It's June actually. But 2012 ended the first date of January, so no worries either way.
I think 2012 was a pretty decent year.
-Business wise, it was good for WWE that they broke their PPV records with Wrestlemania 28 and I got the excitement of seeing The Rock defeat John Cena.
-The "End Of An Era" story line between HHH and Undertaker was my favorite thing going into WM and the match was awesome, though more from a drama point of view than a technical standpoint (which would be a silly nitpick anyway.)
-Brock Lesnar returned, and while the magic of this has somewhat diminished due to him jobbing in the second match at WM and needing his manager to win the third match, he did no sell the Pedigree and make Triple H tap cleanly in their first encounter. I hated him losing to Cena but I'm not as down on that as others are.
-CM Punk held the WWE Title every day of the year and had a lot of good/great matches throughout that reign (good Ziggler match, good Elimination Chamber match, couple of great Daniel Bryan matches, good/great couple of Cena matches, etc.) Say what you will about his smiley baby face persona, he still delivered good in the ring and that's what people will mainly look back on.
-Daniel Bryan's popularity rose with the YES chants that started to flood arenas, and it became obvious that a guy who many doubted would even it make to WWE (let alone get over) actually had the potential to be a star of some caliber after all. Bryan then partnered up with Kane to form Team Hell No, a pretty entertaining tag team (though I didn't care for much of the comedy the duo took part in) that made good use of both guys and gave the tag division a legitimate team.
-Big Show had a short but pretty decent run as a heel world champion, defeating Sheamus CLEANLY for the belt.
-Last but certainly not least, three guys with bright futures made their debut together as The Shield, and had one of the best debut matches ever at TLC 2012 against Ryback and Team Hell No.
The bad? Raw going three hours, most of Sheamus' long reign as champion was boring, Punk was raped as a character for the first half of the year, AJ got annoying and overexposed as Raw GM and brought the Punk/Bryan feud down a bit by getting heavily involved in it, Lesnar losing to Cena, etc.