Yeah, that sounds like a pretty simplistic style of reporting where he could claim he was on the money either way, but it could also be that there WERE talks going back and forth that are just like that. It makes useless to report if anything (there being no new developments) but as he says, he's just keeping people updated.
It's why dirt sheets should all be taken with a grain of salt to begin with. If you assume they're reliable at all, you can't expect them to name their sources because then they could no longer be sources (they would be outed) but because of that, it also allows them the power to lie or add things to something that aren't true. (Similar to the logic above with DM being able to say he was right either way.)
I don't know if Meltzer has ever been known to flat out lie like some sites. At worst, he adds his own assumptions or bias spin on things that could be wrong but you always know they are just his view. Wrestling News World has often posted things that were pretty outrageous here and there and Steve's Wrestling (back when it existed in 2005) posted wild things that pretty much no other site was reporting.
DM was at least right about Ryback turning heel (an idea people dismissed when it was first reported) along with other things in the past.