Coleman has badass airbrushing covering up his old ass face.
Why doesn't the PPV have like a title? like Redemption or Lesnar vs. Carwin, etc.? Is it fake? Or just like an early poster?
And diehards will continue to claim he's not a legit fighter and whine about how disrespectful he is. lawl.
...and not die hards will continuous to not realize how ignorant they are.
I didn't realize that being UFC Heavyweight Champion meant you were still a crap fighter. While fighting back against douches like Mir and Herring while having a respectful match with Couture that constantly proves my point, still meant he was disrespectful.
Got it, being champion doesn't mean anything in terms of your ability in the UFC and people shouldn't fight back when smack is talked about them unjustly. Consider me no longer ignorant to your illogical standards.