castillo patient on top. He lifts Poirier and slams him to the floor. It loosens the grip, but it doesn't break it. Poirier tightens it up again, and as Castillo tries to spin out to the right, Poirier squeezes the legs. Castillo continues to push to the side, and Poirier finally releases. Castillo now in side control. Poirier regains half-guard in the closing seconds. Tense moments for Castillo for the latter half of the round. believes it was enough for Poirier to take the round, 10-9.
Round 3 - Castillo jabs to open then throws a nice straight right. Low kicks from Castillo. Poirier misses a counter, and Castillo rushes into the clinch. Castillo tries again to elevate, but Poirier again with outstanding balance. Castillo pushes in against the cage. Poirier scrambles off, but Castillo won't relent. Finally the takedown comes, and Castillo moves into side control. Poirier works to his butt immediately and stands. Castillo maintains the bodylock throughout and puts the fight right back on the floor with a trip. Poirier lands a nice elbow from underneath. Castillo presses down. Poirier gets the left leg on the shoulder again, and Castillo elevates. Poirier adjusts his grip and tries to secire the triangle. It doesn't look as tight as the previous attempt. Castillo elevates, but as he moves back in, Poirier does get the hold tighter. Castillo pulls out and moves into side control. One minute. Castillo maintaining control on top, and he steps over and into the mount. Castillo not delivering any strikes from the top. As the clapper sounds, he does elevate and rattle off a few punches. It should seal the result. Rounds two and three might produce interesting scores, but sees the final frame for Castillo, 10-9, and gives him the fight, 29-28. Danny Castillo def. Dustin Poirier via unanimous decision (30-27, 29-28, 30-27).
Round 1 - Referee Herb Dean in charge of this featherweight contest. Caraway jabs early. He;s got a low stance. Paixao wobbles him with a low kick. Paixao tries to push in, but Caraway shucks him off. Paixao with a spinning kick that misses. Caraway fakes a shot and lands a stiff left. He repeats the move with success.Paixao shoots into the clinch, but Caraway wants no part of it. Caraway pushes off two more takedown attempts. Paixao on his back, and he tries to grab a leg, but Caraway scampers away. Paixao tries to move in with an armdrag. Caraway pushes away and lands a straight punch. Halfway in, but Caraway keeping himself upright at all costs. Caraway again with the fake shot and left hand. He does it again. It's like Paixao kryptonite. Paixao tries again to tie up the arms on the feet, but he is struggling to get this to his domain. Caraway fires an overhand right and looks at the clock. Paixao just misses on a spinning kick. Caraway again with the fake shot and Paixao wobbles back when the left connects. Paixao looks OK seconds later, but he's going to need something else. Caraway shoots in at the 10-second mark, and he finishes there. It's 10-9 Caraway on the card.
Round 2 - Caraway measures his punches. He looks confident. Paixao ducks under a left and gets a bodylock. Caraway remains standing as he's pushed into the cage, but this is Paixao's best chance yet. But Caraway spins of the cage and works free. Low kick from Paixao. Another fake shot into a left hand for Caraway. Paixao can't help himself. Low kick from Paixao. Another. Caraway tries to catch them, but Paixao lands another hard kick. Halfway in. Paixao lands another low kick, and he shoots behind it. Paixao takes half-mount, but it's only briefly. He moves up, Caraway escapes back to the feet. Caraway lands a jab. Paixao with two leg kicks. Scramble with both fighters jabbing. Caraway stalking. Two punches land for Caraway. Caraway shoots in, but this time he gets trapped in an omo plata. Paixao turns it into an armbar at the bell, but Caraway rolls through it. Fun round. sees it for Caraway, 10-9, based on the effective punches, but it was close.
Round 3 - Caraway again measuring to open. He fakes the shot and throws a right. Paixao now wising up and keeping his hands high. Caraway fires an overhand. Paixao now not falling for the fake shots, and he lands a stiff low kick. Caraway trying to stay out of Paixao's range. Paixao tries to tie things up, but both fighters are sweaty and Caraway moves away. A second clinch for Paixao but Caraway just backs away. Halfway in. Paixao lands two punches flush. Caraway retreats, and Paixao lands another low kick. Caraway does land another left. Paixao with a low kick, and those continue to score well. Caraway lands a lead left, but another 1-2 for Paixao looks stiff. Caraway moves in and takes the fight to the ground, but he backs away immediately. Paixao tries again to pick the ankle, but Caraway escapes. Caraway retreating on the feet. Paixao pushing forward in the closing seconds. Crowd cheers as the final flurries unfold. Nice action to end. sees the strikes from Paixao taking the round, 10-9, but awards the fight to Caraway, 29-28. Fredson Paixao def. Bryan Caraway via split decision (28-29, 29-28, 29-28).
Round 1 - Referee Kim Winslow makes her first appearance of the night. Lamas dancing around early. Jansen lands a low kick. Lamas very light on his feet early, but Jansen working the low kick. One works the cup, but they restart quickly. Traded punches by both, and Jansen moves into the clinch. Knees traded, but Jansen's are heavier as he pushes in. Jansen changes levels and picks up the left leg. Lamas stays upright and pulls away. Nice low kicks from Lamas, but Jansen answers with punches. Lamas moves away and lands a high kick, but Jansen simply shoots in again. High single again, and Jansen kicks the right leg. Lamas still won't fall. More low kicks from both. Jansen works into another clinch and finally gets the takedown with about 80 seconds left. Lamas gets his back to the cage, but Jansen ties up both legs and prevents him working to the feet. Jansen cranks the neck, but Lamas pulls free and works back to the feet. Traded shots in the clinch. Close round, but sees it for Jansen based on the takedown and control in the clinch.
Round 2 - Jansen fires heavy strikes to open, but Lamas is right there to answer. Lamas shoots in, and Jansen tries to get a guillotine. Lamas backs away, adn Jansen slips on a strike. THis time it's Lamas with the guillotine. He tries to work it standing, but finally releases and lands a knee as he retreats. Jansen with a leaping knee and a straight punch. He tries to secure the neck, but Lamas pulls away. Traded punches in the pocket, and both land. Jansen again gets the takedown. He looks for an arm-in choke momentarily before spinning around to back control. Jansen tries an inverted triangle, and he lands a few shots to the ribs as he hangs upside down. Lamas pushes up and pops out the back. On the feet, and Jansen ducks under a spinning backfist and lands a takedown. They pop immediately back up, and Jansen clinches up and elevates and dumps Lamas to the floor. Lamas immediately latches onto an arm underneath. Jansen defends the kimura, and Lamas transitions. Scramble, and Lamas nearly secures a triangle in the rush. Fun series in the closing seconds. Jansen's face is marked up. Another close round, but gives it to Jansen, 10-9.
Round 3 - Lamas with an impressive early combination. Jansen again shoots in. Lamas hits the mat, but he's immediately sitting up and working for a submission. Lamsas wraps the left hand around the neck, but there's no choke there. Jansen steps around to the back a Lamas tries to work up. Slick transition, and Jansen gets both hooks in. Lamas ties up the arms, but Jansen flattens his opponent out. Jansen has his right hand on the chin. Lamas keeps it tucked, but a few punches forces him to move. Jansen tries to tighten the choke, but Lamas somehow survives, it, spins into the moves and gets his own left hand into a guillotine choke in the scramble. He's high on the topside, and Jansen moves out. Jansen bleeding badly now. Lamas again scrambles up, locks in that guillotine and falls. He can't secure it. Amazing scrambles with blood flowing everywhere. Winslow watching close. Lamas moves to the back, but Jansen spins out and to the top. Lamas tries to sweep, but he can't get it before the round ends. Jansen raises his hands as blood flows down his face. Great final round, and a very good fight that could see some wild scores. sees the final round for Lamas, 10-9, but the fight for Jansen, 29-28. Wouldn't be surprised to see it go either way. Ricardo Lamas def. Dave Jansen via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28).
Round 1 - Referee Josh Rosenthal in the cage. Vazquez takes the center early. Semerzier tries to keep distance. Vazquez lands a right hand. Shortly after, he shoots in, elevates and slams Semerzier to the floor. Semerzier tries to grab the neck as he falls, but Vazquez works into a crucifix and lands several short punches. Semerzier scrambles underneath into a better defensive position, but Vazquez steps over and moves to mount. Semerzier rolls, but Vazquez moves back into mount after a choke attempt misses. Vazquez with a few big elbows that catch Rosenthal's attention. Semerzier rolls again. Semerzier struggling on the bottom getting any room to breathe. Less than two minutes. Semerzier bucking to create some room. He gets half-guard, and Vazquez stands. He rushes right back in, picks an ankle and moves to the side. Semerzier on his side, and Vazquez lands a few elbows that look very close to the back of the head. Round ends there. sees the round clearly for Vazquez, 10-9. Semerzier had nothing and could have given up a 10-8, but there didn't seem to be enough damage to justify that score.
Round 2 - Semerzier jabbing early. He looks more focused than he did to start. Semerzier misses a big right hand, and Vazquez ducks under and moves in. Vazquez jumps to a guillotine, but Semerzier patiently shakes him off. Semerzier thinks about following to the ground but backs away. Vazquez lands an overhand left. He jumps to the back of Semerzier and locks in a rear-naked choke on his standing opponent. Semerzier's face shows he's in trouble immediately. He taps and walks away disgusted. Javier Vazquez def. Mackens Semerzier via submission (rear-naked choke) - Round 2, 1:35.
Round 1 - Referee Herb Dean calls this lightweight fight. Jewtuszko lands an early low kick. He falls on a switch kick attempt. Njokuani stands over him and delivers a few nice right hands. Njokuani kicks the legs. Jewtuszko tries to throw some upkicks, but Njokuani finally lets him up Jewtuszko throws a few kicks to the body. A right hand and a spinning backfist wobbles Njokuani. Jewtuszko rushes in with a guillotine on the feet. He lets it go in favor of clinchwork. Big uppercuts in the clinch drop Njokuani. Jewtuszko on his knees, and Jewtuszko throws more punches to the dome. Dean gives Njokuani a chance to recover, but it's obvious he's not going to. That's the fight. Maciej Jewtuszko def. Anthony Njokuani via TKO (punches) - Round 1, 1:35.
Round 1 - Referee Steve Mazzagatti, unfortunately sans mustache, in charge of the night's first televised fight. Micklewright pushes forward but eats a low kick. Palaszewski kicks the leg again. Micklewright lands a short right, but Palaszewski returns to the leg. Palaszewski with a lead hook. Micklewright jabs, and the two trade briefly. Micklewright moves into the clinch and pushes into the clinch. Palaszewski spins off with a bodylock, but it's a stalemate, and Mazzagatti calls for a restart. Palaszewski with a nice lead punch but Micklewright continues to jab away. Palaszewski sticking and moving, and a series of uppercuts land. Two minutes left. Palaszewski slips a few punches. Micklewright lands a low blow, but Palaszewski wants an immediate restart. Palaszewski with the crisper boing to open. He catches Micklewright with a low kick. Quick restart. Micklewright effective with the jab, but Palaszewski scoring stiff counters. High kick for Palaszewski. Both fighters comfortable on the feet. Traded punches at the end, and Palaszewski works in a high kick. Good action to start, and sees an entertaining round for Palaszewski, 10-9.
Round 2 - Palaszewski on the prowl early. A kick wobbles Micklewright, and Palaszewski unleashes with a flurry. They're mostly blocked. Micklewright moves forward, but a right hand sends him to the canvas. Palaszewski moves in to follow, but Mazzagatti is already in to make the call. Bart Palaszewski def. Zach Micklewright via TKO (punches) - Round 2, 0:31.
Round 1 - Referee Kim Winslow in the cage. Pickett jabs early, and Jorgensen answers. Stiff punches change hands. Jorgensen kicks low, and Pickett drops him with a straight. Into the clinch, and Pickett is blasted by a straight. Heavy hands early from both. Pickett pushes into the clinch, but Jorgensen defends well and they separate. Pace settles a bit after frantic open. Jorgensen shoots in on a single leg. It works, but Pickett pops back up. Straight right for Jorgensen. Pickett moving well to create openings. Uppercut for Pickett, and a 1-2 follows. Jorgensen scores and Pickett retreats while pushing his mouthpiece in. Pickett regains his composure and fires back. Unbelievable chins and action. Jorgensen shoots in. Pickett grabs a guillotine as he falls, but Jorgensen passes immediately to side control. Pickett works back to his feet. Pickett back on the attack, but Jorgensen countering well. Leaping knee from Pickett. Pickett moving forward, but Jorgensen there to answer every time. Outstanding first round that awards to Pickett, narrowly, 10-9
Round 2 - Pickett the aggressor early. His boxing remains crisp after a fast-paced first round. Jorgensen absorbs the shots. Pickett just a little quicker right now, though Jorgensen is game as he returns fire. Nice counter from Jorgensen catches Pickett's attention. Pickett with a jab, but Jorgensen sends his mouthpiece flying with a right hand. No matter this time. He keeps fighting. Winslow picks up the mouthpiece. No rinse. Quick break to put it back in and they restart. Pickett shoots in, but Jorgensen sprawls. Pickett throws a low knee, and there's a quick restart. Pickett again on the attack, and he scores in a flurry. Jorgensen answers right back. This is top-notch entertainment - toe-to-toe slugging. Jorgensen takes the fight to the floor, and Pickett grabs guard. Jorgensen lands a few short punches from the top, and an elbow comes down. Pickett tries to answer from underneath, and he kicks his legs high at just the right moment. Triangle close, but he can't secure. Scramble back to the feet. Traded punches to the bell. Another spirited round. gives it to Jorgensen, 10-9.
Round 3 - Pickett's left eye bruised badly, but he's game. Both fighters punching again early. Pickett with several nice punches, but Jorgensen there to answer every time Both fighters have gas in the tank and are ready to throw. Jorgensen shoots in. Pickett defends well, but a second effort sees him on his back 90 seconds in. Pickett with a slick transition from triangle to armbar back to triangle. Jorgensen feels it all and defends and returns to the feet. Halfway in. Both guys trading shots in this 135-pound version of a "Rocky" movie. Jorgensen gets underneath and works the fight again to the floor. Pickett again threatening from the bottom, but Jorgensen alertly moves out to the side. Jorgensen lands a few knees to the body. He's controlling the positioning with one minute left. Pickett scrambling underneath. He works to his feet and tries to roll, but Jorgensen's grip is secure and he slams Pickett to the floor. Pickett sweeps to the top in the closing seconds, but Jorgensen holds tight until the bell. sees the final round for Jorgensen, 10-9, and gives him the fight, 29-28. Scott Jorgensen def. Brad Pickett via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27).
Round 1 - Referee Josh Rosenthal calls this bantamweight contest. Swanson keeps range early. Mendes lands an early overhand right. Swanson wobbles a bit but regains his composure quickly. Swanson actually looks for the shot, and Mendes tries to take the back. Swanson rolls to avoid that, but Mendes is in side control. Mendes lands a few shoulder strikes from the top, but he's more focuses on maintaining the position. Two minutes in.Swanson with his legs crossed to prevent the pass. Mendes stays low. Mendes does posture up for an elbow. Two minutes left. Swanson trying to move underneath, but he finally gets a restart. Mendes lands another straight right. He's very fast with his hands. Swanson forced to reach a bit, and he has yet to land flush. Swanson lands a 1-2, but when he kicks low, Mendes gets a takedown. They pop back up quickly. Mendes with a lot of lateral movement. Swanson bouncing, looking for an opening. Mendes finds one instead. Leaping knee by Swanson in the closing seconds, but Mendes turns it into another takedown. Round ends, and it's 10-9 for Mendes on the card.
Round 2 - Mednes with an early low kick, and he gets another takedown immediately. Swanson rolls out to the right and works back to his feet. Swanson stalking. He lands a jab. Low kick lands along with a few punches. Swanson goes to the body twice, and Mendes smiles. Uppercut for Swanson. Mendes slowing a bit, and Swanson looks very light. Two minutes in. Swanson again to the body. His getting comfortable. Mendes answers and moves into the clinch, and it's an instant takedown. Swanson searches for something underneath, but Mendes grinding away from the top.Swanons works back to his butt and tries to scramble up, but Mendes pushes back down. Swanson saying more active underneath, but he can't escape from the bottom. One minute left. Mendes content to ride for now, though he does deliver a few short shots from the top. Swanson scrambles up at the bell and misses a wild high kick. MMAjunkie sees a close round for Mendes, 10-9.
Round 3 - Mendes lands an early strike and gets an immediate takedown. Swanson is able to crawl back up. Low kick for Swanson. Jab for Swanson. Mendes fires back. Swanson moves forward, but Mendes shoots in again. Swanson works up his left leg from underneath. He's looking for an omo plata, but Mendes turns his head and defends. Mendes in half-mount and looking to pass. Halfway in, and Mendes again controlling the positioning. Mendes works his leg free and is in mount, though Swanson gets guard back immediately. Mendes pressing in from the top. Swanson finally works free, but Mendes immediately dumps him down. Swanson up again, and he's going to need a Hail Mary shot. Swanson moves in, but Mendes just latches him up and tosses him to the ground. Swanson tries again with an omo plata in the closing seconds, but it's not there. sees the final round for Mendes, 10-9, and gives him the fight with a score of 30-27. Chad Mendes def. Cub Swanson via unanimous decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28).
Round 1 - Referee Herb Dean oversees the evening's co-main event. Roller with a few early jabs and moves into the clinch. He tries for a hip toss, but Pettis defends and moves away. Both fighters patient on the feet. Roller chases a shot across the cage. Pettis defends against the cage.Roller drops for a leg as Pettis backs away, but it's Pettis who lands a nice punch. Reset in the center, and Pettis kicks high. Roller comes back with punches and he's again into the clinch. Pettis spins away from the cage. Pettis works to top position momentarily, but Roller sweeps. Pettis scrambles away. Leaping strike blocked by Roller. Pettis pushes in. Roller pushes him away, and they reset. Hands traded briefly before Roller circles away. Spinning kick lands, and Roller looks a little wobbled. Pettis moves in, but Roller regains his composure and clinches. Pettis with a knee. Pettis drops and tosses a little Capoeira at the bell. Close round, but sees it for Pettis, 10-9.
Round 2 - Roller again working for the takedown early. Pettis showing nice takedown defense again. Traded low kicks. Roller looks like he's going to strike for now, and Pettis adds a little zip to the low kick. Into the clinch again, and it's Pettis that sets up on top. Roller tries to snatch the neck for a moment, but it's not there. Roller hold Pettis tight underneath. Halfway in. Roller looking to escape, but it's Pettis who controls the action from the top. Pettis punching to the ribs. Roller gets his legs high, but as the triangle comes in, Pettis pulls away. On the feet, and it's Roller who scores with crushing straights. Pettis looks briefly wobbles. Roller moves into the clinch and lands a few uppercuts. One minute, and and Roller works to mount. Great sweep by Pettis as he bucks out and moves to the top. Pettis backs away and misses a spinning kick at the bell. Good action, but sees it again for Pettis, 10-9, though it was close.
Round 3 - Roller stalking early, and he finally gets the takedown he's been hoping for. He's on the side, but Pettis scrambles. He can't get up, though Pettis looks for a triangle, then an armbar. Roller escapes and lands a punch before standing over his opponent. He punches into the guard, and Pettis tries again for a submission. It's threatening momentarily, butt Roller pulls out. Roller tries to secure the neck again. Pettis kicking up his legs as much as possible. Roller avoiding the attempts. Pettis finally works free and back to his feet. Two minutes left. Both fighters look winded as they start again. Roller misses an overhand right. Pettis unleashes a stiff combination of licks and punches. Pettis now moves the fight to the floor and presses Roller to the cage. Roller stands, and Pettis lands a knee before backing away. Low kick for Pettis. Roller secures an arm-in choke, but Pettis rolls out of it with an amazing sweep. He works it immediately into his own triangle choke attempt in the closing seconds. It's deep, and Roller taps with just moments remaining in the fight. Anthony Pettis def. Shane Roller via submission (triangle choke) - Round 3, 4:51.
Round 1 - Referee Steve Mazzagatti in charge of the night's main event. Cruz bouncing early. Benavidez with his hands high, measuring.Left scores for Benavidez, though Cruz answers with a right. Quick clinch, but Cruz moves away. High kick blocked by Benavidez. Crowd firmly behind Benavidez. Benavidez slips a shot and lands to the body. Cruz answers and pushes into a clinch. Cruz lands a knee to the chin. Knee to the body as he presses in. Another as he backs away. Two minutes in. Benavidez lands a counter but doesn't over-commiit. Cruz moving in and out. Benavidez has his timing down better this time, and he lands two punches. Cruz kicks low.Cruz darting in and out, but Benavidez lands a punch. Cruz coming up short. Benavidez lands a combination that stops Cruz in his tracks. Cruz shoots in successfully. One minute left. Benavidez ties up underneath. Elbows from the bottom. Cruz answers with a few punches from the top. Butterfly guard underneath until the bell. sees a tight round for Cruz, 10-9.
Round 2 - Similar open. Fight hits the ground momentarily, but they pop right back up. Benavidez is cut on his forehead, but it's not too bad yet. Cruz continuws his assault form the outside while Benavidez counters. Benavidez paws at the blood. High kick misses for Benavidez. Cruz lands a straight. Benavidez fires a combination, and his counters are very effective. Benavidez tries for a takedown, but Cruz defends it well. Benavidez slips on a kick, but he uses the level change to shoot in. Cruz pulls himself away. Two minutes left. It's still Cruz initiating things. Right hand fro Cruz, and Benavidez short on a shot. Benavidez does land, and Cruz falls to the cage, but he's just baiting. Benavidez tries a front kick. Cruz pushes in, and Benavidez tries to secure the neck. Can't do it, and Cruz pulls away. Both guys fighting well, and sees another tight one for Benavidez on his counter effectiveness.
Round 3 - Cruz still bouncing, but he misses. Scramble to the ground, but immediately back up. Low kick from Benavidez. Hands traded. Cruz is moving in and out, but Benavidez dealing with he movement well. Benavidez moving forward with kicks. Benavidez ducks under a right hand, but Cruz defends well. Benavidez tries for a single, but it's not there. Benavidez now stalking a little more. Cruz still bouncing, still moving. The pair ties up and jockeys for position. Benavidez pressing in, but Cruz again pushes him off. jab for Cruz. Benavidez fires off bog hooks that mostly miss. Combination fro, Benavidez finished by a low kick that staggers Cruz for a moment. He answers with his own snapping low kick. Blood trickles down Benavidez's forehead, but he lands a nice kick to the body. Cruz still doing Cruz, but he's walking into some punches. Cruz shoots in for a takedown at the 10-second mark. He gets it, and it finishes there. Another tight one. sees it narrowly for Cruz, 10-9.
Round 4 - This time Cruz gets the early takedown. Benavidez sets up in guard. Benavidez throws a few elbows underneath, but Cruz pushes in and lands punches from the top. Cruz passes to half-mount momentarily. Benavidez gets it back. Cruz passes again, but Benavidez slips out and tries to latch on to a standing guillotine. It slips off. Cruz pushes in, but Benavidez escapes again to his feet. He looks again for the choke, but it's not there. Cruzpushes against the cage with underhooks. Two minutes left. Benavidez tries a slick toss. Cruz rolls through it and back to the feet, but he's got a cut now. Cruz pulls the fight to the floor Benavidez tries again for that dangerous guillotine, but the fighters are slick and comes right off. Cruz on top and gets the back briefly. Benavidez spins out, but Cruz will finish on top and take the round on the card, 10-9.
Round 5 - Cruz still light, and the blood doesn't look like an issue. Benavidez pressing early, but he can't connect. Into the clinch, but Cruz's wrestling still solid. Low kick from Benavidez. Cruz jumps over Benavidez with a missed knee. Cruz on the outside. Benavidez works in with a combination, but he misses a spinning attack. Benavidez with another spinning strike. Attacks not quite as frequent now, but both guys still pressing. Cruz moving in and out of range. His cardio is certainly not an issue. Benavidez lands with a strike and moves into the clinch, but Cruz scampers away. Right hand lands for Benavidez. Cruz still pressing in. Final minute. Benavidez slips as he throws wild hooks. Cruz leaps in again with a shot that misses. Flurry by both, but Cruz slips deftly uner a kick and throws Benavidez to the floor. It ends there. Great effort by both fighters. sees the final round for Benavidez, 10-9, based on the more effective striking and aggression, but the fight for Cruz, 48-47. Dominick Cruz def. Joseph Benavidez via split decision (47-48, 48-47, 49-46).