Very good article explaining my reaction to RAW, but written better.

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The Boss
Dec 16, 2011
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United Kingdom of Ambrose
By Ford Denny on 7/24/2012 1:02 PM

It's been a few weeks since I last wrote a column, and I'll tell you why. I watched the RF Video shoot of Vince Russo, the latest one to come out, and he said something very interesting:

"These dirt sheets need as many people to watch the product so they can make money, so everyone can make money from the wrestling business. I wish these dirt sheets would only write positive things about the business and not be so negative. If they're going to be negative, make it constructive."

So since I had nothing good to say about the business, I decided not to write about it. The product WWE had been putting on my TV Monday nights was not very good. I didn't want to write about RAW because I was having a hard time trying to find something good to say. As for TNA? I enjoyed the hell out of Destination X and was very excited about Austin Aries winning the World title... and then DirectTV stopped carrying Spike. Since I have DirectTV, I couldn't watch iMPACT; however, it's back now and I'll be watching this Thursday.

I'm writing a column now, so I must have something good to type, right? Right?

RAW 1000

I'll admit I enjoyed this show a lot. Why? I watched it. As a fan. Not as a critic. I always enjoy seeing the guys from the past. I saw some tweets from people complaining about the "new" guys not getting a rub from the "old" guys. Let's just say you were a fan of pro wrestling and stopped watching for the last couple of years or however long. So you turn on RAW because it's the 1000th episode and you want to see the guys you remember. You flip on USA Network, and Jinder Mahal and Tyler Reks and whoever else was in that segment (I can't quite remember) are beating the snot out of Undertaker and Kane. Will that fan say, "Oh, man! Look at how bad ass these new guys are," or do you think they would say, "The Undertaker is getting crushed by these idiots? Stupid!" and promptly switch the channel. Tonight wasn't about "making new stars"; it's about celebrating the old stars and the CURRENT stars of today. This is a BUSINESS where TV ratings matter, and featuring the "future" isn't good for business right now. I hate to be the bearer of BAD news, but Tyler Reks & Co. are not the FUTURE of the WWE. I'm sorry -- they aren't. I think three hour episodes of RAW will be a DISASTER, but on this night, it was a great show.


On Monday, VKM announced who the new RAW general manager was going to be and to my surprise (among many others I'm sure), he said, "AJ!" Shocking. Swerve. This will be interesting. It's something different, but it says a lot more than just AJ getting to "make decisions.” This is a testament to what the WWE thinks of her. This girl has earned this role. She's good at everything she does, and I have a feeling she'll be great in this on-air role.


I'm a big fan of Charlie Sheen, and I really hope they do SOMETHING at SummerSlam. I know there will be some on the Internet that are going to be upset that they "waste" Daniel Bryan on a celeb feud with Charlie Sheen. I'll type this: you want NEW stars? Well, in order to get NEW stars, these guys need to interact with REAL stars. Daniel Bryan will be featured on every celeb show on network and cable TV if this thing does indeed happen. I'll remind you: Tyson & Austin.


Start firing up the HYPE MACHINE! Looks like we might have The Rock vs CM Punk for the WWE title at the Royal Rumble in January! This idea makes me very excited for the Rumble. I can handle The Rock going against the stars of today because he can still go. He's in better shape now than ever before it seems, and on Monday night he will get a shot at the champ in January. So CM Punk retains by DQ over John Cena (does he still have the briefcase?), Big Show starts the beat down of Cena, Rock makes the save, Punk takes out Rock. Heel turn. Awesome! What a great ending to RAW 1000. Before The Rock came out, I couldn't believe they would end this GREAT show with the Big Show, and thankfully, VKM knew it couldn't end like that either. Fire up the HYPE MACHINE, baby! CM Punk vs The Rock!


Promo of the night was the promo that made the match for SummerSlam with Brock Lesnar and Triple H. From Hunter to Heyman to Steph, this promo was GREAT. Follow that interaction up with a jacked up Lesnar hitting the ring and dropping an 'F' bomb -- AWESOME! I've been very vocal about my love for Brock Lesnar, and he spent the last three months getting chiseled out of granite. It’s great to see him back, and this feud is FINALLY white hot. I can't wait to see where this thing goes by August 19. Think of the promo opportunities if someone decides to bring Lesnar's wife into the conversation.


Tyler Reks & Co. are still NOT the future of the WWE
Loved the segment that Heath Slater had with the stars from yesteryear. Great to see JBL stop climbing mountains for a night to clothesline someone. Always enjoy the "DAMN".
DX Reunion was great. It would've sucked if they didn't get Billy Gunn, Road Dogg and X-Pac. There's a small spatter of people chanting "We want Chyna," but sadly it didn't catch on.
The Miz is FINALLY back!
You know VKM wanted Austin there. Austin had to have had previous obligations or SOMETHING. No way does VKM not make that phone call. The thought of anything other than that is just CRAZY until I hear otherwise.

PWInsider Extra

This is pretty much word for word what I thought about last night. Read it, it's a great read.


Walking the King’s Road
Dec 18, 2011
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God's Country, Sheffield UK
Sheen and Bryan I agree with to an extent, it could get him everywhere however the comparison to Tyson Austin is ridiculous. Sheen is an actor, Tyson was one of the greatest heavyweight boxers serving a years ban for biting Holyfield's ear off. Going one and one with Charlie doesn't help Bryan seem more legit like Austin brawling with Tyson.

"I can handle The Rock going against the stars of today because he can still go" - On the mic he can go but in the ring, from his previous appearances that's a huge no, although he did seem slightly slimmer this raw IMO.

The rest seems pretty spot on,although AJ I'm torn on tbh. It could be interesting but I'm growing tired of her and Bryan together. I'm reserving judgment.

Leo C

Backlund Mark
Apr 7, 2012
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São Paulo, Brazil
Nice review, I'm on the fence about AJ but I agree with most of what he said.
Jul 13, 2012
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The rock looked in great shape!! i need to start smelling what hes been cooking!:eek:tunga:


Jun 26, 2012
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yeah rock is a bit smaller... hopefully hes improved his cardio so he can have his matches of old and not get blown up so much... he looked like he was struggling at wm tbh
i am really over aj atm so having her as gm is a bit annoying for me
i pretty much agree with all of it.. i too watched it as a fan not a critic