I think part of it is that Kurt just hung on too long. Last year at Mania could have been a better match to end on, win or lose. Part of it also is just the choice of Barron Corbin. I said it before, but I was not interested in the match. If he chose a different opponent, then maybe it would have been better, but not by much.
Looking at his matches over the past several weeks of Raw and SD, they were good quality opponents, but none of them really brought much to the table. He is not the Wrestling Machine anymore. Heck, his Raw match in the UK against Drew McIntyre, put that exact match at Mania, it would have honestly been better. Even if it was very sad, it was the right kind of sad.
But he at least got to go out at Wrestlemania and that is the best place to end a career at.
Now Barron, with this momentum you have, drop the waist coat and slacks and bring back your badass gear, maybe upgraded. K, thanks. That will be a start in the right direction.