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We are in the catering area and several wrestlers, and extras are standing around and chatting. A table is set up for a buffet with healthy options for the wrestlers including salads, chicken, some pasta, and more. Spread out are multiple tables where wrestlers are seated, chatting, discussing gameplan, and more. At the end of one of those tables, in his signature suit and sunglasses, we see the manager and advisor to the Northern Touch, Bobby Tremblay, with some markers and pens. He is drawing on a piece of paper, a curious sight to be sure. The big man of his team, Don Marshall, walks over with a lumberjack shirt on, and taps his manager on the shoulder.
Don Marshall: Jeez, Bobby, no wonder you’re taking so long!? I thought you were going to talk to Oliver Thawne about our match in Lethal Lottery, not play arts and crafts!
Pushing his rose-coloured glasses up, Bobby Tremblay chuckles and motions for Don Marshall to take a seat.
Bobby Tremblay: Patience, Big Don, patience. I have a meeting scheduled for later on. Both you and Jonny Lou are invited. I have a plan for that meeting, but being that I have some time to kill, I’m making something.
Don takes a seat and Bobby puts his piece of paper up and folds it in the shape of a card. On the front ,we see a somewhat crude drawing of the three of them together, with a person labeled “Brandon” sitting with bandages. There is a maple leaf on it with a giant “GET WELL SOON” in marker on top.
Bobby Tremblay: I’m making a little card for our Northern brother in arms, Brandon Roberts. You saw what happened between him and the Circle last show? They brutalized him!
The big Saskatchewan native nods.
Don Marshall: Made me powerboming Trixie in half seem tame.
Nodding, the manager opens the card to show what he put in it.
Bobby Tremblay: So I thought, let’s extend an olive branch, let’s give the man some well wishes and advice so that when he returns, we’ll have someone having our back. It says this “Hope you feel better soon, Brandon, to our fellow Canadian. If you’re looking for better friends, remember when push comes to shove, the North always has your back and we love to get aggressive Let’s Go Brandon, always.”
Blinking, Don is a touch weirded out.
Don Marshall: This is one of your craziest ideas yet. Hand-drawing a card for Brandon.
Grabbing a pen, Bobby hands it to Don.
Bobby Tremblay: So, you’re going to sign it?
Giving a shrug, Don Marshall picks an open part on the inside and signs it.
Don Marshall: “North for life, Don Marshall.” There, happy?
Giving a nod, Bobby Tremblay grabs his pen and packs his things together.
Bobby Tremblay: I’m more than satisfied. I got more business to take care of, I’ll see you and Jonny Lou later.
The manager of the Northern Touch gets up from the table and walks away in a bit of a chipper mood.
Don Marshall sighs and gets up as the segment fades away.


The ringside area is decked out with the customary Garbage Bin for what is being billed as “The Kommander of The High Command Rules Dumpster Match.” The bin is red and has spray paint on with crude drawings of both tag teams in the match with the Kommander’s face plastered between them. In the middle of the ring, we see Reina de la Cruz stand by begrudgingly with the Kommander of the High Command, Garrbadgge Von Truck.
Reina de la Cruz: Ladies and gentlemen, by The Kommander’s decree, the next match is the High Command Rules Dumpster Match! Please welcome to introduce the rules, The Kommander, Garbadgge Von Truck!
Stepping forward with his cape flowing, Von Truck is handed the microphone from Reina and speaks.
Garrbadgge Von Truck: By my declaration, this match will have no disqualifications or count outs. Only wankers concern themselves with those. Instead, this match will only reach its conclusion when both members of a team, meaning the Southern hicks, gets thrown into the bin and becomes one with the trash! Let me start by introducing the wankers, I mean, soon to be winners, The Champ, Archie Jones and The Whistler, Sir Marmaduke Whistle, the High Command!
The loud shouts of “WHAT!?” play as the High Command, the two masked, vulgar buffoons, make their way out. In the spirit for the match, Archie is holding a broom while Marmaduke has a mop.
Pierce Donovan: …I have no words. I just have no words. A dumpster match?
Jasper Phoenix: The High Command are unorthodox as can be. Vulgar, rude, they don’t care who they offend, they have a laugh at everyone’s expense, and they targeted the Bordeaux siblings.
The Kommander gets on the microphone and shouts as his two lackeys stand at the top of the stage.
Garrbadgge Von Truck: Stand to attention and respect your Kommander! Schnell, Schnell!
Both Archie Jones and Sir Maramaduke Whistle shout “Schnell! Schnell!” before marching their way down to the ring.
Pierce Donovan: Obscure rules or not, this will be The High Commands first true test here in AMA. They managed to qualify for the Lethal Lottery tournament by facing… let’s face it, NOT game competition in Burgerman and his partner.
Jasper Phoenix: But I think their obscurity is their strength. How can you know WHAT these guys are planning at all?!
Heading towards the ringside area, Archie Jones and Maramduke head up the steps, nearly tripping on them before getting into the ring. The two members of High Command stand at attention with Garbadgge Von Truck in between them as their theme music fades away. Reina de la Cruz takes the microphone back, not trusting the Kommander with making an unbiased introduction for their opponents.
“Ready Set Let’s Go” plays as the underdog siblings get a positive reaction from the AMA fans. The lights of the arena dim as the song builds. A spotlight appears on the stage as we see Bret, crouched, swaying with the ever fastening tempo. Standing behind him is his sister, Bellatrix, who keeps her head down to keep the lights out of her eyes. The music finally kicks into full gear around the 13 second mark and Bret slams a fist down, popping up and spinning with the music. The lights shoot on as he leaps, flashing with red and white colors. Bret lands with his back to the crowd and spreads his arms, walking backwards down the ramp. Keeping it simple, Bellatrix does a simple fist raise, still learning the intricacies of a wrestling entrance.
Reina de la Cruz: And their opponents, from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Bret and Bellatrix, the Bordeauxs!
Bret gets up and offers some words of encouragement to Trixie before leading her down the ramp.
Pierce Donovan: Last show, the team took a hard fall after an amazing debut. A pre-match assault by the Northern Touch gave the Canadians a dominating win, and with Trixie’s relative inexperience, she has been working on rebuilding the confidence.
Jasper Phoenix: A win will do that here, but what I am hoping for is they bounce back with some aggression of their own. Bellatrix needs to show she can bounce back after a loss, and even if Bret has a bit more experience, he’s still young enough where those sorts of lessons are a must.
As the siblings are at the end of the ramp, Bret removes his entrance gear and he notices the crude drawings on the dumpster, shaking his head. Bellatrix stands there in confusion, asking Bret to explain it to her and he simply darts towards the corner and jumps up onto the turnbuckles. Bellatrix does a small wave to the fans before heading into the ring herself. Bret jumps down and joins his sister, giving a cold glare towards The High Command. It’s clear, he has more than an ax to grind in this match.
The official orders the Kommander to leave the ring as Trixie is about to leave the ring for the apron, but Bret stops her to remind her this match doesn’t need tags. Before the official rings the bell, Garbadgge Von Truck grabs the microphone.
Garrbadgge Von Truck: One more thing! As this is High Command Rules, I would like to add one more stipulation. Miss Trixie girl, you have to start this match on your hands and knees like the bitch you are-
The harsh insult from the Kommander draws jeers from the fans as Bellatrix reluctantly gets on her hands and knees. Bret, pissed, shouts at Von Truck from the ring.
Pierce Donovan: This is just disrespectful. Just vulgar.
Garrbadgge Von Truck: Oh, and Mr. Being that you are from the South, go Doggy style on h-
Jasper Phoenix: For fuck’s sake!
He is interrupted by a monstrous amount of jeers from the fans so much so that they almost drown him out. Bret in the ring swears his head off at him.
Pierce Donovan: This is isn’t just disrespectful, it is downright degrading. There is no way Bret is doing that.
The crowd begin to chant at Garbadgge Von Truck, saying “You sick fuck!” and as he is about to raise the microphone to his mouth, the chant changes to “Shut the fuck up!” and claps.
Pierce Donovan: And the crowd is on the side of human decency. Just no.
Jasper Phoenix: Yeah, excuse the language, but just get on with the match.
Garrbadgge Von Truck: Very well, ring the bell.
The bell rings and immediately, Sir Marmaduke Whistle jabs the wooden end of his mop into Bellatrix’s rear and she jumps up. Seeing this, Bret Bordeaux rushes and takes Sir Marmaduke Whistle to the mat and unloads punches to cheers!
Pierce Donovan: Get him, Bret!
Jasper Phoenix: I get it, they were over the line, but we need to keep unbiased, Pierce.
The brawling from the elder sibling forces Marmaduke Whistle to the outside and he joins him in brawling. Meanwhile in the ring, Bellatrix is grabbing her tailbone, confused and asks Archie Jones what that was all about. In response. He grabs his broom and “sweeps” Bellatrix’s face! The pointy brushes wack her across the face as she backs up. She wipes her face before running at Archie and the masked man “sweeps” his broom and trips her up! He grabs the broom and tries to “sweep” Bellatrix towards the Dumpster. The brushes of the broom scratch at her face as she moves closer.
Jasper Phoenix: I heard of “sweeping someone off their feet” but this is ridiculous.
Coming to her senses, Bellatrix grabs the broom and pulls herself up and hits a headbutt on Archie Jones! Both of them stumble a bit before Bellatrix keeps herself balanced from the broom. She sees Archie facing away from her, and shouts “How do you like this!?” And jabs him with the end in the rear! Archie jumps up and holds his rear, shouting “ouchie” over and over as the fans cheer.
Pierce Donovan: Haha, now turnabout is fair play.
Grabbing the broom, Bellatrix swings the wooden shaft over his head and it breaks, dropping “The Champ!” But, she hesitates.
Jasper Phoenix: And there it is, the inexperience, she has the advantage, but she’s stuck.
Pierce Donovan: In her defense, I double many people have competed in a dumpster match.
Meanwhile on the outside, Bret has Marmaduke against the barricade and is unloading punches on him. A fan hands him a beer also and Bret shrugs before dumping its contents on the head of Marmaduke!
Pierce Donovan: And there is $15 down the drain.
Looking at the dumpster near-by, Bret sees Marmaduke’s crude drawing of a face on it and throws him into it! The bin moves on impact and Bret moves the stairs out of the corner to use them as a platform. Backing up, he runs and leaps off the stairs-
And Marmaduke moves out of the way in an overly exaggerated way, forcing Bret to run shoulder first into the dumpster!
Back in the ring, Bellatrix’s mind has been running long enough for Archie Jones to begin to get up from the mat. She decides to build up a bit of momentum with a run, but the Kommander trips her up on the edge of the ring and she falls flat on her face!
Pierce Donovan: And Garbadgge Von Truck gets involved.
Jasper Phoenix: It’s basically a handicap match at times when someone has a manager at ringside.
Sir Marmaduke Whistle reaches under the ring and pulls out something to join Archie in the ring with, and he has… a pool floaty?
Pierce Donovan: A pool floaty?
Jasper Phoenix: It is the summer.
Together, both members of the High Command squeeze it around Trixie and it is tight. Her arms are trapped together. Sir Marmaduke gives her a pat on the head before Archie Jones drops her with a Belly to Belly Suplex! With Bellatrix on the mat, Marmaduke runs off the ropes and hits a Baseball slide on Trixie!
Pierce Donovan: That’s Not Cricket…
The two members of THC stand in the middle of the ring as The Kommander gets on the microphone again to shout:
Garrbadgge Von Truck: Stand to attention and respect your Kommander! Schnell, Schnell!
Both Archie Jones and Sir Marmaduke Whistle shout “Schnell! Schnell!” in the ring as the fans jeer.
Meanwhile, Bret, after getting the feeling back in his shoulder goes on the apron and prepares for a Springboard. He leaps through the air-
And Sir Marmaduke Whistle catches him! The crossbody attempt is caught and Marmaduke…
Cradles him and rocks him.
And continues to rock him.
Bret, expecting an actual move, has a perplexed and annoyed look on his face. Some fnas chuckle before he escapes his clutches as Archie Jones hits a clothesline to the back of the head, nearly falling over on impact!
Pierce Donovan: …That’s a first.
Jasper Phoenix: …I just can't.
Looking at Bellatrix on the mat, struggling to get out of the tube, Sir Marmaduke presses his foot down on her chest to keep her from moving as Archie Jones… shakes, overwhelmed with energy and hops in place as the fans shout, lead by an orchestra by Von Truck.
And he proceeds to do his best attempt at the WORM.
Pierce Donovan: The move over dramatic move in all of wrestling.
Jasper Phoenix: It’s more of a caterpillar when he does it.
Archie Jones swooshes his arms back and forth before doing a chop to the throat! The Worm is hit!
The Kommander claps and motions for his buffoons to put her in the Dumpster. Archie Jones opens the lid while Sir Marmaduke rolls her towards it.
And Bret Bordeaux gets up and drops Marmaduke down with a dropkick! Archie Jones rushes him with a clothesline but Bret ducks and kicks him in the gut before lifting him up, slamming him down with a Suplex!
Pierce Donovan: And Bret Bordeaux has had enough of The High Command’s schtick and takes them both down.
Jasper Phoenix: Now is their time to show a little bit of that vicious side, maybe get one over on the High Command to stop the hijinks.
Bret helps Bellatrix out of the pool floaty wrapped around her and sees both members of the High Command wobble to a vertical base. Bret whispers something in his sister’s ear and Bret kicks Archie Jones in the chest and Bellatrix does the same for Sir Marmaduke! Bret then kicks Jones in the leg and Bellatrix follows. Bret does a spinning heel kick to the gut of Jones and Bellatrix follows with one of her own! She nearly trips afterwards, but Bret gives her a nod.
Pierce Donovan: And Bret, leading the charge!
Jasper Phoenix: When in doubt, this is a bit of training for her.
Thinking what to do next, Bret Bordeaux grabs Archie Jones by the head and motions for Bellatrix to do the same to Marmaduke Whistile. On three, the two throw the two members of The High Command together and they bang heads! They wobble around just like a couple of people in a cartoon and the siblings take them both down with Bret hitting a Slingblade on Archie Jones and Bellatrix getting a running neckbreaker on the Whistler!
Trixie, ecstatic she is starting to get going, claps with joy before Bret yells at her “Splash!” and she ducks down for Bret to Wheelbarrow her up and drop her onto Archie Jones!
Pierce Donovan: Now that they’re in control, they are starting to mesh well.
Jasper Phoenix: If they can keep it going and get the win, then it will be a big confidence booster, especially for Trixie.
Bret leads Bellatrix in rolling Archie Jones towards the dumpster. The lid is opened as Archie’s feet go in-
And Sir Marmaduke Whistle charges in and body checks Bret Bordeaux into the corner! He looks around and sees his mop from earlier and “washes” it in the face of Trixie before smashing the wooden stick over her back! Looking to the outside, Garbadgge Von Truck grabs a metal bucket full of some contents and gently places it in the ring. Sir Whistle sneaks over to grab it. But as he walks back in the ring, Bellatrix kicks the bucket into his face and a bunch of feathers fall out with some sticky white stuff (glue, we hope) falling onto Sir Marmaduke!
Pierce Donovan: And Sir Marmaduke is covered in feathers!
Jasper Phoenix: I guess someone isn’t the cock of the walk anymore, haha.
Bret gets up and picks his opponent in a Fireman’s Carry Position. He lifts him up before dropping him with a Double Knee Gutbuster!
Pierce Donovan: Throne Breaker!
Sir Marmaduke rolls out of the ring as Bret sticks up and takes a feather off his shoulder “-Why is it sticky?” He asks, grossed out before Bellatrix picks up the bucket. Bret whispers an idea into her ear and he goes over to Archie, dragging him towards the middle of the ring and pulling both his legs back so his butt is sticking in the air. Bellatrix heads to the top rope and holds the bucket. The fans hold with bated breath as Trixie jumps and slams the bucket on the groin! Archie flops around holding his private area and rolls out of the ring.
Pierce Donovan: And a bucket shot between the uprights!
Jasper Phoenix: OUCH!
Tired of seeing the Bourdeauxs get an advantage, The Kommander walks over to his lackeys and pulls them both by the ear near the garbage can and starts to chew them out. On the other side of the bin, they appear to be protected, but Bret gets an idea. He motions to Bellatrix “Hey Trix, wanna fly?” and she is ecstatic. He whispers in her ear and Trixie runs off the ropes. With Bret Bordeaux grabbing her foot he launches his sister in the air and she hits a crossbody on the three of them!
Pierce Donovan: Crossbody from Bellatrix!
Jasper Phoenix: Holy shit, this girl is reckless!
As Bellatrix rolls to her feet, she looks at Bret who begins to scale the top rope. As The High Command get back up Bret jumps and hits a crossbody of his own!
Pierce Donovan: And now Bret!
Pulling himself off the outside floor, Bret lets out a fist pump and is fired up and the siblings go to the dumpster and open it up. Trying to get out of dodge, Garbadgge Von Truck tries to pick his lackeys up off the floor and lead then out, but the two keep falling and tripping on their way up the ramp.
Jasper Phoenix: And the High Command are trying to high tail it out of here.
Pierce Donovan: The Bordeauxs have gotten past their hijinks and are finally wrestling THEIR match.
Bret shakes his head as the trio try to escape. But, he sees the Garbage Bin has wheels and he gets an idea. He motions to Trixie to “push” the bin and together, they somehow get the bin away from the apron. On three, the two push the Dumpster up the ramp and into the High Command, taking all three of them out!
Pierce Donovan: Strike!
Jasper Phoenix: And the High Command have fallen over like pins!
The dumpster is pushed the rest of the way onto the stage so that it is on a flat surface. Bellatrix and Bret look around and see the Kommander has crawled away to the side, seemingly incapacitated, so it just leaves their opponents, Archie and Marmaduke. They focus on “The Champ” first and pick up the man with the golden mask. They try to drag him towards the dumpster and pick him up, but the man is heavy. They get his feet off the ground, but the High Command member elbows them each in the back of the head to break it up. He takes both of their noggins and slams them together! Bret sumbles to the mat, but Trixie doesn’t fall, so he resorts to an eye poke!
Pierce Donovan: And the Bordeauxs, by moving the Dumpster, they may have given themselves a harder time. Near the ring they could just roll them in, but now, they have to pick those two up.
Jasper Phoenix: But the High Command are on their final legs.
Archie pulls Bret Bordeaux off the ground and holds him in a powerbomb position. By God, an actual wrestling move, no bells and whistles? He wrenches Bret up by the gut, but the more experienced sibling rolls through and does a Sunset flip roll up! He lets Archie roll through with momentum and he nails him in the side of the head with a kick!
Looking back at his sister who is getting her vision back, he shouts “Bourbon Street!” just so she knows what to do. He lifts Archie up in a Flapjack and Trixie clues in, hitting a double Knee facebreaker!
Pierce Donovan: Bourbon Street!
Jasper Phoenix: Archie’s done!
Trixie sits up and is almost in shock. “I did it! I hit it!” and Bret gives a small smirk, happy for his sister. He motions for her to help him and slowly, they push a dazed Archie up and into the dumpster! It moves a bit as he plops in.
Pierce Donovan: And Archie’s in!
And Sir Marmaduke Whistle charges in and clubs Trixie in the back! He gives Bret an over-exaggerated uppercut which drops him! Seeing his partner is in the dumpster and is out cold, the “Whistler” panics. He looks and pulls Trixie in a piledriver position, a Canadian Destroyer incoming. He is about to leap for it, but Bellatrix crawls on her hands and knees goes between his legs! Sir Marmaduke looks up, shocked. He turns around and Bellatrix does an awkward wave. Marmaduke forgets about Bret behind him and the technician of the team locks in a Full Nelson and hits a snap Dragon Suplex!
Pierce Donovan: And it was an effort from Sir Marmaduke Whistle, but this may be it.
Bret taps his knee and points at Bellatrix, “Finish him” he says and Bellatrix, feeling excited as she is winning backs up and readies. She charges and hits a sick running knee strike to Whistle’s head!
Pierce Donovan: Sweet Dreams for thee!
Jasper Phoenix: It isn’t the prettiest knee, but it just… ouch. Reminds me of that MMA 3 second knockout!
The Whistler is out cold! Bret helps Bellatrix up and together they pick him up and slowly drop him in the dumpster, closing the lid! Ding Ding!
Reina de la Cruz: And here are your winners, Bret and Bellatrix Bordeaux!
Pierce Donovan: And getting a bit of a bounce back win, the Bordeauxs survive the Rules of the Ko-
Pierce Donovan doesn’t even get to finish, nor does Bordeaux's theme get to play as the Kommander rushes in and pushes Trixie to the ground to jeers! Garbadgge Von Truck goes to the Garbage bin and tries to open the lid, beginning to yell at The High Command in German!
Jasper Phoenix: And Garbadgge Von Truck is losing it! His team lost a match of his creation!
Pierce Donovan: And the literal Binface pushed Trixie to the ground, what was that for!?
Bret, pissed off, pulls Von Truck down from the Garbage Bin and shouts at him! The High Command escape through the side door as Belaltrix gets up from the floor and she glares at Von Truck. Now she’s pissed off too. Bellatrix looks at the Kommander…
And Whistle uppercuts her in the groin!
Jasper Phoenix: And payback for Bellatrix!
Bret looks to stop the onslaught, but the Kommander grabs his arms as Archie pops up to clasp Trixie’s legs to lift her into the dumpster while Whistle snatches the back of her head in the air and smashes her face straight into the dumpster with a modified 3D flapjack bulldog!
Garbadgge Von Truck chuckles before Whistle kicks Bret right in the face with a big boot! The Kommandar topples over while Bret falls back-
Pierce Donovan: Oh my God! The Dumpster just fell off the stage!
Jasper Phoenix: Karma has come for the Bordeauxs?
As Garbadgge Von Truck lies on the floor in bemusement, some medics go over to check on the Bordeauxs who roll out of the Dumpster battered and bruised.
Finally, Bret and Bellatrix's theme music is able to play, but it's The High Command that stand tall. Garbadgge Von Truck jumps up, finally ecstatic they did what he commanded of them. The medics check on Bret and Bellatrix as commentary speak.
Pierce Donovan: After that fall, I think we may not see Bret and Bellatrix for a while.
Jasper Phoenix: And if they are as crude as they were tonight, I wouldn’t complain.
Pierce Donovan: But what about their status as the top ranked tag team?
Jasper Phoenix: And what about the Bordeauxs? They were beaten down before their qualifier even began?
Pierce Donovan: We’ll have to wait and see, but the Siblings have found themselves in quite the predicament and as Bellatrix herself gains experience, they’ll hopefully become an even stronger team and learn to better guard themselves from these nasty situations.
Archie tries to get Whistle to calm down as they play to the Kommander as the feed cuts away.

In the locker rooms of the Freeman Coliseum, we find the two members of MAYHEM, preparing for their American Tag Team debut, each in their own ways. Cali Hayama, with her hair cut and now sporting a silver look, has her gear on and is rocking a purple and red trim tonight around her predominantly black look. Putting her foot up on a locker bench, she is going through some stretches. On the locker hooks, we see a MAYHEM black hoodie along with Cali’s ring jacket. Then on the other side of the bench, a cape hooked on the wall, sporting a “V” logo on the back of it. Contrasting her high energy partner, we see Vampiress sitting cross-legged on the floor, with a candle or two around her, eyes closed, with her mask and the rest of her own gear on. Her colours are matching Cali’s, showing solidarity in the team. Taking deep breaths in and out, the masked wrestler is calming herself. After finishing her stretch, Cali turns towards Vampiress and chuckles.
Cali Hayama: Even in America, eh? You’re very particular about your pre-match routine?
We see a small smile break out from under Vampiress’ mask.
Vampiress: It is how I focus.
She glances over her shoulder at Cali.
Vampiress: Something you have shown to lack recently.
The Slayer-Queen puts her hands up and chuckles.
Cali Hayama: I’m getting better with it. But we got it tonight. The closest thing these two have done to teaming up before is spending a night in the same jail cell. Individually or as a team, they can’t handle us. We’re championship material, and I think taking the first step to bringing the AMA Tag Team titles to MAYHEM will be a great start for you in America. I’m ready to get this match done and out of the way.
She walks over to Vampiress and lightly pats her on the shoulder.
Cali Hayama: How about you? How does it feel to be ready to have your first match in America?
Getting up from the floor, Vampiress rolls her neck and keeps it rather calm.
Vampiress: Now that I ha time to collect myself. I’m ready.
Cali Hayama: And your first time performing in front of a crowd that can actually make noise beyond clapping since COVID hit.
Cali sighs.
Cali Hayama: Probably the only thing I dislike about competing in Japan right now aside from the jet-lag. Good thing that is being lifted soon.
Vampiress glances to her side, showing a small smirk.
Vampiress: Thankfully. But I know American crowds are loud. That will be fun…
Her voice trails before she adds.
Vampiress: We will have an audience for our destruction of those two fools.
Letting out a laugh, Cali pats her friend on the shoulder.
Cali Hayama: Yep, something tells me you’ll be fine here. But I think we should have a plan for this match. What I’m thinking is-
Knock knock.
A light bang is heard on the locker room door as Vampiress and Cali both glance over towards the entrance.
Vampiress: Do people always do that in America?
Cali Hayama: Knock?
Vampiress: No, enter people’s private rooms unannounced.
The Canadian shrugs.
Cali Hayama: Just wrestling logic for you.
We hear the door open and walking into the room, we see three members of the Top Gunrunners. Going first into the room, wearing an over the top robe over his in ring gear with red, blue, and gold designs on, is someone Cali has already talked to multiple times, Christopher McMichaels. He has a big grin on his face with sunglasses on as he sees the woman he has hand-picked to join the group. Following suit, the leader of the Top Gunrunners, Max Maverick. His blonde hair is in a ponytail as he walks in with his long tights that are branded tonight with an Eagle design and stars, along with his usual spiked jacket that has a mix of red, white, and blue spray paint designs mixed with his usual black look. A white “Spade” is on the arm of the jacket. Behind them, keeping silent, the group’s resident killer, Blake Justice. Keeping an intense stare, Blake has a plain black shirt on with jeans. Arms folded, he simply watches on. Putting her hand on her hip, Cali looks at her potential future teammates as Vampiress taps her foot.
Christopher McMichaels: There she is! Our newest member of the most dominant group in all of AMA! Cali, it’s great to see you again!
Cali Hayama: Easy there, buddy. I told you guys. I have my tag team match to worry about first.
She motions to her side.
Cali Hayama: Vampiress, these are the guys I’ve talked about. Top-Gun.
Folding her arms, Vampiress takes a long look at the three men trying to recruit her tag partner for their group in America, trying to get a read on them.
Vampiress: This is the unit trying to scout you…
Giving it another look, she looks at Blake who breaks out a small smirk. Finally, she only says one thing.
Vampiress: Interesting…
Finally, for the first time, the leader of the group, Max Maverick, addresses Cali. He is a bit more subdued compared to his money seeking right hand man.
Max Maverick: Cali, I’ve been looking forward to finally meeting you in person. I’m AMA’s Ace, Max. I heard enough from Christopher and seen your matches to know there is something, but sometimes it is better to get a better look, especially if we’ll be working together.
He stops himself.
Max Maverick: Once you accept, obviously. But let’s see what we have here?
Pacing around Cali, Max Maverick seems to be testing the young wrestler a bit. He hums.
Max Maverick: New haircut? Badass.
He motions for Blake Justice to get closer and he does. Getting in front of Cali’s face, he tries to stare a hole through her. Although a bit unsure of what is going on, Cali keeps calm. Then, Blake Justice glaces towards Vampiress and Cali immediately raises her hand in front of his face.
Cali Hayama: …Easy there… This is between us, not her.
Blake gives a small coy smile and backs off.
Blake Justice: She’s good.
And Max Maverick gives a small applause.
Max Maverick: And she’s got a spine! Better than most people here!
Excited, Christopher McMichaels tries to take credit.
Christopher McMichaels: I TOLD you, I told you I was onto something with her! This is going to be the most dangerous faction in all of AMA, as if we’re not already.
Speaking calmly to Cali, Max Maverick addresses one more pitch to her.
Max Maverick: And add the fact you somehow managed to outlast Norman in a cage, I think that seals the deal for our approval. But I know you’re very particular about your factions and I get it. I’ve wrestled in Japan also, that’s become a big deal there in recent years. But I just want to talk to you about what we’re all about.
He holds up his finger and shakes it.
Max Maverick: For starters, myself and Christopher are the Top GunRUNNERS. And these two behemoths are something else entirely. Well, Norman is preparing for war. Let’s get that straight first. I didn’t just name this Top Gun because of my love for the franchise, it’s a mentality. Christopher and I have been the gunrunners and shot callers from the very beginning and were taking this cartel to the top. The Hamad Agency was a dying vessel and when Hamad and Pariah left so suddenly, it caused irreparable damage. Out of its ruins, came a calamity. It needed to rebrand and refocus after a power vacuum that was thankfully filled by Norman and Blake. We want elite wrestlers. The best of the best. Through blood, sweat and tears. That’s why this is Bloodsport. Not just people to cash money, but killers and true aces, like yours truly. You can be an ace, a diamond in the rough. And an Ace in Japanese wrestling usually refers to the flag bearer right? The person always at the top? The one that is the standard people aim to meet. Or, as you say, the level someone is aiming for. But it is also a mentality, a confidence, a feeling that you have earned your stripes. You can get there in AMA and in CJW. But you need help. Norman is going to be our next Grand Champion and even though you won, you know how you DON’T want a 320 pound man on the other team.
Then, Max Maverick points to Blake Justice behind him.
Max Maverick: This guy here is our iceman, our ice cold killer. If someone fucks with you, just say the word and he will break every single limb of theirs to make sure it never happens again.
Following that, Maverick points towards Christopher.
Max Maverick: Christopher, I know he’s a little zealous, but this guy has a vision better than anyone else his age. And he’s only a few years older than you. He’s entering his prime. You don’t want to get your hands dirty? He has his ways of dealing with problems.
Finally Max points towards himself.
Max Maverick: Myself? I’ve won so much in my career, this is just gravy. But I want to help you. By that, I mean I can help mentor you. I know Saori Suzuki is already helping you with that and she's talented, but I have been wrestling more than twice as long as her. Something tells me that I know tricks even she doesn’t know. Cali, you’re talented. MAYHEM has brought some of it out. But you need more. You need Bloodsport. Before you say anything… I’ll give you free advice. Think back to Panama City. Marquise beat you.
Cali almost perks up, getting her attention. Her tongue moves to her cheek. That loss still sticks with her a bit.
Max Maverick: You know why?
She glances over towards Christopher.
Cali Hayama: According to that guy, it was because I didn’t take advantage of an opportunity.
Looking back at his stablemate, Max nods before focusing back towards Cali.
Max Maverick: That’s part of it, at least that’s what cost you in the end. But I watched that match back, and then some of your matches in Japan and I noticed one thing.
Taking his finger, he pokes Cali’s shoulder.
Max Maverick: You weren’t wrestling YOUR match. You were wrestling HIS match. Because of that stupid deal with him, he got you to hold yourself back! He didn’t want the best version of Cali Hayama. He wanted what HE thought the best version of you was. But that’s not it. We know who Cali Hayama, the wrestler, the Slayer-Queen is! And we want her to come out each and every single time she steps into the ring! Are you going to let him and all these people tell you what to do, or are you going to do what is best for YOU!? Because THAT is all we want. We want you to not just be the SLAYER-QUEEN, but a Goddamn Killer-Queen. A badass bitch that we know is in there! We want to bring out your best and your best will be brought out with Bloodsport! Between MAYHEM in Japan, us here, you’ll be unstoppable! It’s up to you to take control. That’s it. That’s my pitch.
Vampiress looks at her tag team partner, surprised by the answer Max gave. Cali keeps her tongue in her cheek a few moments longer. She’s thinking it over. There is a chilling silence. Something then changes in Cali. A sly smile appears on her face and she is starting to picture the idea of her in Bloodsport. Finally, calmly, she speaks.
Cali Hayama: …I think we finally have an understanding.
Hearing that answer from Cali, Max nods and breaks out a grin. Christopher can hardly contain his excitement as Blake Justice keeps calm.
Cali Hayama: -See you tonight, boys.
Getting a sufficient answer from Cali, the three men turn around and leave. Vampiress looks at Cali. Her friend still has that devious look on her face.
Vampiress: I know that look, Cali. I know what you are thinking. I’ll support you-
The masked wrestler puts her hand on her tag partner’s shoulder.
Vampiress: -But are you sure?
Slowly, Cali turns to her friend.
Cali Hayama: As sure as I’ll ever be.
She pats Vampiress on her shoulder.
Cali Hayama: But enough of that, let’s win our tag match tonight. That’ll be after.
With the saga between Bloodsport and their newest potential prospect becoming ever more intriguing, the segment fades.


Reina de la Cruz: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a Lethal Lottery Tag Team qualifying match! Making their way to the ring with a combined weight of 390 lbs, Killer Kandy and Misandry! They are….The Matriarchy!
The two towering matriarchs strut down the ramp to a mix of cheers and boos with the later from clear Sigrid and Reina supporters. Regardless they continue down the ramp slapping a few fans hands before rolling into the ring and posing.
Jasper Phoenix: Now look at these two specimens here Pierce. They are going to tower over their opponents tonight, especially Misandry. She’s a powerhouse and a nasty one at that. Don’t let these cheers fool you, these two can get down to business when the time comes I tell you.
Pierce Donovan: That’s certainly a fair observation Jasper. They are going to outweigh their opponents by around 150 lbs. That’s quite the size advantage and will certainly play a factor in how their opponents will strategize against it.
Reina de la Cruz: And their opponents: Coming in at a combined weight of 240 lbs! First, from Zihuatanejo, Mexico; La Hija del Lobo! RRRRReina Veeeega!
The luchadora steps through the curtains and poses in the middle of the ramp.
Pierce Donovan: Coming off an impressive victory at Saint Patrick’s smash, the mysterious Reina Vega is here to mesmerize our audience once again, this time paired up with another newcomer from a far away land. La Hija Del Lobo will look to extend her winning streak to 2 against the two veteran women opposed to her.
Reina de la Cruz: And her partner: from Helsinki, Finland; making her first appearance for AMA wrestling! She is The War Maiden! Sigrid Skógr!
Jasper Phoenix: Looks at this now, what a wild woman this Sigrid is! She’s all over the place!
Pierce Donovan: I’m not surprised after what we saw earlier this week who also saw her introduction while watching at home.She’s not one to shy away from a good time especially if there’s lots of violence to be had!
As Sigrid’s music plays she thrashes about and bangs her head for the crowd. She slaps a few hands before reaching Reina Vega and extends a closed fist. Reina reciprocates and they run and slide into the ring, posing on opposite ring posts. Both teams go into their respective corners. Reina and Misandry will begin the contest in the ring.
Pierce Donovan: And here we go, this tag team match is on! Who will move on in this Lethal Lottery tournament?
Quick lock up and Misandry easily overpowers. Hammerlock by Misandry. Hop on the top rope by Vega and tumbles down for an armdrag reversal. Misandry refuses to fall and stands tall and holds the arm. Misandry goes to grab the hair. Vega sneaks under between her legs. Tries to pull it through (in a pump handle hold) for a reversal but again Misandry is too strong. Back elbow by Misandry, Vega ducks under. Misandry releases the hold and Vega hits the ropes. Lariat attempt by Misandry but Vega ducks under. Hits the other ropes and leaps crossbody by Vega!
Misandry catches her and simply falls forward crushing Vega under her. Pin attempt
Vega kicks out.
Jasper Phoenix: See I told you Pierce, Misandry is just way too powerful.
Pierce Donovan: The size of Misandry is going to be a puzzle for these two smaller women to solve.
Sigrid reaches her hand out while smacking her corner pad. Misandry brings Vega up and throws her into her own corner. Tag to Kandy. Running splash by Misandry. Big German by Kandy. Hooks the leg.
Pierce Donovan: Vega showing a lot of heart early on.
Jasper Phoenix: You know these are hard hits she’s taking. I agree, Pierce.
Again Vega shows tenacity and kicks out at one. Vega looks to leap towards her corner for a tag but Kandy grabs her foot and pulls her back. Headlock by Kandy. Elbows to the stomach by Vega. Hammerthrow to the ropes by Kandy and catches Vega with a european uppercut on the way back. Pumphandle slam by Kandy. Another deep cover.
Pierce Donovan: Vega is very tough. She’s surviving the early onslaught so far.
Jasper Phoenix: Yes, she is. How long can she take this kind of punishment though? At what point does her partner throw in the towel?
Pierce Donovan: I think it’s much too early for that, Jasper. Come on now.
Jasper Phoenix: I’m just saying she’s getting her butt kicked right now, Piece.
This time Vega kicks out at 2. Kandy drags Vega to her corner and then tags out. Misandry enters. Slow scoop slam in the middle of the ring. Taunts Sigrid and hits the ropes and goes for a big leg drop.
Jasper Phoenix: Here comes a big leg drop! This is it!
Vega moves out of the way at the very last moment.
Pierce Donovan: Vega moved! She moved! It’s not over!
She tries to recover some strength while Misandry is stunned. Sigrid gets the crowd clapping for the comeback. Vega goes to tag out but Misandry grabs her leg. Enziguri by Vega. Misandry is still on her feet and goes for a bear hug.Basement drop kick by Vega. Misandry down on one knee.
Pierce Donovan: Reina Vega is very much alive!
Jasper Phoenix: But can she get to her corner for a well needed tag Pierce?
Vega hits the ropes and hits a beautiful kneeling hurricanrana slamming Misnadry’s face on the mat! The crowd roars as she slowly claps to her feet and points at Sigrid for the hot tag. She makes her way to her corner!
Pierce Donovan: And here comes The Way Maiden!
Only to be attacked from behind by Kandy with an ax punch to the back! Sigrid jumps in but the referee holds her back. She tries to break free but cannot risk the DQ and watches on as Kandy and Misandry get some tag team offense in behind the referee’s back. The crowd boos.
Jasper Phoenix: Brilliant! Brilliant move by Kandy. Don’t listen to these fans, this is how you win matches!
Pierce Donovan: We had a nice clean match prior!
Jasper Phoenix: Oh please, all is fair in love and war. The War Maiden should know that!
Kandy tags back in. Boots to Vega. Throws Vega to the ropes. Thunderous spear by Kandy. Cover.
Vega is still in the fight.Kandy throws her to the far corner. Kandy charges and goes for another spear but Vega jumps off the bottom turnbuckle over her. Kandy crashes shoulder first into the ring post! Vega sneaks from behind and Del Lobo Slam! Both women are out on the apron!
Pierce Donovan: There’s an opening now! Reina vega has to get to her feet first and get to her corner before Kandy recovers!
Sigrid and the crowd clap and roar for Vega vega.
Pierce Donovan: Finally! Here comes The War Maiden!
Jasper Phoenix: Misandry needs to come in quickly here….
Both ladies are getting to their knees. Vega is up first, she leaps to her corner. Finally tag made!
Sigrid charges through the ropes and Kandy barely gets a tag in. Big boot to the face Of kandy before she can get out however sends her tumbling to the outside. Misandry comes and tries a lariat at Sigrid, who sidesteps it easily being the fresher competitor. Series of hard punches to the jaw by Sigrid rocks Misandry.Spinning backfist by Misandry but Sigrid ducks and grabs her waist from behind. Slow deadlift German by Sigrid! Pin
Pierce Donovan: What power by Sigrid! She lifted Misandry right off her feet!
Jasper Phoenix: Don’t get too excited! She still kicked out at one!
Pierce Donovan: Great point Jasper, Misandry is one tough competitor.
Misandry shows her power and kicks out at one. Sigrid is still fired up. She taunts Misandry to get up. Nasty running big boot by Sigrid. Misandry quickly gets back up and Sigrid continues her assault with a series of three devastating lariats. Misandry springs back up but clearly has no clue where she is. Fisherman Buster by Sigrid and locks in a pin.
Misandry kicks out at two. The crowd roars as Sigrid stands back up and pounds her chest, screaming for Misandry to get to her feet.
Pierce Donovan: Listen to this crowd! They are on their feet!
Jasper Phoenix: But she can’t waste too much time here!
Misandry can barely stand on her own and Sigrid takes advantage, showing off her power and lifting Misandry high in the air for a delayed brainbuster, The Napalm Death. Before she can execute the drop, however, Kandy rushes back into the ring and kicks her in the stomach. Sigrid has to let go and release Misandry back onto her feet.
Jasper Phoenix: Another veteran maneuver by Killer Kandy. I’m very impressed with her ring IQ this evening.
Pierce Donovan: Hard to disagree as Sigrid was going for the Napalm Death brainbuster there and surely would have knocked Misandry out for the count.
Before the referee can do anything about Kandy, Vega climbs her turnbuckles and performs a diving crossbody on Kandy. They tumble to the mat and roll out of the ring. They begin to trade punches on the outside.
Jasper Phoenix: Reina Vega has lost her mind!
Pierce Donovan: Kandy and Reina are now fighting outside the ring!
Back inside the ring, Sigrid and Misandry are now trading blow for blow. Misandry lands a headbut that stuns Sigrid. Misandry grabs her and lifts her in the air for a military press. Sigrid wiggles her feet and manages to escape.
Pierce Donovan: Very close call for Sigrid!
On the outside Kandy lands a big uppercut on Vega. She throws Vega towards the steel steps but Vega reverses and Kandy is the one who ends up crashing shoulder first on the steps. She has no time to recover as Vega hops on the side of the ring apron and jumps back down knees first for a Meteora! Chaos on the outside.
Jasper Phoenix: WOW!
Pierce Donovan: Reina Vega is going absolutely mental right now, what a meteora! Getting her pound of flesh in this match!
Sigrid goes for a lariat but a headbutt by Misandry lands first thanks to the distraction on the outside. Throw to the corner. Big running splash by Misandry. Followed up by a running hip attack by Misandry. Sigrid is out on the mat. Misandry climbs the apron slowly. Taunts the booing crowd. And comes down hard with Nail (vader) Bomb!
Jasper Phoenix: Sigrid is big trouble here. Misandry is going in for the kill!
It misses with Sigrid rolling out of the way!
Pierce Donovan: The War Maiden marches on!
Misandry can’t believe it and shrieks in pain. She charges furiously at Sigrid who side steps her. Misandry hits the ropes but regrets it instantly because she’s caught by Sigrid’s Warhead pop-up powerbomb! She sticks her tongue out and screams as she brings her two hands into devil horns to the elation of the crowd. Kick to the gut by Sigrid. Maiden’s Kiss! Deep cover.
Pierce Donovan: Maiden’s Kiss! Maiden’s Kiss!
Jasper Phoenix: Oh no! Reina Vega has Killer Kandy trapped on the outside. This is not looking good!
Kandy tries to roll in to save her partner but Vega rolls her back to the ground into the Lisiado Lock, rendering her helpless for the time being!
Pierce Donovan: Reina and Sigrid win!
Jasper Phoenix: Unbelievable teamwork…that’s going to sting for the Matriarchy.
The referee indicates to ring the bell and lifts up Sigrid’s hand signaling her and Reina Vega.
Reina de la Cruz: And the winners of this match by pinfall. The War Maiden and La Hija Del Lobo!!!!!
Reina and Sigrid celebrate together in the ring as Misandry and Kandy walk to the back, clearly disappointed with their performance.

Heading down the halls of the Freeman Coliseum we see the members of Northern Touch, Don Marshall and Jean-Louis Gagnon, along with their representative, Bobby Tremblay. The big man of the group, Don Marshall, has a flannel jacket on (sleeves cut) with a t-shirt under it and jeans. Meanwhile the Quebecois member has a baseball t-shirt, white base with red sleeves, and his own jeans. Their manager, Tremblay, has a red and white suit combination along with his rose tinted glasses. They appear to be ecstatic and are talking as they walk.
Bobby Tremblay: I told you boys I was going to do your work well for you, and I delivered! After beating those Louisiana Fast turds, we got the pleasure of being the NEW top rated tag team in AMA Wrestling and have the “lower seeded” High Command next show in the tournament!
The boys laugh behind them and Johnny Lou talks next.
Jean-Louis Gagnon: Did you see those two losers tonight against The High Command? They got thrown into the trash! I guess you can say after they beat us they became scraps alongside Burgerman and his fat partner!
Don Marshall: I hate to say it, but the next show looks to be a cakewalk-
Jean-Louis puts his hand on the big man’s shoulder.
Jean-Louis Gagnon: Oh, be careful, that is what Bret says-
Don lets out a big “HA!” and yells out.
Don Marshall: But if it wasn’t for him and his sister against us! HAHA! They won’t be in this tournament after fluking their way against us! We’re going to walk over those two masked idiots and go into the next round where MAYBE we’ll get some actual competition.
Stopping, Tremblay turns around.
Bobby Tremblay: Boys, boys. Calm down. Remember what happened when we got cocky before? They beat us. And looking at the Gauntlet, even if those other guys, The Residence, somehow survived, even on fumes they could have capitalized also. In reality, with the way we were acting, we were the third best team in that match and that won’t fly!
The powerhouse shakes it off.
Don Marshall: That won’t happen again-
Interjecting, Gagnon sees their manager’s point.
Jean-Louis Gagnon: Don, I think we may need to pay attention. It was bad blowing up in our faces last time.
Bobby Tremnlay nods and leads the boys down the hall.
Bobby Tremblay: Exactly my French-Canadian friend. Remember, turn back to our violent routes in the ring, like we were in the legendary Dungeon in Calgary. Now, I’ll admit, the High Command makes that Trixie girl seem like Einstein. But when we got too busy rubbing it in and gloating, that was when she surprised us. What did we do differently in Panama City? We attacked, and didn't let up. We got the jump on them and then Don, you powerbombed her so much into the mat that I think there is a dent in the shape of her still there. The High Command, we won’t let up on them. Don’t let their shitty jokes and stuff catch us off guard. Decimate them!
Getting to their locker room door, Bobby Tremblay turns to his boys and has his hands on the doorknob. Both members of the Northern Touch nod.
Don Marshall: Got it, Bobby. We’ll handle them. It’ll be our warm up.
Jean-Louis Gagnon: And we’ll consider those two trash.
The three men laugh as they open up their locker room door and immediately they cover their noses.
Don Marshall: Ah, fuck! Did you drop a deuce in there, Johnny-Lou?!
Jean-Louis Gagnon: No! God that smell!
Bobby Tremblay opens the door further and the three see…
Open trash bags everywhere.
A mix of rotten food, old laundry, and other unmentionables scatter the locker room floor. Sauces are all over the wall. Even their bags are not immune as some old soup is poured into a gym bag (which is better than what Randy did). Scattered on part of the bench is fries and gravy, lacking the cheese curds to make it poutine. The three men cover their noses and look disgusted.
Bobby Tremblay: In the name of Bobby Orr’s locker, who in their right fucking minds would do thi-
And as Bobby Tremblay takes a step, he slips on a banana peel, falling ass first onto the floor. Don Marshall helps their manager up and Jean-Louis Gagnon walks around the room. Looking near one of their lockers a dirty dumpster slowly creaks towards him. There’s something spray painted on the side. He looks at it and reads it out loud.
Jean-Louis Gagnon: “Made the place more at home for you…”
He sighs. He “knows” exactly who did it.
Jean-Louis Gagnon: Those Bordeauxs! They must’ve done this!
Don Marshall: Are you sure about it? That Trixie girl has about as much bite as a toothless beaver.
Jean-Louis Gagnon stomps his feet.
Bobby Tremblay: Besides, they were in the dumpster match tonight and those incestuous freaks are getting checked up on by the doctors!
Rubbing his backside after the fall, Bobby Tremblay is seething.
Bobby Tremblay: That’s it, boys. We’re going to keep one eye open for those two Southern hicks and when we don’t have to deal with this tournament, we’ll make their lives a living hell!
After shouting, Bobby Tremblay looks around the locker room and the three share a disgusted look on their faces.
Don Marshall: First, we should probably tell the staff of the arena to clean this.
Bobby Tremblay: We’re not paid to clean this shit…
As they walk out of camera view, we pan over to the dumpster to see the slender arm of a female wrestler sticking out of one end of the dumpster.

Cameras cut backstage to see Norman warming up. He’s gripping some weight bands tightly, bulging out his triceps and biceps. He puts the bands down and picks up a pole, then begins a monologue.
Norman Namatjira: Months ago, friendly competition became a personal vendetta. A big mouth with a big heart decided it was time to disrespect my honour, my family, my ancestry.
Norman begins to breathe deeper.
Norman Namatjira: Friendly was out of the window. And my chance for the promised land was stolen by the one man who disrespected me and for the first time in my career – got away with it, albeit temporarily.
Norman starts seething now, bending the pole backwards.
Norman Namatjira: Redemption started and now awaits me tonight. We meet again my little ballad speaking friend. You say that you cannot be broken, yet…(Norman snaps the pole in half) ahhhhh, fond memories of when I snapped your leg hey Shinzo.
Norman thuds the wall with his fist.
Norman Namatjira: Obstacle after obstacle was laid in my path. Cages, brawls, pretenders stepping to me all in vain as my prize was waiting – ending Shinzo and claiming the AMA Grand Championship. The night I busted your leg, Shinzo, I made one mistake – I let you survive. Tonight is different. Tonight, you will not be walking out of this arena. I’ve opened the wound and the remoras have begun their feast. Tonight, the alpha comes in for his share. I finish the job and claim my stake at the top of the mountain.
Norman turns around, facing the camera, teeth menacing grin.
Norman Namatjira: And with the Bloodsport Combat Club by my side, it’s our time to rule the roost, and nobody, damn sure you Shinzo, is going to stop us from doing so. Shinzo, I’ve broken your leg, I’ve broken your will, I’ve broken your spirit. Tonight, I break your soul.
Norman advances at the screen and pushes the camera away, then utters a guttural roar.


The opening beats to “Welcome to Mayhem” plays and the lights flash a mix of violet, green, and an occasional white strobe. After about 12 seconds, Cali Hayama makes her way out followed by Vampiress. Kneeling down on the ramp, Cali Hayama points her finger like a gun while masked Vampiress looms over her, arms out near her hips. As the bass drops, Vampiress does a small “throat slash” with her finger as Cali Hayama jumps up and they head down the ramp.
Reina de la Cruz: Introducing first, representing MAYHEM, they are the team of the Wicked Spirit, Vampiress and the Slayer Queen, Cali Hayama!
Pierce Donovan: We’ve seen Cali Hayama in singles action but this is our first look at Vampiress, and their team known as MAYHEM even though they’ve been together as a unit for a few years now prior to signing with AMA.
Cali Hayama leads the way, walking at a bit of a faster pace. Behind her, Vampiress walks, cape flowing, arms out near her hips. At the end of the ramp, Cali looks behind her and nods at her tag partner before running and sliding into the ring. Vampiress walks around to the side of the ring, doing a small throat slash. The Asian-Canadian Baddie runs and hooks her leg on the rope on that side of the ring as Vampiress unhooks her cape and slides onto the apron under her. Both ladies hold up the “MAYHEM” M.
Jasper Phoenix: Do you think Cali has thought about the offer from Christopher McMichaels to join Bloodsport?
Pierce Donovan: Possibly, but I'm sure that's not at the forefront of her thoughts at this time right now.
Cali gets off the ropes as Vampiress flips herself upside-down by wrapping her legs on the top rope, acting bat-like. Getting on the turnbuckles, Cali Hayama looks out at the crowd, holding her finger out sideways like a gun. Vampiress swings herself in the ring then Cali jumps down and the two meet in the ring to repeat their pose from the stage before heading to their corner as their theme music fades.
The lights dimmed as a man walked from backstage, carrying a beer bottle. As he arrived on stage, the lights turned back on! Staring at the crowd was Azrael Gamma, who looked almost happy. Not the welcoming happy, but the kind of happy when you have a chance for revenge.
Reina de la Cruz: From The Château de Brissac, weighing in at 196 pounds ... THE NECROMANCER! AZRAEL GAMMA!
As his name was announced, he would smash the beer bottom on the floor, holding up a sharpened piece of a glass. As he walked down the apron, he acted like he was gonna lunge forward at a few fans. The fans backed up as Azrael let out an inhumane howl
Jasper Phoenix: Where does Thawne find these freakshows?!
Azrael would climb into the ring, licking the sharp piece of glass. He would spit out some blood as he waited for his next bloodbath to begin.
The music hits, as smoke fills the stage, as the song hits the chorus, Johnny walks through the smoke with a smile on his face,
Reina de la Cruz: Making is way too the ring, from the Mile High City of Denver Colorado, he weighs in at 190 lbs, he is The HIGH Flyer of AMA, Johnny Blaze
He starts making his way down the ramp, giving fans some high fives and posing for pictures with some of the fans.
Pierce Donovan: This guy seems like the polar opposite of his tag team partner, but I spoke with Johnny Blaze earlier today and he’s just happy to be here, and excited to be making his AMA debut tonight.
Jasper Phoenix: I guess Oliver Thawne isn’t drug testing his talent if he let this guy in!
Pierce Donovan: We just saw a man lick a piece of glass and that’s your concern?!
After Johnny gets to the end of the ramp, he slides into the ring and hops up running to the corner and flashing a peace sign as he stands on the middle rope.
The bell sounds and it’ll be Blaze starting things off for his team while Vampiress starts off for MAYHEM. Right off the bat, Vampiress makes a run at Blaze and tries to catch the carefree youngster off-guard with a clothesline, but Blaze narrowly avoids danger with a matrix-esque evasion. Blaze thinks he’s in the clear but he turns around just as Vampiress is hurtling towards him and takes Blaze down with a springboard crossbody! Blaze shakes it off and does a kip up, but Vampiress catches him with a standing dropkick that sends him stumbling backwards into the corner. Vampiress has Blaze set in her sights and comes charging in at him with a running elbow strike, but Blaze counters with a boot to the face! Vampiress staggers back a few steps, holding her chin just as Blaze comes off the top rope looking to hit a moonsault on Vampiress but she catches him and tries to counter with a takedown, but Blaze flips down behind her and has her set up for an inverted DDT but Vampiress spirals her way out of it taking Blaze by the arm and counters with an arm drag! Blaze snaps back up but he’s caught by another arm drag and Vampiress makes the tag to Cali!
Cali Hayama comes in off the tag and along with Vampiress, sizes up Blaze who is just coming to his senses, and the two women charge towards Blaze but he’s able to duck out of the way in time avoiding the double team clothesline. Blaze quickly connects with a pele kick to Vampiress that sends her staggering back to her corner. Blaze turns around to meet with Cali and attempts an enziguri, but Cali catches his other leg and Blaze hobbles around on one foot as Cali is about to take him down with a dragon screw, but Blaze instinctively connects the enziguri! Cali is briefly stunned and Blaze runs the ropes…springboard moonsault! He makes the cover…
Cali kicks out and Blaze tags in Gamma before he sends Cali to the opposite corner. Blaze then suggests something to Gamma, and Gamma reluctantly agrees and Blaze sends Gamma across the ring with an irish whip and Gamma hits Cali with a big time corner clothesline!
Pierce Donovan: Brilliant teamwork on display by the unusual team of Blaze and Gamma!
Gamma keeps Cali in the corner and drives several knee strikes into her midsection, but Cali manages to block a strike and counters by putting Gamma in the corner. Cali fires off rapid fire forearm strikes before sending Gamma out of the corner with a monkey flip! Cali waits as Gamma rises up and tags in Vampiress before taking Gamma down with a drop toe hold and she keeps Gamma locked in a last chancery submission, which allows Vampiress to nail a low dropkick!
Pierce Donovan: Excellent teamwork by MAYHEM!
Jasper Phoenix: What riveting commentary, Pierce!
Vampiress hops up top and lands a picture perfect moonsault to Gamma! She hooks the leg!
Vampiress tags Cali back in once more and sends Gamma off the ropes and the duo connects with a double team dropkick!
Pierce Donovan: Gamma is in dire straits here and could use that tag on his partner!
Gamma is slowly but surely crawling over to his corner for the tag, but Cali drags him away from Blaze and hoists him up into a rear waistlock and goes for a german suplex, but Gamma flips out of it behind Cali and Cali turns around right into a stiff kick to the midsection and Gamma is quick to follow that up with a bridging northern lights suplex!\
Gamma quickly makes that tag to Blaze and Blaze immediately climbs up top and as Cali rises up…missile dropkick! Cali falls backwards to the mat and instinctively rolls to the outside along with Vampiress and the two regroup…but not for long as Blaze spoils the party with a diving crossbody to the outside taking out both ladies! He tosses Cali back inside and waits as Cali is up again…springboard cutter! Blaze makes the cover this time!
Blaze thought that was it for sure but doesn’t let that deter him for long. He brings Cali up and drills her with some forearm strikes before going for an irish whip to the corner, but Cali counters sending Blaze to the corner and she connects with a running corner dropkick! Blaze is in a daze and Cali uses this momentum to set him up…top rope spanish fly! Cali drapes her arm over Blaze for the cover…
Blaze gets a shoulder up! Both competitors are spent but after a beat, they both begin crawling to their respective corners and they each make the tag. Gamma ducks a clothesline from an incoming Vampiress and Vampiress crashes into the corner chest first! Gamma takes advantage of this and drags Vampiress…Bubonic Plex!
Cali breaks up the pin this time but Blaze comes in now with a springboard crossbody on Cali…but Cali catches him mid-air and counters with a fallaway slam! Cali climbs up now as Blaze is slowly rising up…BARREL ROLL! Blaze is out as Vampiress is rising back up and Cali calls for the end as she brings Gamma up…neckbreaker from Cali on Gamma followed by a twisting frog splash from Vampiress!
Pierce Donovan: Night Slayer!
Vampiress with the pin!
Reina de la Cruz: The winners of the match, MAYHEM!

In the trainer’s room in the arena, AMA’s head medical official wearing a company polo shirt is looking over someone with a towel over his head. We see the wrestler in his gear of long tights and it is unmistakably Sean Cutter Jr sitting on the end of an examiner’s table. The doctor shines a light into his eyes before turning it off.
Doctor: Well, I got some good news and bad news, Sean. The good news is that you don’t need to compete with your facemask tonight. That part is healed up. The bad news… you have considerable bruising on the back of the head and you still have signs of a concussion. I don’t feel comfortable clearing you tonight.
Sean pounds the table with his fist.
Sean Cutter Jr.: You have to be kidding me, I need to get even after the brutal attack from people who I trusted as my father’s compatriots! I am willing to sign a document waving AMA from all responsibility tonight if I compete. That good enough?
The doctor rolls his eyes.
Doctor: I seriously recommend against it, but if there is no blood on my hands, then I won’t stop you.
Sean Cutter Jr.: Perfect…
Leaning back, Sean removes his towel and we see, as the doctor said, bruising around his neck and, wrapped around his face, the straps for a facemask. Panning around, we see it is a clear plastic material, shaped almost like he was the Phantom of the Opera.
Sean Cutter Jr.: And I’m sorry, “Doctor” but after that attack, I’m going to be protecting my moneymaker from any further damage. Those who want to harm me will NOT lay a finger on this face if I can help it.
Sighing, the doctor throws up his hands in defeat.
Doctor: Fine, have it your way. Not like I went to school for this or something.
The doctor leaves the room to check on someone else and Sean Cutter Jr glares at him as he leaves, muttering to himself.
Sean Cutter Jr.: It’s called AGAINST Medical Advice Wrestling, dumbass.
As the door is about to close, a hand catches it and a familiar face enters the room, it is Misandry. Sean has a look of relief on his face.
Misandry: Well, well, well, looks who’s held together by duct tape and glue?
She folds her arms as she heads into the room. Sean raises an eyebrow at the sass from her.
Sean Cutter Jr.: You’d be in this shape too if you went through what I did. Misandry, I need you to have my back tonight.
Giving a cold laugh, Misandry shakes her head.
Misandry: About that, I’m here to tell you that it won’t be happening. You see, Kandi and I are done working for the Patriarchy. We’re establishing the Matriarchy and it is about time for us ladies to stop taking a back seat to men like you-
Sean cuts her off.
Sean Cutter Jr.: What femminist dialogue are YOU listening to?
Misandry: It isn’t that. It’s just fact that Kandi and I have been so overlooked. We’re taking control, ridding this company of the toxic men holding us down. Which-
She puts her hand on her chin.
Misandry: Say, that was almost like what you wanted at one point. To take back control of this company and rid it of the riffraff and the clowns instead of teaming up with one just because your friend hurt your little feelings?
Walking over, she puts her hand on his shoulder to say one more thing.
Misandry: Point is, get a grip of yourself, because you need to find that inner psycho or else I think sitting in a room like this will become second nature to you. Good luck, not!
She winks before walking out of the room. Sean looks on through his mask and is simmering. Those words sting, but are they right?

Reina de la Cruz: The following contest is set for one fall and a 30 minute time limit. Introducing first from Venice Beach, California. Weighing in at 227 pounds and accompanied to the ring by Solomon Black. He calls himself The Ace! MAX MAVERICK!

Money for Nothing plays as a cocky and beaming Max Maverick steps through the curtain with Solomon Black a few steps behind. The rest of Bloodsport follow suit and give him props before heading to the back as Max and Solomon make their way to the ring while the crowd jeers. He slides into the ring and poses for the camera as Solomon Black stays silent and stoic on the outside.
Pierce Donovan: Fresh from forming his new faction, Bloodsport, Max Maverick is looking to get back in the win column in singles competition. His last loss was from the very same opponent he’s facing in Brian Zewbowski.
Jasper Phoenix: That’s right Pierce and Zewbowski himself is looking to bounce back from his loss to the inaugural champion, Shinzo Omega. He got a win in tag competition, lets see if he can follow it up against Max tonight.
Reina de la Cruz: And his opponent! Fighting out of Sleepy Oak, Minnesota and coming in at 265 pounds! He is The King of Crucifix! Brian Zewbowski!
A focused Brian steps through the back and onto the ramp as pyro goes off beside him. He walks with purpose to the ring as fans tap his back and reach out for high fives but Brian is b-lining right for Max Maverick. He slides into the ring and immediately starts brawling with Max as the referee scrambles to ring the bell!
Pierce Donovan: Oh my these two gentlemen wasting no time!
Jasper Phoenix: Not sure I’d call either of these dudes gentlemen but it certainly got violent very quickly!
Hockey fight in the middle of the ring, both men holding on to each other and throwing bombs. Hammerthrow by Brian towards the ropes but Max slides out of the ring. Brain follows him and rushes but is cut off by Solomon. Max slides in the ring, Brian also but Max cuts him off with some stomps to the back and takes control.
Pierce Donovan: Maverick taking control early.
Jasper Phoenix: Clever use of the outside by Max, also.
Stomps to the back followed by a vertical suplex. Pinfall cover by Max but Brian easily kicks out at 1. Side headlock by Max who yells at the booing crowd. Brian manages elbows to the body to free himself eventually, Max throws him to the ropes, Briian dodges a lariat and counters with a neck breaker. Quickpinfall attempt and Max also kicks out at one. Both men are now on their feet and a stare down occurs.
Pierce Donovan: Now Brian with some offense, and both men now staring daggers into each other's soul.
Lockup. Brian overpowers Max with short punches and bullies him into the corner. Rabbit punches to the face by Brian. Max is looking dazed already. Brain picks him up and sits Max on the top turnbuckles and looks to set up a superplex. He goes to lift but Max counters with a thumb to the eye and a kick to the sternum causing Brian to flat back bump back into the ring.
Pierce Donovan: Max going on the top rope!
Jasper Phoenix: Could be looking for that big elbow!
Top rope elbow drop to the chest by Max. Cover.
Pierce Donovan: Could this be it already?
Brian kicks out at two. Max goes for Ace in the Hole and grabs Brian legs. Brian rolls to his stomach and flips Max sideways in the process. Lariat attempt by Max is dodged and countered by a german suplex this time by Brian.Maintains waist lock and hits a second german with a bridging pin this time.
Pierce Donovan: Perfect bridge!
Jasper Phoenix: Not like this!
Max kicks out at two. Brian tries for a third German but gets a back elbow to the face for his troubles and releases waist control. Jawbreaker by Max.Chops to the chest by Max sends Brian into the corner now. Step up Enziguri by Max. Runs to the opposite corner, big splash by Max crumples Brian on the mat. Max climbs the turnbuckles and taunts the crowd standing on the corner post.
Pierce Donovan: Max going to the top rope again! What could he be looking for this time?
Jasper Phoenix: The willy veteran’s got more than one trick!
Pierce Donovan: But you have to wonder if he’s reaching into the same bag one too many times?
He turns 180 and delivers a picture perfect moonsault…but Brian puts his knees up to counter! Referee begins his count as both men lay in pain on the mat.
Pierce Donovan: Both men are out on their backs!
Jasper Phoenix: Crash and burn for the Maverick. He needs a pep talk from Tom Cruise before taking flight again.
Both men get to their feet and once again exchange right fists to the face to the crowd’s delight. Brian takes control with a series of three consecutive lariats, the third which leaves Max springing back to his feet but completely dazed and confused.Max swings wildly and Brian dodges him easily as he charges him and counters with a massive pop-up powerbomb…and immediately follows up by locking in a Texas Cloverleaf submission.
Pierce Donovan: He’s got that Cloverleaf in deep! Max is in big trouble ladies and gentlemen!
Jasper Phoenix: He needs to get to those ropes or he’s going to fade quickly, Pierce.
Max cries in pain and tries to inch towards the ropes. However, Brian readjusts and drags him back in the center of the ring. Things look dire for Max and Solomon limbs to the apron, only to be met by the referee. With the referee’s back turned, Christopher McMichaels runs down the ramp with a bottle of hairspray and rolls it under the ropes to Max who sprays Brian in the face forcing him to let go. He discards it as Chris runs back into the crowd to escape the referee’s scolding.
Pierce Donovan: Solomon and hairspray now? This is ridiculous! Brian had him right where he wanted, had him ready to tap!
Jasper Phoenix: Having friends pays off, Pierce. Maybe if Brian was less busy being moody and listening to Cure records in the basement of an abandoned church he’d make some!
Pierce Donovan: That seems unnecessary, Brian is a family man…
Jasper Phoenix: Oh whatever!
Brian tries to wipe away the spray from his eyes as Max is able to recover, though limping now. He grabs Brian’s head in a side headlock and performs a running bulldog. Stomps to the body by Max followed by taunting the crowd who jeer loudly. Max picks up Brian and hits a high lifted flapjack to further damage his opponent's face. He climbs the turnbuckles once again and taunts, this time nailing his moonsault. Cover.
Kick out at 2.5.
Pierce Donovan: Picture perfect moonsault by Max this time! But Brian manages to get out at the last moment!
Jasper Phoenix: I don’t think Max is done yet!
Max looks frustrated and punches Brian in the face ad nauseum. Pulls him to his feet by the hair locks his head in an inverted headlock, Maxed Out once again planting Brian on his face. Deep cover.
Pierce Donovan: MAXED OUT!
Jasper Phoenix: It’s over!
Brian kicks out a 2.5 again! Max is in disbelief and wonders what it will take. More punches to the face , grabs the legs, cocky taunt, locks in Ace in the Hole this time arching his opponents back. Brain is screaming in pain.
Pierce Donovan: Ace in the hole now!
Jasper Phoenix: He may as well tap out right now! This is surely over now!
The crowd begins the clap. He inches a little bit towards the ropes. Max bends further back in defiance. Brian buries his face in his hands as he writhes in pain. A few more inches towards the ropes. Max shakes his head no and continues to hold on tight. A few more inches towards the ropes. Seconds feel like minutes. Brain looks like he’s about to pass out…And finally reaches out a few more inches to get his hand on the bottom rope.
Pierce Donovan: He’s got the rope break! Listen to this crowd power him up!
Max refuses to release.
Pierce Donovan: Max refusing to listen to the referee’s instructions! He better not get physical!
Jasper Phoenix: He told me earlier that referee tried to fuck on him…
Max finally releases at 5 as the referee tries to muscle him off to no success. He shoves the referee and grabs Brian’s legs to lock in the hold again but Brian manages a trip and sends Max throat first on the top rope! Max tries to catch his breath as Brian uses the ropes to force himself back to his feet. He lunges backwards and snaps his arm forward and hits Max with a clothesline from hell when he finally turns towards him.
Brian hobbles awkwardly and is slow to cover Max.
Max kicks out at 2! The crowd roars as Brian fires up. Punches to the face while Max is grounded. Gets him back up and throws Max into the corner and spears him back into the turnbuckles. Stomps to the chest and Brian is going wild. Lifts Max on the turnbuckles. Climbs. More punches to the head. Superplex setup….and slams Max down to the canvas with authority! Both men are shaken but Brian makes the cover.
Pierce Donovan: SUPERPLEEEEEEEEX! What a slam by Brian! Cover now!
NO! Max kicks out at 2.99! Brian gets up and screams and sets up the Texas Cloverleaf but Max counters with a school boy
Reversal by Brian into jackknife pin
Reversal by Max now into a side roll up where he pulls the tights!
Brian rolls through and heel trips Max, flips on his belly and grabs Max’s heels, crosses them together, spins him around on his back only to crank in the Texas Cloverleaf once again! This time it's deep!
Jasper Phoenix: I’m getting dizzy!
Pierce Donovan: What a set of counters by both men! AND NOW BRIAN HAS THE CLOVERLEAF IN!
Max screams no as the referee checks on him. Brian is shaking his head yes and is cranking the legs back as much as he can. The crowd chants TAP TAP TAP. Max now is trying to inch towards the ropes. Brian adjusts his angle to cut him off. Max looks like he’s about to cry. He finally gets close enough to the ropes…but Brian gets up and pulls him back towards the center of the ring and sits back down on his back! Max is crying in pain. He’s pleading to the referee who asks him again if he wants to quit. Max raises his hand up and is about to slam it down on the ground…but he reaches out and grabs the referee and pulls him hard on top Brian who topples and releases him.
Jasper Phoenix: What a veteran maneuver! Max is just brilliant. Brings a tear to my eye.
Pierce Donovan: How can you like this crap? This is despicable, using the referee like that. And here comes the big man now! Good grief.
Both men are uneasy on their feet now having sustained leg damage. Solomon climbs the apron and grabs the referee by the collar. Low blow kick by Max. Maximum Overdrive by Max!!!
Jasper Phoenix: And he’s gone into Overdrive! Check please!
Referee is freed up and Max covers Brian.
Brian manages to get his foot on the rope at the very last minute.
Pierce Donovan: NO! NO! Brian has his foot on the rope! The match continues!
Jasper Phoenix: Unbelievable…
Max grabs the referee and shoves him into the corner and yells at him in was 3. Solomon up on the apron to join him. They waste time arguing, Solomon grabs the referee now who faces the corner. Max turns around to face Brian who’s now on his feet. Swift kick to the balls by Brian! Ceases the opportunity to stick the hunched over Max’s head between his legs.JACKKNIFE POWERBOMB. COVER!
Pierce Donovan: It’s over! Brian wins! A taste of his own medicine for Max maverick!
Reina de la Cruz: And the winner of this match, Brian ZEWBOWWWWWSKIIIIIII!
As the official raises Brian Zewbowski’s hand, the leader of Bloodsport has left the ring and has gone to the back, simmering over his loss. Is this really going to be the stable’s crowning night? Slicking back his hair, Brian takes a breath as his hair has some frizz after his match. He heads towards the ropes and is about to leave-
“Roots” begins to play. It is the theme music of a group who have had interest in him recently, The Residence. The lights around the stage flash a violent violet as Brian closes his eyes, dreading the fact they are coming out.
Pierce Donovan: …We were expecting this. The music of The Residence plays, and finally, they are here to properly “confront” Humanity.
Jasper Phoenix: First they took out Malice after they brutalized them out of anger for eliminating them in the Turmoil, wore that beating with a smile, and now the man they idolize.
Making their way out, we see the two primary competitors in AMA’s TORN family, Slate Bass and Princess Nova. Slate has a navy suit on with a dark gray dress-shirt and tie. Princess Nova, very fittingly, has a long dress on. It has a pattern reminiscent of the night sky with a dark colour and small sparkles on it. She has her signature long gloves on as well and a tiara. Brain Zewbowski blinks and looks on. On the stage, Nova gives a curtsy to Slate who returns with a nod and the two head down the ramp, microphones in hand.
Pierce Donovan: And looks like, at least for now, they’re here to talk.
Jasper Phoenix: Except this time, it is on a more public forum and it isn’t just Nova playing “messenger.”
As they get to the ring, Slate Bass goes up the steps first and raises the middle rope to allow Nova to get into the ring easier with her dress on, and Slate joins her after wiping his shoes off on the apron. “Roots” fade as the two members of The Residence circle him in the middle of the ring. They keep somewhat close to him.
Slate Bass: So, this is the gentleman you have been telling us about, Nova? Humanity, was it? I am the patriarch of The Residence, Slate Bass.
Nova clears her throat.
Princess Nova: Actually, it is just Brian. Brian Zewbowski. But he and Humanity are one in the same.
Looking into Brian’s eyes, Slate makes a side comment.
Slate Bass: Another Brian? Interesting. Let me be the first to congratulate you on your performance tonight. Besting one of them men who found themselves in the AMA Grand Championship final over yourself is most impressive. Between that and your performance with Aka Yueri, it appears you are bouncing back from such a loss stronger than one would think? It shows something.
Butting in, Princess Nova adds.
Princess Nova: And that something is potential. Something people misunderstand about us in The Residence is that we are not people out to destroy, but create, grow. Remember, Slate and Eden created a company which was dedicated to creating new identities and stars. I’m one who benefited from their love the most and committed myself to their family. But it does not only apply to us, or newer wrestlers, but people like you.
Stopping in front of Brian, Slate Bass stands face to face with the King of Crucifix.
Slate Bass: And I believe it is about time we experience it first hand. We were informed by Oliver Thawne that our Quarter-Final match-up in Lethal Lottery will be The Residence taking on you and your mentee, Aka Yueri. We believe this match will benefit both parties. But the test doesn’t begin when the bell rings on that night.
Lightly tapping Brian on the shoulder, Nova giggles.
Princess Nova: It begins-
The TORN Angel motions towards the stage where, dressed in all black, we see Eden with two Kendo sticks on her shoulders. Princess Nova’s voice goes cold as she says…
Princess Nova: -tonight…
Pierce Donovan: Hold up, Eden’s with the two kendo sticks.
Jasper Phoenix: Well, it’s another present from The Residence.
Seeing Eden with the weapons in hand, Brian readies himself, expecting the worst from The Residence, and yet, both Slate and Nova appear to back up a little. Eden slides into the ring with her two weapons on her shoulders and doesn’t break eye contact with Brian. There is a coldness in her eyes, one which can make even the strongest men on edge. Expecting the worst, Brian raises a fist, ready for what is to come. The Seamstress of Reality looks, and her red lipstick covered lips have a small smirk. She goes next to her two family members and hands each of them a kendo stick.
Pierce Donovan: This is going to be a two on one assault with the Kendo sticks.
Jasper Phoenix: Brian is tough, but this will NOT end well for him.
Kendo sticks in hand, both Slate and Nova take a step forward closer. Brian now has both hands raises, ready to throw hands and defend himself-
And the fans cheer as we see rushing from the backstage area, Brian Zewbowski’s tag team partner, Aka Yueri! She slides into the ring and stands across from The Residence!
Pierce Donovan: And now Aka Yueri is the equalizer! Weapons or not, this now even!
Jasper Phoenix: And we might get a Quarter-Final preview right now!
Looking at their future opponents in front of them, both Nova and Slate glance back at Eden who simply nods. Slate raises his microphone.
Slate Bass: Just as expected-
Princess Nova: But these are not for us.
Nova adds before both her and Slate… drop their Kendo sticks on the mat at Aka and Brian’s feet. The two look confused.
Slate Bass: Let us be the ones to sacrifice ourselves to feed humanity. Our crimson to cover the ghosts in red.
Giggling, Princess Nova says.
Princess Nova: This is going to be a big help to all of us, and fun.
Then, both Slate and Nova turn their backs to Aka Yueri and Brian Zewbowski, going down on their knees. Eden simply backs up and watches.
Pierce Donovan: Are they doing what I think they are?
Jasper Phoenix: There HAS to be something up their sleeves.
Seeing a chance to maybe get some vengeance for the group trying to get in her teacher’s head, Aka Yueri picks up a kendo stick and appears ready to strike, but… Brian holds up his arm to stop her. His face looks a touch confused, but… a lightbulb goes off. He has a confident smirk on his face and whispers into Aka’s ear, before grabbing the kendo stick himself. Eden has her own sly expression as she watches, arms folded.
Pierce Donovan: Is Brian going to do it himself?
Jasper Phoenix: He doesn’t trust The Residence as far as he can throw them.
Brian Zewbowski raises the kendo stick high in the air with both hands on it-
And lightly taps Slate and Nova on their heads. Eden, amused by it just gives a cold chuckle to herself as Brian drops the kendo stick and we can hear him shout, “I’m not playing your games.” before he rolls out of the ring. The fans give a mixed response, some glad Brian stood his ground, others hoping for some violence. Aka Yueri rolls out after.
Pierce Donovan: And looks like Brian wasn’t going to play in their hands.
Jasper Phoenix: Really, what would have happened if he DID strike them down? I know The Residence can take some pain, but would he just be proving whatever point they are trying to show? Or would they have somehow turned it around on him?
Getting up, Slate simply shrugs, perhaps disappointed, and Princess Nova turns around, looking at Aka and Brian. Eden shakes her head and mutters something to herself, but what is said can’t be made out.
Pierce Donovan: All that can be certain is next month, the mind games will finally end. Brian and Aka have shown themselves to be strong so far in AMA, but against The Residence, two top singles competitors in their own right from their exploits in other promotions and a more experienced team, this match will be the closest thing to a chess match in a wrestling ring.
Jasper Phoenix: Did Brian really get one over on The Residence here, or are he and Aka Yueri playing into the hands of The Residence?
As Brian Zewbowski and Aka Yueri are on stage, they turn back to see The Residence and the two teams lock eyes as the segment fades.

In the hallways of the arena, near the offices, Liberty Olivera Lawrenson is pacing back and forth. She is in her gear and the self-proclaimed “deviant” is in a foul mood. She is outside of Oliver Thawne’s office and is rather impatient. Sooner or later, a man in a suit walks out. He is tall, skinny, with a balding head and glasses. In his hand is a briefcase and he sighs as he looks at Liberty. She knows what he is about to tell him. He knows she knows, and the AMA wrestler is NOT going to appreciate what he is going to tell her.
Attorney: I talked, and no, he will NOT budge and add you to the title match tonight, or call off your Clockwork Orange match tonig-
Grabbing the man’s red tie, Liberty pulls on it and growls at him.
Liberty Oliviera Lawson: You have got to be shitting me! But I EARNED a title match! Isn’t that how contracts are supposed to work Mr. Big-Shot Lawyer!?
He gulps and raises his hands up, shaking, intimidated at the wrestler who can likely snap him in two like a Slim Jim.
Attorney: P-please let go. Listen.
Obliging, Liberty lets go of the tie and raises her hands up.
Attorney: I explained that to him, but then he pointed to the contract you two signed to the specific wording along with your contract with AMA Wrestling.
Going into his briefcase, he takes out both papers.
Attorney: First, the contract for your match against Tetsuo Ishii states that the winner of the match will earn a FUTURE title match for the AMA Wrestling Grand Championship at A future AMA wrestling event. It does not specific a time or place. I tried to say it was an implied term, but then he pointed out your contract stating “Championship matches may be granted upon performance, an agreement between champion and challenger, through a match reward, or other reasons deemed worthy by management.”
Liberty Oliviera Lawson: That’s it?!
Lawrenson stomps her foot.
Liberty Oliviera Lawson: See? I earned it!
The lawyer stutters.
Attorney: Let me finish:” BUT, a title match can also be revoked or delayed upon suspension, termination of contract, punishment for violation of the performer’s contract or misbehaviour, or performance.” And through your lack of intent in the Lethal Lottery and some other concerning behaviour, it was decided to delay it a bit further. You’re likely going to get it soon, but not to-
Grabbing the papers out of the attorney’s hands, Liberty rips them up and throws them in the air.
Liberty Oliviera Lawson: That’s it, you’re fired! This is utter bullshit that I have to face the weeb with shitty makeup tonight, but I still don’t get my title match! Out!
Raising his hand, the lawyer is about to speak, but Liberty simply shouts in response.
Liberty Oliviera Lawson: Get the fuck out of my sight!
And the suit hightails it out of there. Liberty is seething in place until two ladies walk up behind her without her noticing. A larger woman with neon hair, and another woman with dark hair. It is Misandry and Killer Kandi. Kandi steps forward, shaking her head, speaking to get Liberty’s attention.
Killer Kandi: Lib, Lib, Lib.
She sighs as Liberty turns around.
Killer Kandi: Trying to let a man do a woman’s job?
Liberty rolls her eyes and folds her arms as Killer Kandi speaks to her.
Killer Kandi: Seriously? What are you doing letting that crook of a lawyer try to get what you want done? Giving you that BS answer? The same one Thawne has been giving you for weeks? Can’t you wake up and see what REALLY is going on?
Standing beside her tag team partner, Misandry folds her arms and says firmly.
Misandry: What’s going on is that Patriarchy is out to get us-
Cutting them off, Liberty raises her hand.
Liberty Oliviera Lawson: Don’t start on that feminist bullcrap-
And Kandi steps back in.
Killer Kandi: It isn’t bullcrap, it is just fact. Think about it. The AMA Grand Championship finals had three guys compared to me, the one woman who made it. Then, what happens? That same show, you win the right to challenge for the title? Then next show-
Misandry steps in:
Misandry: Killer Kandi isn’t even on the card meanwhile you are shoved into the Lethal Lottery tournament despite already getting a title match and get human deadweight as a tag team partner! I wasn’t even booked! There wasn’t even an all women’s tag team in that tag team tournament until this show where Kandi and I finally banded together, that masked chick had to find some Finnish Meathead girl to team with her and cheat us out of our opportuinty to win gold, and that Cali girl had to go to Japan to find a tag partner!
Continuing on from Misandry, Kandi focuses back on Liberty.
Killer Kandi: The men are trying to push us out and when they're not, they're pitting us against each ther. I mean, all the women teaming faced each other tonight and because of that we've lost our one shot at the titles, too. And look at you. You got a brand forming outside of wrestling. You can snap any man’s arm in half without a thought. You’re a bigger star than any other of these guys. Yet, because you’re brave enough to speak your mind, don’t sit down like the docile little good girl they want you to be, they delay, delay, and delay what is rightfully yours. Forcing you to also face another woman on the rise in Aka?
Standing closer to Liberty, Misandry presses home one final point.
Misandry: So, are you going to stand by and let them push you around like the weak woman around here, or are you going to stand up to your oppressors and take a stand with us?
The normally hotheaded Liberty glances at both of the ladies in front of her and, she has something she has been waiting for, a blame. An outlet. She glances at the camera near her and motions down the hall.
Liberty Oliviera Lawson: We’ll talk more in private…
Liberty turns around and heads down the hall. The Matriarchy look at each other and can’t help but break out a smirk. They seemingly have broken through to Liberty. They follow her down the hallway as we cut away from this segment.

We once again see Sean Cutter Jr, this time he is pacing back and forth outside of the locker room area. His towel is around his neck and he still has his plastic facemask on. He leans against the wall, trying to get his bearings about him. He’s not 100%. He probably shouldn’t even be competing tonight, and his own allies turned against him. Finally, someone approaches him and taps him on the shoulder. The familiar rose glasses, it is Bobby Tremblay. In his hand is an envelope. Written on it is “Brandon.”
Bobby Tremblay: Sean, I bear a card for your client.
Slowly, Sean grabs the envelope and examines it.
Sean Cutter Jr.: And what does it say?
Bobby Tremblay: Oh, nothing much. Wishing him to get well soon, but some advice. Something I think you may think about as well. Thinking about the right representation. Can’t seal the deal between the Agency and The Northern Touch, but can’t even keep one’s own True North properly aligned? Own associates attacking you, all that.
Sean Cutter Jr gives a long look at Bobby Tremblay.
Sean Cutter Jr.: What are you getting at?
Bobby Tremblay turns around and shrugs.
Bobby Tremblay: All I’m saying is there are better recipes for success than that. Take care.
The voice of the Northern Touch walks off as Sean Cutter Jr looks at the envelope, as we head on to the next part of the show.


Once the lyrics of the song kick in, Marquise Bridges, wearing a green open button-down shirt, navy tanktop, jeans and a pair of Jordan's, makes his way onto the stage nodding his head and moving his hands in tune with the music.
Reina de la Cruz: Making his way to the ring, from Brooklyn, NY, weighing in at 167 lbs, open your hearts for “The Solution Marquise Bridges!
Now on the ramp, Marquise shakes the hands of as many fans as he can, on both sides of the ramp, on his way down to the ring. He stops at the bottom of the ramp and places his hands over his heart, letting off a big smile as the camera zooms in on his face.
Pierce Donovan: No matter what, this man always seems to be wearing a smile. Everywhere we go he shares a special bond with the people, and tonight the hot merchandise item is the stuffed plushies of Marquis’ dog, Baxter!
Marquise wipes his feet on the apron, stops to look at the crowd, shakes his head and does a playful shimmy before going between the ropes. He points at several people in the front row with the Baxter stuffed plushies and smiles at them.
Jasper Phoenix: I spoke to him earlier today and Marquis mentioned that all proceeds from the plushies will go to several charities. I know I’m usually against goody-two shoes, but I can’t help rooting a little for Marquis.
Bridges walks to the beat of his music into the center of the ring and removes his button-down shirt, which he then folds nicely and hands to the referee before thanking him and going to his corner.
Marquis’ music fades out and is soon replaced by an instrumental version of the Jimi Hendrix classic “All Along The Watchtower, and Christopher McMichaels saunters out on stage and poses for the crowd that respond with jeers.
Reina de la Cruz: And his opponent, from his seasonal residence in The Hamptons and representing Bloodsport and the Top Gunrunners, he is The Blueblood...Christopher McMichaels!
McMichaels makes his way down to the ring, still posturing for the crowd despite the negative reception that he’s receiving.
Pierce Donovan: McMichaels representing the newly formed Top Gunrunners tonight against Bridges, and surely Bridges will have a bit of a score to settle with McMichaels for trying to get himself involved in his match at St. Patrick’s Day Smash with Cali Hayama.
McMichaels enters the ring now and poses once more before removing his new Top Gunrunners t-shirt, and tosses it ringside. McMichaels requests that the referee keep Bridges at bay, despite Marquis remaining perfectly still in his corner.
Jasper Phoenix: Marquis won that match though, Pierce, surely he should be thanking McMichaels!
Pierce Donovan: Maybe so, but still I don’t think Marquis wanted to win that way regardless, and McMichaels shouldn’t have even been there in the first place! He should’ve stayed here with us and called the match.
The bell sounds and McMichaels has turned his attention to some fans at ringside. He starts talking some trash to them from the ring, so in response one of the fans throws the stuffed plushie at McMichaels. It bounces off McMichaels and lands outside the ring, and ringside attendant is about to return it to the fan but McMichaels leaves the ring and snatches it up. He begins mocking the fan and acting like he’s going to tear the plushie to shreds, but before he can do that, Bridges makes the save with a baseball slide to the back that knocks McMichaels forward into the barricade! McMichaels drops the plushie as he’s sent spiraling into the barricade…
Bridges exits the ring and lays into McMichaels with several forearm strikes for good measure before tossing him back inside the ring. Before Bridges re-enters the ring, he returns the plushies to its owner and offers a hug as well before sliding back inside the ring. McMichaels attempts a clothesline on Bridges, but Marquis ducks underneath and runs forward and off the rebound catches Christopher with a clothesline of his own! Bridges is fired up and he feeds off the energy from the crowd as McMichaels slowly stumbles back to a vertical base, but he’s knocked backwards from jumping shoulder by Bridges! McMichaels staggers back into the corner and Bridges makes a beeline for him, but McMichaels counters with an elbow strike! Bridges is stunned briefly and McMichaels turns the tables on him and tosses him in the corner…
McMichaels goes to work on Bridges in the corner with some mudhole stomps, and after dishing out some punishment, McMichaels postures some more for the crowd that elicits more jeers. McMichaels brushes them off and drags Bridges away from the corner taking him by the wrist and goes for a short-arm lariat but Bridges ducks underneath and spins behind McMichaels and counters with a wrist-clutch back suplex! McMichaels clutches at his lower back with a grimace of agony etched across his face. Bridges brings him back up with a front facelock and connects with a snap suplex followed by a pin attempt…
Bridges positions McMichaels on his side and then traps his arm before unleashing a flurry of hammer fists to the stomach! McMichaels howls out in agony with each blow that connects.
Pierce Donovan: Christopher McMichaels is in a bad way right while Marquis Bridges is riding this wave of momentum!
Jasper Phoenix: For his sake I hope he can keep this up before McMichaels knocks him off that wave!
Bridges plays up to the fans some more while McMichaels is trying to recover as he nurses his stomach. Bridges has McMichaels in a front facelock, but out of nowhere McMichaels counters with a jawbreaker! Bridges is stunned as he stumbles about and McMichaels uses this opportunity to trip up Bridges from behind as he kicks his legs out from underneath him! McMichaels soaks in the negative energy from the crowd before driving down some vicious stomps to Bridges.
Pierce Donovan: I feel like you jinxed Bridges there, Jasper.
Jasper Phoenix: Don’t pin that on me! He was the one spending too much time posturing for the fans and it came back to bite him!
Pierce Donovan: Be that as it may, McMichaels now has regained some control of this match.
McMichaels drops down on Bridges and lays in some mounted punches to Bridges. McMichaels then turns it around and applies a side headlock on Bridges to slow down the pace of the match. He cranks back on the neck while keeping the hold expertly applied and he doesn’t miss a beat by talking more trash to the crowd while they try to rally Bridges back in the fight. Bridges starts to show some signs of a fight coming back, but McMichaels prevents that from happening…
Bridges is doing all that he can to get back in this fight as he throws back several elbows before McMichaels finally relinquishes the hold. McMichaels rolls back over on his side and quickly shakes off the elbow strikes. McMichaels is up to one knee just as Bridges sneaks up from behind with a quick roll-up!
McMichaels kicks out with authority and rolls through and pops back up to a vertical base. He goes in for a collar and elbow tie up with Bridges, but Bridges has an answer for that and counters with a small package roll-up!
McMichaels kicks out again and sits up afterwards and slams his fist to the mat in clear frustration. McMichaels begins to berate the referee while his back is turned to Bridges…LOVE TAP! Bridges connects with the basement back kick on McMichaels and makes the cover…
Pierce Donovan: McMichaels has his foot on the rope!
Bridges is clearly beside himself but he does his best to let it go as he leans down to bring McMichaels up, but this time McMichaels turns the tables and catches Bridges with a small package!
Bridges kicks out! McMichaels sits up and he’s clearly furious with the referee and starts yelling at him some more while Bridges is trying to get back to his senses. McMichaels is signaling for the finishing touches on Bridges, but then he notices someone at ringside…
Pierce Donovan: What are Cali Hayama and Vampiress doing out here?
Jasper Phoenix: Maybe Cali has come to her senses and has reconsidered Christopher’s offer to join Bloodsport?
McMichaels attention is on Cali and he seems pleased to see her. He offers her to join him in the ring, and she’s about to enter when she’s stopped by Vampiress, who asks if she’s sure. McMichaels keeps motioning for her to join him, while Bridges is lying in wait behind him and Cali motions for McMichaels to turn around…DISCUS-sion! McMichaels ducks! Bridges snaps his neck hard on the top rope to Cali's horror and McMichaels scoops up Bridges and lands all of his Light$ Out TKO!
Reina de la Cruz: The winner of the match, Christopher McMichaels!
Jasper Phoenix: Give an assist to Cali Hayama!
Pierce Donovan: Technically she didn’t get involved, Jasper!
Cali enters the ring now and Bridges cuts McMichaels’ celebration short as he seems ready for round two with Cali, and Cali looks at him and points at him while McMichaels is starting to gloat behind them…
Cali Hayama: This is what happens when you tell me what to do!
Cali says to Bridges and he’s just as confused as everyone else, but Cali turns it around and clocks McMichaels with a spinning heel kick!
Pierce Donovan: Well, I think McMichaels got his answer!
Cali exits the ring and rejoins Vampiress as the two make their way back up the ramp. Bridges shrugs and starts interacting with the fans outside the ring. He’s taking pictures and slapping hands with several fans before he walks up the ramp and turns to wave out to the fans. He reaches the top where MAYHEM are residing and gives them a nod and lets them do their thing as he gives one last wave to the fans before disappearing to the back.
Back in the ring, McMichaels is being assisted by the referee. He looks up at the stage where Cali and Vampiress flash their signature MAYHEM “M” at him and McMichaels shakes his head in anger and shoves the referee away from him in a fury as he exits the ring while the show cuts to a promotional ad.

The lights of the set backstage shine as Mona Darling stands in front of a camera, inside of the Freeman Coliseum.
Mona Darling: Good evening, I am here with a guest who personally requested an interview with me. Please welcome, the rogue, Sawyer Xavier.
Sawyer walked onto the screen, his face filled with anger and malice. The tips of his hair were still slightly stained red from the bloody attack at the last show, and he carried himself as a man trying his best to keep it all together.
Sawyer Xavier: Thank you Mona, wish it could be under the better circumstances. However, I don't have the time for curtesy or for cutesy small talk. In fact, with the limited time I have, there's a lot I need to say. First off, congratulations "Top Gunrunners" on your completely undeserved victory. The fact it took THAT PIECE OF ABSOLUTE LIVING SHIT BLAKE JUSTICE TAKING ME OUT WITH A CHAIR SHOT TO REMOTELY LET Y'ALL HAVE A CHANCE OF BEATING ME AND SHINZO IS DISGUSTING!
Sawyer stopped slightly after that quick outburst, leaving Mona slightly concerned at the brief showing of anger from the typically cool-headed rogue.
Sawyer Xavier: Sorry about that, but that's another opportunity, another chance I lost at success and fulfilling my DREAM that was taken away from me. Every time I hit a high stride, there's someone desperate to bring me down. First it was Brandon Roberts and the canuck connection, now it's this Bloodsport Combat Club of so-called "Top Guns or Gunrunners" that cannot reliably win a single match without resorting to something outside of the ring.
A video package plays of all the damage inflicted on Sawyer by the newly formed Bloodpsort unit.
Roberts manages to escape Xavier’s grasp with a rake to the eyes and runs to the outside to help Cutter fend off Circo who’s whooping his ass like it owes him money. They don’t get the chance for an advantage however as Xavier launches himself over the rope for a suicida, crashing all three other men into the barricade and landing on his feet to the crowd's delight. He puts up his X taunt with both arms.
And eats a shovel to the back of the head! It’s Blake Justice! He laughs and runs up the stadium stairs and blows a kiss to Circo who becomes possessed by anger and chases him into the stands of the arena. The three remaining men lay on the outside.
And eats a shovel to the back of the head! It’s Blake Justice! He laughs and runs up the stadium stairs and blows a kiss to Circo who becomes possessed by anger and chases him into the stands of the arena. The three remaining men lay on the outside.
As three men fight now Christopher McMichaels appears and hits Xavier with a pipe in the mid-section. Sawyer drops to his knees. Pariah grabs Shinzo by the throat and begins to choke him with both hands and lift him off his feet.
Max jumps back in and breaks the count. Shinzo gets in his face and the referee goes to remove Max. Blake pulls Sawyer off the apron onto the floor, and cracks him with a chair in the head! He slides him back in the ring and before any one can say anything he loudly claps his hands. The referee turns around and sees Sawyer in the ring wobbly on his feet but assumes he tagged in and now has to force Shinzo out.
Norman Namatjira tosses Sawyer Xavier full force into the barricade separating the pool from the ringside area! Sawyer rolls on the mat in agony as, in the ring, Shinzo Omega is too preoccupied with the trio who have taken his kendo stick away and are triple teaming him in the ring, trapping him in the corner! Scraping Sawyer off the ground, Norman Namatjira picks him up in a Gorilla press and throws him into the pool!
Sawyer Xavier: Blake, I know you're watching. You always are. I have fought for YEARS to prove myself and to make myself the man I am today, and I'm not going to let YOU take this away from me. I've been working my DAMN ASS OFF WEEK IN AND WEEK OUT AND I'M NOT GOING TO STAND FOR ANOTHER GOD DAMN MOMENT STOLEN FROM ME! You may have busted my head open, you may have forced me to tap out, but god damn it when I get my hands on you, I'll make you regret every single thing you've ever done since you stepped into this god damn company.
Mona Darling: It seems you are passionate about this. So, is this a challenge to Blake Justice?
Sawyer Xavier: "Is this a challenge?" This isn't a challenge, this is a THREAT. I'm not going to let myself constantly be overwhelmed and ganged up on and not expect hell to rain down upon those who did it. You saw what I did to Brandon, where I DRILLED his neck right into solid wood. I'm not afraid to hurt those who hurt me. It's a dog eat dog world, and who's the biggest dog, Blake. I don't care if you want a special stipulation, if you want your entire crew to fight me in a Handicap match, or you want to handcuff me and force me to fight you that way. Whatever you want, as long as it means I get to teach you what living in hell feels like, I'm game.
Sawyer offers a death stare in the camera, his eyes filled with passionate rage and monstrous anger towards the man who stole the chance of being the first tag team champion from him.

Back in the halls of the arena, we appear to be in the halls near the medical staff area. Walking while holding a back of ice on his shoulders is a man who compared early tonight, Johnny Blaze. Changed into a black and green t-shirt with cargo shorts, he looks beaten up after his AMA debut didn’t go well as he and Azrael fell to the two members of MAYHEM. He winces as he walks.
Johnny Blaze: Dude, those Japanese chicks kick HARD! Like bro, it felt like the opposite of a high, whatever that is. Is it a down?
He blinks.
Johnny Blaze: Bro, I think I just made up a new thing! Yeah, I’m feeling DOWN after that. I’m going to need some extra kush after that.
Johnny stretches his arm before placing the ice back on his shoulder.
Johnny Blaze: Good thing my locker room is close by. I’m sure I’ll get some of my stash there and I’ll be set.
Turning around the corner, Blaze sees his locker room with a letter tucked under the door. He picks it up and sees a heart shaped sticker on it with a marijrana leaf on it. He scratches it and takes a smell.
Johnny Blaze: Gotta love the scratch and sniff. Smells just like the good stuff!
The relaxed high-flier rips open the envelope and sees a letter written in cursive. He takes a moment to check it before reading it out loud.
Johnny Blaze: “Hey, Blaze Daddy. I’ve looked at you from far away too long. After a hard fought match like that, you need to loosen yourself up. If you want to get blazed and experience a high you never felt before, meet me in the sauna down the hallway. Sincerely, your secret admirer!”
Pumped up, Johnny lets out a big yelp and clenches his hand into a fist.
Johnny Blaze: DUUUUDE! Getting lit in a sauna with a hot girl, sign me up!
Heading the other way in the hallway, Johnny Blaze is practically in a sprint as he heads towards the sauna. It stands out with its wooden door and steam practically seeping out of it. It looks at home with a winter lodge. Johnny goes in and is hit with a wave of an almost blinding steam. The corner of the room as a pile of coals practically glowing as Blaze sits back on the bench. He is leaning against the wall, hands clasped together behind his head. He notices someone near him.
Johnny Blaze: Bro, I have never met a chick that hai-
Then… it dawns on him that he isn’t in there with a woman.
Panning to the side, we see who is near him. Decked in only a white towel and cowboy hat, we see a hairy chest and beard, hair in a tied ponytail. The man practically jumps out of his seat and moves his cowboy hat. It’s a southern man with a cigar in his mouth that nearly drops from his mouth as he is shocked. He is seething red, and not just from the steam.
???: What in tarnation is going on!? I paid those security guards to ensure I have privacy in this spa so I can celebrate signing my AMA wrastlin’ contract tonight! Who let you in!?
Confused, Johnny Blaze casually responds.
Johnny Blaze: I just let myself in. I was told there would be a hot chick here for us to smoke some dope- unless.
Johnny holds his hands up.
Johnny Blaze: Don’t tell me I got a male secret admirer now too! Like dude, I’m not into that, but if you want to smoke some weed, I’m chill with it-
???: You must've had a Bronco bust your skull!
The Southern man shouts.
???: I am no secret admirer! I am Wyatt Petty! The humble son of an Oil Tycoon! Not some ol’ admirer of a pothead like you!
Wyatt points at Johnny.
Wyatt Petty: And for the record, Wyatt Petty doesn’t swing that way, nor do I smoke the devil’s lettuce. But you sir, have ruined my night after I went and signed a lucrative deal fitting the Prince of Pasadena himself!
Johnny Blaze: You’re a Prince?
Increasingly frustrated by the stoner’s he stomps the floor with his feet.
Wyatt Petty: You're gah damn right son! And I'm about to use my influence to have you FIRED for interrupting the great Wyatt Petty's time with your rabble rousing!
Grabbing his hat, Wyatt Petty storms out of the room, trying to keep his towel up to avoid exposing himself live on PPV. Johnny shrugs before leaning back.
Johnny Blaze: What’s that guy’s problem? Someone needs to chill out.
Waiting for whoever his secret admirer is, Johnny Blaze kicks back, feet up on the bench, as the segment fades.


The beats of “You Don't Want a Street War” plays as the lights flash red. A few moments past and the face painted insane clown of AMA, Monstruo del Circo, makes his way out. He rocks back and forth before slapping his head, fired up for revenge against the ninth circle.
Reina de la Cruz: The following is a qualifying match for the Lethal Lottery Double Date Tag Team Tournament and it is scheduled for one fall! Introducing the participants first, from Mendoza, Argentina, weighing in at 205 pounds, El Diabloooo, Monstruo del Circo!
Pierce Donovan: A qualifying match which doubles as a tag team grudge match. Monstuco del Circo, after The Ninth Circle brutalized his opponent last show, Brandon Roberts, the insane clown of AMA tried to get involved, not wanting the new group to get involved with his business.
Jasper Phoenix: And tonight he has an unlikely ally in Sean Cutter Jr.
Keeping somewhat focused at the task at hand, the hardcore wrestler heads down the ramp and rolls into the ring. He paces around the ring, stretching his arms out before heading to his corner as his theme music fades.
“Dirty little thing” plays and the video for Sean Cutter Jr plays on the video screen. Strutting out from the back is Sean Cutter Jr. with a sleeveless vest on with the hood over his head as he leans forward before throwing his head back, forcing the hood to fly off the top of his head, as he makes his way to the top of the ramp, a fancy wooden walking cane, with the head of dire wolf on the silver handle, in his right hand, a bottle of water in his other hand. We can see a facemask on him to cover himself up for the injury received from the attack from The Ninth Circle.
Reina de la Cruz: And his partner, from the “Great White North” of North Bay, Ontario, Canada, at six foot two, weighing 220 pounds, the self-proclaimed “Favourite Son” of Wrestling and the Ironborn, Sean Cutter Jr!!!
Pierce Donovan: Talk about an unlikely pairing?
Jasper Phoenix: After the attack from The Ninth Circle, these two have sort of HAD to team up against the common enemy.
Looking up, Sean Cutter removes his hood before drenching his face with water. Tossing his cane to the side, he heads down the ramp, no extra pageantry tonight. The Ninth Circle wounded him, and he is out for blood. Going around the ring, he slides onto the apron before stepping into the ring between the middle and top rope, not taking the extra time to showboat to the crowd. Heading in the ring he looks at Monstruo del Circo and the two take a second or two to stare at each other, uncomfortable about the prospect of teaming together. “Dirty Little Thing” fades and Sean Cutter removes his vest.
A darker version of “Ganster’s Paradise” by LIKE A STORM plays as the lights of the arena dim. After a few moments. We see the mysterious “Devinity” Mary Cherry make her way out with Jake Wakefield to her left, and the big Damien Payne to her right. Jake has a wicked grin while Damien keeps a grim glare.
Reina de la Cruz: And their opponents, accompanied by Mary Cherry, at a combined weight of 497 pounds, Jake Wakefield, Damien Payne, The Ninth Circle!
Pierce Donovan: The perpetrators of the brutal attack on Brandon Roberts which lead to Sean Cutter Jr. and Circo getting involved, we have the Ninth Circle.
Jasper Phoenix: And between them and The Residence, we have two freaky groups here in AMA. But there was nothing covert about their attack. Jake warned Roberts of the consequences of failure, and they delivered.
The trio heads down the ramp as a spotlight follows them. Mosturco Del Circo kneels down, begging Cherry to get involved after she sprayed mist in his eyes. Jake and the big Damien Payne leap onto the apron and stare across at their opponents. Together, they step into the ring and the two teams stand across from one another. The official gets between and directs The Ninth Circle to their corner of the ring as their theme music fades away.
As the match begins, with Sean Cutter Jr starting against the big Damien Payne, the powerhouse of The Ninth Circle manages to overpower the hardcore clown. The match would turn into a very one-sided affair with Damien and Jake wrestling with intent as they would utilize quick tags to control the match and prevent Cutter, Jr. from tagging his partner Monstruo del Circo into the match.
Pierce Donovan: In comes MDC - and as much as this guy doesn’t belong outside of a psych ward, he is certainly not scared to show us violence.
Jasper Phoenix: Everyone one in this match is a freak Pierce, lets keep it a stack.
A typical exchange in the match would see Damien using his brute force power to pummel Sean backwards before throwing him with sheer force into the ring corner and following up with a Discus Elbow to drop Cutter down onto his ass. Damien would then slap in his partner, who would vault over the rope and crash down into Cutter with a double footed stomp. On quite a few occasions he would manage to throw in extra kicks and stomps, especially on the few occasions that MDC would attempt to come to his partner’s aid only for Damien to battle with him and force him backwards or the referee to intervene and demand Monstruo return to his corner. One thing that Wakefield seemed to take great joy in was targeting Cutter’s injured face and brainwashing him at every attempt he was given.
Pierce Donovan: This match really isn’t going to last that long. The level of intensity and violence in place, means eventually someone’s tanks are going to run out of gas.
Jasper Phoenix: As MDC says - there will be blood! And I can’t wait for that crimson to start flowing.
Whilst all this was going on - Misandry and Killer Kandi (The Matriarchy) would have abruptly joined the commentary team and would spend much of their time insulting Cutter, Jr. and that he need to get his head out of his arse as well as Misandry venting her clear hatred and deep seated anger towards MDC who had been plaguing her ever since the circus freak had first appeared in AMA. Everytime Donovan or Phoenix would attempt at getting the commentary back on track they would quickly find The Matriarchy bringing comments in a roundabout way to continue insulting Cutter and MDC even more.
Damien would end up bringing the end to The Ninth Circle’s advantage, and would make a mistake when he would tag in Jake but end up actually preventing him from getting into the ring. This would allow Cutter, Jr. to finally crawl over to his ring corner and finally tag in MDC into the contest for the first time in the match - with Monstruo looking roaring to go and Cutter looking beat.
As we see Jake Wakefield and Sean Cutter Jr on the mat. Monstruo del Circo reaches out on the apron, itching to finally get in the match. Sean stands up and, tired, tags in his tag team partner who rushes the ring and drops Jake Wakefield with a clothesline! Damien Payne steps into the ring and tries for a huge shoulder block, but Circo drop toeholds him and hits a jumping elbow drop to the head Sean Cutter Jr leans on the corner turnbuckle, beaten down and tired… but he has a small smirk on his face. As Monstruo has his back turned, Sean Cutter Jr kicks in him the back of the leg!
Pierce Donovan: Whoa whoa, Sean Cutter! What are you doing!?
Jasper Phoenix: Did he just-
Backing up, Sean Cutter Jr runs and nails a shinning Wizard to the back of Monsturo Del Circo’s head!
Pierce Donovan: Northern Aggression to the back of the head!? Come on, Sean! You’re a snake!
Killer Kandi: Perfect…
The crowd jeer as Jake Wakefield and Damien Payne get back to their feet, realizing what happened, and can’t help but love it, with Jake laughing like mad. Sean rolls out of the ring, having a small limp after the beating he got. Damien Payne uses this moment to set Mostruco Del Circo up and drop him on his head with a sit-out piledriver!
Pierce Donovan: With Sean Cutter Jr’s betrayal, this match is over.
Jasper Phoenix: We shouldn’t have been shocked from Sean Cutter Jr’s actions given who he is, but we genuinely thought he would at least turn a new leaf to fight The Ninth Circle.
Jake Wakefield backs up and as Monstruco crawls on the mat in a daze, drives his face into the mat with his Hellhound Curb Stomp! Jake rolls him over for the pin and there is little doubt.
Reina de la Cruz: And here are your winners and advancing to Lethal Lottery, Damien Payne and Jake Wakefield, The Ninth Circle!
Cherry rolls into the ring to celebrate with her boys as Jake Wakefield sits up and grabs, off the mat, a tooth has fallen out of Circo’s mouth. Jake holds the tooth up and has a sick smirk before the official is about to raise the arms of both Jake and Damien, but Cherry shoos him off and does it herself.
Pierce Donovan: And The Ninth Circle has moved on, although under dubious circumstances. This Lethal Lottery Tournament is looking like a killer’s row of teams.
Jasper Phoenix: The Ninth Circle could be an x-factor in this tournament, 100%. Betrayal or not, they worked well as a team and really cornered Sean a lot during the match.
And we see, going up the ramp, Sean Cutter Jr is now being joined by the Matriarchy. Kandi and Misandry applaud him for what he did, but he appears hesitant to take their praise and almost seems distraught at what he'd just done.
Pierce Donovan: So that explains it… No wonder those two joined us on commentary. Three snakes in the grass.
Jasper Phoenix: And Monstruco was their prey... but I'm not so sure they're still hunting in the same pack.
In the ring, Cherry puts her foot on top of the beaten and battered Monstruco Del Circo in a little statement of power, before the trio head out of the ring. The official checks on Del Circo as we cut to the next segment.

Going back into the sauna, Johnny Blaze is looking rather toasty, enjoying the steam. There is a bowl near him with his favourite recreational drug as he relaxes.
Johnny Blaze: Just what was needed after a tough match. But man, this chick is taking forever!
Closing his eyes and leaning back, Johnny tries to sit back and enjoy the steam. He seems at peace, but then the steam begins to build more and more. Soon enough, the room is covered in a gray puff, and not one that Blaze is used to. He coughs and begins to sweat.
Johnny Blaze: Oof, this is getting a bit toasty in here. Maybe I’ll wait for her outside instead?
He gets up and turns towards the door…
But it isn’t moving.
Johnny Blaze: Is something…
He shakes the door more and more, but it isn’t moving. He slams on the door and is beginning to panic.
Johnny Blaze: Can someone help here! The door’s locked!
He bangs on the door and we cut to a camera shot on the outside where we see Johnny in a panic through the window. The first person to show up is his tag team partner from tonight, Azrael Gamma.
Azrael Gamma: What have you gotten yourself into?!
Johnny Blaze: The door’s locked! I can’t get-
He begins to cough, heat getting to him. Even if Azrael doesn’t care too much for Johnny, the man is in danger and he rushes to try to get the door open.
Azrael Gamma: Shit, who locked this!?
Some of the staff rush in to try to get him out, multiple people are heading towards the door and Johnny is beginning to fade. Rushing in also is Marquise Bridges.
Marquise Bridges: What’s going on!?
Azrael Gamma: The man locked himself in the sauna!
Johnny is looking weaker and he coughs.
Johnny Blaze: It- w-wasn’t m-me.
Marquise joins in on the pulling on the door until he gets an idea. Heading to the side, he grabs a chair and slams it into the glass of the door! He does it again until finally the glass pane shatters and someone is able to reach in and get the lock unstuck.
Johnny collapses on the floor, breathing heavily, weak. A doctor immediately checks on him as Azrael kneels down beside his unlikely tag partner.
Azrael Gamma: Shit, how did this happen?
Marquise Bridges: Does anyone have some water?
A staff member rushes with a bottle of water and Johnny drinks some before splashing some on him to cool off. He catches his breath and tries to explain.
Johnny Blaze: I- I got a letter saying to meet someone in the sauna. Like some secret admirer. But,
He coughs.
Johnny Blaze: I got locked in instead.
Azrael shakes his head.
Azrael Gamma: I’m willing to do some fucked up shit and hurt people, but something about that is cold.
Marquise Bridges: Who would do that?
Azrael Gamma: Isn’t it obvious!
Azrael shouts.
Azrael Gamma: It must have been that new Wyatt Petty guy. I saw that bearded hick hand money to some sketchy dude in the back.
Johnny Blaze: He did say that would pay security to keep everyone out of the sauna.
Azrael Gamma: I don’t think that was security unless their hiring policies have drastically lapsed. It was that homeless looking vet that’s been hanging out backstage lately looking for a job.
Marquise thinks, folding his arms.
Marquise Bridges: That’s interesting. Although that doesn’t explain the secret admirer stuff. He does make sense, but I am not the person to judge. The only thing we do know is someone tried to hurt this man.
Looking up at Marquise, Johnny coughs before saying.
Johnny Blaze: Uh, thanks dude. Want some kush?
Marquise chuckles.
Marquise Bridges: No thank you. I’ll gladly stick to sobriety. But I’ll be nice and give you two a bit of congratulations. As someone who faced Cali Hayama, I know how she can be, and even her partner was also a threat. For a makeshift team, you two did better than expected. Take care.
Marquise walks away as Johnny Blaze finally gets up. Azrael folds his arms.
Azrael Gamma: Like I need compliments. We still lost!
Looking at Johnny Blaze, Azrael gives him a parting message.
Azrael Gamma: I’ll go easy on you since you had this happen to you and you did better than expected, but word of advice, don’t go chasing around secret admirers. Or else that will happen again. Later.
Turning around, Azrael Gamma leaves his tag partner from tonight. Johnny Blaze, with the medics leaning him to be checked up more, has a lot to think about as the scene fades.

Deep within some quiet dark part of the arena, we see a man sitting in a steel chair. Nothing else is visible as a shadow consumes the rest of the room, leaving a feeling of isolation and unease. Leaning down, he has a metal pipe in his hands that he clangs repeatedly on the concrete floor. The sound vibrates through the room. He has a bald head, veins almost pulsating. There is no mistake, it is Blake Justice. Leaning back, we see his face with his wild beard and his cold eyes. His t-shirt black, much like his soul as he taps his trusty pipe in his hand. With his chilling voice, he speaks.
Blake Justice: I requested some time away from the boys just to think a bit. I’m not deaf and I know the challenge that was laid down to me by Sawyer Xavier. Haha, how silly of him?
Leaning forward, Blake looks straight into the camera, and likely, at Sawyer watching.
Blake Justice: Sawyer, there is something you need to understand about myself and about Bloodsport. We’re dangerous men, but we don’t work on anyone else’s timetable but our own. We do what we want, when we want, and hurt who we want. I’m not a coward for that, I’m smart. I’m a predator and what does a good predator do? Does he make a lot of noise and charge in at his prey? Or…
There is a sick chuckle from Blake.
Blake Justice: Heh… Or does he wait in the shadows for his opportunity to strike? There is no honour in AMA. I don’t need to square up and charge you when it isn’t time. So I waited. I showed up when I wanted to and I handed you with ease. Our big man, Norman, handled you with ease and tossed you into the drink where you should have stayed and drowned. It would have saved you suffering down the road. But it’s your mistake.
He shrugs before leaning forward even more.
Blake Justice: So what about a match? What about me stepping in the ring against you, the self-proclaimed ‘underdog?’ What purpose will that serve? It’d be a formality. You’re busy licking your wounds and you could have a perfect excuse just to run away and never come back, yet I don’t think you will? A scrappy underdog that is too busy yapping and doesn’t know when to lie down and beg!
Pointing his pipe towards the camera, Blake raises his voice.
Blake Justice: You are not worth even the ink used to put your mug on a poster! There is no purpose for us at Bloodsport to deal with you! We proved you’re nothing! Not a champion. Not a top contender. You don’t even have value or potential to bring into our ranks! You’re not even an underdog that would mean you’d have at least a longshot. You’re just someone who rides the coattails of the top dogs around here. Why get our hands dirty with a man like you other than to just have some peace and quiet?!
Lowering his voice a little, Blake leans back into his chair and puts his pipe on his shoulder.
Blake Justice: But don’t worry… If you’re going to keep bothering us, I’ll do you a favour, little dog. I’m going to drag your broken body out back, put a bullet between your eyes and put you down… permanently…
Giving an almost psychotic grin, Blake Justice slowly raises his hand and waves before the feed immediately cuts.


The camera pans to the ring and we see four poles in the ring with chain connecting all of them and having a mix of weapons all around.
You know what time it is, it is the Clockwork Orange House of Fun match!
The theme music of Liberty Olivera Lawrenson draws a slightly mixed reaction compared to normal with her arriving in her home state. Making her way out, she seems to be uncaring of her reaction as she puts her hands on her hips, giving a glare around at the arena before doing a small pose.
Reina de la Cruz: The following is the Clockwork Orange House of Fun Match and it is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from El Paso, Texas, she is the Texas Horror, Liberty Olivera Lawrenson!
Pierce Donovan: With her mind on Hollywood ambitions and her lack of effort in the Lethal Lottery, fans are questioning the motivation of Liberty. She has an axe to grind with management. She did earn a chance at the AMA Grand Championship, but due to Norman and Shinzo’s rivalry reaching a fever pitch and perhaps due to these questions of motivation, she was pushed back.
Jasper Phoenix: I see it both ways, on one hand, she did earn her title match, even if Ishii wasn’t top competition. However, I don’t think it is a care of the “Patriarchy” after her. A champion can’t have an off night and even with outside of the ring projects, you need to arrive to the arena ready to fight. She needs to remind everyone tonight that she can fight, that Liberty the Wrestler is Grand Championship material.
Looking at the fans on her way down the ramp, she sees a sign from a fan reading “Date me, Liberty!” With a Texas Flag shaped like a heart. She approaches him and rips the sign from his hands. She rips it up and tosses it to the side, drawing a negative reaction from the fans. Her home state advantage is gone by choice. She goes around the ring and does a pose on the edge of the ring before sliding into the ring. Lawrenson looks around at the weapons surrounding her. “Down In Texas” fades as she leans her back on the ropes.
The bell tolls as the lights of the arena fade to black. There is a red, pulsating light on the entrance as smoke builds as we see, in a bright white kimono and an oni mask, “The Crimson Ghost,” Aka Yueri. Liberty looks on, unphased by the normally intimidating smoke and mirrors.
Reina de la Cruz: And her opponent, originally from Yokohama, Japan now residing in Seattle Washington, she is the Crimson Ghost, Aka Yueri!
Walking down the ramp, Aka’s long kimono flows behind her with the smoke, almost as if she is a ghost herself. Her devious mask glares forward at Lawrenson.
Pierce Donovan: Another thing to point out, is this is a rematch in some way from the Lethal Lottery qualifier. Aka Yueri teamed with Brian Zewbowski, beating Liberty. We saw a glimpse of her in the ring as the Crimson Ghost, but tonight will be a more proper showcase.
Jasper Phoenix: And something to remember, is out of the ring, Aka Yueri is a sweet young lady. But this Crimson Ghost persona is tapping into this dark side. She is not the first to create a dark persona to use as an intimidation tactic or motivation.
Approaching ringside, Aka Yueri moves her arms up and down, flowing with ease before turning to the steps. She steps into the ring and heads to a turnbuckle. Liberty shrugs it off and walks to another side of the ring as Aka Yueri removes her mask to show her ghastly face paint.
Pierce Donovan: And think of it, new signee Azrael Gamma also implores facepaint, we have Reina Vega, and Vampiress of MAYHEM who dons masks, having a dark in-ring alter ego is something which is used, but can be an asset.
Jasper Phoenix: And speaking of, between Vampiress, Cali, and Aka, we have a Joshi flare going on in the roster. A brutal style with athletiticsm. Really some of the toughest women's wrestlers have came from or competed there under that style. Just one I am unsure if it will thrive or fail in the Clockwork Orange. It's a chaotic environment.
Getting down from the turnbuckles, Aka Yueri removes her white kimono and shows her red, black, and gold attire as her theme song by Metallica fades. The Succumbas of AMA shakes her head, unamused at the presentation of Aka Yueri. Liberty adjusts her knee pads and not chalauntly leans in the corner.
The official checks both ladies for weapons on them and gives the all clear. The bell rings to start the match-
And Liberty charges, trying to repeat what she did to Tetsuo Ishii! She aims for a Superwoman’s Punch, but Aka Yueri ducks it and hits a backslide pin!
Pierce Donovan: The pin! The pin!
No! A kick out from Liberty Olivera Lawrenson!
Jasper Phoenix: And Aka Yueri nearly beat Liberty in an even FASTER time than Liberty beat Ishii! She saw it coming!
The very sudden pin attempt caught Liberty off guard and nearly got pinned instantly. Keeping some speed up, Aka Yueri goes for a small package pin.
And now expecting the pin, Lawrenson gets her shoulder off, and goes straight into a back elbow strike from Aka Yueri! The Crimson Ghost follows it by grabbing Liberty’s head and hitting her with a high knee. The violent side of the Crimson Ghost is coming out as Aka shows a wicked smirk. She runs off the ropes and hits a running dropkick!
Jasper Phoenix: We talked about how her last singles match, Liberty won in less than a minute, but here Aka has her off guard, almost expecting the attempt from Liberty to put an end to it fast.
Quickly heading towards the corner, Yueri leans back, licking her chops and tries to run for a big knee strike, but Liberty rolls out of the ring to a chorus of boos.
Pierce Donovan: And I think Liberty saw the end in sight and ran away. I know she utilizes a knee strike called “The Living End,” and she has genuinely many tools to put you away.
Jasper Phoenix: When you can have multiple ways to end a match, it can give you such an advantage. But right now, Liberty is just trying to gather herself.
In the ring, Aka Yueri shows a little smirk and waits in the middle of the ring, beckoning the woman who has a title match in waiting to come in the ring and fight her. Glaring, Liberty shakes her head and heads… towards the ramp. The fans jeer some more and we can hear Liberty shout, “I should be winning the AMA Grand Championship, not fighting this weeb!”
Pierce Donovan: Is she… thinking of walking out of this match?
Jasper Phoenix: There are no count-outs in this match. What is she going to do? Just forfeit?
Heading about halfway up the ramp, Liberty stops as the jeers become deafening. The fans are sick of her routine. Then… we start to hear a chant in a second which goes…
“Coward… Coward!” The fans are trying to get under the skin of the Texas Terror. Aka Yueri, enjoying this, motions with her arms to keep it going. “COWARD! COWARD!” The chants get louder as Liberty shouts at the fans to “Shut the fuck up! She’s not worth my time!” and she covers her ears.
Pierce Donovan: This is something unlike anything we have seen yet in AMA.
Jasper Phoenix: The crowd is part of the show too, and the thing about wrestling is we get instant feedback, and the fans are loud and clear, they want Liberty to get back in the ring and fight.
Relenting a bit, Liberty Olivera Lawrenson heads towards the ring. She jumps on the apron… and steps back down to a chorus of boos. Now, she just has a smirk. She’s turning it against the fans.
Tired of this, Aka Yueri goes towards the chain above the ring and grabs a kendo stick and she rolls out of the ring! Liberty quickly backs off, jumping over the barricade and into one of the sections of the lower bowl without seats! The fans continue to jeer as Liberty pulls a security guard in front of her to keep herself away from a kid wearing a Shinzo Omega shirt. “Back off, brat!” and Aka Yueri shakes her head and rolls back into the ring.
Pierce Donovan: Seriously, please get into the ring!
Jasper Phoenix: Liberty is going to milk this as long as possible.
Walking around the crowd area for a way to get in, Liberty keeps a security guard near her to keep fans away from her, eventually she jumps back to the ringside area near the commentator’s table, and goes to the time-keeper’s area and grabs a chair. “You want to play with toys?” She mutters to herself before going up the steps. Aka runs towards her and swings her kendo stick at Liberty and the deviant has to block it with her chair and she jumps back down, drawing even more jeers!
Gesturing for Aka Yueri to move back, finally, the Crimson Ghost relents and gives Liberty a chance to re-enter the ring. Now both ladies are in the ring, weapons in hand.
Pierce Donovan: …For the love of God I hope we can get this match going.
Liberty and Aka Yueri circle each other in the ring, a game of chicken ensures. Liberty puts her chair down, making it appear like she’s going to drop it. Hesitant, Aka Yueri doesn’t drop her kendo stick but lowers it just enough-
For Liberty Olivera Lawrenson to throw the chair at her face and charge in with a mix of punches, trapping the Joshi in the corner! Liberty throws her shoulder repeatedly into the gut with corner spears before backing up for one more spear! The fans jeer as now Liberty is not just in the match, but in control! Wrenching the arm, Liberty picks up Aka by the armpit, holding her in the air and walking her across the ring before slamming her down to the canvas!
Pierce Donovan: And Liberty just used one small opening to take advantage!
Jasper Phoenix: I guess something we learned is Liberty operates on her own schedule. She fights when she wants to, and now that she has genuine control, she’s ready.
Shaking her head, Aka Yueri is trying to get cobwebs out of her head after the chair was simply “YEETED” at her face. She crawls towards the corner as Liberty slaps the back of her head, shouting for her to “Fuck off back to Japan!” Liberty pushes her foot into the throat of Aka, crushing her into the bottom of the corner, pushing as hard as she can until her foot slips off. The fans continue to boo as Liberty shows a smirk and “blows a kiss” to the fans, but switching it to the middle finger.
Crawling out of the corner, Aka is stalked by Liberty who steps on her hand and slaps her across the head again. The Texas native gets on top of Yueri’s back and forearms her across the face! Then a second with an elbow to the back of the head. Pulling on Aka’s hair, Liberty pretends to yawn, trying to get under the skin of the Crimson Ghost, but Aka pushes her off and gets up, hitting a hard forearm to the face of Liberty Olivera Lawrenson! Then a second, and a third! Yueri follows it up with a roundhouse kick and Irish whips Liberty across the ring.
She leap frogs her.
Drops down…
And drops Liberty on her shoulders with a snap German, bridging after impact!
And Liberty gets her shoulder up.
Pierce Donovan: Striking, speed, technically sound, really some of the hallmarks of that Japanese style.
Jasper Phoenix: And Aka, from what we have seen and heard, she has a bit of a vicious streak too if pushed.
Rolling to the side, Aka Yueri is on one knee and glares at Liberty as she stumbles to her feet, naturally backing up into the corner. Aka hits a running hip attack before getting on the middle turnbuckle and reigning down punches! The fans count along to it from one to ten…
And Aka looks up to see… a very Texas weapon, a Cowbell.
Jasper Phoenix: You know what this match needs, Pierce?
Pierce Donovan: What?
Then Aka Yueri grabs the Cowbell and starts slamming it against Liberty’s head, with it cleaning each time!
Jasper Phoenix: MORE COWBELL!
The Texas fans count along as Aka slams the bell against Liberty’s head before Aka jumps off after ten. The bell is dented as Aka tosses it aside. Liberty leans in the corner, dazed, and feels a touch of blood on her forehead from the clang of the bell. The Crimson Ghost charges and nails another full force hip attack in the corner!
In control, the Crimson Ghost looks around at the weapons on the hooks and sees a curious one attached…
A stapler. Tapping a bit into her devious side, Aka Yueri goes and grabs the office tool.
Jasper Phoenix: So THAT’s where my stapler was put! You better return it after!
Pierce Donovan: After this, I think you might need a new one.
Going to the corner, Aka Yueri tries to press the stapler into Liberty’s head and the Texas crowd, frothing at someone shutting Liberty up, cheers as it is pressed closer and closer. Liberty fights with it, somewhat coming to her senses. The stapler goes closer and closer…
And then Liberty rakes the eyes of Aka! The stapler is dropped and Liberty gives a hard elbow strike to the back of the Crimson Ghost, dropping her! Wiping the blood on her forehead, Liberty is mad. She gets on her back and hits another elbow, mouthing off. “Use the Cowbell on me?! How about this!” And she pulls the nose back! The official asks if the Joshi star gives and she shakes her head before Lawrenson elbows her in the shoulder and transitions into a grounded armbar. “Won’t be hitting me with a cowbell now you Weeb!” She shouts as she bends the arm back!
Pierce Donovan: Liberty was falling behind a moment, but after getting a cut from the cowbell, she’s just wrestling MAD!
Jasper Phoenix: She was hesitant to get into it early on after the missed Superwoman, but I think with her home-state crowd turning against her, and just the general aggression from Aka, she’s just wrestling in a pissed off mood in spite of everyone here. Hate is a strong motivator. Liberty fights with two things, her mind, and her strong hatred of every single living thing.
Reaching over, Liberty tries to secure a crossface for the LOL Lock, but Aka Yueri rolls out of it…
As Liberty wraps her legs around her neck for a necklock. She elbows Aka in the head as the Japanese star rolls to her stomach…
And the Texas Terror transitions into a Triangle choke! She elbows Aka Yueri in the head before grabbing the stapler…
Pierce Donovan: Into the skull!
Jasper Phoenix: …I’m going to throw up!
There is a clang of the stapler and Aka yells out in pain as she crawls towards the ropes, practically dragging Liberty along. As Liberty is about to do it again, Yueri uses the ropes to get into a pin!
And Liberty releases the hold to break the pin. Aka feels the staple on her forehead and gets up, but Liberty jumps up and nails a Superwoman punch, dropping Aka Yueri to the mat! She pins her down.
And now Aka Yueri is the one needing to kick out.
Looking around the ring, Liberty sees the chair she chucked at Yueri earlier on and grabs it. Seeing the Crimson Ghost trying to get her bearings and remove the staple from her forehead, Liberty cracks the steel along her back! Then again! Aka clutches her fists together, trying to absorb some of the shots and her opponent hits her again, this time driving the edge of the chair into her back! Finally Liberty hits her once more and the chair begins to bend and finally she tosses it aside.
Pierce Donovan: I’ll say this, a motivated Liberty is dangerous.
Jasper Phoenix: Agreed but look, Aka’s taking it.
Trying to tap into the dark side of her persona, we see Aka Yueri wince, but, seeing some blood on her face, she’s got a bit of a devious grin. A little unnerved by the look of Aka, Liberty goes to the chains above and grabs… a step-ladder and just chucks it at Yueri’s back! Liberty picks it up and crushes the steel again on the back of Aka Yueri. Going to the corner, she takes the step-ladder and wedges it between the middle and top turnbuckle. Walking over to Aka Yueri, Liberty pulls her up by the collar and knees her in the gut before pulling her by the arm for the Irish whip-
And Aka Yueri runs up the turnbuckles! Liberty runs forward to try to push her off, but the Crimson Ghost takes to the air, flipping OVER Lawrenson! She lands on her feet and drives her hip into Liberty in the corner, forcing her to crash into her own ladder! Showing a smirk, Aka Yueri turns around and kicks Liberty in the chest! Then again! And she starts to lay into it with rapid-fire kicks in the corner! Falling to the mat, Liberty sits at the bottom of the turnbuckles and Aka moves the ladder down to in front of her face. Backing up, the Crimson Ghost nails a dropkick, sending the ladder into Liberty’s face!
Pierce Donovan: Step-ladder to the face!
Jasper Phoenix: Yikes!
Aka Yueri pulls Liberty out of the corner and goes for a pin.
And the Texas Terror stays alive.
Looking around the chains above, Aka Yueri is scouting for a useful weapon and she finds… something which was likely attached to the cowbell at one point, a rope. She stretches it out, looking at the fibers that make it up, she goes and wraps it around the throat of Liberty!
Pierce Donovan: The Crimson Ghost is trying to choke out the Texas Terror!
Jasper Phoenix: It’s all legal in this match!
Feeling the rope burn around her neck as it is pulled, Liberty Olivera Lawrenson has to use her elbows to strike the abdomen to break free. She turns around and rushes, but she is tripped to the mat with a drop toehold and transitions into a rope assisted STF! The rope is across Liberty’s face as Aka Yueri tries for the submission win!
Pierce Donovan: Big STF! The rope assist too, Liberty might have to tap!
Jasper Phoenix: There’d be no shame in it, even if she has a big enough ego to refuse to do it.
As Aka pulls back, she has a wide grin. She made a promise to be violent and the dark-side of her face-painted persona is coming out and she likes it! Liberty yells out as the fans shout for her to tap out. She reaches around on the mat, hoping for something, and she begins to crawl. Rope breaks won’t help, but maybe grabbing the ropes will help? Lawrenson gets closer to the ropes-
And Aka Yueri quickly releases the hold and tries to pull her back towards the middle of the ring! She reaches around, trying to get the rope wrapped around her face again, but the Succumbas of AMA squirms, she is able to turn onto her back and boot Yueri in the face! The rope slips from her grip and she is pulled down to the mat by the arm. Liberty gets the Ogoplata grip on the arm before grabbing the rope for the crossface, a rope-assisted LOL Lock!
Pierce Donovan: The LOL Lock! The move she tapped Ishii out instantly to!
Jasper Phoenix: There is nothing to laugh about that submission! Your arm is trapped, your face is being pulled back, making it hard on your neck and shoulder, and in this case, you are being choked by a rope!
Liberty yells out for Aka Yueri to tap out, trying to get her resilient foe to swallow her pride and submit. Aka’s hand is up, but she doesn’t tap, the adrenaline fueling her. The rope burns around her neck as the air starts to escape her lungs… but her hand feels something familiar. Grabbing the handle of the kendo stick, she swings and smacks it across the face of Liberty, forcing a break of the hold!
Liberty rolls on the mat, trying to get back up after being dazed. Getting her breath back, Aka Yueri grabs the kendo stick and cracks it across the back of Liberty, causing it to break! Seeing an opening, Aka locks in a Crossface Chickenwing!
Pierce Donovan: Early Grave! These two are just exchanging their submissions now!
Jasper Phoenix: But you see there, Aka has it in, but it could be more effective if she gets Liberty to the mat and body-scissors her. Liberty's blocking that route.
As the commentator pointed out, Liberty is not yet to the mat. She is in pain as her arm is bent and her neck is pulled, but each time Aka Yueri attempts to pull her down, Liberty blocks it. Yet Aka Yueri is still persistent and keeps the hold in. The referee asks if Liberty gives up and she just flips him off, pissed off. Eventually Aka Yueri gets Liberty down to a knee…
And Liberty manages to reach down to grab a splinter of the kendo stick and jabs it into the face of Aka Yueri to break the hold!
After the creative reversal Liberty holds her shoulder, having her joints be bent like crazy after the submission. She looks at Aka…
And rolls out of the ring again and heads towards the ramp!
Pierce Donovan: Not this again…
As Aka Yueri comes to her senses, she sees Liberty head towards the stage and follows! She is done waiting for her. The Crimson Ghost rolls out of the ring as Liberty gets behind the curtain and she high tails it towards her-
Aka Yueri turns towards the curtain, Liberty Olivera Lawrenson charges through with a metal supply crate on wheels! It crashes into Aka’s face and she falls to the stage floor!
Jasper Phoenix: She wasn’t running! It was what we call in the business a tactical retreat! Lead right to a trap!
The fans jeer as Liberty leans on her crate with a smirk. As Aka Yueri is dazed, she crawls on the ramp and Lawrenson pushes the cart again, nailing her in the face again!
Grabbing Yueri by her hair she leads her back towards the ring and pushes her under the bottom rope. Taking her time, Liberty gets on the arpon and holds on the top rope. She rolls her shoulder, trying to get some feeling in it after the crossface chicken wing, and waits. As Aka gets to her feet, Liberty flips over the top rope and hits a rolling lariat!
Pierce Donovan: Static Electricity! The lariat shocks the Crimson Ghost!
Dropping Aka Yueri with the hard lariat, Liberty goes for a pin, staring at the official to count it.
And Aka Yueri rolls her shoulders up!
Pierce Donovan: And Aka Yueri stays in it!
Perhaps getting frustrated from this match STILL going on, Liberty quickly tries to put her in position for a Styles Clash she calls the “Portable Bed Drop.” She lifts Aka upside down, but the Crimson Ghost breaks the grip and gets back to the mat-
And Liberty Olivera LAwrenson hits a Cutter out of- somewhere! She hooks the leg again, hoping for a victory.
And again, Aka Yueri kicks out!
Pierce Donovan: Two quick covers from Liberty.
Jasper Phoenix: She hit two big shots right away, back to back, she just wants Aka to stay down so she can get out.
Pounding the mat in anger, Liberty shouts at the official before looking around the ring. Noticing the step-ladder from earlier, Liberty moves it closer to Aka Yueri and puts her opponent on her shoulders with a Fireman’s carry. Getting a bit overconfident, Liberty shouts at the crowd… and Aka Yueri moves herself to hit a reverse frankensteiner on Liberty!
Pierce Donovan: Liberty waited too long! Vengeful Strike!
Jasper Phoenix: She was dropped on her head!
Aka Yueri rolls Liberty’s shoulders to the mat for the pin.
And somehow Liberty kicks out again!
Pierce Donovan: And now Aka Yueri is trying to get her big shots in for the win!
Jasper Phoenix: In a way, that’s what you do. Beat an opponent down to make those killing blows easier, but even then, there is no guarantee.
Backing up in the corner, Aka Yueri looks around and sees an extra chain hanging from the ones above the ring. She grabs it and wraps it around her leg and tucks it in her knee pad. She wants it to add a bit extra zest to her knee strikes.
Pierce Donovan: And Aka Yueri, the Crimson Ghost is looking for a Kill shot!
Jasper Phoenix: She looks possessed, literally.
Hanging from the ropes, Aka Yueri smells blood and the Crimson Ghost is taking over and she wants to add extra zest to her knee strike. Backing up, she charges-
And Liberty grabs the ladder and hits her in the face with it! She’s stunned and Liberty quickly charges and drops her with another Superwoman Punch!
Liberty stands over Aka Yueri, breathing heavily, seething. She is forced to wrestle this woman after being promised a title match. She needs to not just put her down for a three count, but end her. She picks her up and forces her towards the corner. Liberty gets on the second turnbuckle, holding Aka in a front facelock, then as she gets to the top rope, she forces Aka on the ropes also. Then… we see her place her head in a position for the Styles Clash-
Pierce Donovan: A- A Portable Bed Drop FROM THE TOP!?
Jasper Phoenix: That may just crush Aka Yueri or worse!
Liberty wrenches the gut, and Aka Yueri holds on! She attempts a second time, but once again, the Crimson Ghost holds on. “Fucking stop!” Liberty shouts-
And Aka Yueri escapes and headbutts Liberty! The Texas Terrorr is stunned as Aka Yueri gets on the top rope and she hits a top rope Frakenstiener!
Pierce Donovan: And Liberty Olivera Lawrenson crashes down from above!
The fans cheer as Aka Yueri saves herself. Looking up at the corner, she sees a trash can in on the structure above and she heads up the turnbuckles to grab it. Liberty is on a knee and Yueri notices. The Crimson Ghost keeps poised on the top turnbuckle and jumps back for a Trash Can Assisted Moonsault Press!
Jasper Phoenix: It’s over!
The weapon nearly crushes Liberty along with Aka jumping on top of her. She holds her stomach before going for the pin on Liberty.
…And Aka Yueri raises Liberty’s shoulder off the mat, and she has a wicked grin. The Crimson Ghost is here now, and she wants more.
Pierce Donovan: And Aka Yueri wants more!?
Grabbing the trash can, Aka fixes the dent in it so that she can place it on Liberty’s head. She helps Liberty up who is in a daze and backs up to the corner. Breathing heavily, she licks her lips in anticipation before hitting The Living End Knee Strike to the back of Liberty’s head!
Jasper Phoenix: And The Living End with the Trash Can also!
Pulling the trash can off, finally, Aka Yueri goes for the cover and it is-
Reina de la Cruz: And here is your winner, the Crimson Ghost, Aka Yueri!
As her theme music plays, Aka Yueri breathes heavily, but gets her arm raised in victory. She beat Liberty and, maybe, shut her up for the time being. She stands up, some of her facepaint faded after the match. She gets to the turnbuckles to pose as Liberty Olivera Lawrenson lies on the mat in a daze.
Pierce Donovan: And Aka Yueri has just beaten a woman who has a title match. This time, no partners involved, no doubt.
Jasper Phoenix: When Liberty was forced to fight, we got glimpses as to WHY she is meant to get a title match, but a focused, and ruthless Aka Yueri was able to get one over on a woman with a future title match in her proper singles debut in AMA.
Pierce Donovan: And really, this will give her and Brian some momentum going into their next match-up in the Lethal Lottery. Perhaps Aka can keep it going and her and her mentor can find themselves tag team champions?
Jasper Phoenix: That tournament is a real killer’s row. It won’t be easy, but some big wins outside of it help your case.
Getting down from the turnbuckles, Aka Yueri grabs them and takes a few deep breaths. She's tired. The official goes over to check on her as Liberty begins to stir a touch. But, some jeers begin from the crowd as, rushing down from the stage, we see Misandry and Killer Kandi, the Matriarchy! They both slide into the ring and Kandi clips the leg of Yueri while Misandry tries to get Liberty up and the three ladies join in on a beatdown!
Pierce Donovan: So THAT was the talk they had in private!
Jasper Phoenix: The Matriarchy struck a chord with her and all three are taking their angers out on Aka Yueri!
As Misandry and Kandi stomp away on the Crimson Ghost, Liberty grabs the trash can which was crushed around her head and throws it onto the international star! Both Misandry and Kandi pull Aka Yueri up as Liberty grabs her face. "You are not better than me, you get it? You fucking get it!"
And Aka Yueri breaks free from the grip of the Matriarchy and throws a punch at Liberty but then the two immediately club her back down to earth! The three continue to beat down Aka Yueri before Liberty looks around and grabs one of the weapons lying around, the step-ladder. She raises it up and drives it into the ribs of Aka Yueri!
But then... in perhaps one of the most unlikely saves ever...
Rushing down the ramp, both with kendo sticks...
Pierce Donovan: I'll be damned! TETSUO ISHII AND YUKI BLOSSOM!
Jasper Phoenix: We haven't seen Tetsuo after Liberty ditched him in the tag match and Yuki since I don't remember!
The two rush the ring and, seeing that both of them have weapons, the Matriarchy and Liberty Olivera Lawrenson decide it is better to hedge their bets and run. They slide out of the ring as the fans cheer the unlikely saviours and Yuki even helps Aka Yueri up who is confused, but thankful.
Pierce Donovan: Tetsuo Ishii may be the King of "Job Style" but a master of upsets and he may have a score to settle while Yuki is ready to stand by him.
Jasper Phoenix: The Matriarchy may claim to be standing up against the men holding them down, but it is clear their message doesn't exactly speak to everyone, though I guess some of it has to do with the messengers themselves.
Pierce Donovan: The Medium is the message, or whatever that means when I took that one Sociology class in High School.
Liberty heads up the ramp with her new allies, shouting at the three in the ring, motioning around her waist a title belt, reminding them that she has gold to get first before she deals with them. The camera focuses on Ishii rallying the fans as we cut to a break.

Finally cooled off after being locked in the sauna, Johnny Blaze is in the parking lot. His shirt and jeans are soaked from the steam and he's dragging his suitcase with his gear in it. The truest HIGH-flying wrestler in all of AMA heads over to his rental car.
Johnny Blaze: Talk about a crazy night, dude. Just lose your debut, run into a half-naked hairy prince, then some secret admirer never shows up and you get locked in a sauna and almost toasted in the worst way possible. I got the strong stuff back at my hotel, I'll just chill there.
Reaching into his pockets, Johnny looks for his keys.
Johnny Blaze: Now where on Earth did I put that k-
From behind, there is a man in all black, face covered by a hoodie and he forearms Johnny Blaze in the back of the head! He stomps on Blaze’s chest before picking him up and throwing him face first into his car window!
There is a crack as Johnny Blaze slides down to the pavement. The mystery attacker is about to do more, but after the sound of the broken glass, security and AMA staff rush in.
The attacker makes a break for it, out-running the security as a couple of guards stay back to check on Johnny. The man lies on the pavement, in a daze, as the staff member checks.
Staff Member: Johnny, are you okay? Johnny!?
His eyes are glazed over as he lets out a groan. He's hurt.
Staff Member: Someone get a doctor, quick!
The camera zooms in on Johnny's face. Eyes glazed over, blood covering his forehead. Doctors rush over as the segment fades.


The didgeridoos and echoes of the traditional theme song of Norman Namatjira plays as the lights dim. After a few moments, Norman Namatjira makes his way out, tonight wearing a traditional Aboriginal headdress and in his hands is a lit torch. He has a big chance. He’s first up for the AMA Grand Championship. Kneeling down on one knee this time to keep his torch up, he prays to his Ancestors, thanking them for tonight. Then he hopes up, jamming the torch into a stand as fire shoots up from both sides of the stage and he does his signature warrior pose. Closing his eyes, he basks in the warm glow of the fire.
Pierce Donovan: Basking in the fire, the flames which give life, Norman Namatjira's spirit burns. He is first up for the AMA Grand Championship, but to do it, this man sold himself to the Top Gunrunners.
Jasper Phoenix: You mean he found a group he respects? Norman Namatjira has been a true monster in AMA. Win or lose, few are the same after facing him one on one. While due to Liberty’s lack of effort in the Lethal Lottery and the bubbling rivalry he got here, he has what it takes to compete at this level.
As Norman Namatjira heads down the ramp, the fire continues to shoot up from the sides of the stage and a spotlight follows him. This is his chance to undo the count-out loss. This is his chance to bring gold to his family’s legacy and to Bloodsport, establish dominance. Closing his eyes at the end of the ramp, he takes a deep breath before hopping up onto the apron and stepping into the ring. Going in the middle of the ring, he once again does his Warrior’s pose, raising his hand up high.
Pierce Donovan: It is hard enough of a task to pin or submit this man, and now he has to be somehow be kept down for a count of ten. Shinzo did it via count-out, but something tells me it will be harder this time.
Jasper Phoenix: He’s redeemed his recent losses to some degree. The man who eliminated him in the Bunkhouse Stampede, face burned. Shinzo, entering this match hurt. Cali, who said no to Bloodsport’s invitation tonight, will have to deal with the entire force of the group. All that is missing is gold.
His theme music fades as Norman Namatjira keeps to a corner, leaning back, eyes glued to the entrance-way. The champion may become his next victim.
The song to signal what Omega hopes to be the End of his challenger plays. The lights turn completely off. The opening pulse of the track begins as light smoke rises and the screen pulses, showing Shinzo's Symbol in sync with the pulsing of the beginning of the song.
Pierce Donovan: And the bell tolls for The End, the champion of AMA. The End goal for everyone.
Through the smoke, Shinzo Omega makes his way out as a spotlight appears on him. His championship belt’s gold shine stands out as it rests around his waist. He is wearing a skull mask for a special entrance attire, going off of the mask he wore in his promo to Norman. Around his leg which Norman Namatijara Moonsaulted on is a bandage wrapping it. He’s entering on one leg. But this doesn’t deter the champion as he walks ahead, focused.
Jasper Phoenix: Shinzo Omega’s first title defense has a chance to be his last. Going in on one good leg, coming off a loss thanks to Bloodsport shenanigans, no matter how strong you are, if the base of your offense, the leg, is damaged, you are in an uphill battle.
The song pauses into a drop, as Shinzo makes a devil's horn symbol with right hand and slowly cuts his throat, stopping to pose with both arms elevated to the left...then releasing the poses downwards aggressively. Fire goes off in the background, as if using Norman's own beloved symbol against him. Then the AMA Grand Champion walks to the ring with purpose, trying to conceal his injury as best as possible as the track begins anew. Norman looks at the injured leg and smirks. He knows a target.
Pierce Donovan: And you have to remember the injury as you said. AMA medical officials, once again, ironic considering what AMA stands for, did clear him to compete if he desired, but were clear he would NOT be going into this match at max strength.
Jasper Phoenix: And think of where his bread and butter lies, his kicks. The Catastrophe may not be an effective tool tonight, no matter what leg he uses. He uses the bad leg, less impact. He uses the good one, he has to put weight on the bad leg.
Going up the steps, Shinzo Omega glances towards Norman as he steps into the ring. The spotlight in the ring shows Shinzo’s logo as he stands in it, looking around before glancing again at his championship. Is this the End for his title reign before it really starts? Shinzo Omega removes his mask before his theme music fades as Reina De La Cruz stands in the ring, lights back on, showing her stunning Latin American style dress. The official stands next to her, arms behind his back.
Reina de la Cruz: Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time for your AMA Wrestling Under Attack Main Event!
There are cheers coming from the San Antonio crowd as she continues.
Reina de la Cruz: The following match is a Texas Deathmatch! In this match, there are no disqualifications or count outs. The only ways to win are by submission, or by knockout, failing to answer the official’s ten count. And this match is for the AMA Grand Championship!!!
She motions towards Norman Namatjira.
Reina de la Cruz: Introducing the challenger. Representing Bloodsport as their hand-picked monster, from the Land Down Under, weighing in at 320 pounds, the Dharwal Warrior, Norman Namatjira!
Once again doing his Warrior’s Pose, Norman Namatjira stands across from Shinzo, glaring at the AMA Grand Championship before backing in the corner, removing his head-dress.
Reina de la Cruz: And his opponent, from an Undisclosed location in Canada, weighing in at 235 pounds, he is the reigning and defending AMA Grand Champion, The End… Shinzo Oooooooomeeeeeeeegaaaaaaaa!
Upon his name being called, Shinzo Omega takes off his championship belt and holds it up high, doing a throat slash gesture right after. His glare is directed towards Norman Namatjira as he hands off the championship title. The official shows off the championship before leaving it to the ringside attendee. After a quick and routine check for weapons which is cleared, the bell rings and the main event begins.
And Shinzo Omega immediately charges in for some forearm strikes, leaping and trying to chop the big man who tried to break his leg down! Norman is caught off guard as he didn’t expect the champion to come out swinging with the bad leg. The elbows of Omega land on the back of his head and he appears to get the big man down as the San Antonio crowd rallies behind him…
And Norman immediately picks the leg and holds Shinzo Omega up, slamming him down to the mat! He quickly drops an elbow as Shinzo yelps out and quickly rolls away before any more damage can come.
Pierce Donovan: And Shinzo Omega comes in hot but the leg injury, as we highlighted, is going to be a target.
Jasper Phoenix: And in a match where you need to literally be able to get UP to win, it can be a sound strategy.
Eying his opponent like a wounded animal, Norman Namatjira licks his chops before picking up Shinzo and driving him back first into the corner! He drives his shoulder into his gut before zeroing in on the leg, stomping the thigh and knee repeatedly. The AMA Grand Champion attempts to push his large challenger off, but it is ineffective as Namatjira tops it off by beil tossing him across the ring!
Pierce Donovan: That, or he can just overpower him!
Jasper Phoenix: And he’s doing this to a man who isn’t exactly small… Damn.
Wince after the impact, Shinzo Omega quickly goes towards the ropes to get up, giving a cold glare across the ring at Norman. Shaking his leg, he ensures his leg is all good as the big man runs at him again! This time seeing it, Shinzo Omega immediately drops down and rolls out of the ring and Norman has to catch himself to prevent his 320 frame from crashing in the corner. Shinzo rushes to under the ring apron, reaching for something. The Dharawal Warrior goes out to follow the champion and is met with a kendo stick shot to the gut!
A massive crack is heard from the wood as Shinzo Omega does another shot, slamming the weapon onto the large back of Norman. Then a third shot with the kendo stick!
Pierce Donovan: And realizing he may be limited to what he can do, Omega goes to the outside and the Kendo stick may be his great equalizer!
Jasper Phoenix: It’s smart even without the injury. Use plunder to weaken the powerhouse.
Getting some poetic justice, Shinzo looks to the knee of Norman and slams the Kendo stick into his knee! Then a second, and a third! Omega is almost salivating at getting some payback against Bloodsport’s hired muscle! He swings the weapon once more… and Norman catches it and pulls Shinzo in for a clothesline, dropping him on the floor!
The AMA Grand Champion lands with a thud on the mat and Norman rubs his knee, getting some feeling in it before looking at the Kendo stick in his hands…
And cracking it over his knee before tossing it away!
Pierce Donovan: Je-
Jasper Phoenix: …UnGodly power…
Looking around, Norman Namatjira heads over towards the heavy steel steps on their side of the ring and pulls them out. The big man with some big steel. Getting a grip he measures Shinzo before driving the edge of the steel into him! Even with his toughness, having heavy steps of steel plated metal coming from Norman causes Shinzo to cringe in pain. Norman has a sick grin as he looks down on the ground and sees Shinzo’s injured leg exposed and he drops the steel steps onto them-
But Shinzo moves his leg at the last second! But unfortunately, Norman quickly drops the steps and just top mounts Omega, raining down punches and headbutts! Getting off, Norman pulls the steps closer and this time drags Shinzo’s leg on top of the steps. Pressing his leg down against the steel, Norman Namatijra stomps the knee of Shinzo Omega! The AMA Grand Champion lets out a yelp of pain as he rolls on the mat. The official goes to check on him, but Norman puts his hand on the referee’s shoulder “Do not count yet…”
Pierce Donovan: And Norman is trying to CRUSH Shinzo’s leg!
Jasper Phoenix: It’s smart, but he’s asking the official to go without a count until he does more damage, and frankly, if I was the official, I’d listen unless I have to stop the match!
Grabbing his leg, Shinzo Omega’s injury has become a greater factor now than what he’d like it to be. Thinking of more ways to hurt Shinzo, Norman Namatijra takes his turn looking under the ring for a weapon… and finds multiple.
The Dharwal Warrior pulls out a steel trash can full of plunder. Pulling himself up by the ring-pose, Shinzo Omega doesn’t notice the weapons in Norman’s hands until it is too late. Taking the entire bin, Norman Namatjira chucks it full force at the AMA Grand Champion! Weapons fall to the outside flooring showing various “stick” based weapons including bats, sticks, and… a cricket paddle, a weapon with an Australian flavour. Backing up, he swings the paddle and it takes Shinzo Omega out at the legs! The fans jeer as Norman Namatjira kneels in front of Shinzo and smirks as the official starts a count.
Pierce Donovan: Now he’s letting the official start his count, but it is unlikely to really get the win.
Jasper Phoenix: I think this is just giving himself a moment to relish in the pain of the AMA Grand Champion.
Getting near the barricade, Shinzo Omega uses it to get himself up at three, and anger starts to fill. Norman takes the flat part of the cricket bat and slams it on Shinzo’s back…
And the champion simply smirks. He cracks his neck and rolls his shoulder. Norman blinks, surprised that Shinzo Omega just brushed off that shot to the back. He swings a second time and Shinzo Omega ducks out of it and looks at the floor to pick up… a barbed-wire wrapped bat! He swings it and it hits Norman in the side of the leg!
Pierce Donovan: And it didn’t take long for things to go to the extreme! Barbed-wire!
Jasper Phoenix: Shinzo NEEDS to use that NO-DQ element to even things up with his injury!
The metal poked ends of the barbed-wire jab and cut into skin as even the Dharawal Warrior lets out a big yelp as his leg gets cut! Shinzo Omega does another swing, and a third one to the leg before switching to the back where the jagged barbed-wire now cuts into the thick back of the challenger! Then a second! Now Norman is on the run as he tries to walk away. Trying to cut off Norman’s escape, Shinzo Omega jumps on his back like he was Yoda and he rakes the barbed-wire across the face! The fans cheer as Norman is getting a taste of his own blood!
Pierce Donovan: Barbed-wire across the face! Barbed-wire across the face!
Jasper Phoenix: Norman better get him off soon or else he may end up getting an eye poked out!
Staggering on his feet, Norman Namatijra tries to reach behind him to get Omega off, but the metal continues to cut into his face. Eventually he backs up into a steel post and that finally gets the AMA Grand Champion off his back. Getting to a knee, Norman feels his face and sees his own blood on his hand. The bat caused multiple cuts on his forehead
Pierce Donovan: Norman escaped for now, but the damage was done.
Jasper Phoenix: But now he sees his own blood. You don’t know what it is like when you see it. It’s a state of initial shock and that usually triggers a fight or flight response, and something tells me Norman is NOT the man to run away!
Going back under the skirting of the ring, Norman reaches around and pulls out… a several tables. At the thought of seeing someone get put through the wood, the fans cheer, even starting a “We want tables!” Chant. Hearing the crowd, Norman… puts one of them back under the ring. “You chant that again, another leaves!” He shouts and some fans boo him. Taking one of the pieces of furniture, he slides it into the ring and grabs Shinzo Omega to put him back in the ring. In the ring, Norman opens the legs of the table and leans it on the corner.
Pierce Donovan: Here it is, Chekov’s table.
Jasper Phoenix: Who are you predicting to go through it? My money is on Shinzo!
Glancing down at Shinzo Omega, Norman immediately places him in a powerbomb position and his plan is clear, a Buckle Giba Bomb through the table! He wrenches Shinzo up by the gut, but Norman underestimated how damaged the AMA Grand Champion is. A few punches and elbows from the defending champion pushes Norman back, and Shinzo is able to drop him to the mat with a hurricanrana! Immediately trying to get out of danger, Shinzo Omega rolls to the apron, checking on his injured leg, trying to feel it out.
Pierce Donovan: And the champion avoids disaster!
Jasper Phoenix: But that table being in the corner has to be in the back of the mind of both opponents when they are in the ring. Pretty much, if you are in that corner of the ring, one big hit can send you crashing through it, and last time I checked, it is not some fun tingling sensation.
Seeing a bit of distance between him and Norman Namatjira, Shinzo Omega carefully hops his way up to the top turnbuckle. He still has some movement in his leg. Taking a calculated risk, he waits and jumps through the air, driving both boots to the chest of the big man, dropping him!
Then Shinzo Omega immediately grabs the leg and rolls to the outside of the ring! Shaking his leg and checking his knee, you can see him move the knee pad down to see red around his knee. Yep, that will leave a big bruise. Putting his knee pad back up, Shinzo Omega walks carefully around the ring to where the garbage can of weapons dropped. This time, he grabs a 2x4. Although not wrapped in barbed-wire, safe to say that will not be pleasant for the Dharwal Warrior. Shinzo gets on the apron but Norman meets him there. The challenger grabs Omega’s throat, but the champion slams the piece of lumber into his head! Norman backs up and then Shinzo hits a second, and a third hit snaps the wood in two! The big man is taken down to a knee!
Jasper Phoenix: The AMA Grand Champion needs to keep cutting the big man down like that. Bit by bit wear him down.
Pierce Donovan: With his offense limited, I have to agree that may be a better strategy.
Getting down from the apron for a second, Shinzo feels a table at his feet and decides to set that one up on the outside, giving himself more options. Then, he looks under the ring apron and looks around, with a chain, metal stop sign, and a fire extinguisher being pulled out. Shinzo puts the three weapons on the apron and slides back into the ring, hitting the fire extinguisher on the side of Norman’s head! The big man drops again to a knee, then the it is cracked along his back before Omega tosses it aside.
Seeing the Stop sign to his side, the AMA Grand Champion gets an idea. Picking it up, he slams the steel again on the back of Norman and waits. Tossing the sign to Norman, he spins around for the Catastrophe Kick…
But Norman sees it coming and instead swings the stop sign to nail him in the injured leg!
Pierce Donovan: Once again, those kicks are going to be hard to get in this match. He tried to use the stop sign to add extra damage, but the injury must have made him take extra time.
Jasper Phoenix: It is a sound idea in theory, but he isn’t in a condition to do it.
Seeing the big red target in Shinzo’s leg, Norman picks the champion up by the foot and wraps the leg around his head. Lifting Shinzo off the ground, Norman has an elevated Stretch muffler locked in! The leg is being bent with Norman’s big head as a lever! The official checks if the AMA Grand Champion quits, but not now. He had to go through most of the roster to get it, and it is not time to lose it, not in his mind. Norman walks around the ring, having Shinzo hanging off his shoulders by the leg. The AMA Grand Champion pounds the back of the big man with his fists and finally Norman lets go, unfortunately it is by just slamming him on the mat!
And Shinzo lands right next to the table leaning in the corner. The Dharwal Warrior backs up, eyeing up the champion. Shinzo limps his way to his feet as Norman Namatjira charges…
But the spear attempt is no go as Shinzo Omega does a knee lift at the last second with his good leg! Norman is stunned temporarily as Shinzo grabs his bad leg after standing on it. Reaching near him, he gets the chain and wraps it around his fist before charging full force and hitting a big knock out punch on the monster of Bloodsport! Norman rolls out of the ring after colliding with the mat and he’s out on the outside floor.
Pierce Donovan: And there it is! The chain finally knocks the big man down!
Stumbling to the ropes, Shinzo Omega keeps himself to a vertical base as the official starts a count. The blood is still covering the monster’s face from the barbed-wire bat and now he is dazed.
The official echoes and the fans join in.
Norman rolls to his stomach.
And Norman gets to a knee before getting to his feet. He wipes some of the blood off his forehead and smirks, but he has to go to the barricade a moment to catch his breath. Seeing distance between him and Norman, Shinzo sighs, almost knowing he has to take a big risk, and he wraps his arm with the chain. After getting some of the feeling back in his leg, Norman runs forwards and hits a diving suicide forearm smash, with the chain! Norman crashes into the barricade and has to hold himself up, the blood still covering his face. As for Shinzo, he got it worse than expected. The chain falls out of his hand and he rolls on the mat, holding his knee.
Pierce Donovan: Beautiful suicide dive by Shinzo Omega, but the risk may have done more damage to him than his opponent.
Jasper Phoenix: Wrestlers are adrenaline junkies, some of them are. That is why you see them be willing to take a risk like that. Just there it cost him a bit.
Despite taking a chain to the face, Norman is the one somehow to his feet first as Shinzo Omega pulls himself up near the ring post. The big man takes his head and slams it against the steel! Wobbling around ringside, Shinzo Omega is stunned as Norman grabs him again and throws him into ANOTHER ring post! His head bounces as he falls to the floor. The official checks on him and is about to start another count, but Norman Namatjira mounts him and once again throws multiple punches. We look and the slam into the post has caused some blood to appear on Shinzo!
Pierce Donovan: And it is a two for one deal on bloody faces!
Jasper Phoenix: Look, this is a Texas Deathmatch. We’ve seen some messed up once over the year. The fact both weren’t bleeding instantly is considered tame by this matches’ standards.
Now both men are near the announcer’s table and Norman Namatjira removes some of the objects on it. He knows what he’ll do next to take Shinzo down. Putting Shinzo in a powerbomb position again, there is ANOTHER attempt to put him through a table. Shinzo reaches nearby and finds a broken piece of wood and as is lifted up, he jabs the splinter of wood into Norman’s forehead to block the move! Shinzo’s leg nearly buckles upon landing on the mat and he crawls to the time-keeper’s area to grab the ring bell. He swings it at the big man but Norman ducks and grabs him in a waist lock, hitting a release German Suplex that sends him onto and OVER the announcer’s table!
Both Pierce and Jasper have to jump out of the way and we lose their signal for a second. Norman takes a few breaths, even with him having a dominating portion of the match, a bigger man like him has a harder time keeping his endurance up. Going around the table, he picks up Shinzo Omega and pushes him into the ring. Finally, we get signal back from the announcers.
Pierce Donovan: Check one, check two. We are back and Shinzo Omega is in a bad way after getting tossed over our table like nothing!
Jasper Phoenix: And I think I got some blood on my notes…
Reaching under the ring again, Norman has to look a bit longer to find something and this time, it is an entire tool box. Placing it on the apron, he slides into the ring and searches inside it until he grabs a screwdriver. Taking the jagged end, he jabs it repeatedly into Shinzo Omega’s forehead, trying to open the cuts up even more!
Pierce Donovan: Vile! Vile attack from Norman!
Jasper Phoenix: I’m no handyman, but I don’t think that is the usual use for a screwdriver!
As more blood begins to pour from Shinzo Omega’s forehead, now some red splotches are appearing on the mat. Norman holds the bloody tool next to his face and smiles as the official starts a count.
Shinzo begins to stir, crawling towards the ropes.
The defending AMA Champion grabs the bottom rope.
And Shinzo Omega pulls himself up, leaning on the ropes, rubbing his forehead to see the blood on it. Norman decides to take the rest of the tool box and he charges, nailing Shinzo Omega in the head with some extra tools falling out! He grabs Shinzo’s throat with both his hands and lifts him up, dropping him in the middle of the ring with a chokebomb! The impact causes Omega to bounce as he lies on the mat. The official is about to start the count, but Norman waves him off. Looking towards the corner, he wants to CRUSH Shinzo Omega.
Pierce Donovan: Moonsault incoming..
Slowly, Norman Namatjira puts a foot on one of the turnbuckles, and a pain rushes through his leg. He looks to see some of the cut marks from the earlier attacks to the leg. He moves up to another turnbuckle and looks back…
And Shinzo Omega starts to roll away and goes to the apron.
Jasper Phoenix: I’d call him a coward, but considering how a 320 pound man falling on you can feel, I don’t blame him.
Getting down from the turnbuckles, Norman walks over towards Shinzo Omega as he rolls under the ropes. Reaching over the ropes, Norman tries to get a hold of Shinzo Omega’s hair, but the AMA Grand Champion wraps his legs around the tree trunk thighs of the Dharawal Warrior with a rope assisted knee bar!
Pierce Donovan: Kneebar! Kneebar!
The tendons of the leg are being pulled as Shinzo Omega gives Norman a taste of his own medicine. The official asks if Norman would give up, but he just shouts at the official to keep quiet. Shinzo pulls as hard as he can with the submission until his grip begins to slip and he lets go. Norman hobbles towards the middle of the ring while Shinzo Omega goes to ringside and grabs a chair.
Sliding back in the ring, the AMA Grand Champion clashes the steel against Shinzo’s legs! Then a second, and a third! The fans rally behind Shinzo Omega as he continues to crack the chair across the back and leg of Norman Namatijra! The big man eventually goes to the mat and the official starts a count.
The behemoth growls in pain as he crawls towards the ropes, still on the mat.
Then he gets to a vertical base, holding himself up by the ropes. Omega swings the chair towards his head…
Pierce Donovan: He just blocked the chair with his fist!
Jasper Phoenix: I heard of a hammer fist before but that is something different!
The chair flies out of Shinzo’s hands and the seat even pops out. Omega is in shock, but quickly heads towards Norman as fast as his injured leg can carry him, but the Dharawal Warrior drops the shoulder and sends him over the rope! Omega lands with his good leg on the apron, but is quickly dropped by a clothesline!
Norman Namatjira shakes his hand before getting onto the apron. Shinzo lies on it and the big man glances to his side… the table Shinzo set up. Holding Shinzo in another gut wrench position, he’s ready to Giba Bomb him through the ringside table and put him away. The champion though, grabs the rope and holds it as tight as he can. Frustrated, Norman lets his grip go for one second and Shinzo pushes him back first into the ring post!
Pierce Donovan: And Shinzo saves himself!
Jasper Phoenix: Tell me about it! Aside from hurting his leg, Norman has been dead set on sending him through some sort of table.
Shinzo is tired and tries to get Norman Namatjira up on his shoulders, but the weight is too much as Shinzo backs up. Norman boots him in the face and that stuns the champion. Looking at his boot, Norman reaches in and pulls out… a bag with flash paper in it!
Pierce Donovan: No no, Norman is looking to make someone BURN.
Jasper Phoenix: AGAIN!
Taking a second, Norman prepares the flash paper and a match, ready to throw the fire in the face of Shinzo Omega… but the AMA Grand Champion knees him as the fire is lit, making the fire spark in his hands! It narrowly avoids Norman’s face, but the big man is stunned!
Pierce Donovan: And his fireball finally blows up in his face!
Mustering whatever strength he can he slowly… picks up Norman Namatijra on his shoulders in a Fireman’s Carry! His legs shake as the 320 pound frame is being held on his shoulders! The crowd gasps in shock as Shinzo just manages to keep himself up to send Norman Namatijra through the table at ringside with a running Death Valley Driver!
Jasper Phoenix: That move is a big move from a champion reaching near the bottom of his bag of tricks! Picking up the big man takes a lot out, but it may be worth it!
Both men are down as the official checks on both of them before beginning the count.
Shinzo Omega rolls to his stomach and grabs the apron of the ring.
And an exhausted Shinzo Omega gets to his feet. His breathing is heavy after the DVD took a lot of strength from him.
Norman rolls to his stomach.
Norman’s arms shake as he tries to get up.
And Norman Namatjira gets to his feet and goes towards the apron. Both men are bloodied and have done what they can to beat the living crap out of each other. But the match still goes on.
Pierce Donovan: I can’t believe it, but this match continues.
Jasper Phoenix: Shinzo has had some struggles, and I’m not sure how much he has left, but I’ll be damned, he’s brought this match close.
Shinzo Omega rolls into the ring and slowly climbs the top turnbuckle. The few times he did take a risk this match, it has worked out to some degree. This time, maybe he can get something more. Slapping his leg to get feeling in it, Shinzo Omega leaps through the air with a crossbody-
And Norman catches him! Norman yells out in pain as his leg is now bothering him too, but he manages to hold Shinzo up in a Gorilla Press and tosses him between the ropes and into the ring! Shinzo lands hard on his knee and rolls on the mat. Covered in blood and sweat, Norman rolls into the ring.
Looking at the table still set up in the corner, Norman picks Shinzo up and holds him in a bear hug, squeezing him. The official checks for a submission, but the AMA Grand Champion once again refuses, but Norman turns to face the table. He runs forward-
And Shinzo Omega holds him in a guillotine choke! That stops Norman for a moment as his grip slips. The champion brings him down to a knee before nailing a European uppercut under the chin. Norman Namatjira stumbles back as now Shinzo Omega spins around and hits his Spinning heel kick, Catastrophe-
But Shinzo immediately drops to the ground and holds his leg and the kick only causes Norman to teeter back!
Jasper Phoenix: Told you. The injury has built up and Shinzo’s most dangerous weapon is hampered!
Pierce Donovan: Even at less than 100% strength, I’m surprised Norman didn’t drop!
Backed in the corner, Norman shakes his head to get the cobwebs out of his head as Shinzo Omega hobbles himself back to a vertical base…
As Norman rolls out from the wreckage, Shinzo Omega lies in the broken table, breathing heavily, eyes closed. The official has to check up on him, then he begins the count.
Pierce Donovan: Shinzo isn’t moving.
Jasper Phoenix: We are going to have a new champion!
Shinzo grabs both the middle ropes…
And Shinzo Omega pulls himself up! The fans let out a cheer as somehow, Shinzo stays in it.
Pierce Donovan: -I can’t believe it!
Barely standing on his feet, Shinzo Omega takes a step forward, walking as if he was drunk and just looks at Norman. “Do your worst you fat fucker…”
And Norman Namatjira runs and hits a lariat, taking the champion down! Shinzo lies down on the mat and once again, Norman looks at the position Shinzo is in the ring, and he heads towards the corner.
Pierce Donovan: Another Moonsault attempt?
Jasper Phoenix: That Moonsault for him is a move that is hard enough to do because of his size, but considering how large he is, it is almost always worth the risk.
Norman raises a leg, but has to bring it down a second to shake it and try to get some of the pain to shock itself out of it. He targeted Shinzo’s leg so much during the match, slowly, his leg was also targeted and now it is coming back to haunt him. He finally gets up and goes to the middle turnbuckle, trying to balance himself as he gets to the top rope. One foot is up…
And Shinzo begins to stir. He rolls to his stomach and looks at the giant 320 beast getting on the top turnbuckle. Feeling a late rush of energy, Shinzo Omega gets up and joins him, trying to get a top rope Olympic Slam!
Pierce Donovan: Shinzo’s going for Endless Vortex from the top! That’s how he got the count-out win against Norman!
Jasper Phoenix: Can lightning strike twice?!
Feeling Shinzo trying to grab him, Norman Namatjira elbows him off as a way to protect himself, but he has to grab the top rope right after to keep from falling. Shinzo isn’t deterred as, instead, he pushes Norman off the top rope and the big man falls to the outside, going shoulder first into the barricade!
Pierce Donovan: And Shinzo Omega is able to avoid the big time moonsault!
Jasper Phoenix: Only just. If it wasn’t for the damage to the leg, his title reign would have been over.
Leaning against the corner, Shinzo looks at Norman on the outside. The official starts a count, but Norman already is holding onto the barricade. He knows it won’t be enough. Looking around the ring, he sees the tool box from earlier and some of the tools in it and gets an idea. Grabbing the proper tool this narrator is unable to name, he goes over to the corner and losses the top and middle turnbuckles until they collapse!
Jasper Phoenix: He’s taking apart the ring ropes!
Pierce Donovan: I think he knows that it has been one too many close calls with that Moonsault! He doesn’t want the big man to hit it!
Jasper Phoenix: Yes, but also he removes another part of his game. Injured or not, he can use the turnbuckles to get some distance on the big man and reign down from above. We’ll see if it works.
Norman Namatjira is up on his feet at five and steps backwards. Shinzo goes down from the ring apron, grabbing one of the ropes, and begins to choke the big man!
Jasper Phoenix: Now he’s CHOKING the big man! Remember folks, that isn’t just a regular rope, we use steel cables!
Pierce Donovan: That may be the end of Norman!
The Dharwal Warrior struggles to breathe, his face covered in blood, as he reaches for safety. Looking around him, he notices the end of the kendo stick he broke and he struggles to pick it up and smash it backwards! He manages to get the AMA Grand Champion off his back but he drops to the floor, gasping for air.
Reaching around on the floor, Norman Namatjira has his hand under the apron and has his grip on something. Shinzo approaches him and he swings what he grabbed at Omega-
AND IT IS A LIGHT TUBE! The glass tube smashes over the head of Shinzo Omega, white smoke fills the arena and Shinzo drops down to the floor!
Pierce Donovan: And Norman takes the champion out with a light tube!
Jasper Phoenix: Looks like he just reached under the ring for SOMETHING, anything to aid him, it just happened to be the light tube.
Agony on his face, Norman stands up, catching his breath, both his face and Shinzo’s are covered in a crimson mask of blood. They have beaten the ever-loving crap out of each other. Norman looks at ringside and sees one more table… and gets an idea.
Grabbing the table, he sets it up on the outside and he reaches under the ring. He searches and searches until he finds…
A canister of gasoline.
Pierce Donovan: No, no no! Norman with the gasoline! Don’t do it!
Jasper Phoenix: Yeah! It’s expensive enough as it is! Don't WASTE IT!
Near it, he grabs a match box and his plan is pretty clear. Taking the cap off, he pours some of it on the table… Then a lot of it! Shinzo Omega pulls himself up near the steps and Norman walks over and grabs his head. “YOU ARE GOING TO BURN! BURN TO ASHES, SHINZO! YOU’RE DONE!” Then smashes his head on the edge of the ring.
Grabbing the matches, he sparks one and now… the table is on FIRE!
Pierce Donovan: The inferno is raging and the table is burning!
Jasper Phoenix: Whoever going through that will lose. Just straight up, table on the outside with fire, you’re done, and that is looking to be Shinzo Omega!
Dragging Shinzo Omega onto the edge of the ring, Norman Namatijra gets on the apron with the current champion. Norman looks with a wild look in his eyes, staring down at the battered champion. He puts Shinzo between the legs for the Giba Bomb… and Shinzo grabs the bottom rope, the only one still tight. He is trying to hold on with all he has before his AMA Grand Championship. “Stop Fighting this!” Norman shouts and clubs Shinzo in the back…as he smiles like a maniac as Omega loses his grip on the ropes with the flames of the fire seeming to rise for a, but a second.
From over the ring barricade as if from nowhere Daniel Christan leaps onto the ring apron and charges forward. Norman raises Shinzo up into the air with truly evil intention of setting the champion alight, only for the Texan to charge forward and at full strength smash into Norman. With Shinzo already in the air, he doesn’t stop the Giba Bomb - but the sheer force just change the trajectory as Shinzo narrowly avoids the table, as Norman looks incensed only for Christian to exact some revenge sending himself and Norman off the apron and down onto the floor and send them both off the side with a Spanish Fly. Christian is quick to get back onto his feet and hops over the barrier and back into the crowd, before security can detain him.
Pierce Donovan: Shinzo just barely avoids the Giba bomb through the table!
Jasper Phoenix: For now!
Still limping, Shinzo Omega goes over and grabs a kendo stick still in the ring. He balances on it for a moment while Norman gets up…
And he cracks the Kendo Stick across Norman’s face! The big man takes a step back…
And then another crack with the weapon across the face! Norman is down to a knee. Omega balances himself before running with a “This is the End” Knee! The Big man falls backwards, but he is quick to get back to a knee!
Pierce Donovan: Shot by shot, Norman is being chopped down at last! The big man is on fumes, but so is the champion!
Jasper Phoenix: Can Shinzo do it!?
Holding himself up with the Kendo Stick, a furious Shinzo Omega, after Norman trying to injure him time and time again, unleashes his anger with a Catastrophe Spinning Heel Kick square on Norman’s Jaw-
And Norman takes a step back, it doesn’t drop him, but he shakes his head and just yells out at Shinzo!
Jasper Phoenix: How!?
Pierce Donovan: Shinzo’s using his bad leg, loses some power, but still!
Not deterred, Shinzo slashes his throat before switching legs, using the kendo stick again for balance and hits another Catastrophe Kick!
And Norman Namatjira falls back through the flaming table! NORMAN WENT THROUGH HIS OWN FLAME-COVERED TABLE!
Pierce Donovan: After weeks of burning the competition, Norman gets a taste of his own medicine!
Jasper Phoenix: I can’t believe it!
Norman shakes with the fire on his body and he rolls on the floor to put it out. But he is barely moving. Shinzo has to go on a knee for a moment as the official counts.
Finally Shinzo Omega balances himself and gets to his feet, his body aching.
Norman is barely moving.
The Dharawal Warrior reaches up, dazed-
Pierce Donovan: It’s over!
The bell sounds and Shinzo Omega drops down to his knees, finally, the match is over. He, by the skin of his teeth, managed to hold onto his championship.
Reina de la Cruz: Here is your winner and STILL AMA Grand Champion, Shinzo Omega!
His theme music echoes through the arena to signal his victory. The official goes over to hand Shinzo his championship title and he places it on his shoulder, looking at it with his bloodied face. He is a vicious man and he shrouds himself in darkness, but he is a man who holds his title with honour. Some ringside attendees use a fire extinguisher to put out any remaining fire from the table.
Pierce Donovan: In AMA’s history so far, that match was perhaps the most physically testing. Shinzo Omega, one leg and all, is able to keep onto his title from the hand-picked monster of Bloodsport.
Jasper Phoenix: If there was any doubt from the count-out win before, it was erased. Shinzo Omega, love him or not, has EARNED his AMA Grand Championship.
On the outside, Norman is starting to come to his senses. His back has some red burn marks from the fire. He tries to pick himself up by the edge of the barricade, but is struggling.
Pierce Donovan: And I’m going to say this. Even if I don’t approve of Bloodsport’s methods or this man’s association with them, I think tonight, he showed WHY Bloodsport picked him to fight Shinzo Omega. He took Shinzo Omega closer to the brink of collapse. Farther than anyone else, Shinzo Omega had to use everything to beat Norman.
Jasper Phoenix: This isn’t the same Norman who lost to Maxwell Marquee. He’s a certified killer. Another night, maybe Bloodsport would have had exactly what they wanted in Norman dethroning the champion and destroying him.
Shinzo Omega sits in the ring, cross-legged, championship on his shoulder. The fans cheering. Glancing to his side, he sees the members of Bloodsport, Max Maverick, Christopher McMichaels, and Blake Jusitce, all walk down the ramp to check on Norman. Max looks pissed after the loss, but seems to be more directed at Shinzo rather than Norman’s efforts. The members of the group look at the ring and consider rushing it, but decide against it. A couple of officials help Norman to the back with his stablemates, but the members do exchange glances with the champion on their way to the back.
Pierce Donovan: Bloodsport’s plans for domination tonight didn’t go to plan with Cali’s refusal and now this. But if there is something we know about them, they’re persistent.
Jasper Phoenix: They still have their eyes on gold with Max Maverick and Christopher in the tag tournament, and I think all men in the group have shown they are a big win or two away from being back in the title hunt.
As Bloodsport leave, the lights of the arena dim and Shinzo Omega’s logo shines in the middle of the ring with the spotlight being on Shinzo. The Championship’s gold shines in the light as Omega closes his eyes and basks in his moment.
Pierce Donovan: Thank you everyone for tuning in to an amazing night of action! I’m Pierce Donovan along with Jasper Phoenix, signing off as our AMA Grand Champion celebrates.
With the final image of the event being Shinzo Omega in the ring with his championship, the show’s feed fades…only to start fuzzing and there is white noise that comes out before suddenly sharpening up and a figure of none other than Liberty Olivera Lawrenson smiling at the camera before she speaks.
Liberty Oliviera Lawson: Shinzo. Shinzo. Shinzo.
There is a level of disrespect in Lawrenson’s tone that is noticable.
Liberty Oliviera Lawson: You’ve had things in easy mode. Your opponent has had things in easy mode. The patriarchy has protected you as the champion and empowered less deserving men to skip the line, to take food from the table that they didn’t even have a right to sit at. But not anymore. No. No. No! I have earned the right to fight for that belt, not once but twice and yet the barbeque boy got a shot at the gold before me. Well that changes - that changes today. I could have chosen to walk down and look you in the eyes or even strike whilst the iron is hot. But I don’t want that. I don't when you are weak. I need you when you are strong, with all your shields in place and protections that prevent the glass ceiling from being broken. I am coming for you - and tearing down the entire fabric of the patriarchy as I do it. So stand ready and call your loved ones, because I am going to nail you with the LOL Drop and breaking your fucking leg!
The final image is once again Shinzo in the ring, although this time he looks noticeably vexed as the show’s feed fades out this time legitimately.
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