TNA star Bully Ray was recently interview by the UK's The Sun newspaper. Here are some highlights of what Bully said about:
Working As A Babyface After Being A Heel For Years:
“You guys in the press like to use words like heel, babyface, good guy and bad guy. I’m not a heel and I’m not a babyface. I’m not a good guy and I’m not a bad guy. I’m me. Whatever me is at the time is what I am. The difference between me and everyone else is that if you like me, you really, really, really like me. You love me. But if you hate me, you despise me. I guess that’s a win-win for everybody.
“You’ve never seen me change who I am out there in that wrestling ring. I don’t wrestle differently, I don’t talk differently. I don’t beg the people for approval and I don’t beg them to hate me. I just am who I am. They can make the decisions.”
What It's Like To Work with Hulk Hogan:
“I have done so much and been in the ring with so many of the greats. However, when you grow up in New York City, and you were force-fed WWF for as long as I did, and you remember the first day Hulk Hogan showed up on your television set. You remember HulkaMania happening and evolving in your back yard. Hulk Hogan paved the way for everybody. There’s a respect level that comes with working with Hulk Hogan. He’s The Beatles of our business.
“I don’t care if you think he’s not the ‘greatest pro wrestler’ in the world. Who gives a s*** if he can’t reverse an armbar? You didn’t pay money to see Hulk Hogan reverse armbars or do arm drags. You paid to be entertained by him, to see him Hulk up, do a big boot and a legdrop.”
What a guy :yay: #bullynation