Warzone this Wednesday will be live in Hartford, Conneticut at the XL Center. With the first ever Warzone only pay per view event, No Limit coming closer we can expect the show and the wrestlers to start building up to it.
Is Cornell afraid?
Last Week Sam Cornell was threatened by Ramees. Both of these men are taking part in the Gladiator's title series and they also have some bad blood stemming from the qualifiers to the Extreme Rumble. How is Sam handling these threats?
Zach Schmidt vs Taylor Tajiri
Two weeks ago, Warzone rookie and Warrior's title number one contender almost had his leg broken by his No Limit opponent the Sholi. This week we will see Zach getting back in the ring. Has his close call with injury affected him or not?
Muhammed Ashraf vs Puff Puff Pass
Muhammed Ashraf lost last week to interference from Aids Johnson, this week he is looking to put things back in a positive direction. Will the Wisconsin born bad egg turn up again this week or will he get a match un-disturbed?
Kyro's second chance
Warzone general manager Curt Cutlass decided to keep playing games with the Scottish superstar. Will Kyro manage to pick up a win this week?
More tag team immortality
With the tag team immortality tournament in full swing now we can expect some more build.