I have a few thoughts...& I think I'll do a list...
because lists are fun.
1). When was the last time Seth had the tag titles with a "stable" tag partner?
Jason Jordan...injured...
Jon Moxley...awful heel turn...
Big McLarge Huge...wants the Fruit Roll Up...
2). I mean...this entire set up feels like a lose/lose/lose situation...
~ So if Seth & Braun drop the tag titles...its to a team that just "appeared" &
not an established team that would help the tag division as a whole...
~ If Seth drops the Fruit Roll Up...he again looks weak as piss & his victories
over Le$nar will mean absolutely nothing...AGAIN.
~ & if Strowman fails at this attempt to win the Fruit Roll Up...well...he will
basically become like Samoa Joe...a "Main Event Jobber" so to speak. I'm
not sure because I haven't been keeping count...but I'm sure Strowman has had
something like 10 shots at the Universal title...and has failed every single time...
including a failed MitB cash in...which is unforgivable considering Carmella &
Alexa Bliss managed to both get their cash ins right.
Honestly...as a one night story it does have potential...BUT...it all depends on
how it is booked...and realistically Rollins NEEDS to retain despite Strowman
really needing to finally win the Fruit Roll Up.
Perhaps a Rollins heel turn where he leaves Strowman to fend for himself in the tag match?
Perhaps a new heel faction with Rollins, Roode & Ziggler as Champions?
Perhaps Le$nar shows up during the Fruit Roll Up match for a "Fucked Finish"?
Perhaps I'm overthinking this entire situation because honestly...it doesn't matter to me.
All Out is happening this weekend.