WCW Beach Blast 1993

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Dec 3, 2010
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WCW Beach Blast
Biloxi, Mississippi
July 18th, 1993​

The show opens up with Eric and Missy Hyatt hyping up the show, while Ventura is hanging out with a bunch of hot woman but Tony Schiavone tries to cockblock him (don't worry he'll get his at the end of the show)

WCW World TV Championship: Ron Simmons vs. “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff
Before the match we get the announcement that if Orndorff is DQ’ed he’ll lose the TV title. Orndorff losing his shit as the fans chant Paula towards him :lmao he starts jawing with the fans so Ron being the thug that he is jumps him, Ventura calls Ron the master of the pearl harbour job, AWESOME! The early portion of the match is all Ron being one step ahead but he Orndorff locks in a sleeper but as Ron tries to spin around and ram Orndorff back into the turnbuckle he shoves Ron into and hits a side suplex. He then tries to head up top but Ron moves and Orndorff comes down on the ankle “injuring” it. This allows Ron to work over it and it’s alright, he tries to lock in a figure-four but Orndorff rolls to the floor and he jumps Ron. Orndorff pretty much no sells the ankle and begins to work over the head of Ron with rest holds to keep him grounded; Ron’s mini-comebacks were somewhat fun. They go back and forth a lot with neither man selling a damn thing as in a hilarious moment Orndorff misses a dropkick and Ron just looks at him as he’s just lying on the mat. Ron would hit a suplex for two, but Orndorff comes back with a thumb to the eye and he tries to piledrive Ron but Ron backdrops him over the top which is a DQ :lmao HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Post-Match: Ron jumps him and tries to pin him but the match is over and he has no idea why, Orndorff then tries to jump him but Ron chases him off. This was pretty bad. *1/2

2 Cold Scorpio & Marcus Alexander Bagwell vs. Shanghai Pierce & Tex Slazenger
Bagwell is still trying to dance :lmao poor bastard. Tex and Shanghai’s old western theme song rules, just a shame they suck. WAIT! I just realized the Texans are the The Godwinns :lmao The dancing duo get the better early on as we get a wide screen shot of 2 Cold botching a springboard move to the floor but the dancers get the better and maintain the advantage. Tex and 2 Cold go at it now and Tex hits a sweet backdrop with 2 Cold flying ¼ across the ring with his feet hitting the ropes and his way down. Bagwell and Pierce go at it now and it’s pretty damn great, I hate to say it by Bagwell’s face moving high flying offense was pretty damn good. Tex and Shanghai begin to target Bagwell’s arm, cutting the ring in half, tons of quick tags making sure they are in arms length of another so if Bagwell does try to quicken it up they can get that tag to cut him off. This last for several minutes and was really good until, Tex misses a corner charge and runs under his legs to tag in 2 Coldman as Ventura calls him, his hot tag ruled as he hit this sweet splash off the top as the match begins to breakdown. The match would end when Bagwell hits a side suplex and 2 Cold finishes him off with a 450. Really fun match, that was unexpected all 4 men played a part and it was fun. **1/2


Up on the stage Missy Hyatt is with “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff & The Equalizer, she asks him that Ron almost had him beat and she knows that a lot of wrestler think they can beat him. Well Orndorff cuts her off and says he’s the John Wayne of wrestling. First of all, he plays it straight down the middle by the rules :lmao and thinks Ron should be fired for throwing him over the top cause he’s not a man, in fact he’s a choke artist. Well he has his friend here to watch over his back. Orndorff takes a few shots at Steamboats grey hairs before saying he’s keeping this title for a long time.

Erik Watts vs. Lord Steven Regal (w/Sir William)
Before the match during Watt’s entrance they fuck up the graphics with it saying Lord Regal instead of his, see even WCW didn’t even watch his name to be shown. Regal rockin’ a cape owns especially with that face he makes when he looks disgustedly at the crowd looks great. They do some chain wrestling to start it’s not bad but it un-believable that Watts can outwrestle Regal for the most of it. I do give him credit some of the counters here ruled as Tony Schiavone says the most Blue thing that maybe the fans shouldn't applaud during those counters, he then instantly changes his mind when he realized that, that was stupid. Both men go back and forth for a bit until Watts applies the STF but Sir William hits him in the face, Watt’s then has words with William allowing Regal to roll him up using the tights for the win. Post-Match: Ventura interviews Regal and Regal makes a joke that he didn’t even break a sweat beating him even though his whole body is drenched in sweat :lmao Regal then turns his attention to Orndorff that he’s going to take back the TV title. This sucked outside the mat wrestling and was pretty much only stuck in one gear. *

Johnny B. Badd vs. Maxx Payne
So at the last PPV Maxx shot Badd in the face with one of those confetti gun :lmao Maxx comes out doing a guitar solo for his own ring theme AWESOME! Badd comes out looking gayer than usual and now he as a protective face mask on that just looks like an S&M mask. THIS FUCKIN’ MATCH! So the match starts with some brawling with Badd brawling away, just trying to punch Maxx’s face in but takes a great bump to the floor. Suddenly, Maxx and Badd start wrestling DA FUCK! Maxx shot you in the fuckin’ face and now you’re wrestling one another FUCK OFF! AND FUCK THIS MATCH To make matters worse Badd wins with a simple crossbody :lmao HE SHOT YOU IN THE FUCKN’ FACE WHY ARE YOU JUST TRYING TO WIN A MATCH, INJURE HIM! DUD!

WCW World Tag Team Championships: The Hollywood Blondes vs. Arn Anderson & Paul Roma
Before the match The Blondes do some phenomenal stalling by picking a horseman fan in the front row and Flyin’ Brian acts like he wants to fight him so Austin holds him back :lmao Roma and Austin start, it’s fun with Austin taunting him and taking cheapshots at all times was great but Roma blasts him with a right so Austin rolls to the floor so Brian can look at him :lmao Brian tags in as they lock up with Roma winning that but when they break Brain tells the ref to check his elbow pad cause he thinks he has something inside. Well the ref does and Brain goes into his tights, but before he can pull it out he sees the ref :lmao AWESOME! Arn gets tagged in and he and Brian go back and forth for a bit. Neither team can get the better for their team until, Austin calls for a truss and shakes Arn’s hand but Arn jumps him gaining the advantage for his team, which included the worse looking backslide ever with both men’s shoulders on the mat. Roma or as Ventura calls him Romo misses a crossbody allowing Austin to tag in Brian who wears him down just for a second until Arn tags back in, and begins to work the arm the Horsemen maintain the advantage as Brian FAKES! His knee giving out twice and calls for time out but he then attacks Arn’s knee sending him to the floor but again Arn’s veteran status as he moves away out of a leaping Brian who hits the rails. When he finally gets back into the ring, Roma is tagged in and gets a quick two on a sunset flip but he jaws with Austin allowing Brain to jump him and send him to the floor, where Austin drops him on the rails. Finally the Blondes begin to work over Roma and it ruled, they did a great job of just being a bunch of dicks cheating at all costs even using some of the Horseman’s old tricks. At one point, Roma goes for a missile dropkick off the top and Brian does one off his own off the mat and it looks terrible. Well that allows for Arn’s amazing hot tag as he beats the shit out of both Blondes but Roma tries to get in the ring that distracts the ref so the Blonds double him gaining the advantage back for them. The heat on Arn is good but it wasn’t as good as the one on Roma though, weird thing that I noticed is that Roma keeps charging the ring when it's unnecessary, like, right when Arn's making a comeback and it allows the Blonds to keep momentum in their corner. At one point, Arn suplex Austin over the top to the floor, prompting Jesse to point out how stupid the over-the-top DQ rule is. Roma’s hot tag was alright as the match begins to break down, Arn hits the spinebuster but Brian breaks it up. Roma then O'Connor Rolls Austin, but the ref is busy putting Arn out, so Brian clotheslines Roma over allowing Austin to roll him up hooking the tights for the win. Real fun match, but it wasn’t outstanding like it should have been I blame Roma, bring back Tully. ***1/4 - ***1/2


Eric Bischoff and Missy Hyatt then try to hype of this 30 minute iron-man challenge match, as Missy says 2 men, 30 minutes sounds like a dream.

30-Minute Iron Man Match For The Vacant WCW United States Championship: Dustin Rhodes vs. Rick Rude
AWESOME! Hard tie-up as they roll around the ring bumping off the ropes, after two or three real good minutes of intense feeling out Rude they start picking up the pace. Dustin begins to work the back or kidney area, 5 minutes have gone by as Dustin continues to work lock in a clutch and on occasion he begins to gyrate but he gets too cocky so Rude catches him with a boot and he begins to take over. He now begins to work the back with the same offense Dustin did to him, we’re 10 minutes in it’s been 7 minutes of rest holds but suddenly Dustin fires up and begins to work the knee making that time he spend working the back irrelevant UGH! Well he works that for a bit before locking in a kneebar he manages to escape and hits Dustin with a backbreaker and follows up with the Rude Awakening for the three. Rude up, 1-0

Rude hits a flying clothesline off the top for two, he then puts his full weight on Dustin for a series of two counts. We’re 15 minutes in as Rude hangs Dustin on the top rope and he falls back hitting the ramp hard. Rude now targets the head making his back work irrelevant, but this is a new match so new strategy? A good series of reversals sees Rude trying to tombstone him but Dustin reverses and connects with one of his own for two; Dustin misses a charge and throws himself over the rope. Rude manages to still be in control as they fight over the suplex with 10 minutes left, Dustin manages to get the better and connect with it but he’s too slow to follow up so Rude pulls him by his tights into the buckle. Rude then heads up top and connects with a chop off the top before yelling out “YOU AIN’T SHIT RHODES” :lmao Rude begins to further slow the match down trying his best to kill the clock applying holds, wearing Dustin down with a sleeper Jesse goes insane when Dustin’s hand hits the mat 3 times but he doesn’t call it. Dustin fires back, but Rude cuts him off at every turn with 5 minutes left. They get into a spitting and snot blowing contest as Jesse talks about a "farmer hanky." Dustin fakes Rude out with a punch ARN style and connects with the bulldog for the three. 1-1 Now.

Dustin comes off the top with a chop for two, as Dustin piledriver him for two and connects with bunch of clotheslines and elbow drops for two, with a minute left. Sleeper by Dustin which is stupid but Rude breaks with a chinbreaker and goes up but misses a double ax-handle. That misses allowing Dustin to hit him with a DDT as time expires, so the match is a draw and the face Dustin doesn’t even ask for 5 minutes or even sudden death, what an idiot. Match was nothing but restholds and stuff. *1/2 - *3/4


NWA World Heavyweight Championship: Barry Windham vs. Ric Flair
So the video package was just highlights of these two brawling and beating the shit out of one another all over building so I’m expecting this is what we’re gonna get. Well, I was WRONG! They kicked it out trading strikes until Windham kills him with a lariat as we get more exchanges with Windham being the aggressor. Flair does the corner bump to the floor and Windham clotheslines him on the mat. He then suplexs Flair back, but Flair pokes him in the eyes to gain the advantage back. He applies a sleeper but Windham sends Flair into the turnbuckle to break the hold. Fireman’s carry slam and a Powerslam by Windham gets two. Another killa Lariat by Windham gets two as he begins to talk shit to the ref and Flair allowing Flair to duck him and a jacknife pin gets two. Chops by Flair and he hits this weak crossbody that sends Windham to the floor, but he no sells it and drags Flair out to slam him on the floor. Once they get back in, Windham does the 10 punches but on 7 Flair drops him down on the knee. Rolling Knee Drop connects. Windham counters a suplex though and places Flair in the corner and delivers the Superplex, but Windham doesn’t cover once he’s to his feet and then misses a flying elbow drop. He still covers Flair for two after missing :lmao this is a mess. Flair runs down the apron after a second Flair Flip and comes off the top hitting the crossbody, but Windham rolls through for a near fall. Both men attempt double shouldertackles and they both go down, but Flair is up first and connects with a sidesuplex. He then attempts the Figure-Four Windham kicks him off a few times, but all it takes is a kick to the knee to get it on. Windham reaches for the ropes while on his back, and while doing this, doesn't realize his shoulders are on the mat and the ref does a quick 3 count. FUCK OFF :lmao NO! NO! NO! NO! This was a fuckin, mess you hear me a mess, both men try to work heel it’s all punches and kicks with no real story or hate and that finish :lmao fuck out of here. *


Post-Match: Jesse Ventura interviews Ric Flair; Flair says it’s time to style and profile and it’s time to tell every wrestler in the world “HE’S BACK” oh shit, heel Flair is back FUCK YEAH! Flair calls out Vader, Steamboat, Windham and Rude and asks them if they want to be the man they gotta beat the man.

Sting & Davey Boy Smith vs. Masters of the Powerbomb (w/Harley Race & Col. Rob Parker)
Masters of the powerbomb has to be the greatest tag name ever, and Sting and Davey coming out in match attire and jackets is cool as fuck. Sid and Sting start and Sting being super aggressive ruled as he hits Sid from every corner and angle but Sid hits this AWESOME! One handed chokeslam as Vader tags in. But they taunt the crowd allowing Davey and Sting to connect with double clotheslines off the top. Bulldog and Vader tag in now; Vader starts beating the shit out of him in the corner and follows up with a stiff clothesline but he tries a suplex but Davey counters into a fuckin’ delayed one of his own :mark: But Vader is up first and runs right into Davey killing him it looked like Davey ran into a wall and just collapsed, Sid tags in as he applies all his weight to the back of Davey as Vader tags and gets in Sting’s face to draw him in the ring. Bulldog tries a desperation sunset flip and Vader tries to splash him instead, but Bulldog moves out of the way. Vader cuts off the tag with an elbow drop. Sid tags and hits a double-sledge off the middle rope before applying a claw to Davey’s shoulder as Sting begins to fire the crowd up, Davey fights out and slams Sid but can’t make the tag instead Vader comes in and tries to splash Bulldog up against the ropes while Race holds him, but Bulldog moves and Vader hits Race. Sting comes in and cleans house lol @ Sid being stuck up in the ropes. He moves out of the way of Vader’s avalanche in the corner, but Sid hits him from behind allowing Vader to clothesline him down. He tags in Sid who begins to wear out Sting, this is all Masters of the Powerbomb and it rules especially when Vader beats the shit out of Sting. This goes on for several minutes, until Vader goes for a superplex, but Sting bites Vader’s face and ear-claps him to put him down on the canvas. Sting starts to crawl over to Bulldog, but Vader drops an elbow on him. He tags Sid in but he misses an elbow drop, allowing Sting to make the tag. Davey takes it to Sid, until Sid goes low and tags Vader in who gives Bulldog the big Splash for two but Sting makes the save. Sid takes Sting to the rampway. Vader HITS THE FUCKIN’ VADERSAULT to Bulldog as Sting punches Sid away and does a running dive over the top rope onto Vader to break up the pinfall With Sting and Sid on the apron, both men get to their feet, Bulldog comes off the ropes with a crucifix on Vader to win. Flat finish, to what was a damn good match. Sting/Vader was awesome as usual. ***


Post-Match: Vader is pissed so he takes a shot at Tony Schiavone :lmao I love you Vader, he throws down some chairs and leaves.




Dreams are Endless
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I don't remember too much about this show because it's been awhile since I've seen it, but I remember liking that main event a good bit more than I expected with Sid and Davey involved.


Nov 13, 2010
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WCW making the blacks guys look like idiots.


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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Given the talent involved this show should have been much better.

This was post-Flair's last great performance, apart from the odd match (Bret 98, Orton/HHH 05) there were few highlights since.

Main event and tag titles are my standouts here.


Nov 13, 2010
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Given the talent involved this show should have been much better.

This was post-Flair's last great performance, apart from the odd match (Bret 98, Orton/HHH 05) there were few highlights since.

Main event and tag titles are my standouts here.
What about him and Inoki at Collision in Korea in 95? Macho Man? him and Arn? Sting classic and Crow? He has had tons of great performances in WCW after 93.


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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But when you consider how long ago 93 was and how many times he has wrestled since then the great must seem very low.

Not seen the Inoki match. What Sting match are talking of? Post their early 90s feud I don't know if their matches were that good.


Nov 13, 2010
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But when you consider how long ago 93 was and how many times he has wrestled since then the great must seem very low.

Not seen the Inoki match. What Sting match are talking of? Post their early 90s feud I don't know if their matches were that good.
Sting/Flair Clash after Hogan signed and they were putting on the best matches of the early Nitros before Sting went into some tag with Luger. Carried Giant to his only good match in 95. then the final Nitro.

Also, what him and Hennig after the Horsemen betrayal?


Dreams are Endless
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You could say Flair's best years were behind him at this point, but he still was pretty consistent after this even if he wasn't putting on matches of the years anymore.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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sure but i think we're missing the real superstar here
BIG FUCKIN' VAN FUCKIN' VADER! doing to Schiavone that many of us have wanted to do for years
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Dreams are Endless
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I could watch that all day.
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Nov 13, 2010
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Sting with a diving headbutt.