WCW: History Rewritten

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I have been enjoying this largely due to not knowing that much of the era. So far has been an interesting read, and was without a standout for me last month. Looking forward to where this goes

Tommy Bedlam

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[Credit to @BattleTank for the graphics. Thanks, bro!]

Clash of the Champions: A New Chapter
Greensboro, North Carolina
Greensboro Coliseum
February 3, 1990

Jim Ross: Ladies and gentlemen, we are LIVE at the Greensboro Coliseum in beautiful Greensboro, North Carolina for Clash of the Champions: A New Chapter. Tonight the face of WCW will change more than it already has in the last month. Tonight, we’ll crown our first WCW Tag Team Champions, our first WCW United States Champion, our first WCW Television Champion, and Jim Cornette, we just might crown a new WCW World Champion.

Jim Cornette: You’ve said that all week, Ross. I think you want it to be true. But if you really think that Ric Flair didn’t come into this event with a plan in mind to take care of Sting, I’m not sure what to tell ya. The Nature Boy is going to walk out of Corpus Christi with the WCW Championship around his waist.

Jim Ross: That remains to be seen, but we’re going to jump straight into the action tonight with the finals of the WCW TV Championship tournament as Brian Pillman, the man who upset Arn Anderson just a week ago, will take on Shane Douglas. Let’s get to the ring!



Match 1
Brian Pillman vs. Shane Douglas
WCW TV Championship Match


Douglas and Pillman stand toe-to-toe in the middle of the ring, and Douglas smacks Pillman across the face. Flyin’ Brian doesn’t take kindly to the disrespect. He smacks Douglas in the face and quickly follows up with a series of forearm strikes that put Douglas on his heels. Douglas staggers backward into the corner where Pillman crashes into him with a leaping lariat.

Jim Ross: The crowd is firmly behind Pillman in this one. Listen to these cheers!

With Douglas on the mat, Pillman climbs to the top turnbuckle and launches himself into the air. He crashes into Douglas’ chest with an elbow drop and goes for the pin.

1…2…NO! Douglas kicks out.

Jim Cornette: Did you see that, Ross? That damn official tried to fast-count.

Jim Ross: Oh, he did not.


Shane Douglas has taken control of this one as he plants Pillman in the middle of the ring with a DDT. Douglas goes for the pin, but Pillman kicks out at 2. Douglas keeps up the offense, using his strength advantage to ground Pillman, as he ragdolls his opponent across the ring. Douglas shoves Pillman into the corner in a seated position and begins to stomp away at him before charging across the ring and connecting with a knee to the side of the face.

Douglas goes back to the well, though, and Pillman sees it coming. Somehow, Flyin’ Brian rolls out of the ring, which sends Douglas knee-first into the middle turnbuckle. Douglas is down in the ring as the official checks on him, while Pillman is down on the outside, still feeling the effects of the knee to the side of his head.


Pillman gets back to his feet and rolls into the ring, as Douglas pulls himself up by the ropes. Douglas immediately grabs the knee that crashed into the turnbuckle and crumples to the mat. The official won’t let Pillman get close as he asks Douglas if he wants to stop the match, but Shane refuses.

There’s a disturbance in the crowd as someone is on the ramp. It’s Arn Anderson!

Jim Ross: What’s he doing out here? Pillman knocked Anderson out of this tournament in the opening round.

Jim Cornette: And there’s nothing wrong with him coming out to get a closer look at what’s going on in the ring. Arn could end up facing either one of these guys for the TV title.

With the ref still preoccupied with Douglas, Anderson spins Pillman around and drives him to the mat with a Spinebuster! Pillman is out! Douglas forces himself back to his feet as the official turns around to find Pillman down, but Anderson is gone. Douglas goes for the pin.


Shane Douglas def. Brian Pillman by Pinfall at 10:14

Jim Ross: Shane Douglas is the first WCW TV Champion, and it’s largely because of Arn Anderson. I guess Anderson was angry about Brian Pillman pinning him a week ago. What a shame that Pillman’s TV-title journey gets cut short because of that.

Jim Cornette: Oh, give it up, Jim. Douglas was going to be fine. Anderson just came out to speed up the inevitable.



Match 2
Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Brad Armstrong


Jim Ross: This is the first time we’ve seen young Brad Armstrong in a few weeks, and he’ll look to put himself on the radar with a win over Bam Bam Bigelow, “The Beast From the East.” He’ll certainly have his work cut out for him tonight.

Jim Cornette: Work cut out for him? This kid doesn’t stand a chance.

Arm Strong tries to use his speed to gain the upper hand as he slides under Bigelow’s attempt to tie him up in a grapple. Bigelow turns and goes for another attempt, but once again, Armstrong is too quick. Finally, Brad Armstrong connects with a dropkick to the back that drives Bam Bam into the turnbuckle chest-first.

Armstrong bounces off the ropes and launches into the air with a forearm that lands on Bigelow’s jaw, but Bam Bam still won’t go down. Armstrong hops onto the middle turnbuckle and goes airborne for a crossbody, but Bam Bam catches him in mid-air and slams him into the mat with a falling slam.

Bam Bam Bigelow is in full control of this one and is simply punishing Armstrong at this point. Finally, Bigelow desides to end this one as he slams Armstrong to the mat and climbs to the top rope. Bigelow launches backward and connects with a moonsault, and this one is over.


Bam Bam Bigelow def. Brad Armstrong by Pinfall at 4:01



Match 3
Lex Luger vs. Eddie Gilbert


This one gets underway as both men tie up in the middle of the ring. Luger gets the early advantage as he shoves Gilbert with enough force to send him rolling across the ring. The crowd is electric as Gilbert tries to convince the official that Luger pulled his hair.

Undeterred, Gilbert comes in for another tie-up, but once again, Luger’s strength is just too much.

Jim Ross: I’m not sure that Eddie Gilbert wants to get into a test of strength with The Total Package.

Jim Cornette: You don’t worry about Gilbert. He’s just getting that meathead Luger right where he wants him.

There’s a third tie-up, but this time, Gilbert drives a knee into Luger’s abdomen which causes The Total Package to bend over. Gilbert quickly bounces off the ropes and drives Luger into the mat face-first with a bulldog. He goes for a quick pin, but Luger kicks out at only 1.


Luger has regained control of the match and he tosses Gilbert into the corner. Lex climbs up on the second rope and holds one fist high in the air as the crowd comes unhinged.

Jim Ross: Eddie Gilbert may be trapped in a bad part of town!

Luger begins to deliver a series of punches as the crowd counts along.


But Gilbert manages to duck between Luger’s legs and kicks the middle rope, sending Luger down onto the back of his head! Gilbert shakes his head to clear the cobwebs and begins stomping Luger’s chest and midsection.

Gilbert picks Luger up from the mat and knees him once again in the midsection for good measure.

Jim Cornette: He’s going for a piledriver here, Ross. This one’s almost over.

Sure enough, Gilbert goes for the piledriver, but Luger blocks him. He tries to get Lex off the ground a second time, but once again, Luger proves too strong. Luger finally forces himself upward and puts Gilbert on the mat with a back-body drop.

Both men are struggling to get to their feet. Luger, favoring his midsection while Gilbert seems to be favoring his lower back. Lex gets to his feet first, but Gilbert is close behind. Eddie Gilbert delivers a punch to the side of Luger’s head, but Lex returns with one of his own. Gilbert goes for another haymaker, but Luger ducks.

Using Glibert’s own momentum, Luger gets him on his shoulders and locks in the Torture Rack.

Jim Ross: This one’s almost over, alright! Luger has that Torture Rack cinched in tight.

Within seconds, Eddie Glibert begins tapping Luger’s arm as the official calls for the bell.

Lex Luger def. Eddie Gilbert by Submission at 8:03


Missy Hyatt: I’m here with Ric Flair. Ric, how are you feeling ahead of your WCW Championship match with Sting later tonight?

RIc Flair: Missy Hyatt, how do you think The Nature Boy is feeling about this match with Sting? We’re right here in the Nature Boy’s backyard with a title match on the card. This is the kind of thing that gets me out of bed in the morning. Knowing that I’m going to walk out there with this title around my waist and then I’m going to go home with the title and some lucky North Carolina lady has me feeling pretty good.

What you should be wondering is how Sting is feeling ahead of this match. Before this night is over, Stinger, you have to climb in the ring with The Nature Boy. You have to step between those ropes and stand toe-to-toe with the greatest professional wrestler on the face of God’s green earth. More than that, Stinger, you’re going to step into the ring with the dirtiest player in the game.

I’ve said it time and time again, but to be the man, you have to beat the man. I’ve seen all these kids running around the Greensboro Coliseum with their faces painted like Sting. I saw one of them with a sign in his hands that said, “STING IS THE MAN.” Listen, Junior. Sting ain’t the man until he puts my shoulders on the mat and gets the 1, 2, 3.

How am I feeling, Missy Hyatt? I’m feeling just fine. I’m the limousine riding, jet flying, Rolex wearing, kiss stealing, wheeling and dealing, son of a gun. And tonight, I’m gonna remind the wrestling world why I am The Man.

Missy Hyatt: Strong words from our champion ahead of his defense tonight. Back to you, Jim and Jim.



Match 4
The Road Warriors vs. The Fabulous Freebirds
WCW Tag Team Championship Match

Jimmy Garvin and Hawk are in the ring to start this one out, and it begins with a collar-and-elbow tieup. Garvin whips Hawk off the ropes and connects with a clothesline, but Hawk maintains his footing. Hawk launches himself off the ropes and dives into the air with a shoulder block that puts Garvin on the mat. He rolls out of the ring where he regroups with Michael Hayes.

Back in the ring, Garvin goes for another tie-up, but gets a quick poke to Hawk’s eyes that temporarily blinds him. Staggered, Hawk walks straight into a belly-to-belly suplex. Garvin gets a quick tag to Michael Hayes who hops into the ring and begins laying the boots to Hawk, who is too far away to get a tag. The Freebirds are in control of this one.

Jim Cornette: Don’t the Freebirds look like a well-oiled machine, Ross? Look at how well they work together.

Jim Ross: They certainly are impressive, Jim. If they can keep Hawk isolated, it might be a short night for The Road Warriors.

Jim Cornette: They’re going to make great WCW Tag Team Champions.


Hawk is still in the ring, as the Freebirds continue to tag in and out, careful to keep the fresh man in. Hawk manages to put Hayes on the mat with a big boot, and he starts making his way toward Animal. The crowd is at a fevered pitch as they try to will Hawk toward his corner. It’s to no avail, as Jimmy Garvin runs into the ring and drops an elbow across the back of Hawk’s head before dragging him back across the ring by his ankle before tagging back in himself.

The Freebirds have Hawk tied up in the corner, but the official is preoccupied with Animal who is trying to make the save. Behind the ref’s back, the Freebirds begin to double-team Hawk who is completely at their mercy. The official turns around just as Hayes attempts a cover.

1…2…NO! Somehow, Hawk kicks out.

Jim Cornette: That was a 3! That was a 3-count!

Jim Ross: That was only 2, and The Road Warriors are still in this one!

Hayes is incensed as he begins to argue with the official. This gives Hawk the chance to get to his feet, and he grabs Hayes from behind to deliver an atomic drop. Both men are down, and Hawk is again, trying to make a tag. The official has an eye on Garvin and positions himself in front of the Freebird, blocking him from getting into the action this time. Just as Hayes lunges for Hawk, HE MAKES THE TAG! The crowd is electric as Animal charges into the ring.

Animal puts Hayes on the mat with a shoulder block before knocking Garvin off the apron and to the floor. He picks Hayes up and delivers a vertical suplex. Animal with the pin!

1…2….NO! Hayes gets a shoulder up.

Jim Ross: Was that a 3-count too, Jim?

Jim Cornette: Of course it wasn’t. It was 2, and that cheating Animal had his feet on the ropes anyway.

Jim Ross: You’re impossible, Cornette. You are impossible.


Animal is still in the ring, but now Garvin is the legal man. Animal is down, as Garvin climbs to the second rope. He goes for an elbow drop, but Animal gets a boot up that lands flush against Garvin’s chin!

The capacity crowd is going wild. Animal gets to his feet first, as Michael Hayes tries to interfere, but Animal catches him and sends him flying over the top rope. He picks Garvin up and drives him to the mat with a fall away slam. Animal walks to the corner and tags Hawk before sitting Garvin on his shoulders.

Jim Ross: I think it’s Doomsday for the Freebirds, Jim!

Jim Cornette: This idiot official needs to get Animal out of there. He’s not the legal man!

As the words leave his mouth, Hawk flies through the air and drives Garvin to the mat with The Doomsday Device! Hawk goes for the pin.


The Road Warriors def. The Fabulous Freebirds by Pinfall at 12:01

Jim Ross: The Road Warriors are your WCW Tag Team Champions. As they celebrate, let’s throw it to Missy Hyatt who is backstage with Sting!


Missy Hyatt: Thanks, Jim. I’m here with Sting ahead of his WCW Championship match against Ric Flair. Sting, how are you feeling?

Sting: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! How’s the Stinger feeling, Missy? The Stinger feels like he’s getting ready for the biggest match of his career. Let me take you back a little bit. November 13, 1988. Huntington, West Virginia. I beat Flair, but I beat him by disqualification, so he got to hold on to his belt. I proved that I can do it, and tonight, surrounded by all the little Stingers, I’m going to do it again.

Nature Boy, you talk about being The Man and how I need to beat you if I want to be The Man. From where I’m standing, you’re not much of a man at all. You cheat, you brag about being the dirtiest player in the game, and all of these people keep waiting for someone to get past all your crap so that 10 pounds of gold that you carry can mean something again.

Hey, Flair. Tonight’s the night. We might be in your backyard, but I’ve got an army of Sting fans out there who are ready to party allllll over Greensboro. Enjoy your last hour with the title, Nature Boy. It’s coming home with me. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Missy Hyatt: You heard it from Sting. He says he’s bringing the WCW Championship back with him tonight. Jim and Jim, it’s back to you!



Match 5
Ron Simmons vs. Cactus Jack
WCW US Championship Match


Jim Ross: You know what, Jim; this is probably not the US Championship Final that a lot of people saw coming. It’s also a match of two contrasting styles.

Jim Cornette: Nobody picked this one. You’ve got Ron Simmons who has never done anything other than be a tag team guy, and Cactus Jack is a certified freak show.

Cactus Jack charges across the ring to take the fight right to Simmons, unleashing a series of rights and lefts that temporarily stun him. Simmons uses his strength to create some distance between himself and Cactus Jack, shoving his opponent to the mat. But, Cactus Jack will not be deterred. He quickly rebounds and goes charging back at Simmons, who connects with a forearm that lands on Jack’s jaw.

Simmons goes on the offensive, unloading a bevy of punches, but Cactus Jack is smiling!

Jim Cornette: I told you that man was a freak show, Ross. Who smiles while you’re getting punched in the face?

Simmons picks Cactus Jack up and drives him to the mat with a scoop slam, followed by a diving knee that drives the wind out of his opponent. Cactus Jack goes for a quick pin.

Cactus Jack kicks out.

As Simmons pulls Cactus Jack back to his feet, Cactus Jack connects with a headbutt across the bridge of Simmons’ nose that sends him reeling. Cactus Jack digs his nails into Simmons’ back with a huge rake.


This has turned into an all-out brawl with both men unleashing everything they have. Simmons continues to use his power to inflict pain, but Cactus Jack seems to embrace it. He continues to scratch and claw.

With Simmons in the corner, Cactus Jack grabs him and starts biting his head, as the official begins to count. Jack breaks the bite just before the 5-count.

Simmons is wounded, but the former All-American football player will not be stopped. He charges out of the corner and drives Cactus Jack to the mat with a forearm smash. He quickly picks him up and delivers a belly-to-belly suplex that puts Jack on the mat.

Cactus Jack kicks out again!

Simmons is unbothered as he continues to unload on Cactus Jack, this time with a series of stomps before he kneels over his opponent and delivers a series of right hands. Jack grabs Simmons by the side of the head, though, and pulls him onto the mat. Now Jack is on the offensive with a series of right hands of his own.


Both men are back on their feet, and Ron Simmons is in control. He hoists Cactus Jack up onto his shoulder. As he goes for a running slam, Cactus Jack wiggles free and slides off his back and pushes Simmons over the top rope. Cactus Jack pushes past the official and follows Simmons to the floor where the fight continues.

Cactus Jack tries to slam Simmons’ head off the ring steps, but Simmons blocks him! Cactus Jack goes head-first into the steel steps. Instead of climbing back into the ring, Ron Simmons picks Cactus Jack up and charges toward the ring post with him, but this time it’s Cactus Jack with the block, and Simmons goes head-first off the post. The official is counting.


Jim Ross: Both of these guys need to be aware of that count.

Jim Cornette: What happens if they’re both knocked out on the outside of the ring, Ross?

Jim Ross: I have no idea. I guess we wouldn’t have a US Champion.

Cactus Jack whips Ron Simmons into the security railing, driving the wind out of his opponent. He climbs up onto the ring steps and launches himself off, driving both men over the railing! This fight has spilled into the crowd.


The camera can barely pick them up as they battle through the crowd. Finally, they appear at the top of the ramp where Ron Simmons throws Cactus Jack off the edge!

Jim Ross: My God! My God! Cactus Jack may be dead!

Exhausted, Simmons tries to make his way toward the ring, but he collapses halfway down the ramp.


Ron Simmons vs. Cactus Jack: Double Countout

Ron Simmons is receiving attention on the ramp while other officials go to check on Cactus Jack. Before they can get to him, he climbs out of the rubble…with a smile on his face.

Jim Ross: Folks, I assume that Commissioner Paul Heyman will announce something about the result of this one next Saturday night at 6:05 Eastern right here on TBS. But now, it’s time for our main event. Don’t forget, after this match, you can dial 1-900-909-9900 to speak directly to The Road Warriors on the heels of their big WCW Tag Team Championship win.


Match 6: Main Event
Ric Flair [C] vs. Sting
WCW Championship Match
Jim Ross: This is what it all comes down to, folks. One match to determine who is going to be the WCW Champion in what can only be considered a new chapter of our great company. Ric Flair has carried this title since July of last year. But tonight could be the night that it all changes. Sting, the perennial fan favorite, has Flair and that title in his sights.

Jim Cornette: And Sting and all of these “little Stingers” he talks so much about are going to go home heartbroken tonight, Ross.

The bell sounds as Sting and Ric Flair begin to circle one another in the ring. The crowd holds its breath as this one gets underway. Flair moves toward Sting who swats his hand away before Sting makes a move, but Flair eludes him. It’s off to a slow start as each man sizes the other up.

They finally engage in a tie-up which leads to Sting pushing Flair to the mat and the crowd finally comes to life. Ric rolls out of the ring to collect himself as he instructs the official to keep Sting away from the ropes so he can come back in.

Flair uses the official as a distraction as he brings Sting to the mat with a chop block. With The Stinger on his back, Flair picks one of Sting’s legs up and stomps his hamstring.

Jim Ross: Sting has the strength advantage in this one, but if Flair can keep him grounded, that won't mean anything.

Jim Cornette: Sting might have the strength advantage, but he doesn’t have the mental edge. Flair is gonna keep him down and take him out of this one before it has time to start. He could throw on the Figure Four right now if he wanted to.

Jim Ross: Then why in the hell doesn’t he do it?

Jim Cornette: Because he’s not ready!


Flair is still in control, and his efforts to keep Sting grounded are working. Sting is starting to show some weakness in his left leg, as he’s developed a limp. Flair drapes Sting’s arms over the top rope as he backs him into the corner. There, Ric Flaiunleashes a series of knife-edge chops into Sting’s chest. The crowd is trying to rally their hero, but it doesn’t seem to be working…

Until it does! After a chop that echoes through the Greensboro Coliseum, Sting seems to flip a switch. His eyes grow large and he screams in Flair’s face. Ric delivers another chop, but once again, it does nothing. As Flair goes for a third chop, Sting grabs him and throws him into the corner where he starts delivering a series of his own chops. When he finally relents, Flair takes three steps out of the corner and faceplants in the center of the ring. Sting beats on his chest as he yells into the crowd who is white hot in their support for him.

He picks Flair up and drives him back to the mat with a scoop slam. He then applies an armbar that puts Flair on the mat, desperately reaching for the ropes.


The challenger has taken full control of this one, as Flair is desperately trying to create some distance, but Sting is one step ahead. Flair rolls out of the ring, but so does Sting. When Flair pops around the corner of the ring, he looks like he’s seen a ghost when he realizes that Sting has followed him. He holds up both hands to beg for mercy, but Sting will have none of it. Instead, Sting picks Flair up over his head and drops him throat first across the security railing.

Jim Ross: That’s impressive, but Sting needs to realize that he can’t win the title on the outside of the ring.

Jim Cornette: This muscled-up meathead isn’t smart enough to realize that, Ross. He’s already forgotten bout not winning the title when these two faced off last year even though he won the match. What an idiot.

Sting continues to pursue Flair around the outside of the ring as the official’s count has reached 5. Sting goes to pick Flair up, but Ric sweeps his legs out from under him and Sting crashes into the steel steps. Ric quickly rolls back into the ring, and the referee is at 7.

Jim Ross: Don’t let it end like this. Not on a countout.

Jim Cornette: Why is that referee counting so slow?! This is a conspiracy against Ric Flair!


Sting somehow gets to his feet and lunges into the ring just before the official can count him out, and Flair looks absolutely distraught. He grabs the official by the shirt to plead his case to no avail.


Now it’s Flair who has the advantage as Sting continues to feel the effects of his head bouncing off the steel steps. With the official checking on Sting, Ric Flair begins untying the turnbuckle cover from the top turnbuckle.

Jim Ross: Ric Flair just exposed the steel turnbuckle. What’s he doing?!

Jim Cornette: He’s being the dirtiest player in the game, Ross. He’s putting on a clinic on how to stay at the top of the game.

The official turns around just as Flair tosses the turnbuckle pad to the outside of the ring. Flair pulls Sting up from the mat and delivers a chop to his chest followed by a right hook to his jaw. The challenger is staggered. Flair is chopping Sting toward the exposed steel turnbuckle. Once he has him there, The Nature Boy grabs Sting by the back of the head and tries to slam him into the steel. BUT STING BLOCKS IT. Flair tries again, but once again, Sting gets his arm out and grabs the top rope. Sting elbows Flair in the midsection, and grabs him by the back of the head.

Sting bounces Flair’s head off the steel turnbuckle, and the Champion is busted wide open. Sting goes for a quick pin.

NO! Flair kicks out at 2.

Sting pulls Flair up by his hair, which is soaked in blood. He picks Flair up and drops him across his knee with an atomic drop. He grabs Ric again and delivers a second, and this one causes Flair to fall through the middle of the ropes and onto the floor, leaving a trail of blood on the apron.

Sting rolls under the bottom rope to pursue the Champion while the official pleads with both men to get back in the ring. Sting isn’t going to let this one end in a countout. He pulls Flair off the floor and rolls him under the bottom rope. With Flair’s head still hanging off the apron, Sting delivers a series of right hands to the forehead that open the Champ up even more.

Sting quickly gets into the ring to go for another pin.


NO! Flair got his foot over the bottom rope.

Jim Ross: People can say what they want about Flair, but you cannot question his heart. His tactics, maybe; but never his heart.


Sting remains unfazed by Flair’s refusal to stay down. With the paint peeling from his face, Sting looks out into the crowd that is coming unglued as Sting picks up both of Flair’s legs. He drives a boot into the Nature Boy’s midsection before stepping through his legs.

Jim Ross: He’s going for the Scorpion Deathlock! He’s going to make the Champion tap out.

Jim Cornette: He should be disqualified for that blatant low blow, Ross. He kicked him below the belt.

Jim Ross: My God, Jim. He stomped his abdomen. It was clear as day.

Though Flair puts up a fight, Sting eventually gets him turned over onto his stomach. Flair looks up toward the bottom rope which is just inches away, blood continuing to pour down his face. He reaches for the bottom rope, but to no avail. While Flair screams in agony, Sting leans back further to lock the hold in even tighter.

Flair raises one hand as though he may tap, but then his head drops to the mat. The official checks on him as Flair looks to be out cold. Suddenly, he finds some strength and raises his head, his wild eyes looking at the bottom rope desperately. He reaches forward, but he’s still an inch away.

Once again, Flair’s head falls to the mat, and it looks as though Sting is going to win the championship. Just before the official can signal for the bell, Flair once again comes to.

Jim Ross: The Champ is fading fast! We’re about to have a new champion!

Finally, Flair musters the strength and his fingertips touch the bottom rope. He gets the ends of his fingers over the rope as the official tells Sting to break the hold. Instead, Sting stands up a bit and drags Flair to the middle of the ring.



With Flair still helplessly in the middle of the ring, things look to be over. The crowd starts looking toward the entrance ramp where Arn Anderson is running toward the ring.

Jim Ross: What’s he doing? He’s already interfered in one title match tonight. Somebody get him out of here!

Anderson jumps up onto the apron, drawing the attention of the official. Ric Flair is tapping out! The Nature Boy is submitting, but the official isn’t there to see it! Sting finally releases the hold to try to get the ref’s attention, but Anderson is trying to climb into the ring.

Jim Ross: What the hell? Somebody just climbed over the railing and by our table. Is that..is that…THAT’S SID VICIOUS! That’s the man that Sting eliminated from this tournament to earn a shot at Flair!

Sid Vicious slides into the ring, and neither Sting nor the official knows it. He spins Sting around and slams him to the mat with a Powerbomb! The crowd is livid, but the official continues to try to keep Arn Anderson out of the ring. Vicious picks Sting up a second time and delivers another Powerbomb, and it looks like the challenger is out.

VIcious grabs Flair by the wrist and drags him over Sting’s body. Anderson drops from the apron as Sid Vicious rolls out of the ring. The official turns around and sees Flair lying on top of Sting.


Ric Flair defeats Sting by Pinfall at 24:49

The official signals for the bell as Anderson and Vicious enter the ring to help Flair to his feet.

Jim Ross: This is a farce! An absolute farce. Ric Flair tapped out; Sting should be the WCW Champion right now!

Jim Cornette: But he’s not, is he, Ross? Ric Flair is still your champion! This is great!

With Flair back on his feet, Anderson and Vicious start stomping away at Sting who can put up no resistance. Anderson looks up to the ramp and signals for someone. That’s when Shane Douglas saunters down the ramp with his newly-won TV Championship over his shoulder. He climbs into the ring and starts taking his turn beating down Sting.

Douglas and Anderson hold down Sting’s arms as Vicious stands by the ropes to keep WCW officials at bay. Flair locks in the Figure Four Leglock with blood pouring down his face as he screams at Sting, who pushed him to his limit.

He finally relents as he takes the WCW Championship and snaps it around his waist. The camera fades to black as Flair, Anderson, Douglas, and Vicious stand over Sting…and each man holds up four fingers.

Jim Ross: Oh my God…does this mean what I think it means?

Jim Cornette: It looks like the Four Horsemen ride again, Ross!

Jim Ross: Be sure to tune in next Saturday night at 6:05 Eastern to see the fallout of tonight's events folks. That's all the time we have!


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
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COTC was a solid show for sure, and I'm excited to see what happens next now that we've got champions crowned for the most part. Feels like the actual starting point where you can really start your own angles and put your own stamp on things now.

Stand outs for me are the double count between Cactus/Simmons. Intrigued to see whether they just get a rematch for the title or if you go down a different path. Either way, I'm down for more Cactus and prime Simmons beating the hell out of each other.

Biggest/best highlight of the show is the reformation of The Horsemen. I'm a fan of the four chosen (Douglas and Flair together is hilarious). Really well done.


7 x Piston Cup Winner
Jan 22, 2023
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Anytime Sid is near the main event we are in for a good run. I like the formation of the Horsemen here and definitely interested to see how they move forward.

I think the finish to Simmons/Jack was really good. Great way to keep Cactus from eating a pin and keeping his aura to him whilst still protecting Simmons. Loved the detail of him still fighting to get back to the ring even as the count expired.

These big shows early on are always a good roadblock to clear so looking forward to what is next for the thread overall.
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